May 2017
In May, President Trump fired James Comey and Rod Rodenstein appointed Robert Mueller as the special prosecutor in the Russia investigation. Trump went on a big overseas trip where he reaffirmed existing alliances with Israel and Saudi Arabia, attended the G7 summit, addressed NATO and met with Pope Francis. The House passed its version of Obamacare repeal.
The month of May started for OD with the closure of our PayPal account. The trend toward activism on both the Alt-Right and Hard Right continued with Charlottesville I, the Battle of New Orleans, a Confederate Memorial Day celebration in Orlando, two rallies over Confederate monuments in Graham, NC and Orlando, FL and an Anti-Antifa demonstration in Harrison, AR.
May 1 – PayPal Censors Occidental Dissent, End of Trump’s First 100 Days, Antifas Riot On May Day, Trump designates May as Jewish American Heritage Month
“Trump is a Jewish puppet.
I’m not going to mince words. It is true. A cabal of globalist New York City Jews who no one voted for now controls the Trump administration and have steered it back to mainstream conservatism. The entire month of May has been set aside as Jewish American Heritage Month.
As this continues to play out, I anticipate a hard swing away from “mainstream” politics. What is the point of voting if elections have no relationship to policy? The real election takes place after the official one when corrupt elites with no democratic mandate sweep in and seize power.”
Articles: Trump’s First 100 Days, The Meaning of Pikeville, PayPal Censors Occidental Dissent, Antifas Riot, Vandalize Property, Create Mayhem On May Day, Antifas Cause $100,000 Worth of Property Damage in Philadelphia, Antifas Were Destroyed on May Day in Austin, TX
May 3 – ‘Dear Donald’ – An Alt-Right Song of Sorrow & Optimism
May 4 – Vice President Pence attends a Cinco de Mayo celebration at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, House votes to repeal Obamacare, Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty Executive Order
Articles: #HostageBannon: Bizarre Pictures of Steve Bannon Circulate Around Internet, US House Vote on Yet Another Healthcare Bill, GOP Claims it Will Pass this Time, New Orleans Is Getting Hot
May 5 – President Trump signs the 2017 omnibus spending bill which appropriates $100 million dollars for the “Countering Russian Influence Fund.”
May 7 – League of the South holds rally in New Orleans, LA
Battle of New Orleans, Punching Right: Inside The Battle of New Orleans, The Resurgence of Activism
May 9 – President Trump dismisses FBI Director James Comey based on Jared Kushner’s advice
Articles: FBI Director James Comey Abruptly Fired By President Trump
May 11 – President Trump issues an executive order to initiate an investigation of voter fraud in the 2016 presidential election
May 14 – Charlottesville I
Virginia Sons of Cuckfederate Veterans Denounce Alt-Right Charlottesville Rally, White Pill Time: Richard Spencer Helps To Lead Torchlight Procession In Support Of White Southern History, The Alt-Right Defends Southern Heritage In Charlottesville, Charlottesville: Assorted Enemy Units Hold “Take Back Lee Park Rally” To Whine About Richard Spencer
May 17 – Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein appoints Robert Mueller as a special prosecutor for the investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
Articles: Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Appointed As Special Counsel For Russia Election Hoax
May 19 – Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin promises to protect big banks
Articles: Mnuchin Promises to Protect Big Banks
May 20 – President Trump signs an arms deal worth $350 billion with Saudi Arabia while in in Riyadh, ACTBAC Holds Rally In Graham, NC
Articles: ACTBAC NC, Raleigh-Durham IWW Square Off In Graham, NC
May 21 – President Trump delivers a speech in Riyadh condemning Iran before leaders of over 50 Muslim nations
May 22 – President Trump visits the Western Wall in Israel and meets with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Articles: Trump Visits Israel’s Western Wall
May 23 – President Trump visits the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Articles: Trump Commemorates The Holocaust Again In Israel
Statement on International Holocaust Remembrance Day: https://t.co/KjU0MOxCHk
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 27, 2017
Remarks at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's National Days of Remembrance.
Full remarks: https://t.co/KOxayXAe9c pic.twitter.com/2jbPkN5j4E— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 25, 2017
Today, I signed the Holocaust Remembrance Proclamation: https://t.co/762SqgdLMV #ICYMI– My statement last night at the @WorldJewishCong. pic.twitter.com/7vQWsGJC2F
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 24, 2017
A moving moment as @POTUS greets Holocaust survivor and sister of 16-year old who perished in Auschwitz, whose writings presented to him. pic.twitter.com/0e8fN6k1Wa
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) May 23, 2017
As we remember this dark time in history of human suffering, let us recommit to never forget the lessons of the Holocaust
? Mandel Ngan, AFP pic.twitter.com/JpmrNa3Iwa— Ivanka Trump (@IvankaTrump) May 23, 2017
Today, we honor the six million Jews whose lives were taken during the Holocaust and pledge #NeverAgain pic.twitter.com/4BK0IcxSs3
— Ivanka Trump (@IvankaTrump) April 24, 2017
Seeing @POTUS visit such a critical place and pay his respects to the 6 million Jews murdered in the #Holocaust is incredibly powerful. pic.twitter.com/a2olSlG5M6
— Jason D. Greenblatt (@jdgreenblatt45) May 23, 2017
May 24 – President Trump meets with Pope Francis at the Vatican
May 25 – President Trump delivers a speech at NATO headquarters in Brussels
May 27 – President Trump attends the G7 summit in Italy and agrees with a a communique on fighting protectionism in international trade
Articles: State Department Quietly Raises “Refugee” Quotas, Trump Totally Silent
May 28 – League of the South Holds Anti-Antifa Demonstration in Harrison, Arkansas, Augustus Invictus Holds Confederate Memorial Day Rally In Orlando, FL
Articles: The Trump Revolution Changed Nothing
May 29 – Trump administration allows 60,000 Haitians to stay in the US for an additional six months.
May 31 – President Trump meets with the Vietnamese prime minister and overseas the signing of a trade deal
June 2017
June was a relatively slow month except for the Steve Scalise shooting. The Russia investigation dragged on through the summer. President Trump blamed Jeff Sessions for recusing himself from the Russia probe. He announced the US was withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement. Congress worked on repealing Obamacare and the House passed a major repeal of the Dodd-Frank financial regulations. The Supreme Court delivered a white pill by reinstating the travel ban pending a ruling on it.
OD is kicked off Donately at the end of June. The League of the South holds its 2017 annual conference in Alabama. Vanguard America attends the This Is Texas rally in Houston and holds the Texas Is Ours Rally in Austin. In Washington, DC, the Alt-Right and Alt-Lite host dueling free speech rallies. It is a humiliation for the Alt-Lite. The #UniteTheRight rally in Charlottesville is announced.
June 1 – President Trump announces his intent to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate agreement
June 2 – President Trump signs the American Law Enforcement Heroes Act and the Public Safety Officers Benefits Act
June 6 – President Trump takes credit for helping to instigate the diplomatic severing of ties between Qatar and other Sunni nations led by Saudi Arabia
June 7: Jeff Sessions in the Trump dog house
Articles: WELP: Jeff Sessions Apparently Close To Resignation From Trump Administration
June 11 – This Is Texas Patriot Cucks Rally In Houston, TX
Articles: This Is Texas: Patriot Cucks Attacked The Alt-Right
June 8 – House passes the Financial CHOICE Act which is a rollback of the Dodd-Frank financial regulations
June 14 – Steve Scalise shooting in Alexandria, VA
Articles: Bernie Supporter Guns Down Republican Congressman In Alexandria, VA
June 15 – Southern Baptist Convention Condemns The Alt-Right
June 16 – President Trump announces a rollback of the Obama administration easing of restrictions on Cuba.
June 17 – Texas Is Ours Rally
June 20 – President Trump meets with Ukranian president Petro Poroshenko as new sanctions against Russia are announced
June 23 – President Trump signs the VA Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act
June 24 – 2017 League of the South National Conference
Articles: Review: 2017 League of the South Conference
June 26 – Alt-Right and Alt-Lite square off with dueling rallies in Washington, DC
Articles: Alt-Right Rally Outdraws Alt-Lite Rally In Washington, DC, SPLC Cries About Alt-Right Free Speech Rally In Washington, DC
June 26 – US Supreme Court reinstates the travel ban. President Trump warns Bashar al-Assad he will “pay a heavy military price” if he authorizes another chemical weapons attack
Articles: MILO Holds Coming Out As Conservative Rally In NYC, Supreme Court Will Hear Travel Ban Case
June 27 – Mitch McConnell postpones a vote on Obamacare repeal in the Senate after failing to secure the votes, Facebook announces massive crackdown on “hate speech”
June 28 – Donately Censors Occidental Dissent For “Hate Speech”
June 29 – House passes Kate’s Law and the No Sanctuary For Criminals Act.
July 2017
July was a month of turmoil in the Trump White House. It was the culmination of the failure of healthcare reform with three versions of Obamacare repeal going down in the Senate. John McCain voted against the last version. Sean Spicer and Reince Priebus left the White House. Anthony Scaramucci (aka The Mooch) was brought on board as White House Communications Director. He lasted for ten days. This was also the culmination of Trump’s feud with Jeff Sessions. Congress did manage to pass new sanctions on Russia.
There weren’t any Alt-Right rallies in July. Amren held its annual conference in Tennessee. Charlottesville hosted a Klan rally on July 8th. The whole month of July was spent promoting the #UniteTheRight rally which was to take place in Charlottesville on August 12th. While the Trump administration was on the ropes, the Alt-Right was feeling great after the turn to street activism in April.
July 6 – President Trump delivers a speech in Poland about shared democratic values and calls on Russia to cease destabilizing activity
July 7 – President Trump attends the G20 Summit hosted by Angela Merkel
July 8 – Loyal White Knights host rally in Jackson Park in Charlottesville, VA
July 12 – The Trump Presidency: Six Months Later
“As we approach the six months mark, I can’t get over my disillusionment. Broadly speaking, there hasn’t been much in the way of real change. The Alt-Lite was empowered and homosexuality was mainstreamed, but the same taboos which were holding back our community two years ago have been preserved. There hasn’t been any big change in our foreign policy, our trade policy or our immigration policy. There are no big legislative accomplishments. The massive cultural and economic problems which Trump highlighted during the campaign haven’t been addressed with anything except the same conventional solutions. It feels like the same people who were repudiated in the election are still in power.
“America First” seemed to promise more … than this. Maybe I am just not not seeing all the great transformative things that Trump has been doing to Make America Great Again. It looks to me like we are muddling through. I don’t see it turning around at this point either.”
July 14 – Gary Cohn and HR McMaster: The Trump Vision for America Abroad
July 19 – Healthcare reform failing in the Senate
Articles: Cuckservatives Fail On Healthcare Crusade, Bleed Themselves White In The Process, Senate Vote On Suicidal GOP Healthcare Bill Postponed Due To Taxpayer-Covered John McCain Surgery
July 21 – Anthony Scaramucci appointed White House Communications Director, Sean Spicer resigns as White House Press Secretary
July 21 – Lauren Southern banned from Patreon
July 22 – Jared Kushner meets with Lindsey Graham to discuss immigration
Articles: WELP: Jared Kushner Travels To Capitol Hill For Immigration Discussions With Lindsey Graham
July 26 – President Trump calls for a ban on transsexuals serving in the US military
Articles: White Pill: Trump Bans Transsexuals From Serving In The Military
July 27 – President Trump feuds with Jeff Sessions, Russia Sanctions
Articles: Anti Russian Sanctions, Congress Votes 419-3, Donald Trump Dumps Jeff Sessions, Memo To Donald: Canning Jeff Sessions Would Be The Type Of Retardation Legends Are Made Of
Podcasts: Illusion Radio: Dr. Illusion & Hunter Wallace Discuss The Jeff Sessions Controversy, Dr. Duke & Hunter Wallace — Zio Coup in White House Before Trump is Kicked Out & Big Charlottesville Aug 12 Rally!
July 27 – Healthcare reform collapses in the Senate as Skinny Repeal, the third version, goes down in defeat
Articles: LOL: Senator McCancer Votes Against Obamacare Repeal, Republicans Humiliated Again
July 28 – July 30 – 2017 American Renaissance Conference in Dickson, TN
July 28 – Reince Priebus resigns, General John Kelly picked for White House Chief of Staff, House and Senate pass sanctions on Russia
July 31 – The Mooch is removed as White House Communications Director, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin announces new sanctions on Venezuela
Articles: Mooch Screws The Pooch: Big Tony Scaramucci Fired After Only Ten Days In Office, Italians Gone Wild: What The Hell Is Going On Inside The White House?