Matt Heimbach and Tony Hovater of the Traditionalist Worker Party hosted a rally in Knoxville to protest abortion and counterprotest the Women’s March:
“Before the first speaker took the stage for the Women’s March, about 20 white separatists from the Traditionalist Worker Party marched up the street, under a police escort and greeted by jeers and curses.
Protest organizer Matthew Heimbach of Cincinnati, who helped lead a far-right demonstration that turned deadly in Charlottesville, Va., last year, said his group showed up to protest what he called a pro-abortion feminist agenda. He spent the first few minutes blowing kisses to hecklers from across a metal barricade and a line of police officers on a divided Market Street.
Heimbach’s presence led police to set up checkpoints screened by metal detectors to separate the competing events. Police found no weapons on either side.
Around 1,000 people gather to listen to speakers in Knoxville on Sunday, Jan. 21, 2018, for the Women’s March. News Sentinel
“We have a very strong local unit here in Knoxville, and we want to show the majority of people aren’t represented by the radical feminist agenda,” Heimbach said. …”
This was a local action by the Knoxville unit.
I see that several members of the League of the South participated. If the goal here was to insert Traditionalist Worker Party into the story without the negatives of violence, it succeeded. There were no arrests or injuries. It appears that about 20 or so Antifa showed up with pink bandanas. They announced they were gay and did some trolling on social media before calling it a day.
Here is TWP marching into their zone:
Roughly 20 members of the Traditionalist Worker Party just marched into Market Square, chanting "Unborn lives matter," among other things. They're now going through the screening process to get into the counter-protestor section. pic.twitter.com/VICZINqAz5
— Travis Dorman (@travdorman) January 21, 2018
Seriously, this is where Antifa march into their zone claiming to be gay:
In other news, I see that Knoxville handled this event with the ‘stadium plan’ again. TWP was disarmed and penned behind a barrier. No flag poles were allowed. This was the same setup we saw at White Lives Matter in Shelbyville and Murfreesboro and a similar event in Memphis earlier this month. It is worth noting that ALL of these events in Tennessee have been peaceful.
Note: As I have said from Day One, Charlottesville dropped the ball at Unite the Right by ordering the police to stand down so that violence would erupt.
I might have to join the TWP, with the intention of whipping them into shape and then taking absolute control.
Ach so mein fuhrer.
Good luck, boy.
Very smart. Empathize with Christians and their cause and they will empathize with us.
What do you think this country was founded on? Atheist laws?
The pseudo-atheists are merely indulging their desire to remain autonomous (like Liberals always do) while not realizing they are not yet on ‘our’ side. They want their degeneracy and alt-right, too.
Off topic:
Mexican cartel memebers behead father and cut out heart of the man’s son while he is still alive, and videotape it.
A brutal video displaying Mexican values.
I know everyone has darkness and evil inside them but the savagery is another level here folks. All this can be attributed to the FAILED war on drugs. Something needs to happen. Either invade mexihell or legalize drugs. I vote for the ladder. Drug use should be legal but not encouraged.
Just WALL off Mexico and send their people home, the problems are at least partially genetic
@based bemidji
The war on drugs wouldn’t fail if it wasn’t for the failures who lead this stupid parade. I also don’t think drugs should ever have been illegal but we cannot go the direction of condoning our weak population killing themselves! They are too defeated by their addictions and lack of morality to make healthy choices for themselves. It’s also not OUR best interest to let them kill themselves off, no we must think like Adolf Hitler and have HOPE deep in our core. He said the seeds of a better generation lie within these people. We must fight to free these troubled souls and restore our future!
I have a lot of family addicted to drugs Oxycontin morphine and Meth mostly. I wish they would kill themselves with there drug of choice. My aunt has 3 kids and she lost parental rights to them all she is a scab on my family tree and to society. I say let the drug users kill themselves and save the rest of us grief. Kids raised by drug addicts are more likely to use drugs themselves there are few exceptions including my brother and myself.
Hey, Bemidj- Did you see the news item where the Libs and other losers in Collegeville/St. Joe got a dose of ‘It’s ok to be White’ posters- scared the sh*t out of them. Damn idiots, the entire lot, being shepherded by the faggot ‘priests’ at Regurgitall Press in C’ville, [North]
You know Minnesota is a funny place. So liberal with so many things and very conservative with others. We are finally able to buy alcohol on sundays. The marijuana law is the most restrictive in the whole country. There are only 2 places to go in the state for an abortion. But the fags are everywhere and we have the 3rd highest tax rate in the country.
As for the rally, we REALLY have GOT to stop wearing all black. You can evidently see the problem of this by the man in the blue shirt on the corner as TWP passes. Let’s call him John Doe.
John definitely knew he wasn’t with Antifa, but he didn’t warm up to the Goth Squad passing by him either. I beg the TWP and the League to really shape up!!! It is imperative. How about blue and Khaki?
One more thing, I would rather be at an unprotected rally with defensive ability than at a “protected rally” without anything. Just my two cents on the disarming of our guys.
I was there with my pregnant wife and at no time felt I needed to be armed to defend myself and her. The police presence in Knoxville was professional and all-encompassing, making any weapons we may have used redundant. Honestly, when you’re escorted in by 20 riot cops, your cars are protected by 10 more TSP, and police literally surround you to keep out the unwashed masses, there really isn’t anything to worry about.
As for the black, I thought they looked professional and slick. You can’t get a much more timeless look.
@dan es
Well you are very naive for trusting cops. CHARLOTTESVILLE
I have to agree as to the point of dressing the same. I believe everyday folks are put off by such tactics. Uniformity of flags and imagery, sure thing, but clothes of the individual sets off alarms in the subconscious. I understand the whole concept thinking of what’s best for community and culture, but dressing the same spooks the heard.
Start your own group and show us how it is done.
Blue and khaki sounds really cute…
Cute? What kinda jab is that? Open up your eyes to what I said and LISTEN rather than talk.
Like I said, if you don’t like our optics, then go start a group and show us how it is done.
TWP is growing by the day, both in membership and resources…I think we will stick to what works for us.
If you want to appeal to a different audience that likes khakis and polos, then by all means start a group.
Muh bad optics…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REw4G20pweA
@mark saint
Uniformity has always been used by successful sociopolitical movements. Letting everyone just come “as is” looks lazy and unprofessional, at best.
If someone is that much of a radical individualist to be turned off by uniformity, then they aren’t worth our time. Let them go with the IIIpers, who always look “super cool” with their mismatched camo.
@Nationalist Front TN
I applaud the action taken and the method of association of common intrest of our cause with the broader social intrest folks within healthy culture. I’m not advocating unkept appearance, I’m advocating they show up well dressed.
Could you define well dressed?
@Nationalist Front: I hope you are not indicative of what the rest of your crew is like. A lot of people are already underwhelmed with the TWP and NSM as it is.
I’m underwhelmed by anyone who puts a swastika on an federal rag…
The Traditional Workers Party showed up, marched without incident, and took the right side of the Abortion debate. We don’t need young, White women aborting their babies, and that is what’s happening. Blacks, Hispanics, and others have their children without a single care of who will pay for their kids. It’s always Uncle Scam, by way of the extorted White Taxpayer.
We need our children to be born, and we need to donate to White families, or to single White mothers, who don’t have the financial resources to provide for their babies. Moral support, or volunteering to drive the mother and infant to the Pediatrician, or the Grocery Store, could make a huge difference in how they care for themselves, and their children. Let’s do more than talk, and take an active part in helping our future generations.
I know a lot of people don’t want to hear it, but pictures like the one at the top are why young guys avoided WN for so long.
Most of the guys we have at rallies are under 23 years old.
This is more appealing to the youth
Than this