I’ve also evolved on sportsball.
“Major-college football experienced its largest per-game attendance drop in 34 years and second-largest ever, according to recently released NCAA figures.
Attendance among the 129 Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) teams in 2017 was down an average of 1,409 fans per game from 2016. That marked the largest drop since 1983 when average attendance declined 1,527 fans per game from 1982.
The 2017 FBS average of 42,203 fans per game is the lowest since 1997.
That average attendance drop marked the second-sharpest decline since the NCAA began keeping track of college football attendance in 1948. For the first time in history, average attendance declined nationally for four consecutive seasons.
The 2017 numbers include FBS home games, neutral-site games, bowl games and the College Football Playoff. …
Even the most rabid league in the country saw a dip. In 2017, the SEC experienced its sharpest per-game decline — down an average 2,433 fans — since 1992. That figure led the Power Five in fans lost per game in 2017.
While the SEC led all FBS conferences in average attendance for the 20th consecutive year, its average attendance (75,074) was the lowest since 2005. The SEC has slipped an average of 2,926 fans per game (3.7 percent) since a record 78,630 average in 2015. …”
I used to watch college football.
I had grown up with it. Alabama is a football crazy state. I used to dismiss the idea that there was any connection between college football and racial attitudes. My interest in it began to wane around the time that I got married and I didn’t watch any college football games at all in 2017.
Socially, I would only watch a football game if it was on television in a bar or a restaurant while I was eating out, or if I was over at a friend’s house and it was on television. It was Richard Spencer’s speech at Auburn that finally changed my views of the subject. I was astounded by the sheer number of Auburn students whose very sense of identity had come to be based on a football game.
Anyway, the Alt-Right is winning the argument against cuckball. Youth attitudes toward the sport are changing. We need to keep pushing the argument and decoupling sports from identity. Cuckball has peaked and it is downhill from here.
About the Auburn event – I remember hearing about one of our guys (I think he was from a Stormer Book Club) that was apparently sucker punched by someone who appeared to be on the football team.
Overgrown cuck probably wanted to stand with his Black bros…
Too bad it wasn’t you “Marcus”… I’d have lit your ass up if you’d have brought your crap on my campus back in my college days…
Yeah! How dare you bring differing ideas on a jewniversity campus! Stolen Valor (((el chapoberg))) will, “light you up!” with his secret special-forces super powers!
I would take turns with Marcus kicking your head with steel toed boots Crapo Chapo.
Nah, I’d do perfectly fine with regular sneakers. Hell, maybe all that soccer practice back in the day could come in handy nowadays…
I suppose you could try, although my guess is that it would end in a very humiliating way for you, maricon.
You have fire on your lips?
hey el anonymous chapo, I bet your pussy ass wouldn’t say that bullshit to mine or his face SPIC IDOLIZER. I guarantee you that you wouldn’t lay a hand on me faggot.
There was a time not long ago when boxing was quite popular but is now regarded as a rather unsavory sport. I thought the same thing would eventually happen to ape-ball but not this quickly. Maybe Vince McMahon’s XFL will revive interest, but in a pro wrestling sort of way.
Spahn is a very brilliant guy!
Don’t worry El Greaseball, you and your Pantyfa / Bonobo Lives Matter play-dates can still pretend to be Red revolutionaries. But eventually you’re all going to be curb-stomped into submission.
I repeat: ROTFLMAO!
What do they expect when they kneel for some black perp shot in the process of a crime, but ignore the many white victim’s shot, bashed or raped by blacks? Fucking hypocrits.
These sporting bodies are just employment agencies for minorities anyway, and are of no use to us. They take affirmative action to new heights.
The SEC is proof enough that White Southerners are bigger cucks than northern ethnics i.e. Italians, Irish.
It’s not that yall are “winning the argument”. The protests (that are no more disrespectful to our country than flying a confederate flag) are an NFL issue… The bottom line is that a mere 1 out of 8 college football fans are tired of watching all season long knowing the end-results (Alabama winning the National Championship). Get over yourselves please!
el chapped-ass finally scores.
most boomer, Gen-X, and millenial Whites remain nigger-worshipping shabbatz-goyim.
But Gen-Zyklon whites, who have no future in a Jew/Chink-controlled world, are spending less and less time on Jew-mediated (((sportzball))
Rest assured, there’s many older whites who have no love for nigger ball and NEVER did, including this one.
Haxo, ignore this white commie. He idolizes a dirty greasy SPIC. What a DeSPICable fag
I quit watching niggerball years ago
So therefore, you have nothing with the dropout in ratings last season… you just hate seeing future middle class blacks in the limelight while you watch in your trailor
“Future middle class blacks”
Indeed, El Crappo ripped a good one there! I don’t know what a trailor is, though.
A knee-grow NFL player can (and many do) earn tens of millions in an average three to four year career and be flat-ass broke (and many are) and non-middle class within five years of retirement because they piss all their money away on big ticket jiggaboo bling, partaying, criminal defense and tax lawyers, bitches an’ ‘ho’s and so on.
Some do go broke, but more use their money to get their masters and peruse a teaching/coaching career after their playing days end…
You realize that just making bullshit up makes you look entirely idiotic?
Yea, I’m making it all up B(wo)man…
…and he only made $300,000 (before taxes) his whole NFL career…
Go crawl back in your whole el kiko
Make me… 🙂 .You know I’m right. That’s why you have no better reaponse
@El Chapo,
Yes, those reaponses should be much more betterer!
John, wasn’t it you that said that you were going to (and tried to encourage the followers to) ignore my comments a little while back?
You once super-sighed me for deploring your support of football, especially college.
There was an old Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoon where the University, Whatsamatta U., was letting its physics department go, so they could build a new football stadium. A little while later, the physics professors were writing on a chalkboard, and someone asked them if they were doing mathematical equations. They responded that they were going over new football plays.
This seems to be a largely 20th century phenomenon. Whereas, initially, athletics used to be an extra-curricular activity, and a means to build a sense of comradarie, it later became a primary means to generate revenue. I’ve always thought that the term Athletic-Scholarship was an oxymoron. What, exactly, is scholarly about athletics? Being in shape is important, and it certainly has its place, but when did it become more important than knowledge? Some of this was touched upon in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
Whites are schmucks, to give serious attention to a child’s game.
This deserves further analysis. As in determining how much of the attendance drop is due to Negro Fatigue Syndrome and how much is due to the fake suck ass economy. Maybe a good place to start would be the empty stadium seat counts for season ticket holders and booster club members (pre and post Knee-Grow Kneelers) as well as gathering some other intel on booster club internal affairs, TV viewership, and beer wholesaler stats on deliveries to sports bars..
Those are the in-depth stats that goys aren’t supposed to look for. The very reason we need White media so our ppl can examine real news, motives and reasons.
The US needs to decouple sports from education, and eliminate all sports scholarships.
Ok, and when tuition quadruples to make up for lost revenue from ticket/jersey/concession sales; how will you afford to fund your children’s education?
Why the fuck do your children need an “education” anyway? So they maybe, might can climb the corporate ladder with a promotion to Regional Diversity and Inclusion Compliance Executive for Starbucks?
The only folks who question the importance of education are those who don’t have one… your credibility is out the window. Please decline to speak to me any further FHS
10-4 SFB. I’ll not slide into any sort of pissing contest with you about who has the most high prestige academic credentials. Whatever ones you might have represent a waste of your time and money (assuming you paid for them all out of pocket) and serve to bring disrepute to the institutions that awarded them to you.
Good grief…
El Puto, if you had any real sense you would realize that you are NOT a “radical” or “revolutionary” at all, you are shilling for the Establishment harder than any #MAGA pede or Cuckservative ever could.