Andrew Anglin Condemns The Neo-Nazi Wignats He Nurtured For Years

(Photo Credit: The Liberty Lamp)

If you haven’t heard the news, a Gab poster from Bowl Patrol has been doxed by the media and arrested on a gun charge in DC:

“WASHINGTON – Jeffrey Clark, the 30-year-old man federal agents arrested here Friday after he called the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting a “dry run” and his relatives worried he might try to launch a race war, wasn’t shy about being a neo-Nazi.

In April 2017, when someone asked Clark at a White House rally organized by “alt-right” coiner Richard Spencer whether he considered himself a fascist, he said no ? he considered himself a Nazi. Antifa activists photographed him at the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August 2017. He has posed for pictures in front of Nazi symbols and holding Nazi memorabilia.

On Gab, the favored social network of racists and anti-Semites, Clark had the username @PureWhiteEvil and called himself “DC Bowl Gang,” a reference to Dylann Roof, the bowl-cut racist who murdered nine black churchgoers in Charleston, South Carolina, in 2015. …”


In spite of the hysteria, this appears to be nothing more than a family tragedy. Edward Clark (aka “DC_Stormer”) committed suicide the day of the Pittsburgh shooting. Jeffrey Clark (aka “DC Bowl Gang)” became increasingly agitated in the days that followed and was reported to the FBI by his family. He was arrested on a gun charge for violating DC’s gun laws. So far, there is no proof that Edward’s suicide had anything to do with Pittsburgh or that Jeffrey had anything to do with it either.

This hasn’t stopped Andrew Anglin from self-righteously wading into the issue to condemn the “wignats”:

“Remember when I told you that the synagogue shooter Robert Bowers would have been in a chat room with other users egging him on, and that the feds would get that chat and start arresting people?

Well, that’s happening.

Furthermore, one of the guys in the chat killed himself immediately after the shooting, presumably because he knew he would be implicated for having been in the chat with Bowers.

Gab has chat rooms. The wignats on that site were in these chats – I assure you – talking about all kinds of acts of violence. Just like the leaked Atomwaffen chats showed the same kind of people doing.

I drew a line on this wignat bullshit and people attacked me over it. Alleged people. I don’t know how many of them are actually real, and how many of them are fed provocateurs. …”


Half the movement just did a gigantic eye roll.

Isn’t this the same website that is run by Weev, who admitted to being a Jew on Reddit, who was banned from Gab for threatening another Waco or Oklahoma City?

Isn’t Weev the same guy who endorsed Dylann Roof and murdering the children of federal agents in a fax that he sent out to dozens of universities adorned with swastikas?

Have you noticed that The Daily Stormer hasn’t written anything about the arrest warrant that is out for Azzmador in Charlottesville (he did a podcast where he boasted about gassing the kikes) or Zeiger in Canada who was a prolific poster on Iron March and was one of the main guys who popularized SIEGE to the Atomwaffen kids? Why was Edward Clark calling himself “DC_Stormer” on Twitter? By what standard are these Bowl Patrol guys “wignats,” but Weev, Azzmador, Zeiger and Anglin himself – all of whom have endorsed violence – are to be considered something else?

Has anyone else noticed that The Daily Stormer condemns Atomwaffen (fun fact: they used to love Atomwaffen in their Neo-Nazi phase) while simultaneously billing itself as “The World’s #1. Rape Legalization Website” and has written countless articles promoting beating, raping and torturing women and even justifying mass shooters who have killed women?

Have you noticed that while Atomwaffen has all but disappeared, which Anglin confidently predicted was behind the pipe bombs in Austin, Texas several months ago, there has been a huge upswing in MGTOW incel mass shooters since around March? The Tallahassee shooter was one of these people. Nikolas Cruz was one of these people. The Toronto van terrorist acted in the name of “the incel rebellion.” Anglin recently wrote an article about how it is “chickens coming home to roost.”

It gets even better.

Check out this recent episode of the Bowlcast to find out how deeply involved Andrew Anglin and Weev were in Discord chats of the Bowl Patrol. While they have tried to airbush this out of history, it was The Daily Stormer and Weev in particular who nurtured this kind of ironic, violent Neo-Nazi discourse for years. They spent years arguing with Colin Liddell and Ramzpaul about it.

Every few months The Daily Stormer will stir up one of these edge posting fads. Anglin condemns “wignats” now, but he is being sued for the Neo-Nazi/KKK invasion of Whitefish, MT. For years, The Daily Stormer promoted “wignats” like Matt Heimbach and Robert Ransdell and the “Bowl Gang” he condemns here, but now it promotes all this Elliot Rodger MGTOW incel stuff.

In light of the Stormer’s track record, we can predict with a strong degree of confidence that by 2020 after its next volte face it will likely be condemning MGTOW incel mass shooters as losers who can’t get laid after the next Elliot Rodger goes crazy and launches his Day of Retribution. The Stormer had no problem transitioning from being the most criticized website in the Alt-Right for its optics to becoming the primary instigator of the divisive “optics war” last year.

What do you think their next leap will be?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I find it hilarious that a guy hiding away in some foreign country and who’s entire staff either has arrest warrants out for them or under investigation would write a laughable hypocritical article such as that. Take care of your own problems instead of worrying about some guy who was arrested on a gun charge.

    • Andre “the nigger” Anglin isn’t hiding out in Lagos Niggeria or even in Cambodia or Vietnam now that the Thailand authorities have cut down on underage sex tourism. Rather Andre ‘the nigger’ Anglin is hiding out in some basement of his wierdo daddy’s rental houses in East Columbus.

      Yesterday a federal judge ruled that Apedre was still a party in the jewess $PLC lawsuit in Montana so Apedre might as well give up pretending and cum into the light of a Majik Mart to buy some protein powder & sniff the bicycle-seats of underage gookesses.

      Our bowel Movement Tard Corrals needs as many ZOGbot fuktards false-fag operations allowing shitheads to shitpost as is necessary. Of course Gab is a ZOG false-fag operation. So is Dully $permer as well as $tormdrain and Rabbi Linder’s Virtual Colostomy Bag NNF / TraitorGlenn Miller NNF. Happy Hunting Grounds for the $PLC and antifa. Even Rabbi Linder took some time off from butchering out some kosher crohns-ick wasting disease deer anuses at Ground-Zero for prion-poisoning in Adair County Moronsouri because huffing the loxism at itz Virtual Colostomy Bag NNF got tiresome even for that virtual bagel-bakestering jewboy.

      Andre “the nigger” Anglin is merely disparaging the ZOG False-Fag Coonpetition of Gab in favor of the Daily Nigger message boreds. I’d post myself at the Daily Nigger but I’m banned for life & then sum because my first — and last — post there was about Apedre’s love of young Ethiopian cone-tittays that Carolyn Yenta-Yeager had caught Apedre drooling over. Andre ‘the nigger’ was less than amused.

      Actually I find The Daily Nigger a hoot. Far more entertaining than the jew Yawk Slimes or Washington Com-Post and nearly as informative as the Wall Street Jewranal.

      Lil’ Hi-Yaller Apedre just wants to have fun & for it to cum-cum, cum-cum at the expense of Gab. Nothing personal, any more than Apedre’s disdain for White women is anything more than Apedre’s lustfool desires. If you were 13 years old or younger and a gookess or she-niglet with a bone in jewr nose & chocolate-colored cone-tittays then Andre ‘the nigger’ Anglin would love you too.

      Let a hundred dandelions bloom and 666 Skrules of Thot Coontend in this bowel Movement of ours. That way even Mighty Evil Empire ZOG can’t catch & cage all of us until it is much too late for ZOG.

      Ten Thousand Warlords is the future.

      Hail Victory !!!

      Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
      Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
      Ten Thousand Warlords Project

  2. “Raping their daughters”, “gouge out their eyes”, etc…..this guy Weev reminds me of the guy in the ANP that turned out to be Jewish. He would constantly say outlandish, “sick fantasy” type stuff, and sure enough, he was “one of the boys” as Rockwell would say, albiet a self-hating one.

    It interests me that they claim NSM, Occidental Dissent, etc. etc. hurt the movement with “optics”…while they discuss gang-rape and mutilation. Even if they are correct, saying this kind of crap makes their argument null and void.

    Between that and the INSISTANCE on promoting race mixing at every chance (see every article on the Ortiz “woman”, all the Asian porn, saying we should use Asian females as surrogates), there doesnt seem to be much hope for DS.

    They alienate everyone- alienate the populace with the rape/hate women talk, alienate the movement by saying its not mainstream enough. For all the talk of “WN 1.0”, at least they never talked about putting women in cages, screwing Asians and all this other total garbage.

    • Wigger Anglin actually had the temerity to use the discredited term “wignat” in his latest article. And he continues to defend that dreadful “Ricky Vaughn” character. I wonder if his army of Storm-fags ever consider the possibility that he is laughing at all of them? Because he most assuredly is.

  3. Daily stormer is irrelevant. They stopped being relevant when they decided to endorse mestizo nationalism and moved to the left of Tucker Carlson and Ann Coulter. They claim they are infiltrating the Republican party with amnats, yet not a single “American nationalist” was even on the ballot in 2018. “Wignat” Arthur Jones got more votes than any storner-endorsed mestizo nationalist ever will.

  4. Good article. It’s important to understand that Anglin comes out of the same nihilistic milieu as Atomwaffen. He was buddies with them. They were all part of a larger group of unironic fascists outside of organized white nationalism who started appearing after Obama got elected.

    What a lot of people have noticed lately is the DS is implicitly pro-neocon. They have been shilling for Trump’s neocon shift in Syria and they generally avoid talking about foreign policy issues except to issue ludicrous talmudic defenses of Israel First as somehow being “anti-semitic.”

    Anglin’s only “joke” is to call people “nazis” who are not. Taylor Swift, Mike Pence etc. This is doubly harmful. It provokes a left wing backlash against those people that forces them to go public with PC views to show they are not a nazi. At the same time, it makes nationalists trusting and sympathetic to mainstream liberals and cucks who supposedly are secretly on our side. It creates an atmosphere in which nationalists are encouraged to rationalize betrayal as some kind of secret plan, exactly like the q-anon bullshit and exactly like conservatives did with Bush.

    Anglin sees his job as keeping the alt-right mindlessly supporting Trump no matter what. There is no strategy or plan beyond that.

    We have a larger problem with what I call the “troll right.” These are millennials who came to the alt-right recently from the troll/shock humor/nihilism/gore online culture that started on certain forums 15-20 years ago. They are bringing all kinds of baggage with them.

    These people have done tremendous damage by linking the alt-right to crude hollywood nazism, violent rhetoric, extreme misogyny, sharia and other unsavory things. All of this weird stuff is repellent to the kind of healthy, normal white young men we want to attract, but deeply appealing to psychos.

    The original idea of the alt-right was basically paleocons plus the sane white nationalists who weren’t into shocking people or acting foolish. These trolls have brought all the crazy stuff back in.

    • Anglin is awful but the whole movement is awful because of its views on class and economic issues. Either White Nationalists embrace Socialism or I’m done with them for good and I don’t care if the white race survives. This is not an issue where there can be any compromise- it’s literally a matter of life and death.

        • I must be a Jew because I have no interest in White Nationalism unless it drops its hatred for the white working classes and poor. Makes perfect sense.
          How exactly is it Jewish to want the 14 words to apply to proletarian white children? Because for most of the movement that sees them as “genetic garbage”, it doesn’t.

          • That’s because you’re dealing with American ism or American nationalists. European types are more in line with your way of thinkjng. Remember my friend, or diverse ideologies as whites is what makes us better. Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. You’ll be alright. And keep posting

          • Jijcf, I agree with you that the bashing of the white poor and white working class are disgusting. I’ve always believed that if we could ever create a white homeland for ourselves, we must take care of the disabled and elderly. Many of the white nationalists demonize these people and I can’t understand how this is proper.

            I hope that many of these whites who do bash those whites at the bottom of the economic ladder come to the realization that they could drop into poverty one day through no fault of their own (sickness being a prime cause), and I don’t think they would like to hear anybody demonizing them for this.

      • Jijcf Actually, there has to be some kind of societal support for our people. Telling those who are sick or have sick children, for instance, that they are on their own is not only immoral, it’s also dumb. Actually, the economic plan in Germany prior to WW2 was excellent. You might look into Distributism, that system has a lot going for, too.

        • Well try telling that to all the “leaders” in the movement like pedophile Kevin Alfred Storm who wrote some “manifesto” or something I. which he proposed that white people who can not take care of themselves do not deserve societal support and deserve to die. Unlike when Anglin or anyone else says something anti-women and its controversial or when someone bashes boomers, poor-bashing isn’t controversial at all. WNists seem to be in unanimous agreement about that.

          The notion that the lower classes are “parasites”, which has been beloved of White Nationalists for generations, was literally invented by kike Ayn Rand. The belief that poor people should be given nothing and that if they complain, then cops should be unleashed to exact instant punishment on them, was invented by kike Murray Rothbard. Reactionary right-wing ideology was literally invented by Jews.

          • Not “all” but far too many align with (((enemy))) thinking, and occasionally directly, e.g. <>.

            Problem One – the Jew – is Enemy Two
            Enemy ONE is our Race Traitor Elite !!!

      • >>Either White Nationalists embrace Socialism or I’m done with them for good and I don’t care if the white race survives.

        I know how you feel, comrade. What’s the point of getting a white ethnostate if we just end up serving the same rich vampires who caused most of our problems in the first place?

        The misogyny of bourgeoisie WNism is particularly galling. Not because it’s necessarily WRONG to hate women and wish that you could get away with raping and torturing them (though I’m open to arguments that it might be), but it sure as Hell is wrong to go out of your way to alienate the narrow-majority of our race and a near super-majority of our race’s voters and then say that you want to seize power by winning elections.

        If you wanted to take power through revolution or political terror then it wouldn’t matter what the masses thought about you. If that’s your plan then the book on how to do it has literally been written already; it’s called KD Rebel by David Lane and it’s really pretty good. It would make sense for someone like ME to advocate that kind of thing, but not for someone like Weev or Anglin to do it.

        If you’re doing elections though, then it’s a numbers game and you’ll need all the help you can get. How many of our fellow-travellers of the female persuasion have been driven out of this movement, or never got involved in the first place, because of this bullshit? All at the hands of men who possibly ain’t even physically-capable of raping the average woman, even if they wanted to…

        I recently pointed out on there that women who don’t go to college are LESS LIKELY to vote Democrat than men who do. Even women who go to college are less monolithically-liberal than men who don’t go to college are monolithically-conservative, i.e. there are more white girls in the College Republicans than there are white guys in Redneck Revolt. The implication, to my mind at least, was that we’re better off viewing this whole thing through a class spectrum: white women who go to college get almost-automatic entry into the bourgeoisie, white men who don’t will spend the rest of their lives in the proletariat. The racial divide correlates almost exactly with class, not with sex.

        I was called a white knight.

    • “We have a larger problem with what I call the “troll right.” These are millennials who came to the alt-right recently from the troll/shock humor/nihilism/gore online culture that started on certain forums 15-20 years ago. They are bringing all kinds of baggage with them.

      These people have done tremendous damage by linking the alt-right to crude hollywood nazism, violent rhetoric, extreme misogyny, sharia and other unsavory things. All of this weird stuff is repellent to the kind of healthy, normal white young men we want to attract, but deeply appealing to psychos.

      The original idea of the alt-right was basically paleocons plus the sane white nationalists who weren’t into shocking people or acting foolish. These trolls have brought all the crazy stuff back in.”

      Absolutely. These people mirror the content of old Rev Left forums, deeply sick stuff. They only know how to destroy and fundamentally cannot connect with people of normal psychology. I don’t see a point in courting them for that reason among many others, they extinguish the kind of hope and feeling of belonging and value for the good required for people to want to save themselves to begin with when personal costs are ever-mounting.

  5. It’s obvious now that they are shills. They did an about face after Cville, an event they said there was “NO EXCUSE” not to attend on their front page. This was of course after they encouraged “neo-nazis” to march on Whitefish.

    They sold back /pol/ humor to the masses on an easily understood and reddit spaced website – The Daily Stormer. They used “extreme rhetoric” as per weev’s plan he posted about on MPC. This funneled everyone into their site. They used to get EVERYONE’S back no matter what. They promoted “never punching right” as well as Iron March, AtomWaffen, TWP etc etc etc.

    The plan was to give their handlers an, “American Holocaust” they could use as media fodder to condemn White Nationalism. They achieved this with Unite the Right in Charlottesville. The media treated the event like 9/11. Daily Stormer, promoted the event and Azzmador was scheduled to speak. It’s a joke that they condemn violence and “goon squads” because Azzmador, who has a massive criminal record, was the one kicking off the violence by “pepper gelling” Antifa, and even some of his own guys.

    Once the Daily Stormer’s jewish handlers, like the one’s who ran their server rooms at 71 Broadway NY, NY, got their holocaust they showed their cards. They threw multiple people under the bus, they condemned activists (their most loyal followers) Anglin admited DS is simply, “performance art” on his personal blog, and they made over $1.6million in bitcoin in pity donations after their site was shut down. Ever since then it’s been “praise foreign street action, condemn domestic street action.”

    Anglin even has the gall to try and shame a TWP member for the Roman Salute, when YESTERDAY he posts pics of himself doing the same gesture in public. Anglin is a sociopathic opportunist turned shill. The glorification of White women getting raped, his own constant promotion of race-mixing with Asians, their “grand plan” of trying to get you to infiltrate mutiny and reform the Federal Government, while THEY HIDE FROM IT FROM FOREIGN COUNTRIES, is all a massive TROLL against YOU!

    Daily Stormer is an operation whack-a-mole. Stir things up and see what warrior class White Men will poke their heads out of the ground, inspire them to out themselves in one way or another, and then the corrupt government rounds them up and Antifa attacks them. It’s their plan to remove the last obstacle to a multi-cultural America.

    I’ll leave you with this. Years ago Anglin was on a podcast where he drunkenly admitted, “I think the White Race should be bred out.” DEATH TO THE DAILY SHILLER.

  6. Anglin is a piece of shit, more and more people in the movement are seeing through his bullshit. The real question is, why does he keep doing this? He’s not doing himself in favors in term of respect amongst his fellow white men.

  7. I guess I’m a Sperg Wignat……..

    With 3 Degrees in Science……..

    I remember when I first encountered the Alt-Right two years ago…….

    A lot of it was younger White Guys with this new Internet Slang Culture……..

    Obviously, rejected by the Hip Hop Mainstream Culture……

    Respectfully, they created their own Culture……..

    The Original Wignats……..

    Now, everyone else is a Wignat…….


  8. That Bowlcast made me laff 6 million times, it is definitely worth listening to.

    I never met Anglin but I regard him as someone who just likes to stir shit up and cause lots of drama for his private amusement. He obviously has no affection for White women (Mommy issues? Latent homosexuality?) but is mad for Orientals and anime waifus.

    Someone here warned us about the “dark energy” that some websites emit. The Daily Sperger is one such place. After each visit I feel unclean and filled with shame. Thank goodness Occidental Dissent is here to set the record straight!

  9. I’d rather be a “wignat” than the vast majority of the WN “leadership” and “intellectuals”. For decades the “leadership” have aligned White Nationalism with capitalism, bourgeois ideology, right-wing conservative trash and opposition to the interests of the proletariat. The White Nationalist movement institutionally HATES poor and working-class Whites, while simultaneously worshipping the rich as some kind of Aryan supermen – “intellectual” WN propaganda for decades has been filled with fantasies about enslaving and oppressing and sterilizing and killing “white trash” and screeching about “Marxists” who disagree with such BASED policies. The odd White Nationalist leader who has disagreed with this notion is always shamed as a commie, a Strasserite, a wignat and so on – and is relegated to the fringes of the movement and vilified endlessly. There is no difference between “WN 1.0” and “Alt-Right” either, both have continued the same anti-poor, pro-rich propaganda and similar right-intersectionalist garbage.

    Needless to say, unless there is a sea change in the ideology that WNism associates with, I’m done with it. Why should I fight for a movement that does not fight for me? Why should I reject the people who think my race is an enemy, only to support the people who think my class is the enemy? They certainly wouldn’t thank me for my “support”. Ideological WNism clearly only fights for Whites who are middle class or above (especially the latter) while seeing my class as useless parasites who are, at best, slaves to be kept in their place until we outlive our usefulness and then we’re dead. Of course, the anti-White Left, who thinks that white proletariat have “privilege” is no option either – the problem is there is NOBODY fighting for us, not even on the “fringes” of politics.

    (Read the comment section of this page to see what I am talking about: )

    • Great points, @jijcf — It has always especially angeref me to see the term “White trash” bandied about on WN sites: especially by known Alt-righters. It seems to be a regular feature among commenters, even on the more milqetoast sites like Amren. I see our White people referred to as “trash” by people who larp about “based Negroes” and hew the party line about the evils of women.

      Even the mainstream will say “White trash” — never Black or Brown trash.

      “White trash” is an anti-White pejorative.

    • @jilcf you’re such a poor uneducated faggot who will never achieve anything. When you leave where will you go? None of your socialist (jewish) buddies will support white nationalism but you should spend as much time discussing it with them as possible. Poor people who refuse to better themselves deserve nothing.

  10. I had regular interaction with the Clark boys prior to my banning on Gab. That stopped when i got banned, now a week later here we are.

    We need to keep our support networks, for our people, that’s why the jews want to shut them down so they can crow about the real Bowers hours moments.

    Without someone with a little bit more soul control to help sooth the savage beast in people around them shit goes wrong.

    I spent alot of effort making memes as a release valve for our most extreme. Because it works. The memes never created the rage in people, the jews did that, Cultural Marxism did that, the world they lived in did that. Niggers and Refugees constantly killing our people did that.

    This is just the beginning of the ride that never ends.

    • I always enjoyed your posts, man.
      Gab is a bit of a farce at the moment but we’re regrouping on Freespeechextremist and minds.
      Hit me up by e-mail at (I’m TheList on Gab).

  11. They could be good, but choose to be counter-productive. The only thing you say to people that act this way habitually is that they are wasting away good talent.

    The real tragedy is they apparently get big money donors who contribute, which is very unfortunate that other more practical sources in our movement could desperately use strong contributions. Like Red Ice who, with a couple more strong talented individuals could be a game changer vs MSM. Stormer in it’s current form will never fundamentally challenge MSM and so in that regard their donors need to wake up.

  12. It should never be forgotten which men and women told the truth from day one about them–the pro-rape banter, the nurturing of thug behavior (including murder memes) and conjecture before doing a 180 and pretending to be pro-decorum, etc. Who told the truth about this before it was ‘kewl’? Hunter Wallace, you are one who did and still does, which should be recognized. Hat tip.

    There are normal people who have an interest in preservation of their race, and always will be. That’s not what is promoted nor is it what we find in most ‘social media’, but it’s a reality. When people who are not on the wacky end of the mental spectrum are open about the truth– how they view racial matters– and don’t have to find themselves surrounded by psychopaths to be racialists (that is the unfortunate perception because of what one sees presented as ‘White Nationalist’ content, and who one has the pleasure of interacting with in such environments), it will be the norm as it was for our ancestors.

    Our ancestors understood racial reality, and were not cruel, sadistic psychos. They had no interest in such things and were too busy creating beautiful music, art, making discoveries, curing disease, and all that stuff that one does when not possessing an IQ in the double digits. We need those kinds of people leading, building, speaking. I firmly believe we are seeing, as you do in all media, an orchestrated situation, where things that are wackadoodle are given the utmost attention, and people who try and build something real and true are worked against.

    Like bees in winter though: some will not make it, and others will endure and multiply, no matter how harsh the situation.

    Some of us are going to make it–by ‘make it’ I mean we possess an undefeatable mentality: we will not be destroyed.
    Whether that’s from battling an organized global government- or people who claim to be ‘on our side’.

    Good people know truth and goodness when they see it–they’ll seek it out and build on it. Together and in real time, where it counts.


  13. To the slur of “wignat”, one need only respond with the words of Ernst Jünger, “Better [to be] a delinquent than a bourgeois.”

    • Yes, that seemed to be the attitude of the delinquents whom bourgeois I encountered at my school-bus stop threescore years ago, in my first days of elementary school. Unlike my naïve younger acquaintance whom they threw into the path of a heating-oil truck two years later, I kept a distance from them.

  14. NS here, I take both of those letters seriously. I tell every Aryan man and woman I meet about the evils of both Communism and Capitalism when the topic of politics comes up. Explaining what National Socialism is, with everything but the name, works wonders. While I no longer invest the energy in American politics and will soon leave the country, I encourage those who remain to try economic arguments first and explain how they connect with race. Just my 2¢

  15. Hunter, I remember meeting you at the cville after party. You were one of the few leader types with their head on straight. Did you witness azzholedor and Cantwell issue retarded statements to the media? I was standing right next to them when azz ushered Cantwell straight to the first media he saw after we first left the park. I also saw Enoch take all the guys with shields and ran away. Bunch of fucking cowards, traitors and informants. I was cornered by a bunch of blm alone and I stood my ground. I would have probably gotten beaten within an inch of my life, but was willing and ready to die for what I believe. What will it take for integrity to win the day in this “movement”?

    • That’s the crux of the matter. This new righ, fag right, at light. What have you are millenials, or behave like them. They are not fighters. Never suffered. Never labored. They are a product of jews and behave within their parameters. Larping lol. I guess the Renaissance were karpers, the neoclassicists were karpers the fascists were larpers, the American Revolutionaries, the tsars, etc were larpers. This is the end result of marian teachings. We’re history us nor one big narative, but a bunch of epochs of history. Split into different periods and dissected.

      The end result is. Jews, enoch, gook fuckers, anglin, spics who larpers as Gordon gecko from wall street, and Puerto rican fuckers, cantwell.

      They are disgruntled bueogoisie who don’t lije the fact that they had to witness their women fuck niggers. Cowards at best. Traitors at worst.

    • @AE – what will it take? White men need to grow up, stop slinking away into childish retreats like video games and nigraball, and work together in a serious manner. I’m not holding my breath.

    • Chris Cantwell isn’t perfect, and I have certain ideological disagreements with him, but we should remember that he actually helped expose a lot of these clowns as well, and even had Hunter Wallace on his show 3rd Stage Episode 050) after having Paul Nehlen on the previous episode, to show what faggots the Alt-Kike have become. He’s also suffered a lot for the cause. So as long as Chris is supporting our guys in the trenches (and behind bars), I have nothing but respect for him.


    [1/6/2014 11:53:23 PM] Andrew Anglin: hey do you wanna sell me the rights to that show where i’m drunk? If so, how much?
    [1/9/2014 4:39:02 PM] Iconoclast Radio: Are you seriuos man???? Why?
    [1/9/2014 4:39:27 PM] Andrew Anglin: because i sound drunk and dumb.
    [1/9/2014 4:40:33 PM] Iconoclast Radio: Give me a reason. You saying this for a long time about this show. What is causing all this? Are you having problems or something?
    [1/9/2014 4:41:10 PM] Andrew Anglin: just wasn’t at my best, man, and it’s embarassing when people bring it up.
    [1/9/2014 4:44:08 PM] Iconoclast Radio: Okay? But if I take it down your new found friends going to have to help you pay for it, cus I’m not happy about it, because I think these friends of yours are an imbaressment to the name of Hitler and National Socialist. cus Hitler was not that kind of racist. You basically teammed up with people who look at me as the enemy.
    [1/9/2014 4:44:57 PM] Andrew Anglin: Man, saying whites and blacks have different interests and should have their own way to forge their own destinies does not make you the enemy.
    [1/9/2014 4:45:36 PM] Iconoclast Radio: I will do it if the offer sounds good. I really would do it out of friendship for you but you have dis owned me pretty much as a friend and the only time I really have heard from you is about this show.
    [1/9/2014 4:45:45 PM] Andrew Anglin: some people are assholes, but a lot of people anywhere are assholes.
    [1/9/2014 4:45:58 PM] Iconoclast Radio: your asking me to take down great work of mine.
    [1/9/2014 4:46:09 PM] Andrew Anglin: no, i haven’t disowned you as a friend. I talk to you on here.
    [1/9/2014 4:46:45 PM] Iconoclast Radio: I will do it for a the right price. Tell me how much it’s worst to you and I’ll consider
    [1/9/2014 4:47:22 PM] Andrew Anglin: what were you thinking?
    [1/9/2014 4:48:36 PM] Iconoclast Radio: Dude I know it’s not cool, The show. but you are asking a big favor. Also you have never sat down and explained your new awaking. I would have never did that to some one I said I respect.
    [1/9/2014 4:49:21 PM] Andrew Anglin: well, you haven’t asked. I read Mein Kampf. And realized that White civilization could be good, if it weren’t controlled by jews/money.
    [1/9/2014 4:50:03 PM] Iconoclast Radio: I’m not thinking really. And I like money like the next man, but your asking a really big favor from a true Nazi. I don’t know. but I don’t think I would even consider anything less than a $1,000
    [1/9/2014 4:50:14 PM] Iconoclast Radio: Hope you can understand.
    [1/9/2014 4:50:21 PM] Andrew Anglin: lol I’ll sue you
    [1/9/2014 4:50:29 PM] Andrew Anglin: that is an insane amount of money
    [1/9/2014 4:50:38 PM] Andrew Anglin: I didn’t even know it was being recorded at the time
    [1/9/2014 4:50:58 PM] Andrew Anglin: why would you say we were friends then come at me like that?
    [1/9/2014 4:51:17 PM] Iconoclast Radio: Well now the show is not forsale less than $2,000 and I think our friendship is over.
    [1/9/2014 4:51:36 PM] Andrew Anglin: what did i even do to you?
    [1/9/2014 4:52:07 PM] Andrew Anglin: how am I even not being cool?
    [1/9/2014 4:52:25 PM] Iconoclast Radio: hey, go listen to the show, that was the first thing you asked if you were being recorded.
    [1/9/2014 4:52:50 PM] Iconoclast Radio: Last warning…. I’m not that guy to fuck wid. Are you really that dumb?
    [1/9/2014 4:53:08 PM] Andrew Anglin: i’m not really going to sue you. that was a joke.
    [1/9/2014 4:53:24 PM] Iconoclast Radio: You asked if I would sell the rights. that’s my price. End of story.
    [1/9/2014 4:54:20 PM] Iconoclast Radio: I’m sure your new friends should help you, if they want a great writer.
    [1/9/2014 4:55:58 PM] Andrew Anglin: you still talk to him?
    [1/9/2014 4:56:12 PM] Andrew Anglin: this guy accused me of molesting children. he is batshit.
    [1/9/2014 4:56:31 PM] Andrew Anglin: have you seen his pictures? he looks like matterik
    [1/9/2014 4:57:48 PM] Iconoclast Radio: That’s my price and I think it’s a fair price. I’m sure you will go really far without that embarrassing interview. I’m sorry that you did a 180 on your views, but…. you are talking about my work that is valueable, but not to you anymore.
    [1/9/2014 4:58:39 PM] Andrew Anglin: I think you did a whole lot of good stuff, man. I never said you didn’t.
    [1/9/2014 4:59:02 PM] Andrew Anglin: And Id hope there was some way we could work together. if you wanted to be reasonable.
    [1/9/2014 4:59:21 PM] Andrew Anglin: The interview isn’t the end of the world and I obviously don’t have that much money, so that is that. Done issue.
    [1/9/2014 4:59:40 PM] Andrew Anglin: Too many people have it downloaded now for it to matter much either way.
    [1/9/2014 5:00:05 PM] Iconoclast Radio: Whatever you and him got going on is bewteen you and him. I considered both of you friends.
    [1/9/2014 5:00:42 PM] Andrew Anglin: I never did anything to him. He is insane. go look at his pictures. Matterik 2: The Musliming
    [1/9/2014 5:00:50 PM] Iconoclast Radio: You know I haven’t had a beef wid you, cause you would not have a following at all.
    [1/9/2014 5:01:05 PM] Andrew Anglin: heh.
    [1/9/2014 5:01:26 PM] Iconoclast Radio: I don’t really care, I haven’t judged him or you.
    [1/9/2014 5:01:36 PM] Andrew Anglin: fair enough.
    [1/9/2014 5:02:18 PM] Iconoclast Radio: So reguarding the show. That’s my price. I told you my reasons.
    [1/9/2014 5:02:29 PM] Andrew Anglin: alright.
    [1/9/2014 5:04:59 PM] Iconoclast Radio: please let me know something. I have heard jokes about taking out clips of how your favorite women are black etc…
    [1/9/2014 5:08:32 PM] Iconoclast Radio: I said not to, but …. I can’t control no one but myself.
    [1/9/2014 5:09:07 PM] Andrew Anglin: It’s fair enough man, that’s the way it goes.

    This added as a comment to my site here:

  17. “AryanExodus
    NOVEMBER 15, 2018 AT 3:04 AM
    Hunter, I remember meeting you at the cville after party. You were one of the few leader types with their head on straight. Did you witness azzholedor and Cantwell issue retarded statements to the media? I was standing right next to them when azz ushered Cantwell straight to the first media he saw after we first left the park. I also saw Enoch take all the guys with shields and ran away. Bunch of fucking cowards, traitors and informants. I was cornered by a bunch of blm alone and I stood my ground. I would have probably gotten beaten within an inch of my life, but was willing and ready to die for what I believe. What will it take for integrity to win the day in this “movement”?”

    I respond:

    I think our authentic leaders will all have to have done some prison time – AH and David Duke did prison time. Tommy Robinson has done prison time. George Lincoln Rockwell was arrested many times. Jesus Christ and Joseph Smith were both arrested, JS Smith died a martyr’s death exchanging gun fire jumping out of a second story jail.

    • That’s not the issue.

      I agree that good ideas ought to replace bad ideas, but shifting from Dylann Roof Bowl Patrol posting to Elliot Rodger Incel Rebellion posting is arguably even worse because it marks half of our people as the enemy.

  18. “Hunter, I remember meeting you at the cville after party. You were one of the few leader types with their head on straight…”


    Because Mr. Griffin is actively seeking constructive solutions to a serious dilemma, NOT using the situation as a canvas upon which he can opportunistically vent anti-social, and or narcistically disturbed, inclinations, if he were to posses such.

  19. Anglin was deployed by, or co-opted by, pro-Trumpenstein Repug internals to get the job done (or to have plausible reasons for it to have happened).

    Problem One – The Jew – is Enemy Two.
    Enemy ONE is our own Race Traitor Elite !!!

  20. “there has been a huge upswing in MGTOW incel mass shooters since around March? The Tallahassee shooter was one of these people. Nikolas Cruz was one of these people”

    Cruz had a girlfriend, though the fakestream media still called him an “incel,” much as George Zimmerman became a White man. None of them were MGTOW. The MGTOW mentality is totally opposed to the idea that a man would give up his life because he isn’t getting pussy. That’s just another reflection of the vagina-worshiping mentality we fight against. I dare you to find one single MGTOW supporter who has ever endorsed violence against random men and women. When commenters do suggest violence, it is always against people like the family court judges, those who have actually participated in the oppression of men. I understand some of you inhabit a fantasy world where there are many virginal, traditionalist white women who believe in the fourteen words but can’t find a husband because men are too busy playing video games. I prefer realism.

  21. “there has been a huge upswing in MGTOW incel mass shooters since around March? The Tallahassee shooter was one of these people. Nikolas Cruz was one of these people”

    Cruz had a girlfriend, though the fakestream media still called him an “incel,” much as George Zimmerman became a White man. None of them were MGTOW. The MGTOW mentality is totally opposed to the idea that a man would give up his life because he isn’t getting pussy. That’s just another reflection of the vagina-worshiping mentality we fight against. I dare you to find one single MGTOW supporter who has ever endorsed violence against random men and women. When commenters do suggest violence, it is always against people like the family court judges, those who have actually participated in the oppression of men. I understand some of you inhabit a fantasy world where there are many virginal, traditionalist white women who believe in the fourteen words but can’t find a husband because men are too busy playing video games. I prefer realism.

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