Lana Lokteff Fat Shames Lolcow Talia Lavin

I’ve been watching this spat escalate over the past few days:

Talia Lavin, the obese Jewish extremism researcher who hates White people and was recently laid off by The Village Voice, has been crusading to get Red Ice purged from YouTube:

She reminds me of Lena Dunham.

I enjoy watching this unattractive fat chick own herself several times a day. No one wants to read her garbage. The Village Voice couldn’t even give it away for free.

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Alt-Right / Conservative / Traditional women are much much much more attractive and alluring than their Marxist / Leftist / Communist counterparts. Lana is very attractive (some would say beautiful) not only because of her looks and body (slim and well proportioned) but also because of her IQ – she’s very articulate, and carries herself with grace and charm.

  2. My family and I absolutely love Lana! Very intelligent, switched on, and so on point. She always says EXACTLY what my wife and I feel.
    She also sets a great example for young women to look and be healthy.
    Fat shaming those who are likely a burden on the medical system? Why not!?
    Keep it up Lana-we’re 100% behind you!!!

    • Lana is an excellent role model for young White women instead of the degenerate trash they’re given to look up to.

    • Controlled op has to be that – ‘opposition,’ as opposed to complacency or complicity.

      If Fed Ice didn’t go down with the slew of authentic pro-white and truther outlets, some of the dummies who believe in them would start to listen to us. Cue Lana the Martyr, whites’ valiant Freedom Fighter.

      Just like Red Ice with their $$$ budget didn’t have firewall protection when Charlottesville just sort of… happened.


        • I’ve studied them fairly closely for years. If Henrik went ‘1488’ he probably did so on the heels of some outbreak of chronic criticisms they weather for refusing to name the jews, among other complaints.

          • Never good enough for you whiners who don’t show your face and talk. Yeah sure, RI never talks about Jooz. Fools. Clearly you are not familiar with their content. Do it yourself then.

      • (((Genie))): How does it feel when someone accuses you of being other than White and pro-White???

        I get so f-ing sick of seeing people post such baseless slander about others in this movement! Where’s your proof that Lana and Henrik are “feds” or “jews”?? Nowhere, that’s where. Put up or shut up.

        All I can go by is the fact that I’ve watched them for as long as they’ve been discussing the topics they discuss now. Are they perfect White Warriors in every way, never making a mistake or saying something that others might find cringe-worthy? No?, then how about you? Are you a perfect White Warrior who’s never made a mistake or said/done something others might find cringe-worthy?

        Before you crap on people who are out there showing their faces, churning out pro-White and “antisemitic” content, getting their site continually hacked and financial vectors deplatformed, getting death threats, etc., try stepping out into the light yourself.

  3. I believe Ms. Lokteff is a White Russian, although many jews came from the Pale of Settlement – hence their Russified jew surnames.

  4. I like the printed word, newspapers, hard copy magazines. I lived in New York City 1985-90. It felt like 20 years. New York did have a lively newspaper and magazine scene then – some guys on our side like Tom Wolfe managed to get published – his awesome account of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bernstein holding a fundraising party for the Black Panthers at their post 5th Avenue Apartment – this story was first published in New York Magazine.

  5. Some on here don’t seem to understand that many Jew names are distortions of European names.

    I love Lana and Henrik. I do not subscribe to the belief that they are controlled opposition. I do believe David Duke is controlled opposition. You just got a great tip, now go chase it.

    • Madame is correct, the Feds probably “flipped” Duke while he was in prison for tax fraud/evasion. The great Tom Metzger worked with Duke in the 70s and has repeatedly warned people to stay away from him. Madame is also right about jew names being a distortion of European names. Miss Lana is certainly no jewess, she is of true Russian/Rus ancestry.

      • I have no conclusion about Duke. But anyone who thinks Metzger is trustworthy needs to sober up. That guy gives me the creeps.

  6. I’ll repeat to all southerners that Snowhitey admitted on here to being part slavic, and has echoed the kinds of a. misogynist divisive anti-southern rhetoric that Lokteff specializes in (although to nowhere near Lokteff’s degree) and b. anglo-undermining/subverting stances in general.

    Neither of those encompasses the extent of evidence that exists to support the contention that Lokteff is controlled opposition. Snowhitey herself is probably just some woman who seeks to bend the anglocelt South to her own alien non-Southern will.

    I’m appropriating ‘the South’ to my own 100% angloceltic will , here, but with the 100% emphatic imprimatur of every working class old Southerner I conferred with in about 3 weeks of traveling all over Dixie.


    • She’s an Arab. She has said that she is 3/4 Arab. I’m sure she would not mind reasserting that as it’s in the comments and there are screenshots. She lives in Michigan, probably Dearborn.

      • You two fools needs to show me where not just others on this site.

        You’ve made yourselves suspect with those statements.

      • “She’s an Arab. She has said that she is 3/4 Arab. I’m sure she would not mind reasserting that as it’s in the comments and there are screenshots. She lives in Michigan, probably Dearborn.”

        You talk like the product of two kissing cousins.

        ~ Snowhiteyahmed

        I don’t hate, I love all my friends.

    • “Snowhitey herself is probably just some woman who seeks to bend the anglocelt South to her own alien non-Southern will.”

      What an immature and idiotic statement. Fool, that would make me a Jew wouldn’t it?

      ~ Snowhiteyowicz

    • “…the extent of evidence that exists to support the contention that Lokteff is controlled opposition.”

      WHAT EVIDENCE??? Post some of it here, I’ll wait.

    • “I’m appropriating ‘the South’ to my own 100% angloceltic will , here, but with the 100% emphatic imprimatur of every working class old Southerner I conferred with in about 3 weeks of traveling all over Dixie.”

      Huh. Well, you didn’t come talk to this 100% Southern-boy. Born and raised Southern, by the way. My family goes back a looong way, all the way from Nashville to Georgia, with even streets and towns named after us. And I can tell you that after talking to you for five minutes I’d chase you the hell off my property. You might think that you are coming off as intelligent, with your use of $200 words like ‘imprimatur’ (yes, I do know what the word means), but, to my ear, you come off as a slanderous, slick-talking, divisive (((troll))).

  7. She may be 3/4 arab but she is 100% hideous. I have seen many plus-sized women who are attractive-this is definitely not one of them. In addition her politics, demeanor and attitude make her many times uglier than her physical attributes do. She needs to emigrate to some arab country and submit to sharia law like a good arab woman. That excess blubber will be worked off of her in no time.

  8. Wonderful, I’ve smoked the frauds out. Brad knows who I am. He knows my name and where I live. I really must push some buttons to get this response. I guess I now have to enact Plan B. They’re on to me. Ah ha ha ha!

    Nice try.

  9. Yes, yes, lets bash every successful White Nationalist…Metzger, Red Ice, they are all on the jewish payroll! So is Hunter Wallace! The movement will only succeed when its every adherant is revealed to be the jewish agents they really are! LOL.

    • Excellent point, Fenris. And I agree. Although I also recognize, as I’m sure you do, that there occasionally are some people and “leaders” in this WN movement who are agents of the enemy. Jews, feds, etc. It does happen, and often. My only point is that people need to provide at least some objective, convincing circumstantial evidence when accusing someone of being something other than what they say they are. Just popping off with “Look at how many Jews and other ‘known’ shills that Red Ice has interviewed on their show!” proves absolutely nothing. Except that the accuser has little understanding about the nature of and reasons for interviews and debates. And that the accuser wants to smear this or that person for some reason… if only to make themselves look like they’re ace-detectives or something, you know, smarter than the rest of us “fools”.

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