Ask the average American what he or she thinks of Nelson Mandela, and the answer you receive will range from generally positive to an advocacy for sainthood. The narrative has been internalized to the point where the people of this country genuinely and uncritically accept the stories that he was a proponent of non-violent struggle against the racist Apartheid regime of the then Republic of South Africa. He was not imprisoned for committing any crime, but rather merely for his belief that black South Africans should enjoy equal rights with the whites. He was his country’s Gandhi, or so we are told.
But as with most historical narratives in the post-World War II era, there is the “truth” of what we are told and there is the TRUTH of what actually happened. And the reality of Nelson Mandela is that he was a violent communist who perpetrated acts of savagery against both his own people and those he sought to replace in governing South Africa. A terrorist who sanctioned unspeakable acts of violence in pursuit of political power. A man who was far more racist than any in the white Apartheid government. Far from being a Gandhi or a Martin Luther King (a flawed and perverted man in his own right, but not a violent one), Nelson Mandela was the Lenin of South Africa. A brutal Marxist despot of whom the best that one can say is that he was not as bad as his successors.
To get a true sense of the man and to break the spell surrounding him, we must go back in time before his birth in 1918. One of the main reasons that popular opinion is so slanted against white rule in South Africa is due to our Western sensibilities, specifically the unfortunate fascination with Democracy and the recent shift in popular opinion against imperialism. It is said that white rule was bad because the whites came and took the land from the native blacks and then worked to keep them in a subservient position through legal restrictions such as Apartheid. The truth is more complex. Simply put, there is no rational justification one can make to support this claim as it applies to either the Dutch nor the English settlers of South Africa viz the Bantu peoples who now form the overwhelming ethnic majority of the nation. Why? The Bantu were not present in the region prior to the arrival of whites. The Cape of South Africa was sparsely populated with primitive Bushmen and it was not until the British and Dutch began commercializing the region that the Bantu began to emigrate. They were an imported source of labor, not the original inhabitants of the land. And they devastated many other tribes on their journey from their Central African homelands to Southern Africa.
The white Europeans found a primitive land and made it prosper. They did not strive to keep the blacks down, but allowed them to thrive. Until the advent of European settlement, no African tribe grew to the size of the present-day Bantu. Their lack of technological development and societal organization precluded civilization and expansion in any real sense of the words. For example, the Bantu had not invented the wheel before they made contact with whites, nor did they have draft animals with which to till and improve the land. Subsistence level societies are, by their definition, limited in size and scope. The surpluses of food created by the white farmers and the hospitals and schools they built created the population boom which was ultimately used to justify the theft of the countries they built out of nothing. Yes, the Bantu now form the majority of the countries of the former British protectorates in the region, but without European intervention, they would remain the half-starved primitives that they had been for thousands of years before our arrival on the Dark Continent. A condition they seem hell bent on returning to if Zimbabwe and South Africa are any indication.
With the claims of injustice toward the people of Nelson Mandela now shattered, we can now shift our focus to disproving the contention that he himself was put upon merely for the color of his skin and his belief that black Africans ought to run South Africa on the basis of their majority status, regardless of their intellectual or moral capability to do so. As is true of most anti-European movements made by black Africans in the post-war era, the African National Congress (ANC), was an Afrocentric communist organization. Its goal was to overthrow the white regime and expropriate land from whites that it falsely claimed had been stolen from blacks. Afrocentric Marxism is even worse than the system from whence it derives the basis its ideology, because it centers entirely on racial strife. The whites had prosperity and the blacks did not (relative to the whites, irrespective of their condition prior to 1600), thus the former must be destroyed and the latter the beneficiary. Poor whites would not be permitted to enjoy the “fruits” of redistribution and expropriation, as we can see in modern South Africa in the form of one million white persons living in squatter camps. Racial Marxism creates a permanent hatred of the minority group by the majority group and an eternal scapegoat for the failures of the regime: it’s always the white people’s fault, let us take more from them. There is no finer example of this than in the person of Julius Malema, who in no uncertain terms has placed every white life remaining in South Africa in mortal jeopardy with his rhetoric. Should he gain power, a total genocide is a very real possibility. In a cruel bit of irony, Mandela’s Afrocentric Marxism is what Apartheid was accused of being. But I am getting ahead of myself. A slippery slope in logic is a fallacy, in politics it is a certainty.
The ANC of the 1950s was a terrorist organization in every sense of the word, using violent intimidation as a means of causing political upheaval and eventually regime change. There were bombings and murder, as well as armed insurrectionary struggle. Of course, as was true of all the black led communist rebellions, the armed fighting was woefully inept in the face of trained government forces, and the ANC shifted toward a campaign of guerrilla terror, particularly after Mandela founded the militant wing of the ANC the Umkhonto we Sizwe, or Spear of the Nation in 1961. While there were some high-profile attacks against white targets, the majority of the victims were black Africans who were content to remain under white rule. It was in connection to these violent activities, not the political ones of the ANC, that Mandela was arrested and imprisoned for 27 years.
His imprisonment did not end his connections to the ANC’s campaign of terror. The government of South Africa required merely that Mandela renounce the use of violence in pursuit of his political aims in order to secure his release. Not only did he refuse this offer, but he continued to direct terrorist activities from his jail cell. It is here we will discuss the practice of “necklacing”, in which a person is bound to the ground with ropes, has a tire placed over his or her head which is then with gasoline and set aflame, leaving the person writing in horrible agony for the brief remainder of life afforded to him or her. This practice was so heinous that not even the authors of Mandela panegyrics could ignore it, particularly given that most people so murdered were black. Because it cannot be denied that these murders occurred and were obviously committed by the ANC, the blame had to be shifted away from Nelson. His wife Winnie represented a convenient scapegoat for fans of Nelson. Specifically, they point to the couple’s divorce shortly after Nelson’s release from prison as “proof” that he did not approve of her violent tactics. This is utter nonsense, as he himself founded the Spear which she ran in his absence. Had he condemned Winnie and these attacks, he would have been a free man. That he did not is proof that he condoned them if not outright participated in their logistical planning and execution from his cell.
Upon his release in 1990 and subsequent assumption of the role of President of South Africa in 1994, the real Mandela continued to be far worse than the one we heard about on TV. While it is true that he was one of the less radical members of the ANC and angered a great many people by not going far enough in his pursuit of Marxist retribution against the whites in South Africa, that does not change the fact that his communist regime punished the successful whites on the basis of their skin color. Not only to the detriment of white people, but to his own people, as the economy of South Africa imploded because of ANC policies. This is worth noting, because the nation had enjoyed economic prosperity despite being an international pariah because of Apartheid; Mandela helped to kill what economic sanctions could not: a vibrant South African economy.
Politically, the situation was little better, with Mandela’s ANC forming a stranglehold on the electoral landscape, creating a system of one party authoritarian rule under the hollow sham of democracy. This was in no small part due to the animus instilled by the rhetoric of the ANC. This sad turn of events had been predicted by Rhodesian Prime Minister Ian Smith in 1976, should black majority government take the place of white minority rule. Imposing a system foreign to a people and not developed organically leads to disastrous results. To borrow from Smith again, by jumping the gun and giving all blacks a voice in politics before they were ready, it ensured the success of a party and a system which has done nothing but destroy their country was selected. This is a phenomenon not unlike the more recent Arab Spring, in which democracy led to the adoption of militant Islamic fundamentalism replacing westernized totalitarianism. As bad as democracy is generally, it is worse if a people have not undergone the political and social evolutionary processes which precede its adoption.
While the universal franchise has created a disastrous outcome for the blacks of South Africa, it has been even worse for the whites. White voices are not heard, and white concerns ignored despite the fact that even in the face of economic terrorism enacted by the ANC, they still form the backbone of the economy. And when the government had failed to improve the material standard of the black majority –indeed it declined along with the economic fortunes of the nation generally—Mandela, and even more so his successors, leaned harder and more heavily on the white population to the detriment of all South Africans. This is of course to say nothing about the guerilla campaign of terror against white Africans, to the tune of at least 80,000 murders in the past decade.
Four years after the death of South Africa’s Lenin, the nation stands in crisis. The economy is worse than it has ever been, threatening to tumble down the Marxist rabbit hole of starvation and hyperinflation its Zimbabwean neighbor to the north did under Robert Mugabe. The ANC itself is on the brink of civil war, and it is quite clear from the rhetoric of both factions of the party that whoever wins, the white minority will lose. Their property if not their lives. The only question is who will be the South African Stalin to Mandela’s Lenin. Nelson was no hero. He was no saint. He was a terrorist communist and a man who might very well end up having the blood of 4 million whites on his hands thanks to the political organism he helped bring into being. A toll to be added to the unknown number of people he and his organization killed during its march to power.
The white government was a blessing, not a burden, for the South African people. While it is true that the blacks had a lower standard of living than the whites, that standard was far higher than it had been prior to the arrival of European settlers and higher than it is now under black “democratic” government. And while I hold no illusion of a return to a white-ruled South Africa, nor even of policies friendlier to these people, I do think we must act in trying to save them. Property can be replaced. People cannot. We can and must stand up for them when the media and governments of the world are turning a blind eye toward their plight.
-By Goy Rogers and originally published on Identity Dixie.
Slot Machine’s Vera Winterose contributed to the research and fact checking of this piece. If you want to learn more about South Africa’s history and the dire situation of the nation’s white people, please visit http://slotmachine.libsyn.com/ or you can catch Vera’s podcast which is hosted here on Identity Dixie and on TRS.
I have no idea what Clint Eastwood was thinking when he produced the movie “Invictus”, starring Morgan Freeman and the annoying Matt Damon.
Eastwood went left after 1980 to get better ratings from the far left and homo critics. Seems just lately he’s felt a tiny bit of guilt and is trying to turn right again ? That, and a few other films he’s made, really suck.
I have BEGGED South Africans – and that means White, not the jungle monkeys – to leave SA and come here. They don’t – and continue to be slaughtered. The only refugee I have met is a South African Jew. His family’s property was confiscated. He and his wife are doing just fine. He was very surprised, and a wee bit wary over the fact that I knew all about reality on the ground in SA. His co-ethnics helped him get established in the JewSA, of course.
My co-ethnics……………what can we do if they won’t LEAVE?
For them to leave, it’s either going to have to get REALLY bad for them there, like full out genocide, or western nations are going to have to put considerable time and effort into luring them over, i.e. “We know your plight, and we want to help you. Come here as refugees, and we will give you all the help you need to get settled in safety.”
A lot of them are either not uncomfortable enough to leave, or else they’re afraid to go somewhere completely foreign to them with no guarantees of a helping hand to get them set. If only our traitorous leaders would show them the same courtesy they show the third-world browns…
The Rivonia court case, which sent Mandela and his cohorts to prison:
While the hot phase of the Cold War war was raging on our borders (see Fred Bridgeland, The War for Africa, 12 months that transformed a continent) – Vimeo, Angola the War:
and the world had a weapons boycott against us, the ANC and associated revolutionaries where destabilizing South Africa in order to bring about a communist puppet state, thus getting hold of its rich resources (inter alia Uranium and other scare minerals, which made up the Wests ICBM’s) and the Cape sea route (oil ships to Europe! They could then have toppled Europe and the USA next). everyday reality for South Africans of all races going to work in the urban and rural regions:
The police special branch (Internal Stability Division – there is a facebook presence where one can contact those people, they are the time witnesses and know all about it) fighting communist inspired unrests, backed by the Defense Force (see the book by Anthea Jeffery, Peoples War):
Today we veterans (Angola, Rhodesia, South Africa) have grown old, and the world has forgotten about us, except for a very small circle of initiated. Many of us struggle just to survive. Once the fate of the West lied in our hands.
Mandela is just a Nigger, period. Niggers don’t have political ideologies or opinions, save the ones they last heard from some seemingly authoritative White person/Jew. Political ideology, like Christianity, is just some more Mumbo-Jumbo to add to their superstitious world view.
“ Political ideology, like Christianity, is just some more Mumbo-Jumbo to add to their superstitious world view.“
And that view… Is the position of the traitors to the White Race. You cannot be a white man, and not submit your self to Jesus Christ. You’re no better off than Hillary Clinton.You are a traitor. To this country, to your God, and to your race. Repent!
@Fr. John+
To Niggers, Christianity is Mumbo-Jumbo. Not to me. Religion, Politics, electricity, toilet paper, are all White Man’s JuJu.
To think the present “Pope” is staking the future of the Catholic Church on a 3rd world majority population.
@Mr. Owen: Good to see you posting here again. You were conspicuous by your absence!
Denise, Solidus -you don’t understand.
The Boer consider South Africa their homeland, the place where their people have bled and died. They alone are the elect of God-and it’s no coincidence that they are Dutch Calvinists!
The rightly consider the African the ’beast of the field’-an appellation with which all of the South in United States history, is well acquainted with!
Why should a religiously motivated people (whose native language is not English) want to come to this hellhole, which is so utterly corrupt and Judaized?
You two are still thinking as though God has blessed America, even if you deny His existence. The only thing that is happening right now in the US, is the gathering of forces for a battle.
We are going to have a Civil War: and that war will be played out between the godless-Jews, Niggers, faggots, dykes and feminazi/lesbians, the usual suspects…
And the White Man… who, even if he’s in disobedience against God, is still the Elect of that God. The S. African Whites may genocide themselves out of existence, and it’s not our place to criticize them. We need to be preparing for our own apartheid war. Deo Volente.
South Africa is a beautiful country and the Boers / Afrikaners have lived there for many generations. They shouldn’t have to leave. Whites should NEVER be forced to flee from any place at any time. But why don’t they fight back against those inferior nigger animals, for god’s sake? And why can’t they learn to live without nigger house-servants and field hands?
I think they have affirmative action laws where every white-owned business has to hire a certain number or percentage of blacks as workers. When blacks are over 80% of the population and STILL need affirmative action to succeed, it is yet another shining example of the negro’s sheer incompetence and stupidity.
Over 80%? Jeez, any time the coon population exceeds 5% that’s cause for alarm.
Yeah, the ANC has been running the country right into the ground since 1994 yet they still can successfully convince the majority black population that its the Afrikaner’s fault they are so poor! I swear blacks are overgrown children who will believe anything!
Side note. If a disease broke out that only affected niggers, and it rapidly killed them all, there’d be a huge land rush on Africa and subsequent wars over the vast, natural wealth of that place.
re. Eastwood: totally phony cuck pseudocon hiding behind “patriotism”.
God, when that old darky Mandela finally croaked the establishment jewsmedia went ape-shit blubbering over his demise. You would have thought it was Lord Buddha or Moses who had passed away! Too bad the Apartheid government didn’t hang that black bastard when they had the chance.
What you need to save America is what saved Germany from the corrupt Weimar Republic (at least they had 12 years of freedom)…..a military coup and kick the parasite out! Me thinks Trump might just have a surprise in stall for all!
T’would be nice, but…keep dreaming.
Gee, I wonder where Mandela got his training.
Huh. Quite a cohencidence.