#MAGA: Trump Administration Says US Troops Can Indefinitely Stay In Iraq and Syria

Why leave when our troops can stay deployed forever in places like Germany, Japan and South Korea?

“WASHINGTON — The Trump administration has decided that it needs no new legal authority from Congress to indefinitely keep American military forces deployed in Syria and Iraq, even in territory that has been cleared of Islamic State fighters, according to Pentagon and State Department officials.

In a pair of letters, the officials illuminated the Trump administration’s planning for an open-ended mission of forces in Syria beyond the Islamic State fight. Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson foreshadowed the plan in a speech last month, saying that troops will stay in Syria to curb Iran and prevent the Syrian government from reconquering rebel-held areas.

Though Mr. Tillerson also cited a need to mop up the remnants of the Islamic State and keep from leaving a vacuum in which the group could regenerate, other administration officials put far greater emphasis on the extremists. In the letters, they said that the continued potential threat from the Islamic State provided a legal rationale for the Trump administration to keep American troops deployed there indefinitely. …”

What does it matter that we are keeping troops on the ground as an occupation force in a sovereign country without a UN mandate or an invitation by its national government?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


    • @Gabby,
      Yeah its baffling. What drugs have the Jews given Trump? And what was Trump saying about foreign meddling prior to being elected? He was on our side.
      At the very least he should have said to the kikes- no wall, then no wars! But he’s so weak now that they’ve given him nothing. I jist can’t even guess whats going on. The Jews have got Trump over a barrel for whatever reason that we may never understand.
      The unelected little shits behind the scenes win out again.

    • I am heading into conspiracy theorist territory. This last shooting might be what puts me over the top. Too much weirdness here and planned activity around it. Somehow I still beleive Trump intended to do what he said. He made really bold moves right off the bat with his inaugural address. Yet has failed quite soon after an intital flourish. I now think that he has had the talk and has been personally threatened either directly or indirectly aimed at his family. What strikes me as odd is that just prior to this latest attack in Florida his daughter in law receives a package of powder. It is almost a reminder to Trump showing how easily they could get to him. And magically here comes another move to get guns and he starts folding. Very many weird things happening in this country. I apologize for the double post. I meant this to be to Gabby and mistakenly sent it as an independent post. I hope it works correctly this time

      • I’ve bounced back and forth but have tried to be positive and retain hope. Las Vegas shattered that, this school shooting makes it worse and the continued occupation of Syria makes it damn near impossible they don’t have him. I think he actually prepared to change things but I think he;s being blackmailed. The most obvious is a underage model who tried to sue him during the election who said he raped her. Supposedly she has witnesses and it was at Jeffrey Epstein’s house in NY. Could very be a lie but they must have something on him. I think Sessions is being told he and his family will be killed if he does anything and without the Presidents support he really can’t take on this kind of thing.

        If Trump wants to save the country the best thing he could do, even if guilty, is to press on and when the videos show up scream PHOTOSHOP over and over until his voice is hoarse while arresting everyone he can and firing intelligence officers in mass.

        These people are playing for keeps and eventually they are going to have to come after the people like they did in Russia. If they take our weapons they will be successful. If they are not able to then I don’t think they will be able to pull it off. I think right now they don’t have the power to take all the arms. They might get more gun laws in blue States but it doesn’t matter there. They have to have the center of the country.

        Something you might want to stock up now as they’re cheap. Those solar blankets that keep heat in. They’re cheap now but they will be taken off the market if they try to take over. If you make a poncho out of these you can’t be seen by thermal sights. BIG advantage they have in thermal sights. You have to keep the solar part from touching your skin so you need to dye some sheets brown or whatever and sew sheets to each side with the thermal in the middle. I saw special ops who said they did this and couldn’t see people in a room with these on with thermal sights. Thermal sites is probably one of the biggest advantage they have. All the APC that are supposed to be so scary can be defeated with gasoline mixed with soap powder to make napalm to stick to the APC. Hard to see to fight when you’re covered with fire. They will have to get out of these to control areas but they don’t have the man power or even slightly close.

        There what seems to be false flags of one sort or another I think are not working. We all see the videos like Vegas where there’s more than one shooter recorded on audio, first person witnesses that disappear or have accidents and in the school shootings much the same. I know we’re not supposed to talk about conspiracies so I’m only covering things that are facts. Inference is your own. I bet a majority of people who use the internet have seen some of these and have questions. They of course never answer any of these and hide the tapes of the events. I think this will curtail their ability to gun grab and I bet if they do pass laws people will ignore them.

        We should remember that at some point you may have to decide to go out with a bang or end up with a bullet in your head anyways just delaying the ending by a few days. I think in the modern day instead of concentration camps they would just put a bullet in peoples brains. Workers are just not worth keeping these days. Always remember what Solzhenitsyn said.

        “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

        Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn

        They can be stopped with force. They don’t have even a fraction of the man power necessary if people resist.

        • Good tips, thanks. I think Trump made a big mistake early on. He should have immediately made the rounds of the military and built himself a cadre of faithful generals who had troops and support and he should have been purging the disloyal ones over the last year. Lastly I fear that there is going to be no resistance from the people when the SHTF. No leadership is to be found anywhere and as individuals they will just be picked off one by one. This is either gonna be a total loss for Americans or there is going to be a loyal military coup that routes the traitors and starts things over. We are heading toward rough road.

  1. This is the neocon agenda pure and simple, increase military spending to prop up the empire. Straight out of Bill Kristol’s play book.

  2. It sure would be strange if I had to join Rosie O’Donnell, Cher, Madonna, Michael Moore and Miley Cyrus in a giant anti-Trump coalition. But there have been stranger wartime alliances in history, haven’t there?

  3. ISIS as an excuse again. Never mind that the US has ISIS strongholds in its occupied territory (along the Euphrates) and is clearly working WITH them.

    Their only consideration was Congressional authorization/ approval– not international law– as if no one else matters to the Exceptional Country. They are foreign invaders, pure and simple. They have attacked Syrian government forces and have occupied ~20% of the country, a country thousands of miles away and which has done nothing to them. They are war criminals and dangerous rogues. Are they daring Syria-Russia-Iran to risk WWIII to push them out?

    I follow Syrian war news daily.

    Trump’s foreign policy is even worse than Obama’s.

  4. I can’t wait to see the flag covered coffins pour out of the transport planes. If you lose a loved one over there, good. You should have taught them better than to join to support the kikes cuz muh “free” college and muh pension and muh training. I laugh at any of you who come back maimed as well.

    • The jew warmongers may despise White Southern males but they need them to fight their endless wars of aggression in the Middle East. When was the last time you heard Bill Kristol, John Podhoretz or Henry Kissinger say “thank you” to those White Southern boys for destroying Iraq, Afghanistan, etc on behalf of Zionism? The jews show their gratitude by demanding that Confederate monuments be torn down and the Rebel flag be outlawed.

      • Well as long as Southern males are STUPID enough to fight and die for the jew devils, this mess will continue. They blame “Yankees” for everything, but loads of Southern Whites are dumber than the lowest IQ NIGGER.

  5. I’m getting tired of pointing this out.

    The US deep state are creating a new map for the Middle East, one favorable to US-Israeli interests. They can’t tell that this is what they are doing, so they use ad hoc reasoning for every country they regime change/invade.

    Somalia, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Iraq have all ended in civil wars and refugees for Europe. If this had happened once, it might have been a mistake, but when the same thing happens over and over, it was planned this way.

  6. I’m glad that deputy hid in the bushes instead of engaging Nik Cruz. Why take a bullet for such swine?

    • @captain

      Especially when our policies keep creating and perpetuating new levels of sickness, depravity, and insanity. I graduated with a degree to teach history in public schools, I haven’t taught one single day as a public school teacher because of this augmented reality we live in. Why would I put myself on the front line that has been promoted by the regime?

  7. Withdraw the troops, they’d be better off in DC to drain the swamp.New elites troopd would have all the wealth and power than merely risking life for a paycheck.

  8. This has been policy since the rise of international interventionism in the Woodrow Wilson administration. You can blame it all of Col. House. He stared “The Inquiry”, the first globalist think-tank, which morphed into the Council on Foreign Relations and its bastardized offspring of Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, and Neo-Conservatism. To put it bluntly the entire world knows that when it comes to foreign relations Israel is the pimp and America is the whore. The fact that we have to talk about alleged Russian meddling in our elections while both parties are dependent on Israeli operatives ( Haim Sabin for Democrats and Sheldon Adelson for Republicans) to the extent that have to make pilgrimages to Israel and prostrate themselves and promise a foreign nation what they will and will not do as regards Israel truly demonstrates how brain dead and politically ignorant white politicians-and white people in general-are in that regard. Nothing is more pathetic that a manipulated people who imagine themselves to be free!

  9. I am heading into conspiracy theorist territory. This last shooting might be what puts me over the top. Too much weirdness here and planned activity around it. Somehow I still beleive Trump intended to do what he said. He made really bold moves right off the bat with his inaugural address. Yet has failed quite soon after an intital flourish. I now think that he has had the talk and has been personally threatened either directly or indirectly aimed at his family. What strikes me as odd is that just prior to this latest attack in Florida his daughter in law receives a package of powder. It is almost a reminder to Trump showing how easily they could get to him. And magically here comes another move to get guns and he starts folding. Very many weird things happening in this country.

  10. The Jews control Congress, the State Department and other US institutions directly or indirectly. The US will be stuck in Mideast quagmire as long as Jews run the US. American militarism will never end as long as Southern males are willing to fight for Israel’s wars. Trace Adkins is an example of the dumb Southern male blindly supporting American military adventurism in the Mideast. His solemn voice-overs for Wounded Warriors commercials should be a warning of the dangers of blind Southern patriotism.

  11. When they still had it I used to spend Thanksgiving Day at the dinner held to benefit Wounded Warriors at the old Dance Hall in downtown Luckenbach, Texas. Even then my donation was more out of sorrow for those guys maimed for life than any “patriotic” considerations. They were abused by (((their))) government.

  12. I’d like to know what the US soldiers right now in Syria think about serving next to al Qaeda/ISIS/takfiri/salafist types (and Kurdish communists). What was that shit about a “war on terrorism?”

    • They’re having serious trouble retaining people. Especially pilots and technical people. I think most of the military knows and if they aren’t at the end of retirement are going to get out. They’re lowering requirements to keep up numbers.

  13. USZOG keeps troops in Germany to keep Germany from ever being a White nation again.

    NATO exists to keep Europe from being White again. It was never about defending the West against a Soviet attack. Where NATO goes, so do Niggers. NATO means niggerfuxation.

  14. NATO was supposed to be a defensive alliance against the USSR, which countered with the Warsaw Pact. Now that the Warsaw Pact and USSR are gone NATO has become an offensive alliance. Ask Serbia, Libya, Syria, and many others.

  15. The Syria policy is one area where pretty much all the criticisms of Trump are legit. Its an insane policy.

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