My Fellow White People

I think we are being trolled here:

Oh well.

Strangely, I haven’t seen them say anything about Israel recently voting to declare itself a Jewish ethnostate. Is it anti-Semitic to bring that up?

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


    • From the Enlightenment to Hitler everyone in power, namely Satanic Freemasons who worship the Kabbalistic God, saw Jews as white. Even the Antebellum South and the Confederacy saw them as white. Judah P Benjamin was Sen from Louisiana and his cousin David Levy Yulee from Florida where he has a county named for him.

      In 1861 as the Confederate Constitution is being written, there was a concerted effort to make the Confederacy an explicitly Christian Nation. That effort was defeated by Benjamin aided by Christ-hating Freemasons. Which is why the preamble of the Confederate Constitution reads

      We, the people of the Confederate States, each State acting in its sovereign and independent character, in order to form a permanent federal government, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Confederate States of America.

      Rev. Thornwell was angered by this, Stonewall Jackson was as well, feeling that as Christ was the head of the Church and humanity answered to God through Christ, to not put Christ in the Constitution was an insult to God and Christ. Of course this was never corrected for various reasons and I think we know (((who))) and (((Why))).

      George Lincoln Rockwell when he visited and toured the South in the 1960’s remarked about how little Southerners understood Jews at the time. They came to understand them more clearly when it became too obvious ie Schwerner Goodman to ignore

      • At the time of the War for Southern Independence Americans weren’t exposed to the kikes for hundreds and hundreds of years like the Europeans were. But now there is no excuse to be ignorant of their treachery.

    • Of course they do. That is why I regard them as akin to the aliens in the movie, The Thing that consume then imitate other life forms. Jews can be outwardly white, but inside they have a heart and soul blacker than the event horizon of a black hole.

  1. “Filthy Jews have always masqueraded as white to undermine us.”

    And it always blows back in their faces because, although they don’t see themselves as white, the shitskins they import to replace us see them as ultra-white. See Europe, where Jews, feminists, and homosexuals have deconstructed white society and replaced it with something murderously hostile to Jews, feminists, and homosexuals.

    • “And it always blows back in their faces because, although they don’t see themselves as white, the shitskins they import to replace us see them as ultra-white.”

      Replacement is an entirely different thing from genocide. In mechanics or in population, replacement means substituting one substance for another. Those who seek genocide prefer mixing to replacement: their object is not to SUBSTITUTE, their object is to DESTROY.

      “See Europe, where Jews, feminists, and homosexuals have deconstructed white society and replaced it with something murderously hostile to Jews, feminists, and homosexuals.”

      Anti-White Jews like Kristol have a safe land to return to after they’ve ruined our homes. It is called Greater Israel. Their useful idiots will go extinct. Useful idiots are always the first to get the chop in any commie revolution.

      • “Replacement is an entirely different thing from genocide”

        Not when it’s the explicitly stated goal of those being brought in as replacements to commit that genocide. Of course those doing the importation foolishly think that they can control the replacements, when it should always have been obvious that they can’t and never could, not without much more bloodshed than they’re willing to stomach.

        Those Jews still left in Europe may or may not be able to return to Israel, since the Muslims will want to contain and slaughter them. Non-Muslims, Jews first, will be stripped of passports and religions will be stamped on ID cards long before the killing begins, the same as the Copts in Egypt. If they could they’d all leave, and the Muslims wouldn’t have a captive population, easily identified on their government ID, against which to sate their hunger for rape and murder.

        The quislings running the European governments will probably be liquidated before the Jews, thankfully. I suspect many will immediately convert to Islam to try and save themselves, if they haven’t secretly done so already. Their actions are little different than what they’d be doing if they were Muslims now.

        • “Not when it’s the explicitly stated goal of those being brought in as replacements to commit that genocide.”

          Genocide has nothing to do with violence. Genocide is PURPOSELY bringing about about the end of a racial group. See the 1948 UN Genocide Convention for the non-violent examples listed.

          Official Public RACIAL policy for ALL and ONLY White countries since the end of WW2:

          1) Massive immigration and forced racial integration for ALL White countries and ONLY White countries. No escape from diversity is allowed for Whites anywhere on the planet.

          2) 24/7 assimilation propaganda in the mass media that is always aimed at White people. They always pair a non-White person with a White person.

          If you eradicate a racial group, it doesn’t matter whether you used violence or a sneaky method to do it, that group is gone.

          Assimilation is genocide.

        • “Not when it’s the explicitly stated goal of those being brought in as replacements to commit that genocide.”

          Genocide has nothing to do with violence. Genocide is PURPOSELY bringing about about the end of a racial group. See the 1948 UN Genocide Convention for the non-violent examples.

          Official Public RACIAL policy for ALL and ONLY White countries since the end of WW2:

          1) Massive immigration and forced racial integration for ALL White countries and ONLY White countries. No escape from diversity is allowed for Whites anywhere on the planet.

          2) 24/7 assimilation propaganda in the mass media that is always aimed at White people. They always pair a non-White person with a White person.

          If you eradicate a racial group, it doesn’t matter whether you used violence or a sneaky method to do it, that group is gone.

          Assimilation is genocide.

  2. My fellow white people:
    1 Call yourself “white” when you repeat how evil White people are.
    2 Call yourself jewish when you repeat how special and awesome jews are.
    3 Repeat.

  3. Billy Kristol needs to get his story straight.

    He was the guy that said “the white working class needs to die and get it over with” only two years ago. Now he’s pretending to be assimilated?

    This is the whole trouble with nepotism. His daddy Irving (“godfather of neoconservatism”) would never have been that dumb.

    Mind, Irv was a jerk too. But he was a less-stupid jerk.

  4. “White” is a universally accepted racial terminology that commonly refers to White Europeans. White Europeans are not considered a minority group. Jews are! So how can jews be Whites? Jews are not Whites. Jews are jews. Jews classify themselves as a minority group, as different from others. They are a privileged minority as are all other nonwhites. Jews may claim or pretend to be White if it is to their advantage, but this is a deception. They know they are not White and among themselves they shun being labelled as White. Jews are always working to the disadvantage of White Europeans and entitle, enable, and empower other nonwhites against White Europeans.

    Obviously, jews aren’t “White”. If they were they’d be using their considerable wealth and power to prevent the dehumanization and extermination of Whites. Instead they aid and abet it.

  5. They’re so delusional that they think this tactic will work. But more whites are as woke to the JQ as ever before.

  6. Almost seems Jews are being toungue in cheek when they do this because they figure very few goymin will see the irony.

  7. Dear Mr. Kristol –

    As someone who shares your blood, maybe it is more apropos for me to say something than anyone else, so, here it is…

    Your ‘Republick’ is a lawless satanick tyranny; and that fact that you align yourself with children, the most conditioned generation in human history to crave being controlled, tells me a great deal about you.

    Most every day I pray The Good Lord lets me live long enough to see you, and ALL those of your idealogical ilk, in complete defeat – voluntarily fleeing a resurgent South for Massachusetts, England, or Israel – six one half dozen or another….

    • @spahnranch1969

      You, sir, are a fool. Whether you are joking or not I don’t care, shooting your mouth off about brutally murdering people is just foolish. Whenever someone like you makes stupid comments on various WN websites about acting in a violent or murderous fashion against a group or individual, you only succeed in making yourself and our cause look ridiculous. It is people like you who, with their asinine comments, do the work of our enemies more thoroughly than their slander ever could, because you perpetuate the stereotype of the unhinged and hate filled, keyboard warrior looser that white nationalists unfortunately have.
      One day, when we have won our great Cause, there will be a reckoning and all those found guilty of trying to destroy our people will be punished accordingly. Until then I suggest you refrain from making threats that you have neither the ability or intention of following through on. If you have nothing constructive to say, then don’t say anything at all.

      • You’re the fool for allowing jews, darkies and race-traitors to ruin the South while you contented yourself with promoting Southern pride and heritage. Now the situation is so out of control that extreme measures will have to be taken. Don’t blame me for your cowardice!

        • The ruination wrought by the jews, darkies, and race-traitors is not limited to the South, which means, supposing you live in this country, you are just as culpable of cowardice as you say I am. No matter what extreme measures you think are needed to get us out of this situation I guarantee you that talking about “crucifying kikes” in the comment section of a blog hardly counts as real world actions. You just end up looking stupid and unhinged. My father always used to say,”Son, it’s always the men who do the most talking that have the least to show for it. Always let your actions do your speaking for you.” I’ll take my fathers advice and speak with my actions. You can go on and continue to rack up a body count of Jews, darkies, and race-traitors in your mind and then brag about your imagined exploits in the comment section.

          • Oh Southerner – YES IT IS. Your part of the country has been screwed blue by the JEW – and you BEG for more. YOUR boys fight and kill and die for the kikes. YOUR cities and towns are rotten with Evangelitard MORONS, who literally worship the kikes slaughtering them.

  8. The fact is you cannot destroy a pure race of White organization. It is because the Jews know, if the race is kept pure, it cannot be destroyed; because it will be protected by Almighty God and the Lord Jesus Christ!  Benjamin Disraeli

    The great ideal of Judaism is that the whole world shall be imbued with Jewish teaching and that in a Universal Brotherhood of Nations, a greater Judaism in fact; and all the separate races and religions shall disappear. The Jewish World, February 9, 1883

    “The Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force. One knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their organizations. They are a nation of
    rascals and deceivers.” – Cicero (Marcus Tullius Cicero). First century B.C. Roman statesman, writer.

    • Worth noting in the time of Cicero Jews were long established in Rome, having founded a neighborhood there in 144 BC. The Jews had been in the Greek and Carthagian settlements much longer having been on Sicily and in the Carthagian cities in Hispania such as Corduba (Cordoba) Nova Carthago (Cartegna) Valentia (Valencia) and Baraco (Barcelona) among others. Saint Paul promised to go to Hispania and likely did after his first imprisonment though the Bible is silent on the voyage. Some believe he went from Hispania to Londinum. There were already Jews in Londinium in the First Century AD, there as traders.

      This is a problem when we have disinformation agents trying to push cockamamie ideas about Jewish Origins, the Roman Data is there and says they are wrong. According to one writer, up to 10% of the entire Roman Population might have been Jewish. We need to quit thinking of them as a minority, literally there are more Jews on this planet when you count the mixed race ones than all of Scandinavia and Finland put together

      In Rome, Jewish communities enjoyed privileges and thrived economically, becoming a significant part of the Empire’s population (perhaps as much as ten percent).[1]

      From Wikipedia History of the Jews in the Roman Empire.

  9. Hey there Dixie Dumbassess – please SEE that the Kike JEWNIUS want his co-kikes to “flee to New England, or England” – as if England has not been utterly DESTROYED by KIKES – whilt still blaming Yankees in his subversive comments. I’ve been trashed for years because I BLAME THE JEWS – yet it all boils own to kikenvermins’ malicious, vile behavior.

    I will blame Whites for not exterminating this Tribe of Demons centuries ago. But Dixians, especially, worship an enable this vermin. You Dixians need to make them STOP

  10. So, my “fellow White men,” are you #SoSorry about slavery? Do you lose sleep at night over what you did to the native Americans?

  11. Good point Billyrayjenkins, I had always believed Jews were way more than 2 percent in the U.S. and elsewhere. Think about all the 1/4 and 1/2 Jews that don’t aknowlege their Jewish unless you ask them and even then they may not confirm or don’t know but Christ said you will know them by their fruits.

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