We heard yesterday there was going to be protests.
Antifa from Charlottesville are in Chapel Hill squaring off with ACTBAC. Predictably, UNC campus police have failed to keep the two sides separated and there has already been some violence. I will update this post as we get a clearer picture of what happened this afternoon.
Update: We’re up to 7 arrests now at UNC:
“(CNN) Supporters and opponents of the recent toppling of a Confederate monument in North Carolina turned out in Chapel Hill on Saturday to assert their stances.
Seven arrests were made in connection to a gathering on McCorkle Place, the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill media relations office said.
“Three arrests were for assault, the fourth for destruction of property and the fifth arrest for resisting an officer. The sixth arrest was for assault, destruction of property and inciting a riot. We are awaiting information on charges for the seventh arrest,” the school said. …”
Who would have ever thought that Antifa would cross state lines to show up again at the Silent Sam monument to engage in violence, destroy property, incite a riot and attack police officers while acting out a conspiracy to violate the constitutional rights of other groups.
Noticing a pattern? It isn’t “both sides.” It is just Antifa … EVERY. SINGLE. WEEKEND.
Anti #SilentSam group trying to wash out coverage of Confederate monument supporters. pic.twitter.com/N6wuVEV5V7
— WCHL & Chapelboro (@WCHLChapelboro) August 25, 2018
Some trying to stop press from taking photos of rally pic.twitter.com/p3GGvGTntt
— WCHL & Chapelboro (@WCHLChapelboro) August 25, 2018
Anti #SilentSam protesters continue chants and block view of Confederatw supporters pic.twitter.com/zx5NgULIpX
— WCHL & Chapelboro (@WCHLChapelboro) August 25, 2018
First time police have moved in today at #SilentSam protest pic.twitter.com/aoM44ZhGPL
— WCHL & Chapelboro (@WCHLChapelboro) August 25, 2018
First individual we have seen taken into custody at #SilentSam rally. He appeared to be standing in way attempting to prevent man with Confederate flag to approach statue. Small scuffle started to break out. pic.twitter.com/w9F20NT7vl
— WCHL & Chapelboro (@WCHLChapelboro) August 25, 2018
Second individual taken into custody. Could hear officer tell him he was arrested for assault. pic.twitter.com/pbo5r8gvYY
— WCHL & Chapelboro (@WCHLChapelboro) August 25, 2018
Third arrest made pic.twitter.com/ZTQWyWKZ5h
— WCHL & Chapelboro (@WCHLChapelboro) August 25, 2018
Some protesters turning attention to #SilentSam supporters who have been standing on the outskirts of today’s rally. pic.twitter.com/ragUFKZC9G
— WCHL & Chapelboro (@WCHLChapelboro) August 25, 2018
Most (possibly all) #SilentSam supporters leaving campus pic.twitter.com/tNa32R5o47
— WCHL & Chapelboro (@WCHLChapelboro) August 25, 2018
Protesters tried to burn flag. It was taken by police. pic.twitter.com/dmGLxYCR70
— WCHL & Chapelboro (@WCHLChapelboro) August 25, 2018
Antifa attack police officers who are making arrests:
Scene as cops forcibly moved protesters while attempting to take man arrested in Graham Memorial pic.twitter.com/Rj6SOsRE9V
— WCHL & Chapelboro (@WCHLChapelboro) August 25, 2018
For whatever reason, this man on the pro-Confederate side got tired of one of these brats trash talking and punched him in the mouth:
A man just punched one demonstrator. Then another was arrested for destroying a confederate flag pic.twitter.com/756e92ypx0
— Myah Ward (@MyahWard) August 25, 2018
Here is Molly from Charlottesville (aka Socialist Dog Mom) ripping up a stolen wreath because honoring your dead ancestors with flowers is … uh, “hate speech.”
Anti-Silent Sam protester rips up wreath brought to site at UNC. #SilentSam pic.twitter.com/hfcw3UN9A0
— Jane Stancill (@janestancill) August 25, 2018
Antifa have injured a police officer:
Officer with visible cut after scene outside of Graham Memorial where those arrested are initially being taken pic.twitter.com/xgIgURT710
— WCHL & Chapelboro (@WCHLChapelboro) August 25, 2018
Five arrests confirmed so far but we are hearing there were more:
Five people have arrested at a rally on UNC's campus, less than a week removed from protesters toppling Silent Sam.https://t.co/cqXtdpVIss
— WCHL & Chapelboro (@WCHLChapelboro) August 25, 2018
7 arrests in Chapel Hill:
UNC Police confirmed that seven people were arrested: three for assault, two for assault, destruction of property and inciting a riot, one for destruction of property and one for resisting an officer.https://t.co/cqXtdpVIss
— WCHL & Chapelboro (@WCHLChapelboro) August 25, 2018
Louisville ARA are claiming 5 Antifa have been arrested:
5 anti-fascists arrested, so far, in clashes with neo-confederates at UNC.
— Louisville ARA (@LouisvilleARA) August 25, 2018
Little Molly yelling at a police officer:
Cops have formed a barricade with bicycles. Am ambulance is parked nearby. Protesters continue to chant at cops #unc #silentsam @indyweek pic.twitter.com/u4Qt9Uhesk
— Leigh Tauss (@LeighTauss) August 25, 2018
Chelsea Manning is at UNC:
Chelsea Manning, activist who served 7 years in prison for leaking military info, is here to support the #unc protesters “(#silentsam) shouldn’t go back up.” Manning says. “I don’t care what the state law says.” @indyweek pic.twitter.com/tRqTpd2K6B
— Leigh Tauss (@LeighTauss) August 25, 2018
Not sure if this is good or bad but the pictures are very interesting.
It’s good to see our people going out in public…all arrests appear to have been against the other side. Good.
Did Jesse Helms ever call UNC the “University of Negroes and Communists”?
That line has been attributed to the late longtime U.S. senator for many years by many sources. John Dodd, president of the Jesse Helms Center in Wingate, says it is “a fabrication.”
I have heard some say that it was Chubb Sewell, a colleague of Senator Helms, who actually came up this very appropriate name for this liberal school.
HA ha. “University of Negroes and Communists.” THAT needs to go viral ! They need to OWN that name and everyone needs to have that name in the back of their minds when they see or hear about that school. Do this with EVERY lib school. Think of names for every lib school 🙂 Stuff like this can really stick. Good job covering “the show.”
Before NC had a state zoo, Helms reportedly said.
“Why build a zoo when we can just put up a fence around Chapel Hill?”
— Jesse Helms
Some say this again came from Senator Helm’s colleague Chubb Sewell.
Not quite, Turn Hearts – Helms uset to say, ‘Niggers and Commies.’
Well, that doubles down on the fact that he never said “University of Negroes and Communists” I guess his enemies failed to ask the right question…
Could you imagine if Senator Helms had a Twitter account?
Oh, my – what a delicious thought. Lord, how I would love to have The Jesse Helms of 1965, from WRAL-5 in Raleigh (he used to do the evening editorial) back and on Twitter for a few days. Better yet, how ’bout Jefferson Davis. Oh, Lord, they would be dropping like flies, at the tweets!
Like +++++++…
“shouldn’t go back up.” Manning says. “I don’t care what the state law says.”
They don’t care about the law, until they need it to beat their enemies over head.
North Carolina Speaker Ban
On June 26, 1963, the North Carolina General Assembly passed the Act to Regulate Visiting Speakers, later known as the Speaker Ban Law. The law forbade anyone to speak on a University of North Carolina campus who was a known member of the Communist Party, or who was known to advocate overthrow of the United States Constitution, or who had invoked the Fifth Amendment in respect of communist or “subversive” connections. The law was rushed through in the closing hours of the legislative session with virtually no debate.
To challenge the law, two speakers were invited to campus who were communists under almost any definition. When university officials refused to allow them to speak on campus, students from the university, led by Student Body President Paul Dickson, filed a federal lawsuit that ultimately declared the Speaker Ban Law invalid due to vagueness.
At least the State of NC tried to get rid of the Commies …
Worth noting the Governor of North Carolina, Terry Sanford, later President of Duke U and native North Carolinian attempted to veto it, but didn’t have the veto power to do so. He was a leftist Democrat who supported integration. Anyone who thinks because X might be native born back more than four generations that he’ll be Conservative is fooling themselves
Chelsea Manning, activist who served 7 years in prison for leaking military info, is here to support the #unc protesters “(#silentsam) shouldn’t go back up.” Manning says. “I don’t care what the state law says.”
The left might want to consider that having a tranny that served seven years in federal prison for treason saying it does not care about the law is BAD OPTICS. I will let readers consider how ironic this POS’s statement really is.
A Marxist bookstore was left a message.