I’ve been called an Eeyore for pointing out the conventional wisdom on the Trump presidency:
“He has pursued an aggressive deregulation agenda; the tax cut bill he signed (which included drastic reductions in corporate taxes) could have been pursued by just about any Republican president; his judicial picks led by Justice Neil Gorsuch have come straight from the Federalist Society crowd; he’s shown himself to be a Second Amendment enthusiast; and arguably, he’s operationally been the most pro-life president in history.
At the same time, many of the more populist policies on which he broke with traditional limited government conservatives during the campaign haven’t come into fruition. He hasn’t followed through on his tough talk against China and didn’t use tax reform as an opportunity to tax imports.
In addition, his promise of a $1 trillion infrastructure bill has gotten nowhere, and during the healthcare debate, he never pushed the idea of having Medicare negotiate drug prices, which he wildly claimed during the campaign would allow him to save the government hundreds of billions of dollars annually.
He hasn’t gotten Mexico — or the Republican Congress — to pay for a wall, many of his immigration moves have been stymied by the courts, and pending current negotiations, his hawkish immigration goals have still not been realized.
So, to sum up: Trump has tangible accomplishments when it comes to deregulation, cutting taxes, and appointing conservative judges. Yet on infrastructure, immigration, and trade, his populist promises remain unfulfilled. …”
A year later, the “populist-nationalist revolution” has amounted to restoring mainstream conservatism to power. Who knew a year ago that we would be indefinitely occupying Syria?
Everyone in the mainstream. Everyone in economics. Experts on everything from trade to immigration are saying it. They are stating the obvious but many in the alt-right want to live in fantasy land. They want to live in a world where rhetoric is enough. Policy doesn’t matter – all that matters is tweets. That is all Trump has to to is throw them a controversial statement and they get super excited. They literally expect nothing tangible from this man. He just has to make them feel good about their vote by using rhetoric.
Hell, it looks like the Democrats have saved us on DACA by offering Trump a deal so ridiculous he couldn’t go along with it because he has made it clear over and over that he wants to do DACA.
never mind DACA
it’s a red herring: you are being played.
30 million orc “illegals” were here yesterday.
they, and more of them, are here today. And
they, and still more of them, will be here tomorrow.
DACA or no DACA.
It’s a recipe designed to piss off everyone and please no one.
true, true, but at least trump says some stuff that no other gop president would have said…ultimately, we must put our faith in propaganda…we need to create and disseminate our ideas….reality supports our ideas…and trump does spread some of our ideas…
Some people aren’t taking into consideration how much opposition Trump gets. Imagine Hitler trying to work with Jewish communists.
“Following the Reichstag fire, the Nazis began to suspend civil liberties and eliminate political opposition. The Communists were excluded from the Reichstag. At the March 1933 elections, again no single party secured a majority. Hitler required the vote of the Centre Party and Conservatives in the Reichstag to obtain the powers he desired. He called on Reichstag members to vote for the Enabling Act on 24 March 1933. Hitler was granted plenary powers “temporarily” by the passage of the Act. The law gave him the freedom to act without parliamentary consent and even without constitutional limitations.”
When Trump’s supporters include the likes of Stephen Moore and Larry Kudlow you know he’s not really on our side.