Black History Month 2018: Voortrekkers


South Africa wasn’t always such a depressing place.

The history of South Africa is such a complex and unique subject that I couldn’t address it in a single article. It is the homeland of the Afrikaners who are the White tribe of Africa. In most of sub-Saharan Africa, the White man didn’t show up until the late 19th century.

In places like Uganda and Nigeria, Europeans came late and left early as empire builders, but in South Africa the Dutch and English came as settlers. South Africa has more in common with the European colonization of North America and the Caribbean than with Africa.


The Portuguese explorers Bartolomeu Dias and Vasco de Gama were the first modern Europeans to reach South Africa in 1488 and 1497 respectively. The Greeks and Phoenicians may have reached the Cape of Good Hope in Antiquity. The Arabs and Indians may have also made it this far. This is why Europeans had some inkling that it was possible to sail around Africa to the markets of Asia.


The most important fact to know about the Western Cape of South Africa is that it has a Mediterranean climate like Europe. The interior also has a hot arid climate. Overall, Southwest Africa has a desert or arid climate which made it unattractive to Bantu farmers expanding out of Central Africa and East Africa.


South Africa is best understood as two places.

It was originally inhabited by two different races. The Bantu tribes like the Zulus, Sothos and Xhosas settled east of the 20-inch rain line that stretches north from Port Elizabeth through the Transvaal.  The Khoikhoi or the San people also known as Hottentots and Bushmen who are a different race and the most archaic humans on earth were pushed to the west of that line into the arid parts of Southwest Africa.


When the Portuguese and Dutch arrived in the Western Cape of South Africa and Southwest Africa, they found the region was populated by the San and the Khoikhoi.  They are the same people except that the former are hunter gatherers while the latter are pastoralists.


In spite of Julius Malema’s claims of a Africa being a black continent, North Africa is dominated by Caucasians and Southwest Africa was dominated by the San and Khoikhoi. These people were the original inhabitants of Central Africa and Southern Africa. Along with the Pygmies, they were displaced by Bantu farmers from West Africa expanding out of Nigeria and Cameroon. The Sandawe people of Tanzania are a remnant of a Khoisan population which used to have a broader range.

The Dutch settled in the Cape of Good Hope in 1652 to create a kind of rest area between the Netherlands and their possessions in Indonesia. The Dutch didn’t set out to create a settler colony in the Western Cape but thousands of immigrants who were mostly Dutch, Germans and French Huguenots settled there. They gradually drove out and enslaved the Khoikhoi and imported slaves from the East Indies.


These Trekboers or European farmers expanded out of the Cape of Good Hope in the late 17th and 18th centuries. It was far more reminiscent of the English in Virginia or the Dutch in New Amsterdam and the Hudson Valley expanding at the expense of Native Americans than anything else going on in Africa.


Cape Colony grew to dominate Southwest Africa.

During the French Revolution, the British seized Cape Colony after France overran the Netherlands, and the Dutch ceded their sovereignty over it after the end of the Napoleonic Wars. Once again, the fate of Cape Colony was reminiscent of the Dutch in New Amsterdam which became New York. The British sent settlers to the Cape which began the long rivalry in South Africa between the English and Afrikaners. It can’t be stressed enough that the British imposed colonialism on the Afrikaners long before they established British rule over Black Africans in the rest of sub-Saharan Africa.


In the east of South Africa beyond Cape Colony and the 20-mile rainfall line, the greatest of African Kangs, Shaka Zulu, was building the glorious Zulu Empire in the early 19th century.


The fact that Shaka Zulu is celebrated as a great African warrior tells you everything you need to know about European colonialism. Shaku Zulu is estimated to have killed 2 million Africans in his wars before he was killed by two of his own brothers. This figure dwarfs by several dozen orders of magnitude the death toll of any European colonial war in Africa. It is twice as many people who died in the American Civil War. The Ndebele immigrated to Zimbabwe during this conflict.


In the aftermath of 19th century Britain’s Anglicization policies, attempts to enfranchise natives and the abolition of slavery in the British Empire in 1833 (we’ve already seen how the British middle class was becoming acutely sensitive to the plight of poor Africans), the Afrikaners were fed up with British rule and migrated out of Cape Colony and across the frontier.


The Boers carved out the Orange Free State and the Transvaal which became independent Boer republics. They were surprised by how depopulated the region was when they arrived. This wasn’t because “dey stole our civilization.” Rather, it was due to the ocean of blood that had been spilled in the area by Shaka Zulu and the Matabele in the genocide known as the Mfecane.


The Voortrekkers had attempted to resettle in Natal. 470 Voortrekkers fought off and defeated an army of around 15,000 Zulu warriors without losing a single man at the Battle of Blood River in 1839. They killed 3,000 Zulus in the biggest battle ever fought in South Africa.


Several decades later during the Anglo-Zulu War, 150 British soldiers fought off 3,000 to 4,000 Zulu warriors in the Battle of Roarke’s Drift in January 1879.


1,300 British soldiers were massacred on the same day by a force of 20,000 Zulu warriors in the Battle of Isandlwna. The British ended up winning the Anglo-Zulu War though.


The British didn’t merely conquer the Zulus and Xhosas. They also conquered the Boer Republics during the Second Anglo-Boer War from 1889 to 1901. The British waged scorched earth warfare and placed Boer women and children in concentration camps. More Boers died in this conflict than Ndebele and Shona had died in the conquest of Zimbabwe, Hausa-Fulani had died in the conquest of the Sokoto Caliphate or the Mahdist War in Sudan. The Boers had settled on the world’s biggest gold deposit in the Witwatersrand which led to the renewed war with Great Britain.


Great Britain succeeded in its long term objective and combined all the various republics of Southern Africa into the Union of South Africa in 1910. The Boers ended up in a British dominion that was dominated by Anglo and Jewish corporate interests. Jews were heavily involved in financing and developing the diamond and gold industries in South Africa in the late 19th century. Tens of thousands of Jews flocked to South Africa in the late 19th century and later they would play a prominent role in the fight against apartheid.

South Africa fought on the British side in both World War I and World War II and came away from it with control of Namibia which had been German South West Africa. In the Transvaal and Orange Free State, suffrage was limited to Whites. In Cape Province and Natal, it was limited to men with property and literacy requirements. The result was an overwhelmingly White electorate which was further expanded when White women were granted the right to vote in the 1930s.


In 1948, the National Party came to power and the Afrikaners became the dominant force in South Africa and began to implement the apartheid system, which would last until 1994. Hendrik Verwoerd and John Vorster ruled South Africa from 1958 until 1979 and aggressively implemented the apartheid system. The Union of South Africa became the Republic of South Africa under Verwoerd in 1961. Afrikaners became much more wealthy, powerful and influential in South Africa during this period.


The apartheid system in South Africa was a much more ambitious version of Jim Crow.

The goal was to effectively create a White ethnostate in South Africa by partitioning the country into White areas and independent black homelands. Bantustans were created which were not unlike American Indian reservations. Millions of blacks were resettled in these tribal homelands. Several of the Bantustans were granted independence and the blacks there were stripped of their South African citizenship.


In hindsight, the 1960s and 1970s were the peak of South Africa. It was modernizing and becoming a First World country under Afrikaner rule. South Africa developed nuclear weapons. The first human-to-human heart transplant took place in one of South Africa’s hospitals in the late 1960s.



The downfall of White South Africa can be laid at the doorstep of P.W. Botha and F.W. De Klerk who were the presidents of South Africa between 1978 and 1994.

Among the leading causes:

  • South Africa was expelled from the United Nations in 1974.
  • The Portuguese Empire collapsed in 1975. Angola and Mozambique became independent countries.
  • The US, European Economic Community (precursor of the EU) and Japan imposed economic sanctions on South Africa in 1986.
  • Rhodesia became Zimbabwe under Robert Mugabe in 1980 which finally ended the buffer zone between South Africa and the independent nations of sub-Saharan Africa.
  • The ANC waged a terrorist campaign from bases in South Africa’s northern neighbors.
  • Multinational corporations were pressured by SJWs in the West to divest in South Africa.
  • The demise of the Soviet Union made the ANC seem less threatening.
  • The UN arms embargo.
  • The international arms embargo.
  • Nelson Mandela became a cult figure in the West during his incarceration in the West. The smiling Madiba played the role of the Numinous Negro.

The geopolitical situation, overwhelming political pressure, the international embargoes and boycotts and the terrorism and political turmoil emanating from the black community had a profound effect on South Africa’s businessmen and young people. They were tired of being stigmatized and demonized as racists. They were tired of being international pariahs. They were weary of the economic costs of apartheid.

President F.W. de Klerk arranged for Nelson Mandela to be released from prison in 1990. The ANC was unbanned. The de Klerk government began negotiations with Mandela. The first elections on the one-man, one-vote principle were held in 1994. The ANC won those elections and Nelson Mandela became president. The world hailed the advent of the Rainbow Nation as a great triumph of liberal democracy … and then it forgot about South Africa.

The ANC has been in power ever since. South Africa has followed the trajectory of the rest of sub-Saharan Africa. As the economy has failed, the ANC has radicalized and now South Africa is poised to follow in the footsteps of Zimbabwe and seize the land from the White community. In less than 50 years, Afrikaners have fallen from the leaders of a First World country to facing the worst trial in their history.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


    • @Afterthought,

      I look forward to the day that white people finally go to Mars. We in all likelihood would be there now if so much money wasn’t wasted on Israel, welfare or foreign aid to every useless shithole on the planet since at least the 60’s, not to mention all those hideous wars.
      I hope we get Mars first before China or Japan, or the Jews somehow lay claim to it first.
      Whitey on Mars??? Sounds like grrreat idea!

  1. I like how Japan imposed economic sanctions on South Africa when its own immigration policy reads like an application form for the KKK. What the fuck gave them the right to take the moral high ground? China, Japan and Korea are the most racist nations on earth! Fucking hypocrits! And they’re still like that now.


    IN SOUTH AFRICA, and used boycotts to end white rule, but

    they imposed one in Israel, over the Palestinians.

    Apartheid for me, not for thee, sayeth the Judaist.

    • While this is an improvement on calling (((those))) people, “Jews,” it’s still incorrect.

      They are not of the tribe of Judah…no matter what kike Stephen Dalton may say.

      They are nothing if they are not Talmudics- and that’s all they (and he) ever will be.

      • As I’ve said before, the Jews we have today are genetically Semites. Research has compared their DNA with other Semitic populations and has comfirmed their Semitic identity. The Khazar theory has never been proben or disproven, because no Khazar graves have ever been exhumed , and no Khazar DNA has ever been taken from the remains in those graves. So, until such tests can be run, we have to accept the known information about Jewish DNA.
        It is a libel to smear me as a Talmudist. Long before I became aware of any Jewish ancestry, I read about the Talmud in various books and pamphlets. I was horrified by the immorality and Anti-Christian hatred contained in it. Finding out my earliest ancestors were Jews did nothing to change my opinion of the Talmud. Rather, it made me grateful that their religion wasn’t passed down to me.
        So John, I’m a Christian, and that’s all I’ll ever hope to be to the day I die.

  3. I kept up with the Border War and the Bush War and with the exploits of the South African and Rhodesian armies in SOF and International Combat Arms magazines. I used to get an Israeli military magazine, at Safeway and Piggly Wiggly, of all places, that had a bunch of articles on the SADF. I became a fan of the South African Mechanised and Armoured forces operations in Namibia and Angola.

    Real African history is the antidote to the Afrocentric, it be YT’s fawlt, nonsense in the U.S. today.

    • There’s a thriving business in books on the Rhodesian Bush War, the SADF Border Campaign and the Portuguese counterinsurgency in their African Empire. Helion is one of the big publishers on this score. Plus plenty of websites by veterans, White or otherwise, online.

      Lessons learned:

      * Counterinsurgency operations were generally successful – militarily. Small numbers of White troops could take on much larger numbers of black African insurgents and beat them. This was due to superior leadership and training, better intelligence work, and sometimes local support from the blacks.
      * Black troops under White command proved very effective at low level ops, but could not stand up in big unit battles where large numbers of casualties were to be taken.
      * The Fire Force concept (rapid reaction helicopter mobile strike teams) proved useful in disrupting guerrilla infiltration, but could not attain a decision as long as insurgent bases across the border remained intact.
      * Cross border operations against enemy bases did prove successful, especially in Angola. But this often just moved the fighting back one operational zone. The real center of mass for the insurgencies were within third party countries in Africa and sometimes Europe.
      * The Soviets, Red Chinese and various radical African states provided military and propaganda support to the insurgents. Rhodesia, South Africa and Portugal were largely cut off from similar support from the West. While NATO was confronting the USSR in Europe, the shooing war against communism was in Africa, and this was being sabotaged in Western capitals and at the United Nations.
      * The Cuban military in Angola presented some real challenges because it could fight big battles (thus running up SADF casualties) and gain air parity. The SA Air Force did not commit its best aircraft because they could not be replaced owing to international arms embargoes.
      * A major limiter on South African operations was the government’s decision to limit White casualties for political reasons. Nonetheless, the SADF got a good kill ratio against SWAPO/MPLA/Cubans. The dilemma was turning tactical success into a negotiated end to the insurgencies.
      * As was the case with depressing frequency in the Cold War, the real decision was not within the theater of operations, but in the international arena. UN sanctions, communist fronts in Europe and America, liberal useful idiots who bought into the “liberation” fantasy, and the cucking out of US conservatives undercut whatever battles had been won by Rhodesian, South African and Portuguese colonial forces on the ground.

      In sum: the African radicals and their communist backers understood the nature of the struggle and made a generally unified effort to fight and win it. The various Western powers, both within Africa and without, never had any unified plan and often worked against each other (e.g., Thatcher de facto backing Mugabe).

      Ultimately, it came down to a refusal of the Western world to see these wars as a racial struggle. At best, the Reagan administration could gin up a weak-kneed anti-communism to support UNITA insurgents against the marxist-leninist Angolan government, but would not openly support White rule in South Africa. The South Africans, isolated and under pressure from ANC terrorism at home, threw in the towel (with some accusations of sellout by Afrikaner leaders).

      Irony is that since black-majority-rule commenced in 1994, far more White South Africans have been killed by criminal and farm attacks than ever were lost on the border with Angola. A national mobilization in the 1980s and offensive to break the Angolan government, in conjunction with friendly UNITA guerrillas, might have gained the decision with battle casualties lower than the later death toll from ANC rule in SA. i.e., you have to look at the long term costs of not fighting.

      All this needs to be considered by Whites in today’s racial struggle.

      • A very good tactical analysis by R. Morreland. The part about communism and politics at the end reminded me of a quote from D. David Duke’s book “The secret behind Communism”. Duke stated that: “Communism is not an economic movement, but a racial movement. Communism cannot be understood, or dealt with, on any other basis.” Amen.

      • Military books by a South African publisher. Then they at least get some money in. Publishing books in South Africa is very tough. I know one of our ex special forces (the “recces”) lives from selling his books (captain Wynand du Toit). He wrote a book called “Judas Goat” about betrayal by certain individuals in the government back then while out on a very dangerous mission.

      • * The Cuban military in Angola presented some real challenges because it could fight big battles (thus running up SADF casualties) and gain air parity. The SA Air Force did not commit its best aircraft because they could not be replaced owing to international arms embargoes.

        The aircraft part is correct (Mirages), but the pilots flying the Migs were useless. And they were scared flying low because the danger of stinger missiles. The G5 howitzers shot their airstrips to pieces. So in reality the threat from the air was a lesser problem. The Migs had a lucky strikes at the Calueque dam where 12 South African soldiers died,

        South Africa could not replace the Mirage, but they had the facilities (Atlas aircraft corporation) to build the Italian Aermacchi MB-326 (locally known as the Impala). The Impala in some cases was far more effective than the Mirage because of its better maneuverability (better turning circles) during attacks.

        It was a good thing the Cubans at the final battle of the Lomba river did not know the troop strength of the South Africans. The Cubans had a troop strength somewhere in the vicinity (if one wants to know exact figures, contact the webmaster Johan Schoeman of the “Warinangola” website. He was an artillery officer in that battle, and several veterans in that conflict are floating around on that site) of about 35.000 to 45.000, while South Africa had only 3000 troops in the field (this included memebers of the rear echelon – the cooks and logistical troops). In the case of a major escalation South Africa still had a nuclear deterrent and it could have mustered all servicemen in civilian life (that unfortunately would have included me) who were parttime soldiers, and then the Cubans would have faced an army of over half a million men. But then South Africas economy would have stood still. The Cubans and their supporters would have had a problem with their logistical line at some stage, for they had to fly or ship everything in. One nuclear bomb on the Luanda harbour would have solved that problem. But the international ramifications of throwing atom bombs is quite large. Then it might have ended with a bomb throwing contest.

        A perspective of this battle:

        One of our special forces (Stuart Sterzel) also wrote an analysis:

    • My dad once sent $20 to some organization dealing with South Africa, which sent him a calendar showing the beauty of the white areas and the industry that the Afrikaner people had created in that nation. It was the first time SA registered to me.

      When I mentioned it (the calendar) to a classmate at university in SoCal at the time, she went on this horrible tirade about how “racist” the (White) South Africans were. Total SJW, in the 1980’s- she was like someone demon-possessed. (Probably because she was…)

      I hope she’s gagging on her breakfast these days- if she’s still alive- she probably was raped and murdered by her ‘die-versities’ for being a race traitor… because that 19-y.o. co-ed was a b*tch, before she even knew that she was a White woman.

      • Thanks for the comments.

        It’s worth studying these wars because there are lessons which can be applied for any future struggle. Summed up:

        * White military forces, if prepared, will gain the battlefield ascendancy over Africans.
        * The war will ultimately be won or lost by the politics of the home front – which is the decisive battlefield.

    • I saw that pre-red pill. I think I’d like to see it again post-red pill. There’s a lot of signaling I’d have missed.

      • I’ve never had a “red-pill” moment. I am old, and it’s been more of a lifetime of slowly accreting red-pill “IV Drip.” I forget when I saw the movie, but I was aware of Mandela’s terrorist activities and was sickened at the whitewashing he received in the film.

        • Now I think back on it, the most alarming thing about the film was the moment a Jumbo-Jet appears to be diving in at the rugby Stadium full of fans. A sort of white Al Quaeda moment.

          Then at the last minute the white SA Pilot pulls up and waggles his wings to support the team with a flyby.

          Fucking hell, Clint Eastwood. What a sack of shit he can be.

  4. The Greeks and Phoenicians are of the twelve tribes of Israel and Amsterdam when it was so rich was a haven for these kike bastards back in those days. No doubt the East India Company was a kike corporation. The basis for economic laws by these kikes is the Shetar from Babylon.

      • The EIC was founded long before my country ever existed, and there wasn’t ever a single star on the EIC flag. So don’t you dare try to suggest that America had anything to do with the EIC or the genocide that you Anglo queers inflicted on those Boer women and children, you disingenuous creep. Even the author of this blog article repeatedly cited all the instances of you Britcucks backstabbing other white people for kikes and niggers.

        • All of these colonies that pre-dated and flowed and transformed into the US were owned and run by a select club of Aristocrats. The Lords Proprietors of the Carolinas for example. Ever seen the first Carolina flag? Pennsylvania… etc. I’m not denying anything about the venality and corruption of the history. All these characters had investments in the EIC.

          By the time of the revolution though, enough interests had diverged among them and their offspring to fight it out and separate holdings.

  5. All isn’t lost in South Africa, but it certainly looks dark. Let’s try to find honest positive stories like Orania. Also, let’s encourage Mother Russia to take in White South African refugees to populate contested Caucus areas with hostile Mountain Muslims. That fun Right Wing Nationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky (he named his Racist Nationalist party the “Liberal Democrat Party. Swedish Nationalists did the same) once offered to have Boers build their homeland in part of the former Soviet Union.

    • Google “Putin Jacob Zuma” on how Russia is rather friends with the ANC (Russia backed the ANC during Soviet times). Dr. Dan Roodt (the one that sometimes writes on AMREN) once wrote me that he visited the Russian embassy in Pretoria asking for support for the white minority. They were not interested. BRICS and the selling of nuclear power stations of Rusatom has priority. Obviously Russia looks at its interest first. But the South African and Russian Angola veterans are on a good footing with each other. But I doubt the Russian veterans can influence Russian politics.

  6. Whites need a country or planet of our own thats peaceful, developed and awesome. Maybe we could call it Whitekanda or something. It would be a great place to live, free or crime, racism, wars and corruption. The political system would be single party and pro white.
    Maybe one day…

  7. “The fall of South Africa” “(((anglo))) boar war. (((Dutch))) east india company, (((new))) jewsterdam.
    I did not see jew written one time in this entire piece, other than that glaring omission, it is a nice time-line.

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