Representative Dave Cicilline, an openly homosexual Democrat from Rhode Island, recently went on Tucker Carlson’s Fox television show to promote his party’s renewed focus on Middle America. This re-direction came after US Senator Chuck Schumer (D) said that Hillary Clinton lost last year’s presidential election because she had no real message. This is a break with the “Russia hacked the election” narrative for the Left which seeks to shift responsibility for the election defeat. And some members of the party apparently understand that they have lost most of Middle/White America by aggressively pushing Progressive social causes such as transgendered bathrooms, gun control, open borders and amnesty for illegal immigrants while ignoring the concerns of traditional Americans. Now at least some Democratic leaders such as Schumer and Cicilline seem eager to take about addressing issues important to middle class White voters. This follows months of Progressives insisting that the Democrats should not reach out to “hillbilly” and “racist” Trump voters.
There is just one problem with the new focus on lifting up White Middle Class voters of the type who voted for Trump: Democrats appear unwilling to budge from their position of amnesty for 10 million or more illegal Third World aliens. As Tucker pointed out several times in his exchange with Cicilline, when you flood a market with low wage workers it will drive down wages. Put simply: Third World immigration hurts American workers by driving down their wages. Tucker was relentless on this point but Cicilline indicated that his party refuses to move away from amnesty. Carlson asked him more than once if Democrats were finally willing to put the economic interest of American citizens over those of illegal immigrants. And repeatedly Cicilline refused to do so, rejecting even the soft civic nationalism that Tucker pitched to him. And so the Democratic rhetoric about a populist appeal to Middle America which addresses their concerns and seeks to lift them up is just empty words.
The Democrats put that fanuc Cilline on the Carlson show as their spokesman? He is arguably the biggest northeastern establishment liberal in Congress and has ZERO credibility – A total joke. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard is the exact opposite of that stupid guinea. Maybe she’ll be the next Jeanette Rankin (If you don’t know who she was ask Billy Ray).
My estimation of Tucker has improved dramatically since his days as a bow-tied protege of George Will at the National Review. I love the way he leaves the shitlibs confounded and speechless. The tyranny of the New Left has finally been broken.
Jeanette Pickering Rankin, first female Congressmen from Wyoming served during WWI 17-19 and at the beginning of WWII 41-43. Her mother was the typical New England Schoolteacher common in the far west, her father was a Scots Canadian Rancher/Carpenter.The Pickering family is one of New Englands oldest families. Before 1900, Wyoming, Utah Colorado and Idaho gave full women sufferage mostly to lure female settlers.
I admire Rep. Rankin because she was one of the very few politicians who had the guts -and the decency- not to vote in favor declaring war on Germany or its allies in either 1917 or 1941. And in 1968, at the age of 88, she led a peace march in Washington to end US involvement in Vietnam. Rankin was an American hero, but since she was against American involvement in WWI and II the kike-controlled feminist movement does not recognize her as such.
The heart of the matter. They don’t really have anything but window dressing around the edges of their single-minded drive to take over by sheer weight of numbers, promising everything despite their mountain of broken promises.
The Republicans don’t seem to have the spine to even speak of this. Other than Steve King and a few others. The Slimey News Networks are running full-on interference and yet the evidence is so ghastly even they can’t cover it up, though they claw to de-emphasize what emerges (like the Minneapolis police shooting) and then continue on with the lies of omission that is their SOP. (for instance the standard version of Watergate has been demolished, look at…Watergate.com! But the MSM parade goes on (C-Span BookTV about he only word in edgewise, though ironically the RT network goes there too sometimes).
Demo one-party rule runs the cities. What do you get? Web search “Ghost Ship Fire” if you don’t know about that one. “Happyland” was the NYC version with a bigger body-count. But they’re working on it.
When I think of the encapsulated moment that lost Hillary the election, a ‘sea of white privilege’ comes to mind. She delivered this homily to her see of black voters, though.
All the issues mentioned came together to handicap her in the electoral college. This is a very good article. We should remember how little time we have demographically, among other angles.
Lots of white people didn’t bother to show up at the polls. Their votes have yet to be counted.
Who’s the ‘deplorable’….. now?
The Democrats do not even have a non-Jew straight white male to put on television, so they try and fudge it with a queer.
The matter of trust aside, I’ll know when the Democrats are serious about posturing that they care about the lives of the average working man when they start insisting on firm borders and deportations.
Will they be able to hide their Judeo-Bolshevist One-World agenda under this facade?
Stay tuned.
“an openly homosexual Democrat from Rhode Island, ”
That explains everything. Especially “from Rhode Island.”
Yup. (((Rhose Island))). Home of the Jew Slavers.
@Miss Denise…
‘Yup. (((Rhose Island))). Home of the Jew Slavers.’
Yep, and home of a lot of Yankee Whites who, unlike you, prefer to be ruled by such…
At the end of the day we know (((WHO))) is in charge. Most Southrons have NO IDEA about how large the Jewish horde was that hit New York City, between 1815 and 1924 I have seen numbers as large as eight million Jews entered the USA over that time period. That was WORSE than the present refugee numbers in Europe.
Jewpedia has NYC as the home of the earliest Jewish congregation in North America by a few years: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_the_oldest_synagogues_in_the_United_States
This jew’s blog places the oldest in the western hemisphere in Brazil: http://www.yourish.com/2008/03/23/4579
Note that the earliest New World congregations were sephardic. This is important because most were fleeing the Inquisition (in Spain and also Portugal), which saw many jews pseudo-converting to Catholicism. Thus those early Catholics in places like the american South were infiltrated by these sephardic conversos, many of whom took years to come out of hiding in their new homes (if they came out at all), which didn’t preclude them from secretly conniving with their unmasked brethren.
Billy Ray’s thesis that the South was so tolerant of Catholics, and the established fact of jewish control of the slave trade makes it highly unlikely that ‘catholics’ in the antebellum south were always just that. Also consider that in the decades prior to the boom in the transatlantic slave trade England had become a main european destination for sephardic jews from Portugal and I think Spain seeking more exploitable hosts even as they still assumed fake gentile identities.
I submit that BRJ and HW are wrong about the Catholics and exactly who ran slavery in North America (the South mostly), respectively.
Jewpedia has NYC as the home of the earliest Jewish congregation in North America by a few years: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_the_oldest_synagogues_in_the_United_States
Note that the earliest New World congregations were sephardic. This is important because most were fleeing the Inquisition (in Spain and also Portugal), which saw many jews pseudo-converting to Catholicism. Thus those early Catholics in places like the american South were infiltrated by these sephardic conversos, many of whom took years to come out of hiding in their new homes (if they came out at all), which didn’t preclude them from secretly conniving with their unmasked brethren.
Billy Ray’s thesis that the South was so tolerant of Catholics, and the established fact of jewish control of the slave trade makes it highly unlikely that ‘catholics’ in the antebellum south were always just that. Also consider that in the decades prior to the boom in the transatlantic slave trade England had become a main european destination for sephardic jews from Portugal and I think Spain seeking more exploitable hosts even as they still assumed fake gentile identities.
I submit that BRJ and HW are wrong about the Catholics and exactly who ran slavery in North America (the South mostly), respectively.
This jew’s blog places the oldest in the western hemisphere in Brazil: http://www.yourish.com/2008/03/23/4579
@Denise: The first synagogue in America was established in Newport, RI in 1755. Of course, no legitimate religious services take place in those satanic temples of jewish self-worship, they are used to discuss business and strategize how to defeat the hated GOYIM.
@James Owen…
LOL x 10 !!!
Davie Boy is a Jew half-breed himself.
His mother was a full-blooded Killer Of Christ.
There are those among us who seek to invest authority in such con artistry:
I can barely read through the absurdity. It’s important for folks to know, though, that most of what we’re seeing along these lines and in the political arena is either self-conscious (as in witting) theater or the theater set in motion by Illuminati-type cabalists. Yes, I believe and know there exists such a body. Ask Bukovski, the Soviet dissident.
The inner most cabal probably dislikes this type of light being shed on the (((psych system’s))) utter lack of credibility aka science. It’s not clear they can control all of it, however.
The above is an article about the shrinks suspending the Goldwater Rule to ‘diagnose’ Trump. The absurdity about the rule is how it imbues psychiatry, and psychology, with some sort of empirical biological science that would supposedly be lost without ‘proper professional examination.’
Total BS.
Mod(s) are refusing to approve my comment about sephardic jews and catholics in the New World. WTH.
The NAACP reacts predictably to Democrats’ appeal to the white working class: