This is a clear example of why Americans don’t trust The Free Press TM:
“More than 100 rightwing demonstrators marched with firearms through the streets of downtown Seattle on Saturday afternoon, in an event billed as a protest against an alleged tide of leftwing violence. …
Although the rally was against alleged leftwing violence, figures from the US government accountability office show rightwing extremists have committed 101 murders in the US since 2001. “Far left extremists” have caused no fatalities in that timeframe. …”
Jason Wilson of The Guardian was at this “Rally Against Far Left Violence” in Seattle:
He was on the scene and witnessed Antifa engage in violence at this event. He tweeted an image of the victim. Three Antifa were arrested for misdemeanor assault:
Someone on the way back on a trip to the bus is bleeding, says he was hit by a missile pic.twitter.com/hCLLBACc6o
— Jason Wilson (@jason_a_w) August 18, 2018
Jason Wilson deliberately ignored the Antifa violence he saw in the story he filed. Instead, he tried to portray Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys as the violent ones.
I had a similar experience with a “journalist” from The Guardian at the Nationalist Front rally in Pikeville. A horde of Antifa were standing across the street screaming violent threats. The reporter from The Guardian looked me in the eye and told me that Antifa were not violent.
This is why we have started calling these people “Journofa.” They claim to be “journalists,” but they are really political activists who support Antifa and cover up their violence. They are constantly on Twitter following Antifa accounts and liking and retweeting their posts. Antifa love these “journalists” because they are there to promote their “narrative” no matter what the facts.
You need to decide for yourself if you see anything wrong. Yes, no, maybe, trickery, deception, optical illusion, your choice:
“Jason Wilson deliberately ignored the Antifa violence he saw in the story he filed. Instead, he tried to portray Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys as the violent ones.”
He and his kind only see violence if:
1.It’s committed by people with the wrong political alignment.
2. Involves firearms.
3. Somebody of the proper political orientation and usefulness died.(Heather Heyer.)
They’re only interested in what can be used as grist for their propaganda mills.
Journofa cover for the violent Left for sure…
“I take perverse pleasure in having carried this Spike’s lower in the defense of Justice Park on August 12th. I used this rifle to chase off James Fields from our block of 4th St before he attacked the marchers to the south. Spike’s needs a good lesson in ethics and antifascism,”
— UNC Professor Dwayne Dixon stated in a Facebook post
Dwayne Dixon, a leader of the left-wing Redneck Revolt militia group, admitted to chasing Charlottesville driver James Fields with a rifle shortly before Fields allegedly crashed into a group of protesters, killing Heather Heyer, on August 12, 2017.
This guy put that deadly car incident in motion and no one of importance nationally on the LEFT or the RIGHT even mentions this. This whole system is anti-white, anti-South! This guy needs to be given the 3rd degree by everyone …
It’s time that these stooges that shill for antifa stop being treated as non- combatants…
This guy is has a pretty nasty bleed and it’s *misdemeanor* assault? I smell a rat.