Jason Kessler is hosting the Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville, VA on August 12th.
I’m confident this event will end up being the biggest rally we have held in the United States in over a decade. It will be much bigger than the original event in Charlottesville in May which was kept private. The Alt-Right will be there. Southern Nationalists will be there. White Nationalists will be there. The Alt-Lite was invited to come, but predictably backed out over race.
I’ve been doing activism in the South for several years now. I usually have a feel for how many people will show up at these events, but I have never seen so much interest in one event. I’m going to have to rent a van because I have six people who want to ride with me alone. I know this event is going to be a big deal because people who I consider leaners have booked non-refundable flights and there will be convoys coming to Charlottesville from far flung states like Texas and Florida.
I’m telling you to trust me on this one. You do not want to miss this event. If you have ever wanted to attend a pro-White or pro-South event, this is the one to go to. I think Charlottesville has the potential to be a breakthrough moment in our activism. There is so much energy which has been bottled up online over the past 15 years that the dam is close to breaking. It is only a matter of time before it finally spills over into the real world and we are getting very close to that point.
We’re still a month out from the Unite The Right rally. The only question at this point is how much we can swell the size of this event. We have over a month to get the word out. This should be plenty of time to take off work, make travel arrangements, find someone to carpool with, etc. We need you to share these flyers on Facebook and Twitter to create as much buzz as possible. If you are planning to come, work on bringing another person who wouldn’t ordinarily come to an event.
Note: If you want to get a League of the South polo shirt, you can order one at Patriotic Flags. We’re going to be in Charlottesville in force with black polos and the Confederate Battle Flag.
OMG. I m going to be far, far away. Thousands of miles away. I am so sorry. I cannot change anything, at this point. I will pray for every-one in attendance.
I would really like to attend that event, so if there is anyone else in New England who wants to go maybe we can carpool or something. I’ve got my trusty Third Confederate National Flag ready to be flown in the faces of angry shitlibs.
Are you in New England? We should meet sometime. I am going to be almost literally in the middle of nowhere on this date. There’s barely cell phone reception where I’m going. I’d love to chat or meet up with you, sometime, though.
Thank you, Madam, I’d be delighted to make your acquaintance!
I know there are a lot of Southern sympathizers in my area, maybe some of them are planning on attending this event as well. But I guess lightweights such as Miss Lauren, the Rainbow Confederates and Oaf Queefers won’t be there. Oh well, I think we can all have a good time even without them.
I’m going. My wife and third oldest son is coming with me. My wife is staying with the car and having my bail money ready…just in case lol. Brad, if you read this please email me the hotel or hotels league members are staying at so I can stay their too. Since we are expecting a big turn out I need to book a hotel soon.
I’m sure there are people coming from New England.
Good luck and God speed from Mexican Occupied California. Wish I could make it, but it’s a long way to go for me. I will remember all of you in my prayers.
seconded. Also trapped in Judeo-Mexifornia, though planning my escape
Is it just a one day event? I need to be back in Georgia by 6:00 p.m. on Sunday.
Yes, it is only Saturday.
Brad, is there a statue of Jackson in this park too? Do you have a photo of it?
It doesn’t get more long distance than California to Virginia. It is at the very limit of my doable range here in Alabama.
Please work hard on discipline
Have a strict dress code
Don t let looks show up waving guns
No guns, but can we Bring whips to drive the lazy negroes?
i like to go but a ticket on the greyhound bus is like $200 If anyone is driving from Springfield,Mo maybe we could car pool
It’ll be half a day’s drive for me, but if I can get off of work that weekend, I will be there. I’ve been itching to attend a rally for a while now and this sounds like it’ll be a fine event!
Brad, I’ve been in or around Charlottesville at least a dozen times, but, I don’t recall the park or the statues.
I have a friend coming from Branson.
Great post at the lamecherry dot blog about a Southern General.
Wish he were alive today
Good news! I have checked the list of speakers scheduled for this and all appear to be younger than I am. Thank God!
Its important to present a positive image for the movement during these events. Every participant is a potential ambassador for the cause and can draw in new recruits if they sense a friendly and genuine vibe in the crowd.
If a few dickheads infiltrate the event and embarrass you, they make all of you look bad and it could mean a few potential recruits lost.
Remember- many people privately agree with the views of the Alt-Right, but not their conduct or behavior. Events like this are a good opportunity to change their perceptions and win them over.
Good points all.
Also, maybe some would need to stay outside of the rally, pretend they are normies and watch out for antifa scum and what direction they come from.
“pretend they are normies”
CNN sponsors
Antifas are likely to show up, right? Better be ready for that. Do you know who to warn by phone if you see any antifa groups?
Do you think I might need to bring along my M-1935 Waffen SS stahlhelm just in case there’s trouble?
I am driving down from Philly for this. Very excited. Our movement is gaining strength and legitimacy. The notion that all heritage
and backgrounds should be respected with the exception of ours is lunacy. We will be heard. YWNRU