About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. That these beaten-down folks even have the ability anymore to have a dissident thought amazes me. Gods help them! They deserve SO much in terms of reparations from the rotten Jews and their accomplices during and after ww2. But what do they get? Not even an acknowledgement of their present suffering, much less an apology for wartime atrocities committed against them.

    • Yes, this is GOD.

      Today is the 79 anniversary of the WW II and 200 000 South African white people volunteered to beat the Nazis.

      Now here we are. SA whites passing painful beatthenazis process, Theresa is dancing on their graves and those nations who fought on the Hitler side are relatively safe.

      Despite everything, Germany is 80% white and Poland and Hungary and entire Eastern Europe behind them.

      In the UK, Eastern European takes your job and immigrant rapes your child and both laughing that you won the Nazis, so enjoy your victory.

    • Because East Germans were never taught to hate themselves that part of Germany might be able to save itself from becoming part of Merkelstan.

  2. These Saxons do not feel any more outrage than Southerners have long felt.

    It is only that they have not learned to live with it, not learned to subordinate it.

    Come to think of it, I hope they never do learn such things.

    I warn all White Races that, if you follow the choice that we Southerners have followed – one of retreat from our schools, retreat from our cities, retreat from our values, retreat from our faith, retreat from our customs, retreat from our race-consciousness, then, you, too will live like we do – timid ghosts in our towns, scared to go out at night for fear of rape and robbery, all while occupied by The Invisible Eye in The Sky that waves The Stars & Stripes.

    Choose wisely, Whites, for your choice will follow you to the grave…

  3. “I warn all White Races that, if you follow the choice that we Southerners have followed – one of retreat from our schools, retreat from our cities, retreat from our values, retreat from our faith, retreat from our customs, retreat from our race-consciousness, then, you, too will live like we do – timid ghosts in our towns, scared to go out at night for fear of rape and robbery, all while occupied by The Invisible Eye in The Sky that waves The Stars & Stripes.”

    Problem is … how many of us Whites would join a crowd that amassed like the one in Chenmitz? Most would say “well I need this job and don’t want to be fired” or something like that. So until Whites have really “had it” – nothing is going to happen.

    • that’s about it.

      so long as the jew.gov

      can buy consent with debt-financed goodies,

      consent will continue.

      when the debt overhang – c. $100 trillion in ‘Murka alone –


      then we’ll see who does whom.

    • Mr. Hansen, are you aware of the following quote by Texas Grand Dragon, Louis Beam?

      “There is no Black Power, only White Weakness, no Jewish Supremacy, only White submission…”

  4. I now firmly believe that the world would be a much better place if America and its jew bosses weren’t ruling over it. Maybe we’d still have the CSA as well Imperial Germany and Tsarist Russia around. The European powers would still have colonies in Africa, India and the Far East. And Japan would continue to be an isolated shogunate. Best of all? No Zionist state in Palestine.

    The USSA needs to be broken up into several smaller republics to prevent it from ever terrorizing the world again.

    • Exactly. Almost all the catastrophes are due to the presence of this bloated entity sitting here, safe behind its oceans, with a federal power so obscenely vast that no entire region of the country can hope to challenge it. And infused with the abolitionist spirit that it has carried to the remotest portions of the globe.

      It needed to be turned into multiple countries from the beginning. “Make America Great Again” is the wrong tack in the end because this is the wellspring of darkness that afflicts the people of Europe — and the White people who live on this continent, even.

      There need to be 3-5 nations here.Not a single sanctimonious, relentless, jew-infested colossus.

    • Hey, Spahn – did you ever hear this quote by General Robert E. Lee?

      “The consolidation of the states into one vast empire, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of ruin which has overwhelmed all that preceded it.”

    • Had the CSA broken away from the USA there probably would never have been a united Germany.

    • I don’t know about the CSA, but Europe would certainly be healthier at this point if the treacherous UK had minded it’s own business. It didn’t. They decided that millions of people dying was preferable to straight up economic competition.

      • The Prussian generals studied the campaigns of the Union and concluded they could unite all the German speaking principalities with train delivered troops.

  5. The good news is that even in Germany, where White people couldn’t be more demoralized, the normies are starting to realize who their enemies are and what they’re doing to them.

  6. East Germany has always been more nationalistic and just better. Even under communism they were still far better than west Germany.

  7. Not trying to be a black pill about Chemnitz but….
    This is a Boomer generated protest.
    Hardly anyone younger than 50 in the crowd.
    I’m thrilled that finally the latent fury is starting to manifest but if the 20-30 year old Germans don’t jump in….then what?

  8. Heinrich and Lana are keeping Chemnitz going. Here is the Red Ice version and report that the Political Elite and Lugenpresse are more worked up about the German nationalist protests than about the murder.

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