I’m in but mostly outside of Chicago (the city) these days. Downtown/Lakefront Chicago is one of the most beautiful modern cities in the world – architecture is awesome. The Chicago WASP founding fathers did a great job of setting up English style public Lakefront parks and excellent transportation. We used to dump our sewage in to the Chicago river which flowed in to Lake Michigan. Pooping in one’s drinking water – that violates the basic rules of Civilization 101. Chicago engineers reversed the flow of the Chicago river so our treated sewage goes the other way, merges with the Mississippi river and goes down to St. Louis where they make Budweiser beer.
St. Louis has traditionally had better baseball teams than my Chicago, but at least our beer isn’t made out of their piss and poop.
A Racial history of Chicago – Instauration Magazine

Chicago still is a great, beautiful, prosperous city downtown and on the Lakefront. But, if you get away from Downtown and the lakefront, Chicago can look, smell and feel like a brutal Brazilian city like San Paulo or Rio. From a populist, Conservative, Identitarian, immigration patriot perspective – Chicago’s politics is about as bad as it gets. It’s one party Left Democrat state – there are few or really no White heterosexual political leaders of any kind. From the year 2000 to today, Chicago lost 50% of it’s Black African American population. In theory crime should be going down, but it’s not. What happened is that moderately successful young middle class Black African Americans have done “Black flight” trying to just get away from the dysfunctional Black criminal, welfare underclass. Chicago has a sizable Black upper middle class elite, but in politics it does not translate in any way to responsible governance. This Black elite simply does what White & Jewish elites in the city have done forever – insulate themselves in safe, private places, use elite private and charter schools, use urban renewal and gentrification to ethnically cleanse the Black underclass from desirable Lakefront, downtown, Northside and university communities. Now the Obama clique just managed to steal a $500 million South Lakefront park for their presidential library complex including a 27 story high rise tower! Andrew Jackson Park in my old South Side, University of Chicago neighborhood will become the Obama complex park a Lib Leftist Black Nationalist power center complete with a Tiger Woods 18 hole golf course!
There is a lot of of White liberal “friends of the park” opposition to this Obama presidential library theft of Chicago’s parkland.
Chicago’s (straight out of central casting) Jewish mayor Rahm Emanuel is stepping down and not seeking re-election. This will prevent Chicago and Illinois from having both a stereotypical anti White Chicago mayor and an Illinois governor as Jewish plutocrat JP Pritzger is favored to be our next Governor.
As far as Chicago’s Black AA and Latino/undocumented crime goes – it’s completely out of control, approaching Brazilian style criminal anarchy. I highly recommend these two real crime in the Chicago streets blogs to follow what’s happening here
Second City Cop Link
HeyJackAss Link
Our (Served in the Israeli Defense IDF force, son of Irgun Jewish terrorist) Jewish mayor Rahm Emanuel did a decent job of building the Chicago economy, using Hollywood connections to bring lots of film industry jobs here; Chicago has a building boom – great for the trades (you young White men, consider a lucrative career as an iron worker, pipe fitter, heavy machinery driver), but did typical Jewish Lib Leftist policies on crime and education. Rahm gave top city jobs to Black AA incompetents or just (All the Black Africans get out of jail free) BlackLiesMatter prosecutors and judges.
Chicago is feeling more and more like New York City in the late 1980s and early 90s. I was there, civilization was collapsing. But, I note that New York City elected a White savior mayor Rudy Giuliani and New York City produced a tough White guy Donald Trump who is now the USA’s President. So if New York City could be saved, why not Chicago? As it stands now, I try to get out of the Chicago city most of the time and look for bits and pieces of courage and honesty. Here is one such instance a (I’m pretty sure) retired Black African American police officer getting published in my former neighborhood newspaper simply telling the truth about Chicago crime:
Incompetent Black Lives Matter prosecutors, judges and Lib Left media letting brutal Black AA criminal get away with the worst violent crimes including ….
Murder. Less than 15% of Chicago murders get solved, Chicago’s Black and Latrino criminals are literally getting away with murder! Here’s his letter to the editor. Link
“AUGUST 15, 2018
Shocked by shootings
hph2012 / Front Page no pic, Letters To The Editor / 0 Comments
To the Editor:
I, along with many others, am shocked about the amount of violence about two weeks ago.
I believe that the police are doing all they can to prevent the violence but I also believe that the rest of the criminal justice system in Cook County is failing the public.
Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle has publicly stated that way too many black males are incarcerated and she has made it her mission to address her concerns. She has influenced Stateâs Attorney [Kim] Foxx, Chief Judge Timothy Evans and Sheriff [Tom] Dart to adjust their policies to follow her beliefs.
Stateâs Attorney Foxx has instructed the Felony Review Unit of her office to limit the number of felony charges brought against individuals who are arrested with a firearm within Cook County. The Chicago Police Department has recovered over 5,000 firearms in 2018 but I doubt if even half of those arrested were charged with a felony. The clearance rate for murders in Chicago is under 15 percent for 2018 and if one removes the domestic related homicides and the homicides were the offender is deceased one will unfortunately discover that the actual clearance rate is under 10 percent. I have been informed that detectives have asked CCSAO, Felony Review Unit to approve charges against individuals on many other cases but have been turned down because they want additional evidence. I was really shocked when I heard that of the 66 reported homicides from July 2018 have resulted in prosecution in only one incident.
Chief Judge Evans has instructed the judges in Bond Court to release as many individuals as possible on recognizance bonds. It makes no sense, to me, that an individual already on parole or who has previous bond forfeitures should be granted a recognizance bond. I also find it troubling that when an individual who has been released on a recognizance bond fails to appear, the judge whom he was to appear in front of issues a ruling of âbond forfeited, case stricken, no warrant issuedâ. There are no sanctions attached to failing to appear for the hearing!
Sheriff Dart is allowing individuals already on parole or who have failed to appear in the past for a hearing to walk the streets on home monitoring. There have been credible reports that many of those released on home monitoring are not being tracked by his office and he is failing to advise the public of same.
The police are trying their best but the remainder of the criminal justice system is failing the citizens of Chicago.
Note: I am a retired police officer with 33+ years of service with the Chicago Police Department and was fortunate of having served in doing investigative work for 30+ years of my career including assignments as Commander of Vice and Narcotics, Deputy Chief of Organized Crime and Detective Division and Deputy Superintendent of Internal Affairs.
Michael Hoke”
that would be the Barack Obama
Prezidential Library and Homosexual Massage Parlor.
by and by, when the (((debtbuck))) dies
Chicongo and all the other Jew/Black/Spic cities
are going to be thoroughly purged
Chicago has basically become two cities, like lot of places in the U.S., the upper class neighborhoods with their good shopping and private schools, and the rest of the town, homeless people, drug addicts, and the criminals eat everybody else alive. People like Emanuel don’t care if nigger criminals kill other niggers, the rich in this country don’t give a shit about anybody else except other out of touch rich assholes. They just wall themselves off, like the white dumbasses in South Africa did.
Trolling me, Jack? đ
Really now, I’ve made it to Cologne, working out my jet lag and lack of sleep issues, and soon I’ll hit the ground running, or in my case, rolling, in my new job.
Re Rahm: The bad news is that when it comes to Chicago mayoral politics, Rahm is as “good” as it gets, everyone else is either as bad or worse.
I also surmise Rahm falling on his sword means that the next Daley is ready to be blown up the chute.
God be with us – the counterfeit human, and governing antichrist of Chicongo, now can be a victim of his own multiculturalism, and it will just be a ‘statistic.’ May an illegal or apeman run him over, and may his name be remembered no more. Brisanimals don’t deserve a ‘legacy.’