OD will be featured tonight on The Political Cesspool – I Jack Ryan will be the last guest coming on ~ 8:45 PM. I’ll be discussing the sad, unpleasant FACT that our United States military is not being used to defend our borders or fight our enemies that are invading our country, terrorizing our people, disrespecting or raping our women/girls/boys; instead we’re basically slave warriors for the Israelis AND Saudi Sunni Islamists royals.
Talk about politics making for strange bedfellows!
Israel/international Zionists/Neo Conservatives or just THE JEWS are now allied on all things that matter with Saudi Arabia Sunni Islamists.
Both openly referred to the American military as their “White Slave warriors”.
This bizarre alliance is best represented by the sham marriage of Hillary Clinton’s Chief of Staff Saudi Huma Mahmood Abedin and Anthony Weiner – once designated the Jewish heir apparent to become New York City mayor, he was taken down in sexting scandal exposed as yet another Jewiwsh Harvey Weinstein style pervert.
I will be presenting some Central European history when/where European Christian areas were overrun by Ottoman Turkish Muslims and our people were….
Yes we were once slaves – Jannisary Warrior slaves for the Muslim Sultans.
History repeats itself, we’re once again…..
You can access The Political Cesspool Show live tonight, or download audio files later at:
A good analysis.
Mr. Ryan,
I listened to your portion of the show. It was excellent. It is a shame that the most well funded military in history is a force for evil.
Thanks Christy. Yes, it is sad and a shame that “our” military, the largest, most well funded military in the history of the world….
Often used for evil, but mostly just used by our slave masters. That was the point of my community last night, that our military has once again fallen down in to the role of Janissary slave warriors – this time both slaves of the Israeli/Talmudic/Neo Conservative Jews and slaves of the Saudi Sunni Islamists royals and the Emir of Kuwait.
Are you not aware of the fact a recent recruitment commercial for the United States Navy that aired on both TV and cinemas was, and I quote, “A global force for good.” That in a nutshell is the purpose of the U.S military now.. To advance globalism in order to bring about a world state, which Bush the Elder once called a New World Order. Trump is clueless. They are running circles around him and laughing at him because he is not in control of his own presidency.
America is globalism.