Charlottesville: The Most Shitlib Town In Dixie

I was surprised when I saw this:

Going into #UniteTheRight, we knew Charlottesville was a shitlib college town.

We didn’t realize just how unlike the rest of the South it was though. Hillary Clinton won a greater percentage of the White vote in Charlottesville – 76 percent – than anywhere else in Dixie. Compare to liberal strongholds like Travis County, TX (57.8 percent) or Buncombe, NC (51.2 percent). Charlottesville is more liberal than Austin, Asheville, Raleigh-Durham and even NOVA!

Charlottesville was the single most hostile spot we could have chosen to hold a rally in the entire South. Of the 24 counties or county equivalents where Hillary Clinton won the 2016 election, 14 are in Virginia. Hillary only cleared 70 percent of the White vote in Charlottesville, Falls Church, Alexandria and Arlington. Trump actually carried the White vote in most Southern metro areas. Houston, Dallas, Nashville, Charlotte, Atlanta, Birmingham, Little Rock, Tampa and Orlando are all shaded red.

What are the implications of this?

1.) Charlottesville was the most hostile terrain for the Alt-Right in the South and the most advantageous to Antifa. And yet, Antifa turnout in Charlottesville really wasn’t that impressive. This was in spite of the friendly local population and the proximity to DC, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Asheville, etc.

2.) The Alt-Right showed little interest in clashing with Antifa at #UniteTheRight. We had come there for the rally and took up defensive positions. The overwhelming majority of our people either entered Lee Park and began socializing or defended Lee Park from Antifa attacks. If the Alt-Right had wanted to fight Antifa like at Berkeley in April, it would have ended badly for them.

3.) Charlottesville was a 10 hour drive for our group which traveled from Montgomery, AL. It was not a convenient place to hold a Southern rally. This affected our turnout more than anything else. Some of our people came all the way from Arkansas and Texas.

4.) Charlottesville was a Berkeley because of its demographics. It is highly unusual in the South. In fact, anywhere else would have been friendlier terrain. #UniteTheRight would have been held without any issues in Lynchburg, VA.

5.) Charlottesville was the location for #UniteTheRight because of the Lee monument. This map is a handy guide where we have had similar issues with Confederate monuments in shitlib towns like Austin, New Orleans and Gainesville.

Suppose we were to have a second public #UniteTheRight rally. Where would we have it on this map? It would need to be in a red state where police and the governor could be expected to do their jobs. It would need to be more centrally located to maximize turnout in the eastern United States. It would also need to be in or near a large metro area with plenty of hotels at affordable rates.

If we wanted to hold an event on private property, the same reasoning would apply. We could give all the speeches we want on private property and livestream it on social media. We could hold an event without without doxxing or violence with ample time for socializing. There are any number of places where we could hold a torchlight parade like we did in Charlottesville.

ACKSHUALLY, there is a place where all these conditions apply and where there is an attempt by another local government to remove Confederate monuments. We will talk more about that later though.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. HW, I am appointing YOU to organize all future pro-South events and cross-lightings. Krypto-kike Kessler and the effete dilettante Earl of Spencer are to have no further involvement in such projects.

  2. Not sure Unite the Right is such a solid concept. How about different demonstrations in different locales but on the same day?

  3. Q: Does the statue of Robert E. Lee stay up?

    Trump: I would say that is up to a local town, community or the federal government, depending on where it is located.


    Why can’t you just do as Trump asked and leave Charlottesville’s local politics to Charlottesville?

    • Because the economy is fluid. Workers flow from one area to another. Charlottesville is only anti-Lee, because nomadic locusts have temporarily taken up residence there.

      Later, when the drifters move elsewhere, or are replaced by those who have children, Charlottesville will still be a part of the South.

      Also, Lee was a hero. If Lee can be torn down, then anyone can be torn down. He was the best America has ever produced.

      • So the name of a park in Charlottesville deserves a national vote, “because the economy is fluid”?

        No. Not even Trump thinks that. It was a local issue, and the national spotlight has only perverted it.

        You sound like you’ve never been to Charlottesville. The community is far from “nomadic”.

        Lee fought with honor in his heart on the wrong side of a war that he lost. He had no connection to Charlottesville, and razing a black area of town to dedicate a park to him in the 1920s was not intended, and in no way whatsoever, highlighted anything honorable about the man.

        I reject your slippery slope argument. Other national figures are doing fine in Charlottesville. There can be a dialogue, but there is not even approaching a sizeable amount of support for removing statues of other, deserving, heroes

        • You write: “Not even Trump.”

          I voted for Trump. I think he’s great. But you’re conflating two *very* different groups. Trump is a moderate and a Yankee. I’m a conservative and a Southerner.

          Trump is trying to build civic nationalism. He wants a united US that goes to work, enjoys life, tolerates and loves one another.

          I’m a Southerner. My desire is to defend the South, especially to defend Lee and Jackson of all people (Jackson’s statue is also set to be removed if it hasn’t already been).

          Regarding my comment on nomads: My folks have been in the South since the mid 17th century. The same is true all over the South (we’re an old American ethnicity). Those wanting to tear down Lee’s statue likely don’t even trace back to the war. They almost certainly know nothing of the man.

          Lee was against secession, against war, fought to defend his Virginia (the US was much more decentralised then), worked to reunite the US after the war. Lee is probably the only reason you don’t have al Qaeda style suicide bombers from the South blowing themselves up in NYC and DC right now. Lee wanted unity after a terrible and unnecessary war.

          At Charlottesville, the day before the statue protest, the chant was “You will not replace us” (Note: Jews were not mentioned.) This was in regard to mass immigration. Immigrants are welcomed into the US, they’re told a false version of US history (that whites have done nothing but evil, oppressing and exploiting others), and as a result they’re less supportive of America’s traditions and heroes.

          So, partly the march was against this revolution against America. When immigrants arrive here, and we’re receiving far too many right now, they should be taught an accurate history, the good and the bad, that helps them to understand how America came to be, why we value what we do.

          Immigrants anywhere, when they merge with the native population, create a new amalgam of the two. But what we’re seeing in the US is a revolutionary impulse to pave over the heritage and history of America. And this will ultimately lead to chaos and oppression (the two are not mutually exclusive). Things like the Bill of Rights and the rule of law are indeed threatened.

          • Thanks for the comment.

            I totally understand that Trump is not one of you, in that regard, and that he is just signalling that he supports your cause, as you support him. But as a figure who you support, I was wondering what your argument against that particular point was – that locals should decide local issues like what statue is in a park with what name. The civic process does not belong to people who have lived in a place for X number of generations. There are private organizations that honor that, but as a public park, it needs to reflect the public.

            Whether Lee was against secession or not, he fought for the side that was trying to secede. He may have been a good man, but the institution of slavery was not a good cause, and it can not be separated from the civil war. Indeed, the civil war can not be talked about without talking about slavery.

            For the record: there were people in the crowd shouting “Jews will not replace us”. See also: the Vice documentary of the weekend that has audio from at least Chris Cantwell’s gang which was openly shouting up.

            I think you’re completely misstating things to say: “they’re told a false version of US history (that whites have done nothing but evil, oppressing and exploiting others)”. You immediately jump to an absurd extreme “whites have done nothing but…”, which is simply not true. No credible source in education or liberalism would argue that. But to say that white folks haven’t been a source of oppression and evil (not exclusively white folks, but in different periods, certainly dominated by white folks) would also be inaccurate. So how do we balance those two things? Do we not teach what happens when one race deems another subhuman and subverts their humanity? Because that had a significant impact on our country and in the lives of many Americans.

        • Antifa in Austria recently desecrated a monument to the Austrians who fought off the Turks in the great siege.

          Go jump in an oven.

        • I wasn’t actually at the UniteTheRight protest. But regarding who should decide: What you state is both correct and false at the same time. There’s an argument for each side.

          Nevertheless, a protest march is not itself some terrible thing. The UniteTheRight side was seemingly entirely nonviolent, except where necessary for defence. The guy with the car (whose wreck resulted after the Right had mostly left though Antifa were still illegally gathering) appears to have an increasingly solid case: He braked to avoid hitting a person, braked again avoid the crash, and he was seemingly never going faster than 25 mph. The lady who died was overweight, died of a heart attack. And the street was one-way, the only legal exit. The driver couldn’t see down the road to know Antifa had blocked it off (I assume), and his car was hit by what looks to have been a bat before he crashed. I can post videos to highlight what I’m referring to, but the above is my perception of events.

          So, as more info is released, we’re seeing the original criticism looks to have been entirely manufactured by the media.

          Also, there was only one guy there with an NS flag, and it appears that he was also photoed later with Antifa. So, he’s quite possibly a fraud. There were other examples of people seeming to switch sides also.

          Regarding Lee, you simply don’t know the history. The war was not over slavery. The South seceded for a variety of reasons, slavery often mentioned as one of those, but it was not reason for the war. The Union spun that later in the war to keep Europe from intervening on the side of the South. And the Union needed a positive-sounded justification for invading the South.

          It’s unlikely you’re capable of reason on the topic. People are simply not rational on such matters. Lincoln had guaranteed permanent slavery if the South returned (Permanent Slavery Amendment passed both houses after South seceded), he guaranteed permanently slavery to West Virginia, and Grant (among others) owned slaves during the war. And seeing how Sherman (who wanted to exterminate Amerindians) is a Yankee hero, there’s not much to go on. Also, not every Southern state was able to secede. More had wanted to break away but were thwarted, and the Constitution was suspended.

          To put it bluntly: The Union was a greater evil than Nazi Germany, and that’s a fact.

          And your wars today are also immoral, deadly, and entirely without justification. Yet, the Yankee empire marches on, destroying lives, enraging the world against Americans. Almost no one on the far right supports the warring, nor has ever supported it. As we grow in popularity, the warring will diminish in popularity.

          For the record, there were not people shouting “Jews will not replace us”. They were chanting “You will not replace us”. The media switched these words. If Vice found a few people using a different word, they were likely frauds or just acting as individuals. We saw the odd guy marching with a Swastika the next day: It’s just meant to discredit the movement. The media zooms in, creates its own narrative. It’s propaganda, the same as Communists and Nazis use. Big business abuses its power: What’s new? Obviously no one on the far right likes either big business or big government: Both abuse their power.

          Due to the chaos at the event, there was no chance to ban one flag or costume or another. Charlottesville was a setup, as Hunter Wallace has documented.

          Regarding whites, there are plenty of people who state such.

          Yes, whites have abused their power. Everyone abuses power. That’s the defence: That power itself is a threat. We saw what anti-nationalist Communism did with power: It killed over 100m people last century. And Communists today still seem to believe that if they can just liquidate enough people, perhaps a few billion, that they can finally achieve utopia here on Earth… A real problem with Communists is their revolution never seems to end, so they’re always wanting to sacrifice more and more: Thirst unsatiated.

          Machiavelli wrote on the dangers of power. He said that freedom thrives where there’s a balance of power. What’s needed is decentralisation, subsidiarity, and a multi-polar world order.

          What we did see under European domination was the end of most slavery, the end of cannibalism, and the spread of Christianity. So, some good was certainly done. And European domination didn’t really end by another power rising up to challenge. We’ve seen Europe, the West, largely voluntarily give up power.

          After WWII, the US was the last standing economy. It abused its power greatly, forced democracy and revolution across the world. But it also has built up the global economy, at the expense of Americans. So, clearly much good, much sacrifice has been done.

          I certainly opposed the Iraq War. I’ve opposed every war. I do my utmost to oppose the Neocons, but I have no power. The US continues to do evil, because it’s so powerful. Great power is simply dangerous. What’s needed is not history that teaches how whites are inherently evil, that to even be white is racist, that for a white to marry another white is an act of racism. No, what’s needed is for children to be taught how man is naturally fallen and how power itself is dangerous.

          Popular meme that’s floating around:

          I can only post one link per comment without getting caught by filter.

          • @weavercht

            Thank you, again, for such a thoughtful reply. I really appreciate it. We may disagree about some things, but we’re also much more inclined to misunderstand each other when we don’t clearly express what we believe and why, so thanks for doing that. I will try to do the same.

            I live in Charlottesville. I grew up there. I went away for college, but I got my graduate degree at UVA some years later. I didn’t go to the UtR rally, but I watched it on many livestreams as it was happening and I know people (who had never heard of Antifa) who did.

            >”The UniteTheRight side was seemingly entirely nonviolent, except where necessary for defence.”

            This simply isn’t true. They weren’t the only side that initiated violence; there were multiple skirmishes as the UtR attendees tried to get into the park, including physical altercations initiated by rally-goers who got violent because people were standing in their way or shouting at them. I absolutely condemn Antifa for their violent ideation and would argue against anyone from Antifa I meet in real life, if I ever do.

            Regarding the details of the crash itself – there are a few other facts that you’re mistaken about. But I totally understand why you would be mistaken about them; I have seen, repeated over and over, comments about the nature of the crowd that was run into, and when it was in relation to the rally being shut down, and there are a few things I’d like to clear up from my perspective.

            I was in that crowd, just a couple feet from the a crash. I saw people fly into the air and heard the sound of the car slamming into people and crashing into the cars that were stopped at the intersection.

            It is wrong to characterize that crowd as Antifa. I know that because I was there, as were many people who I knew, who I know for a fact had never heard of Antifa.

            You’re right – the crowd was walking up a one way street (4th Street) from Water Street, towards Justice (formerly Jackson) Park where the counter-protesters had a permit to rally. 4th Street is a small street that often has pedestrians on it – it crosses over a pedestrian mall. According to the police plan, it was supposed to be closed on Saturday until the rallies ended (meaning 5PM, but when the rally was cancelled earlier, I have to assume, the police decided to open it back up).

            When James Fields started driving down 4th Street, there’s no way he couldn’t have seen the crowd. I have heard of video existing, but I know of multiple eye witnesses who observed the car driving down 4th Street towards the crowd, and then reversing. The eye witnesses assumed that the car was going to back up all the way to Market to take an alternate route that wasn’t filled with people. Instead, after he backed up the entire block, he slammed on the gas, speeding down an entire city block, over the pedestrian mall, into the group of people.

            You will not be able to find video evidence that counters this narrative. If you think you do, please share it, and I will be happy to look at it and provide context and examine it with an open mind, because I think it’s really important to understand why people see different things when they look at the same piece of evidence. When the car was hit by a bat, this was after its long acceleration towards the crowd, and people screaming and jumping out of the way. His decision to run into the crowd was made long before he actually got that close to the crowd. I can’t argue with any certainty how fast he was going, but based on how high people were thrown, I can’t imagine he was going under 25 mph. Please, watch unedited, full videos of the incident to get a more complete picture of the attack. There are lots of people who are motivated to call it “self defense” and justify it in some way, but they’re spinning fiction using incomplete videos, images, and a whole bunch of wishful thinking.

            The media did not manufacturer a narrative about this being a terrorist attack – it felt like a terrorist attack. The crowd was in good spirits. As you already said, this was after the rally-goers had been forced out of town (to the alternative, larger park, was what I, at least, and others in the crowd thought at the time).

            I also witnessed multiple swastikas, SS arm-bands, heard multiple people shout “Hitler was right”, “Hitler did no wrong”, “Heil Hitler”, “Heil Trump”, and a whole bunch more. These were not photo-shopped or edited in. They were a very vocal, but not majority, presence on the side of the rally-goers.

            I just want to provide an honest perspective of what happened that day. If you have questions or evidence you think goes against what I observed, please feel free to share it, and I hope we can continue to have a civil discussion about the events of that day.

            Ok, with that out of the way: Robert E Lee. We may have to agree to disagree about the Civil War, and I admit that I am not a history buff with in depth knowledge of it to be able to argue it in incredible detail. I went to public schools in the south, I was aware of a variety of reasons and arguments related to the civil war, but I still feel it is inexorably, if not completely, tied to slavery.

            And for the record, when I was growing up, i learned that Sherman was a total douche, so I’m not sure where you’re getting the info that he is some kind of union hero.

            We’ll also have to disagree about your opinion that the Union was more evil than Nazi Germany. I’m not sure where to begin on that one and don’t really want to get into it.

            I consider myself moderate, but left-leaning socially, with a lot of conservative sympathies, and I’m against all the warring too. It’s unfair and untrue to blame yankees for all of the modern warfare, given how complicit the Republican party has been in starting and maintaining military action overseas.

            You have my hand in helping to diminish the warring.

            I’m also anti-communist, and know of the horrors it has brought to people in the past, as well as the corrupting influence of power.

            Again – I don’t hear the same thing that you do about whites being inherently evil. I think that there is an academic argument about racism that gets stupider and stupider the more it’s passed through the media and biased interlocutors. It’s a really, really hard subject to talk about, as a country, because we do have a history of systemic racism. But I think oversimplifying things and putting absurd, absolutist arguments into the mouths of your opponents on this is not helpful.

            Also, for the record, because I didn’t touch upon it when you first brought it up: I’m actually really interested in your southern heritage. The group that you represent, its history, that you trace your roots back in this country so long, does need to be preserved. However, a statue of Lee in Charlottesville does not help, because there is no context presented with it that talks about your people, your past, and your contributions to America today, and what kind of example you set that we should live by and aspire to. If it did, I think it would serve our present better than what it currently is: an out of place monument to a past that makes many who live here deeply uncomfortable.

        • @Alex Jimminy:

          You tell this board that they need to respect the wishes of the Charlottesville citizens where it comes to removing the statues. You need to tell that to the Charlottesville City Council. The question of removing those statues was put up for a referendum and the good people of Charlottesville, across the racial spectrum VOTED EIGHTY PERCENT AGAINST REMOVAL. The Charlottesville City Council overrode their opinion and decided to remove them anyway.

          This was stated by a witness who had been staying there a few weeks on a business seminar. She said the town was upset about what the City authorities had decided to do and it was a huge topic of discussion at the time UtR came to town. She also said that buses full of people dressed like Antifa, BLM, KKK and Nazis came in together and terrorized the people there. The police were present but did nothing.

          • @clytemnestra57

            Do you have a source for that public referendum that voted against statue removal? I live in Charlottesville and I have heard of no such thing. We did elect the city council that voted to remove it though, which sounds like local politics in action.

            The town was not as upset as this witness claimed. Many people were fearful, and businesses all shut down due to UtR coming to town, not the groups that were opposing it. There were no buses of Antifa, BLM, KKK, and Nazis. That’s complete fiction. Unless you have evidence to also back that up…

    • Fuck Charlottesville. Anyone who doesn’t respect Lee is without honor. A question as to whether you respect Lee should be part of a mandatory test before being allowed to vote.

      • @Alex Jimminy

        Saw it on a youtube video, The Charles Here is the link:

        It made sense to me that the town would object to the statues being taken down. Virginia was part of the Confederate South. The capitol of the Confederacy was in Virginia. I imagine any tourism stemmed from history buffs visiting Confederate sites.

        I know this for a fact, because I’m a Yankee who visited Charleston South, Carolina to visit Boone Plantation, the Slave Market and Fort Sumter, because I was curious about the history. Of course, I went there thinking slaves were cheap and abused and walked away realizing that they were expensive and well-taken care of unlike the White indentured servants.

        You abuse the hell out of a rental Ford, but you take damned good care of a Lamborhini you bought.

        But I digress. Kennesaw, Georgia drew many tourists, because of its Confederate theme.

        The average Yankee does not hate Southerners or the South. We see it and them as curiosities. Enterprising Southerners make beaucoup bucks off of our curiosity. That’s why the town would want to keep their Confederate South themes. Tourist bucks.

        The majority of Charlottesville wanted to keep the statues up. If you want condemnation on General Robert E. Lee for defending Southern slavery, then you put up a plaque criticizing his decision to fight the North (who really didn’t give a tinker’s dam if the South had slaves or not. If it had been about slavery as Northern propaganda maintains, it would have been less costly for the North to pay the South for its slaves and ship them back to Africa. They wanted to keep that lucrative Southern trade for themselves rather than sharing it with France and England not to mention pocketing all those lovely tariffs.

        Where war is concerned more than anything else, you have to follow the money. And that was the Civil War in a nutshell. The fringe element of the North were the abolitionists, but they didn’t have squat to say about Lincoln allowing any slave states that stayed in the Union to keep their slaves. And only the plantocracy had a vested interest in slavery.

        Those statues mean different things to different people and for all those reasons those statues should stay up. To Blacks, they represent slavery and oppression. To Southerners, they represent honor and heritage. To me, they represent the abysmal failure of the republic to reach its one hundredth anniversary without being torn apart by regional conflicts. The failure of American leadership to stop the polarization and come up with a compromise that would hold the union together. It was an awful state of affairs that the republic was in if the North had to force the South to stay in the union at gunpoint.

        I did not attend the UTR rally. The moment I heard the ACLU was involved and some strange new guy — who the hell is Jason Kessler?! was the organizer – all I could think of was the ACLU, Skokie Holocaust Survivors and a wannabe Furhrer by the name of Frank Collin who was born Francis Joseph Cohen and the endless Holocaust series and movies that followed. And I have never been able to bring myself to trust David Duke (who had to know that he was about as welcome as a bad case of the clap to the Trump campaign yet inserted himself anyway).

        But the point is, that the Charlottesville City Council overrode the majority of its voters wishing to keep the statue up. They thumbed their noses at a legal permit that was court-enforced and made their police officers stand down and even attack peaceful pro-statue protestors rather than do their job and keep the peace. In the chaos that followed, several people were injured and one woman died of a heart attack (because first responders didn’t respond in time to save her). Her death is on the City of Charlottesville, not the Right.

        • @clytemnestra57

          Thank you for the links!

          I’m sorry to inform you – but the anonymous source Charles is talking to on the phone is not reliable. There are many counterfactual and outrageous claims that she makes that are totally unsupported by any evidence that I have seen, heard of, or can find.

          His source (aka: your source) for the 80/20 public vote is “his friend who spent a few weeks working a few minutes outside of Charlottesville” who “would go to a local favorite spot for lunch” where she overheard, at another table, that there was a public vote. I can’t find any other source of such a vote. Again: I live in Charlottesville. I’ve been following local politics for a while. I can’t find a single other place that reports this kind of public vote. It simply isn’t true. It didn’t happen.

          Maybe she got that confused with the fact (actually supported by voting data) that 80.4% of Charlottesville voted for Hillary. But somehow 80% of the city wants to keep the statues up? I’m not saying it’s impossible, but there’s absolutely no reason to believe the people of Charlottesville support keeping the statues up. I would argue that the exact opposite is true, if you were to hold a public vote on it today.

          Her entire story is very, very confusing. Almost every restaurant downtown was closed on August 12. There were zero restaurants downtown, that were open, where she would be seated where she could see buses pull up, like she describes. Zero restaurants were open that face the roads around downtown. There’s no “alley parking” downtown, as she describes, and the very few spots that are off the mall would have been closed early in the morning on August 12, as per the police plan, because those roads were all closed.

          She describes people pouring off buses throwing things – again, there is absolutely no documentation or evidence of this. It didn’t happen. There was zero property damage downtown that day. None.

          The only thing I’m wondering now is – why would she completely make up this story? People pouring off buses, KKK, BLM, and everyone together, just throwing things at random people? Downtown that day was not at all like she described. Plenty of video and eye witness accounts from around town that morning exist – absolutely none describe the scene she as she does.

          And suddenly she was on 4th Street, hours later, actually tapping on James Fields’s window? And she was with him and saw him around town throughout the week? You believe this stuff?

          If this random person on the phone is the only source for this narrative – you need a better source or a different narrative.

          Downtown was totally shut down at 11AM. Nobody was out who was unaware of the rally. But somehow she sits down at a restaurant at 11, sees buses pull up with rioters pouring out, and they make a daring escape into an alley, then after the rally was shut down at 11:30, she’s still escaping at 2PM when she sees and confronts the Challenger going down 4th Street?

          Can somebody please put me in touch with this woman? I’d love to get more details of her experience, because it makes no sense, as she told it.

          But like a broken clock being right twice a day, she was correct that James Fields’s car was not attacked in any way before he drove it into the crowd. So I’ll give her credit for being right about that at least.

          Now that I understand the source for your information, I hope you realize that the statement, “The majority of Charlottesville wanted to keep the statues up” is not based in evidence, and is most likely false.

          And good for you, not knowing Jason Kessler. I do know him; I met him a few years ago. We weren’t close, but we were friendly and I’d speak to him occasionally when I saw him around town. He’s a very angry, asocial, man. He’s the kind that will pin you in the corner at a party and go off on a diatribe about liberalism, libertarians, or how much he hates the military, depending on which corner of the internet he was digging into at that time.


          “They thumbed their noses at a legal permit that was court-enforced and made their police officers stand down and even attack peaceful pro-statue protestors rather than do their job and keep the peace. ”

          This is not totally true either. There was no order to stand down. The City Council worked WITH Kessler to make sure he had his permit, and they supported it. The only thing they tried to do was move the rally from the park with the statue to a bigger one that could accommodate the crowd Kessler claimed was coming to support his rally. Kessler originally stated on his permit that he would bring 400 people (the max for the park), but then publicly bragged that he would actually bring out more than 1,000. When City Council pointed out that this was against his permit and unsafe and tried to move the rally to a place that could handle the number of people he was bringing, the ACLU jumped in and decided that his free speech was being obstructed by this change in location. The police didn’t “attack” peaceful protestors – after the rally was declared illegal, they cleared the park, and some ralliers decided to confront the police instead of comply with the law.

  4. My suggestion would be to move the next UniteTheRight rally to Eastern Tennessee. You have both Knoxville & Johnson City close by for hotel facilities & access to I-40. The Smoky Mountains & Gatlinburg are great vacationing spots that you could coincide with the rally. I don’t know about private property owners in the vicinity but plenty of public land used for sport & recreation. Looking at a map of the South, it appears centrally located for most Southerners but a tidbit out of the way for Easterners, Upper Midwesterners & OK/TX residents. Also, the police & current governor/legislature of TN would seem more supportive of the Alt-Right than their counterparts in VA.

    • Sure, but it takes some courage to do a legal demo on enemy, Leftist college campus turf. There is something to be said for taking the fight to enemy turf and not alway retreating.

    • College towns (UT Austin) and sometimes state capitals like Austin or Madison WI (also college town, UW Madison) often go Lib Leftists – it’s where Left eternal students want to hang out and never grow up.

  5. Any successful army, or political movement (a more extended version of an army), must be able to invade and take and hold enemy terrain. The Unite the Right rally did this – to a point. The Alt-Right and its affiliated groups were able to (literally) fight their way into Lee Park, against the attacks of thug-leftist groups, and hold its position there against further repeated attacks, defeating the attempts of antifa/BLM to sweep our people out of the park and inflict hundreds of injuries – including fatal ones – on them. It took armored, militarized police, to force UtR out of the park, and that was WITH the cooperation of the attendees themselves – only a few passively resisted, in protest.

    I bring this up to because we will continue to have to invade and take and hold enemy terrain in the future. So there will be – there must be – more Charlottesvilles, for our movement to progress and win victory.

    I’m not advocating another Charlottesville next week, but sooner rather than later.

    • From what a seeming lawyer posted here some time ago: It sounds like one does not have the right to force his way through. Only the police have that right.

      If the police are not clearing the way for you, then I assume you could take evidence and then sue.

  6. In 1936, President Franklin D. Roosevelt attended the dedication of a new monument to Robert E. Lee in Dallas, Texas. There, he made the following remarks:

    “I am very happy to take part in this unveiling of the statue of General Robert E. Lee.

    All over the United States we recognize him as a great leader of men, as a great general. But, also, all over the United States I believe that we recognize him as something much more important than that. We recognize Robert E. Lee as one of our greatest American Christians and one of our greatest American gentlemen.”

    — President Franklin D. Roosevelt


    “General Robert E. Lee was, in my estimation, one of the supremely gifted men produced by our Nation. He believed unswervingly in the Constitutional validity of his cause which until 1865 was still an arguable question in America; he was thoughtful yet demanding of his officers and men, forbearing with captured enemies but ingenious, unrelenting and personally courageous in battle, and never disheartened by a reverse or obstacle. Through all his many trials, he remained selfless almost to a fault and unfailing in his belief in God. Taken altogether, he was noble as a leader and as a man, and unsullied as I read the pages of our history.

    From deep conviction I simply say this: a nation of men of Lee’s caliber would be unconquerable in spirit and soul. Indeed, to the degree that present-day American youth will strive to emulate his rare qualities, including his devotion to this land as revealed in his painstaking efforts to help heal the nation’s wounds once the bitter struggle was over, we, in our own time of danger in a divided world, will be strengthened and our love of freedom sustained .

    Such are the reasons that I proudly display the picture of this great American on my office wall.”

    — President Dwight D. Eisenhower


    “The flags of the Confederate States of America were very important and a matter of great pride to those citizens living in the Confederacy. They are also a matter of great pride for their descendants as part of their heritage and history.”

    — Winston Churchill

  7. I’m sorry, because I don’t want to step on anybody’s toes, but, Charlottesville the most liberal town in Dixie?

    Uh … no, I’m sad to say.

    No town in the world more Left than the People’s Republick of Chapel Hill, in North Carolina.

    You would know this is our rural quasi-Confederate legislature did not have a firm clamp on the North Carolina state government, and the town were not close to a fine assembly of rampaging Tarheel rednecks in nearby Graham.

    Chapel Hill was already scoring a 10 on the Charlottesville meter in the 1970s!

  8. I find it most curious that when those monuments to the Confederacy were erected around 100 years ago there were still many Union veterans and former slaves around, yet none of them voiced any objection to those monuments. If statues of Lee and Stonewall Jackson didn’t bother them then why should anyone be offended by them now?

    It’s almost as if a certain tribe of hostile alien elites were attempting to manipulate public opinion from behind the scenes……

    • @Spahn…

      ‘I find it most curious that when those monuments to the Confederacy were erected around 100 years ago there were still many Union veterans and former slaves around, yet none of them voiced any objection to those monuments. If statues of Lee and Stonewall Jackson didn’t bother them then why should anyone be offended by them now? ‘


      Because all those Union veterans were hateful White Supremacists, the vast majority of which had absolutely no interest in the betterment of the Negro man; and this means that, whatever they did think of Southerners, is absolutely void and valueless.

      Nope, Spahn, them hateful Yankees, only fought the war against the Southerners, one of the greatest warrior classes to ever exist, – you don’t really think that this is a viable credential, do you?

      Furthermore, Spahn, most o’ them dadgum Union soldiers were nationalists, which means that they were fascists and you know we can’t have none o’ that, can we?

      Any sense of country, even a propositional one, surely must be Nazi extremism.

      No borders – anytime or anywhere.

      Anything less is pure hate.

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