Guinea-Bissau is an impoverished former Portuguese colony in West Africa.
During Black History Month 2018, we’ve looked at Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Niger and Central African Republic which were French colonies. Ghana, The Gambia and South Sudan (formerly part of Sudan) were British colonies. Guinea-Bissau is part of a set of former Portuguese colonies in sub-Saharan Africa that includes Cape Verde*, São Tomé and Príncipe, Angola and Mozambique.
The Portuguese were the first Europeans in sub-Saharan Africa and the last to leave. They left on very different terms than the British and French. The French put up a fight to hold on to their colonies in Vietnam and Algeria. In order to avoid a repeat of that scenario, the French installed friendly elites in power, granted African countries their independence and tended to remain on good terms with most of their former colonies in Francophone Africa. After the British lost control over their more important colonies in Egypt and India, they had little incentive to fight back bloody guerrilla wars to hang on to the backwaters of the British Empire in Black Africa. The British saw their black African colonies as “trusteeships” and were relieved to be rid of the White Man’s Burden.
In Portuguese Africa, the bloody guerrilla wars for independence that the British, French and Belgians had feared and which prompted them to grant independence to their negroes without a fight came true. The Portuguese were determined to hang on to their African colonies and became embroiled in Marxist-Leninist guerrilla wars in Guinea-Bissau, Angola and Mozambique. Thus began Portugal’s own Vietnam which dragged on from 1961 and ended in the Carnation Revolution in 1974.
The Portuguese were largely successful in beating back the Marxist-Leninist guerrillas in Angola and Mozambique which were the Portuguese equivalent of Algeria where a significant number of overseas colonists had settled. In Guinea-Bissau, the Marxist-Leninist guerrillas led by Amílcar Cabral with Cuban and Soviet support were successful in taking over large swathes of the country. Ultimately, it didn’t matter because the Portuguese Empire in Africa abruptly collapsed after a leftwing military coup in Portugal in 1974. Dubbed the Carnation Revolution, Portugal’s African colonies were swiftly granted their independence and promptly fell into the Soviet-Cuban orbit.
Amílcar Cabral didn’t live to see it. He was assassinated in neighboring Guinea in 1973, but Guinea-Bissau fell like an apple into the hands of Afrocentric Marxism. Unlike neighboring countries such as Senegal or Ivory Coast where French administrators stayed behind to assist with the transition, the administrative state was decapitated in Guinea-Bissau which was launched into independence under the leadership of Amílcar Cabral’s half brother Luís Cabral. Guinea-Bissau’s rough transition to independence more closely resembled the communist takeover in Fidel Castro’s Cuba.
“African socialism” in some form or another was implemented in Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Ghana, Senegal, Mali and Tanzania. Modibo Keïta, the first president of Mali, described it as “a system where there will be no unemployed, and there will be no multimillionaires … a system where there will be no beggars, and where each will eat if hungry.” In Ghana, the Kwame Nkrumah Ideological Institute defined Nkrumahism as “the ideology for the New Africa, independent and absolutely free from imperialism, organised on a continental scale, founded upon the conception of One and United Africa, drawing its strength from modern science and technology and from the traditional African belief that the free development of each is conditioned by the free development of all.”
Fastforward to 2018: Guinea-Bissau is rated #178 out of 188 nations in the UN Human Development Index. Just as The Gambia is still dependent upon peanut exports, Guinea-Bissau’s cash crop is cashews … and cocaine, which is smuggled from South America into Europe. Once called the “Slave Coast,” Guinea-Bissau has now rebranded for the 21st century as the “Cocaine Coast.”
* When the Portuguese arrived in West Africa, they found the Cape Verde islands and São Tomé and Príncipe were uninhabited. Even though Black Africans failed to colonize the islands off their own coast, Afrocentrists claim that an ancient black seafaring civilization colonized Central America.
At the other end of Africa, the island of Madagascar (250 miles off the coast) was first settled by Southeast Asians who came all the way from Borneo in canoes.
“African Socialism.”
Politics and ideology are meaningless to Stone Age peoples and their limited, tribal ways.
where are you getting all this content, Hunter?
starting to become a pretty good website
Lately, I’ve been studying and writing about some of the countries I have neglected in the past. I know far more about Central Africa, East Africa, Southern Africa and especially the Caribbean. We’re about to get into the main course tonight.
You should read his analyses of the slave trade in America, and the differences between the South and the Yankees.
In the first few years I started frequenting this website, this was Hunter’s forté… Indeed, it was the reason why I kept coming back to this website. An intelligent young man, HW has a very insightful way of looking at history; and how the problems of today, need to be addressed by acknowledging the failures of the past.
Trouble is, Jews (and other degenerate liberals) refuse to look at history, because they’re the losers in it, And so, (((they))) would rather fall all over themselves pretending that Talmudic Marxism somehow has some real world relevance, rather than admit their own uselessness….
No, analyzing the slave trade in America is NOT Hunter’s forte. He is misinformed in his claim that it wasn’t mostly controlled by jews. They were just more crypto, as was the tradition in England. There is absolute, proven history of the sephardic jews going into England right before the boom in the slave trade that was, in all other areas, largely controlled by ‘out’ jews.
The European nations are continually castigated, guilted and bullied about their colonies in Africa. All of this jewedhistory unloaded upon happless Whites in jewschool conveniently neglects that the Ottoman Empire was busy in Africa for many centuries before the Europeans began colonial conquests.
In its war of about 1300 years with Islam, Europe contended with the Ottoman fleets taking the wealth of Africa + slaves back to the Ottoman. Northwest Europe had to engage them in Africa and built colonies both there and in the East or lose that war because of all the wealth that was flowing to the Ottoman empire.