Trump Justice Department Is Preparing To Prosecute Julian Assange

Oh man

“The Justice Department is preparing to prosecute WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and is increasingly optimistic it will be able to get him into a U.S. courtroom, according to people in Washington familiar with the matter.

Over the past year, U.S. prosecutors have discussed several types of charges they could potentially bring against Mr. Assange, the people said. Mr. Assange has lived in the Ecuadorean embassy in London since receiving political asylum from the South American country in 2012.

The people familiar with the case wouldn’t describe whether discussions were under way with the U.K. or Ecuador about Mr. Assange, but said they were encouraged by recent developments. …”

THIS … is not going to go over well.

Remember you saw this next time you see a Trump sycophant telling you to “vote straight R”:

Instead of locking up Hillary and Antifa, the Trump administration is trying to lock up Julian Assange and the Rise Above Movement. Are you sure we didn’t we Egg McMuffin president in 2016?

Note: This is a preview of how insufferable Mitt Romney and Ben Sasse are going to be in the Senate.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I was banned from Breitbart for questioning the integrity of the great leader. Looks like he’s just as much of a zionist cuck as I said he was there. Oh, the names I was called, just for speaking the truth. We Whites really have to start backing one another up, we’ve got all the blacks and browns and the ‘representative government’ against us.

  2. When Assange announced his citizenship with Ecuador. He posted a picture of himself in their national team’s soccer jersey. There was some writing on it that sort of looked like it said K.E.K. Assange looked like he had made a winning move, trading his citizenship in a minor White power like Australia, for a miniscule third world hell hole in South America. A couple of months afte that Ecuador took his Internet access away. Now they will hand him over to the USA. 3D Chess!

    • Nothing like prosecuting the guy who published your political opponents’ wrongdoings to gain support from your base that’ll absolutely love you sticking up for Hillary, right?

  3. So the (((deep state))) is all set to prosecute the man who exposed the crimes of the democratic elites, and the flagrant constitutional violations committed by the same (((deep state))) apparatus, but jude georgy swartz a.k.a. george soros is allowed to conduct domestic terrorism with his weaponized NGOs.

    Hopefully, Mr. Assange has a fail-safe up his sleeve to hold off the zio jackals.

  4. Assange just isn’t the raping type. He’s far too intelligent to allow himself to be caugt up in petty misbehavier such as that. He just wouldn’t have the time of day for it. If ever he steps outside, the British government needs to deport him to Australia, as I’m sure they have a policy of not extraditing people to nations with the death penalty.
    I’m not sure what his general political positions are, but his exposing of US military misbehavier overseas was something the world needed to see.

    • “Assange just isn’t the raping type.”

      We didn’t know it but this was the beginning stage of the #MeToo era where women could make accusations and the targeted men were immediately fired or imprisoned – with no due process.

  5. There is nothing real or genuine about Israeli asset Julian Assange, or Edward Snowden either … they are ‘rat traps’ helping to identify, silence, even kill real dissidents duped into contacting their CIA media goons. This is a show for the plebs and rubes, trying to maintain the farce that Assange is legit.

    Israel’s Netanyahu once blurted out, “Assange is talking to us and nothing will be released that will hurt us.” Zbig Brzezinski admitted on NPR National Public Radio in the USA, 2 December 2010, that Assange was a fake run by intel, supplying ‘selected chickenfeed’. Assange has had lawyers from the Rothschild family. He apparently isn’t even ‘living in the Ecuador embassy’. Notice they didn’t de-platform him, cut off his funding, raid his supporters etc like they would if he was real.

    People contacting Assange are turning up dead, Seth Rich, Peter W Smith, tho Assange pretends to be concerned about the former. Or they are in jail like reality winner. Snowden is pumped by Rothschild employee, gay p-rnographer Glenn Greenwald, after he supposedly first ‘leaked’ to Dick Cheney’s biographer. Putin plays along on a ‘deal’, Snowden may not be in Russia but back in the USA with his intel boyz.

    The Assange leaks against Clinton were just to help hold insurance against her to make her behave as President, like the fake ‘impeachment’ of Bill Clinton to get him to bomb Serbia in the 1990s. Assange also tried to set up and entrap Don Trump Jr, it should be remembered.

    Snowden & Assange won’t use the files on USA Virginia federal judge bribery that have stopped other extraditions, which would be agenda #1 if Snowman or Assy-ange were real… instead, they are loyal to the CIA’s desire to help hide USA federal judge bribery … described in detail in the recent DOJ Inspector General filing on crimes implicating Robert Mueller with his law firm. More:

  6. There is nothing real or genuine about Israeli asset Julian Assange, or Edward Snowden either … they are ‘rat traps’ helping to identify, silence, even kill real dissidents duped into contacting their CIA media goons. This is a show for the plebs and rubes, trying to maintain the farce that Assange is legit.

    Israel’s Netanyahu once blurted out, “Assange is talking to us and nothing will be released that will hurt us.” Zbig Brzezinski admitted on NPR National Public Radio in the USA, 2 December 2010, that Assange was a fake run by intel, supplying ‘selected chickenfeed’. Assange has had lawyers from the Rothschild family. He apparently isn’t even ‘living in the Ecuador embassy’. Notice they didn’t de-platform him, cut off his funding, raid his supporters etc like they would if he was real.

    People contacting Assange are turning up dead, Seth Rich, Peter W Smith, tho Assange pretends to be concerned about the former. Or they are in jail like Reality Winner. Snowden is pumped by Rothschild employee, gay p-rnographer Glenn Greenwald, after he supposedly first ‘leaked’ to Dick Cheney’s biographer. Putin plays along on a ‘deal’, Snowden may not be in Russia but back in the USA with his intel boyz.

    The Assange leaks against Clinton were just to help hold insurance against her to make her behave as President, like the fake ‘impeachment’ of Bill Clinton to get him to bomb Serbia in the 1990s. Assange also tried to set up and entrap Don Trump Jr, it should be remembered.

    Snowden & Assange won’t use the files on USA Virginia federal judge bribery that have stopped other extraditions, which would be agenda #1 if Snowman or Assy-ange were real… instead, they are loyal to the CIA’s desire to help hide USA federal judge bribery … described in detail in the recent DOJ Inspector General filing on crimes implicating Robert Mueller with his law firm. More:

  7. I’m a Julian fan. He gets it on many fronts including robots AI and transhumanism . But he never really came clean on Seth Rich. His reasoning was backwards: the way you protect your informers is by going to bat for them when they are killed. The Deep State would balk if they knew they would pay a price for murder.

    See how Erdogan handled Kashoggi? That’s how you do it.

    Assange also once quipped that “there are no ‘trash’ people, only less nice” – tell that to your kids who don’t have a father you stupid #!@÷

    He needs to grok the concept of capital E Evil.

  8. The Trumptards are in deep denial. They refuse to see objectively just what they really got: Jeb. Trump will be the last Republican president and that has a good chance of coming in 2020. In a world where everything is about race a party that denies race cannot long survive.

  9. if it’s true that trump is aware of this and in favor, then another very big, unforced error.

    a total nonsense move. he’s been making a lot of them.

    his political instincts are good, but they’re failing him more often now. nobody can survive that continuous 24 hour a day attack from a thousand enemies coming at you from all sides. you have to get 80% to 90% of the calls and decisions right under these dire conditions, just to keep the boat from sinking. the margin of error is very low, and the enemy is relentless and forces decision point attacks every month.

    he’s 72. he’s president. there’s 100 things and issues to work on, and only so much time. his advisors are generally bad, or against him, and give him bad advice regularly. but he still needs to see this as the obvious unforced error it is. no democrats pushed him into this.

    • Please stop making excuses for this lying cuck. He pulled the wool over our eyes, and has openly gone back on campaign promises again and again.

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