It was another uneventful day in Berkeley.
We’ve seen multiple clashes between the Alt-Lite and Patriot groups and Antifa in Berkeley and “No To Marxism In America 2” was the equivalent of a tropical storm. I don’t think Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys bothered to show up at Based Tranny’s event this afternoon.
It looked like hundreds of Antifa in Black Bloc formation and perhaps a thousand leftwing protesters mobilized and turned out for #AllOutBayArea to confront the specter of Amber Cummings, an Infowars reporter and a dozen or so MAGApedes who brought their children.
A few kids running around, playing in the park, with American flags. Their parents stand watch. The father says they came because "we love America," and would leave if violence broke out around them #Berkeleyprotests #AllOutBayArea pic.twitter.com/6VZ5jDQ7is
— Berkeleyside (@berkeleyside) August 5, 2018
Kyle Harris, from Vallejo, at Civic Center Park. He says he's here to show there's diversity among Trump supporters ("I love the man.") Says he denounces the explicitly white supremacist groups who've come to #Berkeleyprotests. #AllOutBayArea pic.twitter.com/8HYtIOfDDL
— Berkeleyside (@berkeleyside) August 5, 2018
My #Berkeley livestream just failed on Facebook, but the situation there has mostly wound down. Right now, little arguments like this are all that remain. pic.twitter.com/Uur3Z3N2OA
— Ford Fischer (@FordFischer) August 5, 2018
One protester here is wearing a MAGA cap and a piece of tape that says BERKELEY over it. pic.twitter.com/2ooDyTdIlJ
— Ford Fischer (@FordFischer) August 5, 2018
At the Say No to Marxism rally in Berkeley. The alt-left are trying to provoke confrontation. #MAGA #BanAntifa https://t.co/18wpEJsSuv
— Matthew Prewett (@matthewprewett) August 5, 2018
With nothing else to do, Antifa smashed out the windows of some Berkeley city vehicles, attacked the police and started a few fights. The Berkeley Police didn’t stand down and successfully maintained separation between the protesters and the mob of violent Antifa.
Berkeley firefighters at the station across the street said they heard the windows being smashed on 20 city vehicles, then saw one was on fire. They were quick to put it out and damage was mostly limited to the front passenger seat. @KPIXtv pic.twitter.com/P6lVtCFBli
— Katie Nielsen (@KatieKPIX) August 5, 2018
Juggalos and the bloc stand strong together against fascism #struggalo #alloutbayarea #stopthehate pic.twitter.com/2NOnzeE6vr
— AllOutBayArea (@alloutbay) August 5, 2018
Protectors of white supremacy #alloutbayarea #stopthehate pic.twitter.com/ijgoFpnrB2
— AllOutBayArea (@alloutbay) August 5, 2018
Getting reports of flash bangs used against anti-nationalists and #antifa in downtown #Berkeley
Meanwhile, some of @berkeleypolice socialize with out-of-town nationalists#FTP #AllOutBayArea #AllOutAugust pic.twitter.com/ifsHDddVWe— AllOutBayArea (@alloutbay) August 5, 2018
Extended brawl. Police, who've been actively separating sides, don't seem to notice for a while. #Berkeleyprotests #alloutbayarea pic.twitter.com/glPBlfscbM
— Berkeleyside (@berkeleyside) August 5, 2018
BPD has reported that members of the demonstration have been seen "throwing fireworks and other dangerous items." Berkeley police also deployed smoke, Officer White confirmed just after 1:40 p.m. https://t.co/ISh9qAMl6c pic.twitter.com/zVu0rmifOo
— Berkeleyside (@berkeleyside) August 5, 2018
Antifa closed out the day in Berkeley with 20 arrests by smashing the windows out of a Marine Corps Recruiting Office and by threatening to beat up the livestreamer Ford Fischer:
No police were around as the black bloc traveled down the street, and a handful used hammers to smash the windows of Shattuck Ave US Marine Corps Recruiting office. pic.twitter.com/YeBwEJvopV
— Ford Fischer (@FordFischer) August 5, 2018
VIDEO: Antifa smashes the windows of Shattuck Ave US Marine Corps Recruiting office in #Berkeley #berkeleyprotests #Antifa pic.twitter.com/SZH5d97CjV
— Ford Fischer (@FordFischer) August 5, 2018
After I filmed the antifa break the Marine Corps office window and throw a torch into a dumpster, one of them called a few over to confront me. They basically told me to leave, implying attack if I didn't. I left.
"Get the fuck back. Cops aren't here. They won't help you." pic.twitter.com/7m8WkNmOy9
— Ford Fischer (@FordFischer) August 6, 2018
Here are the names and mugshots of the Antifa dirtbags who were arrested in Berkeley. The Berkeley Police enforced the no mask rule and arrested Antifa who brought weapons:
Maria Lewis, 29, of Emeryville, was arrested near Francisco and McGee for carrying a banned weapon and working with others to commit a crime. pic.twitter.com/tKgVIWDUPW
— Berkeley Police (@berkeleypolice) August 5, 2018
Blake Griffith, 29, of Oakland, was arrested near Addison and Martin Luther King Jr. Way for vandalism. pic.twitter.com/r7pXhMgKvu
— Berkeley Police (@berkeleypolice) August 5, 2018
Thomas Parker, 22, of Berkeley, was arrested near Francisco and McGee for working with others to commit a crime. pic.twitter.com/5hvq2iPRtS
— Berkeley Police (@berkeleypolice) August 5, 2018
Sarena Lynette Perez, 39, of Oakland, was arrested near Civic Center Park for possession of a banned weapon. pic.twitter.com/cIsBRaDpPb
— Berkeley Police (@berkeleypolice) August 5, 2018
David Siegfried Chou, 26, of Santa Cruz, was arrested near Francisco and McGee, for possession of a banned weapon and working with others to commit a crime, pic.twitter.com/4uCM1G1pga
— Berkeley Police (@berkeleypolice) August 5, 2018
Freddy Martinez, 31, of Berkeley, was arrested near Civic Center Park for battery. pic.twitter.com/H03zSSSduN
— Berkeley Police (@berkeleypolice) August 5, 2018
Kate Brenner, 69, of Oakland, was arrested near Hearst/Grant for possession of a banned weapon. pic.twitter.com/rLQ5JJJp6M
— Berkeley Police (@berkeleypolice) August 5, 2018
Jason Wallach, 49, of Oakland, was arrested near Ohlone Park for possession of a banned weapon. pic.twitter.com/5l0e32jsKY
— Berkeley Police (@berkeleypolice) August 5, 2018
Kristin Edith Koster, 50, of Berkeley, was arrested near Ohlone Park for possession of a dangerous weapon. pic.twitter.com/qh9l9e0yBV
— Berkeley Police (@berkeleypolice) August 5, 2018
Javier Cruz-O'Connell, 22, of Berkeley, was arrested near Civic Center Park for possession of a banned weapon. pic.twitter.com/OPCj73e55i
— Berkeley Police (@berkeleypolice) August 5, 2018
Jamie Louise Hill, 30, of Emeryville, was arrested near Civic Center Park, for possession of a banned weapon. pic.twitter.com/3QE3SBo631
— Berkeley Police (@berkeleypolice) August 5, 2018
Ericka Sokolower-Shain, 28, of Berkeley, was arrested near Hearst and McGee for possession of a banned weapon. pic.twitter.com/p4YlaKWp8Q
— Berkeley Police (@berkeleypolice) August 5, 2018
Bella Podolsky, 27, of San Francisco, was arrested near Civic Center Park for possession of a banned weapon. pic.twitter.com/6p31jRKFyL
— Berkeley Police (@berkeleypolice) August 5, 2018
Caitlin Boyle, 27, of Oakland, was arrested for working with others to commit a crime. pic.twitter.com/QilrPNfLUy
— Berkeley Police (@berkeleypolice) August 5, 2018
Andres Gonzalez, 35, of Oakland, was arrested at Civic Center Park on five counts of carrying a banned weapon. pic.twitter.com/GbU9PgFv9K
— Berkeley Police (@berkeleypolice) August 5, 2018
There were no “fascists” at this event.
The Alt-Right has stopped engaging with these people. They are nothing more than a mob of violent criminals who are looking for an excuse to destroy property, engage in violence and unleash mayhem. It is the responsibility of the Justice Department to put an end to this.
There’s something weirdly similar in the appearance of all the females, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.
The beginnings of heroin detox?
That’s probably it.
bunch of lesbians
“There’s something weirdly similar in the appearance of all the females, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.”
They’re all Mestizas and Jewesses.
What a bunch of freaks! Reminds me of 1968 and the same freaks back then except they didn’t have piercings in their face.
They look like the “after” mugshots of those anti meth campaigns. Seriously every one, men included. They are all on serious drugs it’s evident, also mostly jewesses and other assorted trash.
Let the ( HUGE ) quakes begin … then the after shocks mop up …
“Look at all the lonely people, where do they all come from?”
Civilizational decay on display.
Including, it appears, Mick the Spic (actually, Spic the Mick, but whatever).
Next line of refrain IIRC:
“all the lonely people, where do they all belong?”
Bug bin or jail.
Take your pick, John Lennon.
Here are some of the Jewish Kommissars and Zampolits:
Kate Brenner
Jason Wallach
Kristin Edith Koster
Ericka Sokolower-Shain
Bella Podolsky
The others were assorted mischlings, Messicans and one of Ghengis Khan’s retinue.
The rest of the rank and file Antifa are the Jews’ footsoldiers. Antifa is a Jew run outfit from top to bottom, beginning to end.
“There were no “fascists” at this event.”
“Fascist”, like Nazi or anti-Semite, is just another name for those for whom the Jews have a neurotic dislike.
I am going to pop Serena Lynette Perez on my possibly a Jew list. Don’t let the Spanish name fool you, lots of Jewesses marry Mexicans in California. PLUS Perez is a Sephardic name in and of itself
Anglin would denounce this action but I see it as a win because AntiFa looks so bad. Now they have the optics problem.
“Now they have the optics problem.”
The Jewsmedia and ZOG can always be counted on to cover for them. No doubt, this will be shouted from the rooftops and Twitter, as yet another spectacular Communist victory.
Jewmedia has already characterized this event as a clash caused by the extreme right, with those arrested not identified.
My thing is I want the ALT LIGHT to go out on the street, maybe they’ll wise up once they get called Nazi’s enough that we aren’t the bad guys over here
Maria Lewis certainly looks like a Jewess. I wonder if she’s related to Jewish comedian and actor Richard Lewis. She damn sure look like it.
Lewis is a common English name like Davis that they take often. They also are fond of certain Irish names like Savage or even Scots names like Douglas. German governments during the Holy Roman Empire assigned them the German ones which can be a headache because names like Zimmerman are both German and German Jewish
“the German ones which can be a headache because names like Zimmerman are both German and German Jewish.”
The Emperor screwed up.
I am not sure how much the Habsburg Emperor had to do with that, I know I think alot of that was handled via local registrars. That was because from before Christ till like 1700 every Jew had a name like Yehuda Bar Yosef Bar is Aramaic, Ben is Hebrew. This led to confusion its like the name Jesus or Yeshua. There were literally hundreds of Israelite boys named Yeshua when Jesus Christ was on earth, it was a common name like Bill Johnson or Fred Jones.
Assigning the Jews surnames was seen as a way to track them better, and I agree it worked somewhat, BUT the thing was although some took names transalliterated from Hebrew the ones with normal German names like any other German, like Zimmerman, the German Government did a great disservice to its people
Unfortunately I cannot post photographs over here, D’OH but I cant show you something very simple. IT is obvious to any Red Blooded Normal Human Being with morality who they would rather their daughter date. Obviously to think other wise turns you into a freak but I digress. Honestly if these showed up at a job interview, both in a generic gray flannel suit, but one looking like they do in the mug shots, the other like the clean guys with the Tiki Torches. All things being the same no foreknowledge of political beliefs its obvious who gets the job
“Juggalos and the bloc stand strong together against fascism #struggalo #alloutbayarea #stopthehate
3:04 PM – Aug 5, 2018”
Only a short step from this verbal posturing, to claiming a spectacular victory. They stood strong against a handful of children and their parents.
“Getting reports of flash bangs used against anti-nationalists and #antifa in downtown #Berkeley
Meanwhile, some of @berkeleypolice socialize with out-of-town nationalists#FTP #AllOutBayArea #AllOutAugust
3:36 PM – Aug 5, 2018”
Yep, the system is again’ us poor Jews and our Communist stooges and tools. We can’t get a riot in edgewise.
Jews aren’t only the organizers ie (((MARK BRAY))) who readily admits ANTIFA is going to destroy the First Amendment, seems to me from the number I have seen unmasked, like the Freedom Riders in 1961 Alabama, I’d say by first glance 65-75% of the foot soldiers are Jews themselves.
The irony is in 1964, the Berkeley Left fought so that all controversial ideas even White Nationalist ones would be allowed to be heard at Berkeley. In 1964 the concept was that negative or objectionable speech should be opposed by more speech, not by fists. The hippies practiced the idea that information and cultures, even offensive ones like Outlaw Motorcylce Clubs should be allowed to express themselves, in other words LET MY FREAK FLAG FLY.
There is an epsiode of FAMILY TIES Season 6 Episode 22 in which Jennifer is disciplined by the School for doing a Book Report on Huckleberry Finn because it was a banned book. Of course Steve and Elise, ex hippies that they were go in to have it out with the board because to them censorship is abhorrant, This was the concept of the 1960’s liberals, that censorship wasn’t a good idea. This idea was in direct confrontation with the Communists like the Weather Underground who believed that speech should be controlled.
By the 1990’s the old ideas of Sixties liberalism about Free Speech was dead, and it was replaced by the Communist interpretation that the STATE should decide the merits of speech. The ANTIFA types believe that human beings are too stupid to reason out their own ideas that they must have someone tell them what to think.
“The ANTIFA types believe that human beings are too stupid to reason out their own ideas that they must have someone tell them what to think.”
Well, you’ve seen the mugshots.
I’d say those folks are right – they know they’re dumb as mud and need someone to lead them.
As for the rest of us…band together and grab your guns.
The original notion was that all ideas would be given a fair hearing in the marketplace of Ideas, and that the ones that were true and valid would triumph over and displace those that were not.
Yes that was the idea that was once believed by so-called Liberals in the Sixties but the irony is the ANTIFA Communist Left actually hates these people. Criticial Race Theory and the Marxist Dialectic dictates that human beings must be controlled at every level.
There was also a rally in Providence, RI by civic nationalists that turned violent when Antifa attacked them and the police refused to control the crowds.
ah yes…the perfect candidates for the first one way mission to Mars…