We’re taking a short music break, presenting a song that is both old and new. TAEVIN is the talented young artist covering a beloved song from the 1980s Fleetwood Mac’s “Little Lies”. We like to use this song in social media to counter the recurring lies in the Lib Leftist anti Southern, Anti White media and also expose the recurring lies of the Neo Conservative, Zionist, Christian Zionists war mongers lying about Russia, Serbia, Assad’s Syria (“ASSAD IS HITLER, HE’S GASSING LITTLE CHILDREN”).
Here’s the link to TEAVIN’s Music Video “Little Lies” Link
If you enjoy this song as much as we do, please drop by a music store like iTunes or contact the artist and purchase the song for a modest price $1-$1.50.
And let’s all do our simple best to counter the constant lies of the media mafia that hates our people.