Thousand Oaks Mass Shooter Posted To Facebook and Instagram Before and During Massacare

The fake news narrative over Thousand Oaks is exploiting the shooting to push gun control.

No one is surprised that the narrative isn’t social media censorship because the shooter not only posted his swan song on Facebook, but posted during the shooting on Instagram:

“29-year-old Thousand Oaks bar shooter David Ian Long reportedly posted to Facebo0k’s Instagram social media network during the mass shooting which killed twelve on Wednesday.

According to TMZ, Long was “on social media as he shot a dozen people dead, and, based on what we now know, it sounds like they were revenge killings.” TMZ reports that law enforcement officials told the site that Long held his gun in one hand and his phone in the other, posting messages throughout the rampage. …

His Facebook post reportedly reads:

The post says: “I hope people call me insane… (laughing emojis).. wouldn’t that just be a big ball of irony? Yeah.. I’m insane, but the only thing you people do after these shootings is ‘hopes and prayers’.. or ‘keep you in my thoughts’… every time… and wonder why these keep happening…”

There were no calls to defund and deplatform YouTube either over the Tallahassee shooter. The media is biased. The news is fake. “Journalists” are political activists with an agenda who shouldn’t be trusted. All these mass shootings blur together and we have grown numb to them.

Chances of another mass shooting this month? At the rate we are going, I would say pretty good. The disturbed, mentally ill people that I really worry about though work for the media.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “There were no calls to defund and deplatform YouTube either over the Tallahassee shooter. The media is biased. The news is fake. “Journalists” are political activists with an agenda who shouldn’t be trusted.”

    Journalism is war by other means.

    “All these mass shootings blur together and we have grown numb to them.”

    ‘Murrica is breaking up is all. No country in history ever survived diversity.

    Eventually “journalists” will transition from calling these events mass shootings, and report them as ongoing clashes in a civil war. And no one will notice the change when it happens.

  2. When Bowers went and shot people, at least he had a motive and a position. This wanker just shoots at anyone for no credible reason. He chose to be in the military-so he can’t blame them for his situation. He then just shoots people like he’s in actual combat.
    From the ‘only in America’ department.

  3. You can tell a lot about a person by looking at their eyes. The eyes are the window to the soul. This guy looks crazy but then again any person that commits a heinous act such as this is bat shit crazy!!! I’m curious to know why he snapped? My sincerest condolences to the victims families.

  4. Virginia Tech Shooter was no Vet..He was an Asian..Check out DEBUNKING MENTAL ILLNESS – AN INSIGHT INTO BIGGEST SECRETS OF NSA AND ILLUMNATI by Dan Raleigh on goduck search site..

  5. He was ANTIFA! What mass shooter, mocks right-wingers!?!?!? Now that I’ve got this info, I consider this evidence of a false flag! This was obviously a ploy for gun control!!

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