To the average cuck, the concept of “White Nationalism” sounds plain crazy. Yet, we know it’s even crazier to think that our rotten era will persist for much longer. In order to understand why White Nationalism can be implemented, it’s helpful to be cognizant of the parlous financial health of the United States. We simply cannot pay for the brown future that’s being forced upon us. In this article, I’ve attempted to delineate, as concisely as possible, the reasons why the US cannot persist in its present form. We’ll take a look at demographics and then the financial quicksand that we’re standing on.
The Boomers
The population of retirees will continue to expand by 10,000 per day until it exceeds 60 million. Their pensions are already beginning to fail in TX, CA, IL, CT, OH, and KY. Many more states and private plans will follow. Politics dictates that trillions in bailouts will, to some extent, occur. These retirees will also be relying on Social Security and Medicare systems that will require bailouts nearing 100 trillion dollars.
The Ascendant
Our legal and illegal brown populations will continue to expand. Both are generously subsidized through government expenditure. They account for half of all population growth. There are at least 56 million of them here legally, roughly 18% of the populace. The population is somewhere between 11 and 30 million. These people are very expensive. For instance, in CA alone the illegals eat over 17% of the state budget.
Generation X and the Millennials
There’s really not that much to squeeze out of us. Most have very little in the way of savings. The government could literally confiscate every penny we have without putting a serious dent in its fiscal problems. For many of us, simply starting our own families and putting our kids in safe, white schools is a daunting financial prospect. If we can’t even pay for the retirement of our parent’s generation, how will we also subsidize a vast horde of vibrants?
The Dollar
Trade surpluses, WW2, and the collapse of the European empires positioned the US dollar to become the word’s reserve currency. The Bretton Woods system was established in 1944 to fix the value of a dollar to an exchangeable amount of gold held by the US. Over time, the spending of our government coupled with its dwindling reserves made this system untenable. It was abandoned by Nixon in 1971.
Since then, like all other major currencies, the US dollar is “fiat”, meaning it’s not tied to any physical commodity. Basically, a fiat currency is backed by nothing but confidence in its value. Dollars can be digitally created in unlimited amounts by the Federal Reserve (our quasi-private central bank), generally to buy treasury securities issued to cover our annual budget deficits. Legally, these can’t be purchased directly. They are bought from primary buyers who acquired them at treasury auctions for an acceptable interest rate. These rates are minuscule because they have confidence in repayment.
Thus, the value of the dollar is inherently linked to the increasingly precarious position of the US. While it is true that a check from the US government can never bounce, this doesn’t mean that it can’t be worthless to the recipient. Dollars can be created with a keystroke, but the goods and services they’re meant to purchase can’t be conjured out of thin air. There is an unknown limit on how many of them can be created without catastrophic consequences. This is a deeply flawed system that’s only been around for 46 years. That’s a tiny blip in the course of history.
The Debt
In addition to the mountain of unfunded liabilities, the federal government has racked up an enormous debt. We’ve recently passed the 20 trillion dollar mark, and it’s growing much faster than our tepid GDP. The impact of low white birth rates and the escalating withdrawal of the boomers from the workforce doesn’t bode well for the Trump administration’s rosy projections for GDP growth. Out debt is growing fast, but we can’t grow out of it.
In the past, governments borrowed money to build stuff like schools and bridges for a growing white population. These were investments that produced a return. Now we’re borrowing to pay benefits to retirees and subsidize useless vibrants. We’re racking up debt, but we won’t get a return on it later. No national debt of our relative size has ever been paid off. After 16 years of misguided wars, deficits, and bailouts (all of which will continue), we’ve guaranteed a crisis that was merely hypothetical in the past. The situation is politically impossible to fix. There’s no getting off the debt train to Perdition. The only question is how and when we’ll arrive. Here are two potential tracks to our destination:
Track One: Gradual, Then Rapid
The first scenario could happen progressively, over the course of years (how many, nobody is sure). The federal government, abetted by successive rounds of QE from the Federal Reserve, continues to run deficits. It borrows trillions more to bailout failing states like CA and IL, along with money to keep SS and Medicare limping along. As the debt balloons and QE expands to absorb it, so will the cost of debt service. The dollar will continue to be worth less and less, and vital assurance in the creditworthiness of the federal government will eventually be lost. Once we plunge off this confidence cliff, a sovereign debt crisis will begin. The cliff is out there, but we won’t know where it is until we fall off of it.
For a crash course in quantitative easing, enjoy this instructional video:
Track Two: Rapid, Unexpected
The second scenario involves a market crash triggered by an event that can’t be accurately predicted. This was the case in 2008. Many figures outside the mainstream correctly forecasted that the subprime mortgage bubble would lead to a financial meltdown. However, nobody could precisely articulate the timing or the exact sequence of institutions to come under pressure. It’s not any different this time around.
A couple potential triggers of a future crisis are easy to identify. First, consider the plight of an aforementioned US state. IL can’t legally declare bankruptcy. Nonetheless, it’s hopelessly insolvent. As IL continues to implode (its demographics are decisive and bad), it could shake the market’s confidence in public debt. Even if it were bailed out by Congress, the staggering cost would provoke investors to look around at all the other tottering states. Bailed out or not, the effect on the market would be similar.
Second, take a look at Europe. It’s the same situation over there: they can’t pay for the retirees or the Afro/Islamic invasion. We tend to focus on the massive population contraction coupled with the horrific bestial influx. Beyond the infuriating defilement of the continent, we should also concentrate on the broader implications. The ECB has been engaging in the same financial tomfoolery as the Fed. In the near future, demographic realities will push them into a pension crisis, followed by more extreme QE and hopefully sectarian violence (it can only stay one-sided temporarily). What happens to bond markets when that starts to happen? Only one brick needs to crumble to take down the whole wall. This is the nature of a panic.
Why Isn’t Anything Being Done?
Whether they’re cognizant of the term or not, many politicians and members of the MSM have embraced the concept of “Modern Monetary Theory”. It’s too lengthy to fully explain in this article. Essentially, it posits that since the US can create dollars at will, and since its debt is comprised of dollars, it can create as much of them as it needs to fund the government without adverse consequences. It’s a bunch of fancy formulas to disguise a post hoc rationalization for why we can’t get off the tiger we’re riding. If you don’t embrace this concept to some degree, then you’re forced to conclude that the decisions of our political class are reckless and stupid. Concordantly, you’re induced to entertain some pretty dark thoughts about the trajectory of western civilization. Why would anyone at the top be inclined to do that?
Don’t attribute too much competence to the establishment. The “New World Order” is only something that existed in the WCW back in the 1990’s. We know who comprises the establishment and we also know that they possess an extreme susceptibility to Jewish manipulation along with an acute lack of common sense. The same people who think that our debt and monetary policy will have no negative consequences are also the ones who believe that open borders are vital for economic health or that prosecuting people who criticize Islam will promote stability. Faith in MMT is just another symptom of their fatally delusional thinking.
What Next?
Much like diversity importation, massive debt & fiat currency are not healthy or normal. Both are experiments as unprecedented as they are foolish. It’s a grave mistake to complacently assume that an unsustainable system will persist. We’re a country that needs to provide 1st world services to an increasingly 3rd world population. In order to do that, we need to borrow lots of money without paying it back.
When this scheme ends, there will be profound implications for our dying country and the global economic system which relies upon the dollar. In the next article, we’ll explore potential responses to a sovereign debt crisis. There will be hard times ahead, but we shouldn’t fret about them. We need this to happen in order secure a future for our people.
-By Tom Shackleford and originally published at Identity Dixie.
Trade surpluses, or trade deficits, don’t matter economically at all. The sole exception would be if the trade deficit were larger than the entire GDP of the US, an unlikely occurrence.
Trading goods for goods or goods for gold is fine. But trading goods for debt (promises of future goods that might or might not ever come into existence) is a disaster waiting to happen. It allows Americans to concentrate on providing services to each other while forgetting how to produce tradable goods.
Trade deficits are a debt, in that China expects us to eventually send them something in exchange for all the stuff they’ve sent us. The problem with debt is that it lets you pretend, for a while, that you’re richer and smarter than you really are.
The economic significance of trade imbalances with other countries is NEVER discussed in the jew-run financial media, at least not honestly.
What you wanna do is create a fund that bets agai st these pension plans. Short them.
In other words, find an insufferable optimist like Jim Cramer and offer a wager that some pension fund will go insolvent. Two problems here:
* Your wager needs an expiration date. If the pension fund collapses one day later, you lose.
* Jim Cramer might be wiped out by the collapse and unable to pay you.
Jim Cramer is a fast-talking JEW. Nothing he says should be taken as anything other than entertainment or misinformation.
“What you wanna do is create a fund that bets against these pension plans. Short them.”
Sounds like something a contrarian Jew like David Stockman would come up with.
But the minimum investment required would be $50,000, so only the rich would profit from it.
The ‘rich’!? Since when is a salary of $50k, rich?
Anyone making 50 grand a year will not exactly be starving in the streets, unless he lives in San Fagsisco or Jew York.
Of course as this chain reaction starts they will push the bottom lower by switching to all digital currency.
As always, thank you for your very informative article Silas Reynolds.
The petro dollar is the linchpin of all of this. By forcing all oil purchases to be in USD it creates demand for the $ and income for the money changers. It is really the oldest scam in the book (or should I say bible). If any country tries to sell oil in other currencies we have so far bombed them into oblivion. It will be interesting what Venezuela does. The bankers are clearly concerned about what Putin might do to the (((Russian Central Bank))) and petro dollar despite being the ones who put him in power. They are worried he might do a Tyler on them which is why they want war now.