OD Timeline: Trump’s Second Year (Part I)

December 2017

As President Trump began his second year, we were hit with a whole prescription of black pills last December: on social media, Occidental Dissent was caught up in the Twitter purge; on immigration, Kate Steinle’s murderer walked free, deportations sagged and illegal immigration shot back up to Obama levels, the GOP Congress gloated over the passage of the tax cuts and plotted a DACA amnesty and welfare reform in 2018; the Nathan Bedford Forrest monument was torn down in Memphis in spite of Tennessee’s heritage preservation law; President Trump celebrated Kwanzaa, the life of Rosa Parks and the opening of the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum; $700 billion was squandered on the military; Shlomo Rubashkin was pardoned, Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, the National Menorah was lit at the White House, the Republican House defunded the Palestinian Authority and it looked like we were poised for a moment to invade Iran. Roy Moore lost his Senate race after his campaign was #MeTooed by other Republicans which killed any chance of passing significant legislation in 2018.

There was some good news in this bleak picture: Christopher Cantwell was sprung from the Charlottesville jail. The Heaphy report also confirmed what we suspected about the Charlottesville disaster.

December 1 – Kate Steinle’s murderer is found not guilty

Articles: No Justice for Kate Steinle, Kate Steinle’s Illegal Mexican Murderer Found Not Guilty By San Francisco Jury

December 2 – The Senate passes the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

Heaphy report on Charlottesville released.

Michael Flynn pleads guilty to lying to the FBI.

Articles: Republican Senate Passes Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Michael Flynn Pleads Guilty To Lying To FBI, BOMBSHELL: Independent Review Finds Charlottesville Police Department Thwarted Unite the Right Rally

December 3 – Operation Homeland, an Identity Evropa splinter group, holds its only event in DC.

President Trump celebrates the life of Rosa Parks

Articles: Operation Homeland Holds Kate Steinle Rally In Washington, DC, President Trump Celebrates Rosa Parks In His Weekly Address

December 4 – Supreme Court approves the third version of the travel ban which now applies to Chad, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, Venezuela and North Korea.

President Trump endorses Roy Moore.

Articles: Baby White Pill: Supreme Court Upholds President Trump’s Travel/Moslem Ban

December 5 – Christopher Cantwell is released from the Charlottesville dungeon.

Articles: Christopher Cantwell Granted Bail

December 6 – President Trump recognizes Jerusalem as the capital and announces the US will move its embassy there.

Republican House votes to defund Palestinian Authority.

Articles: President Trump Recognizes Jerusalem As Israel’s Capital, Kirstjen Nielsen Confirmed To Head Homeland Security, Republican House Votes To Defund Palestinian Authority

December 7 – Al Franken resigns from the Senate.

Articles: Franken Resigns, Governor’s Task Force Releases State Review of Unite the Right

December 8 – Dina Powell resigns from the National Security Council.

President Trump throws a Hanukkah Party in the White House.

Paul Ryan announces his plan to work on entitlement reform in 2018

Articles: GOP Congress Will Push Paul Ryan’s Entitlement Reform In 2018, President Trump Hosts White House Hanukkah Party

December 9 – President Trump celebrates the opening of the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum in Jackson, MS.

Articles: President Trump Visits Mississippi Civil Rights Museum

December 10 – Disappointing immigration numbers begin to roll in for 2017.

Articles: U.S. Deportations Down In 2017

December 11 – Transsexuals will soon begin to enlist in the military.

Islamic terrorist strikes NYC.

Articles: Transsexuals Can Enlist In US Military Beginning January 1, ISIS Inspired Bomber Strikes New York City

December 12 – President Trump signs the National Defense Authorization Act which includes $700 billion in military spending.

Doug Jones wins the Alabama Senate race.

Articles: Cuckservatives Celebrate Doug Jones Victory, Doug Jones Wins Alabama Senate Election, Live Thread: Alabama Senate Special Election

December 13 – Congressional Republicans strike a deal on tax cuts.

Articles: GOP Reaches Tax Cut Deal

December 14 – FCC repeals net neutrality

Paul Ryan retirement announced.

Articles: FCC Repeals Net Neutrality Rules, Paul Ryan Preparing To Retire In 2018, President Trump Signs $700 Billion Defense Bill

December 15 – National Menorah lit at the White House.

Illegal immigration soars back to Obama levels.

Articles: Happy Hanukkah! National Menorah Lit At White House, Illegal Immigration Surges Back To Obama Levels

December 16 – Mass deportations turn out have been election year hype.

Articles: Trump Deportations

December 18 – US blocks a UN resolution that opposes recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Occidental Dissent purged from Twitter

Articles: President Trump Unveils “America First” National Security Strategy, Live Thread: Twitter Apocalypse

December 19 – Nikki Haley threatens nations that opposed recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

GOP plans to trade a DACA amnesty for border wall funding in 2018.

Articles: Rich Lowry: Trump’s Great First Year, Republican Senators, White House Plot Pivot To Immigration Amnesty

December 20 – The GOP Congress wraps up work on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

U.S. State Departments announces $41.5 million sell of small arms to Ukraine.

December 21 – UN condemns recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Nathan Bedford Forrest monument torn down in Memphis in spite of Tennessee’s heritage preservation law.

Republicans celebrate tax cuts victory

Trump pardons Shlomo Rubashkin

Articles: UN Votes To Overwhelmingly Condemn Jerusalem Move, Memphis Removes Confederate Monuments, Crown Heights Jews Celebrate Sholom Rubashkin’s Release From Prison, #MAGA: Trump Frees Jew Imprisoned For Employing Hundreds Of Illegal Aliens , Republicans Celebrate Tax Reform Victory

December 22 – Trump signs the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law.

Articles: President Trump Signs Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Koch Brothers Plan To Spend Millions To Sell You On Tax Reform

December 23 – Twitter continues to purge accounts

State Department announces arms sales to Ukraine

Articles: Twitter Purge Continues, 2017: The Year Trumpism Died, Trump Administration Authorizes Lethal Arms Sales To Ukraine

December 25 – Nikki Haley punishes the UN for opposing recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Articles: Israel First: Nikki Haley Announces $285 Million UN Budget Cut

December 27 – Trump celebrates Kwanzaa

Articles: The Goyim Know, President Trump Celebrates Kwanzaa

December 28 – OD starts to rebuild our social media following on Gab

Articles: Gab Isn’t a Ghost Town

December 29 – US and Israel strike deal to counter Iran

Articles: Trump Administration and Israel Reach Joint Plan To Counter Iran

December 30 – Iran is suddenly convulsed by riots days after US and Israel form alliance to undermine Iranian regime.

Articles: President Trump Calls For Regime Change In Iran, Iran Protests, America First, Goys

December 31 – By this point, I am so pessimistic about the Trump administration that I have already decided not to vote in the 2018 midterms. As far as Congress goes, I followed through on that decision. 2017 was a terrible year for the movement.

Articles: 2017: The Year Rightwing Populism Failed, OD In 2018, 2017: Annus Horribilis, Goodbye, 2017 , The Alt-Right Isn’t Responsible For President Trump’s Dismal Poll Numbers, Is The Full Trump Coming In 2018?, The Case Against The 2018 Midterms

January 2018

January opens with the 2018 legislative agenda still up in the air. Republicans have big plans to work on entitlement reform, welfare reform, infrastructure, banking deregulation, Tax Cuts 2, a DACA deal on immigration, prison reform and maybe take another shot at health care reform. President Trump breaks with Steve Bannon who is fired from Breitbart. Regime change from below fizzles in Iran. Mike Pence gives a “Zionist sermon” in Israel. A government shutdown ends in a promise to hold a vote on DACA. Mainstream conservatives complain that Trump’s populist image is slipping.

January 1 – John Bolton threatens regime change in Iran

President Trump condemns Iran for human rights abuses

Articles: John Bolton: “Our Goal Should Be Regime Change In Iran”, President Trump Invokes Human Rights To Condemn Iran, Happy New Year 2018!

January 2 – President Trump threatens to cut aid to the Palestinian Authority.

President Trump claims DACA activists are “falling in love” with Republicans

President Trump pressures Iran to end social media censorship

Articles: President Trump Threatens To Defund Palestinian Authority, Trump Administration Pressures Iran To End Social Media Censorship, President Trump: DACA Activists Are “Falling In Love” With Republicans

January 3 – President Trump denounces Steve Bannon.

President Trump pledges to support the Iranian mobs

Articles: Mike Pence Goes Full Neocon On Iran, Donald Trump Pledges “Great Support” To Iranian Terrorist Mob, Trump Train Crashes: Steve Bannon and Donald Trump Publicly Turn On Each Other

January 5 – President Trump tells Sen. Lankford the border wall isn’t on the 2018 legislative agenda

Articles: God Emperor Tells GOP Senators That Border Wall Is Not On The Agenda

January 6 – 538 poll finds President Trump has ceased to be perceived as a populist outsider and is now viewed as a conventional mainstream conservative

Gary Cohn looks forward to Congress passing banking deregulation

Articles: Five Thirty Eight: Trump Is Now Perceived As a Mainstream Conservative, Gary Cohn: Congress Will Hopefully Pass Banking Reform Soon

January 7 – The border wall becomes a see through border fence

Articles: The Border Wall Transitions Into The Border Fence, Donald Trump Joins The Failed, Corrupt Political Establishment

January 8 – President Trump announces the end of Temporary Protected Status for Salvadorans.

Articles: Sloppy Steve Cucks Himself

January 9 – Federal judge upholds DACA

Steve Bannon out at Breitbart

Articles: House Passes Resolution Condemning Iranian Government, President Trump Signs Bill Creating Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park, Steve Bannon Forced Out At Breitbart, The Fall Of Sloppy Steve: Bannon Announces Resignation From Breitbart News, National Review: Donald Trump, Conventional Republican President, Trump Administration Abruptly Reverses Course On H-1B Visas

January 10 – Jared Kushner pushes for prison reform

Articles: The Weekly Standard: The Ideas and The Vessel, Jared Kushner Is Pushing For Prison Reform, Federal Judge Blocks President Trump’s Attempt To Rescind DACA

January 11 – Trump administration announces new work requirements for Medicaid.

Scandal erupts over President Trump describing Haiti and other Third World countries as shitholes.

HHS begins to allow states to dismantle Medicaid

Articles: President Trump: Why Should We Accept Immigrants From “Shithole Countries” Like Haiti?, Trump Administration: States May Impose Work Requirements For Medicaid, Rand Paul: “We Don’t Have The Money” To Spend On Trump’s Border Wall, GOP May Skip 2018 Budget

January 12 – President Trump continues to go through the motions of the presidency

Articles: President Trump Signs Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Proclamation

January 14 – VP Mike Pence stares in awe of the MLK monument

Articles: MAGA: Vice President Pence Lays Wreath At MLK Monument

January 16 – Trump softens his position on NAFTA under pressure from Senate Republicans

Articles: Axios: Trump Softening On NAFTA

January 16 – Senate Republicans unveil amnesty deal

Articles: Senate Unveils Bipartisan Immigration Deal

January 17 – National Review and The Weekly Standard notice that Trump has abandoned the populist policies he campaigned on in 2016

Articles: Michael Brendan Dougherty: Was It For This?

January 18 – Nikki Haley boasts to AIPAC about bullying the UN for Israel

Articles: Nikki Haley Brags About Bullying UN For Israel, Philip Klein: Trumpian Rhetoric, NeverTrumper Policies

January 19 – Democrats force a government shutdown

Articles: Live Thread: ZOG’s Shutdown

January 20 – Government shutdown begins

Articles: Women’s March 2.0

January 21 – Mitch McConnell agrees to hold a vote on DACA in exchange for ending the government shutdown

Articles: McConnell Promises Immigration Vote To End Government Shutdown, Antifa Crash Cernovich’s ‘A Night For Freedom’, Ross Douthat: Trump So Far Is More Farce Than Tragedy

January 22 – Government shutdown ends

Vice President Mike Pence addresses the Knesset and gives the most cucked speech by an American politician ever seen in Israel

Articles: Trump Administration Imposes Tariffs on Imported Solar Panels and Washing Machines, Mike Pence Addresses Israeli Knesset, Government Shutdown Ends

January 23 – Vice President Mike Pence visits the Western Wall in Israel.

Globalists at Davos mock President Trump’s purported populism

Articles: Davos Panel: Trump’s Populist Record Is ‘Quite Poor’, Mike Pence Broken At Western Wall

January 24 – President Trump goes along with the idea of a DACA amnesty

Articles: President Trump Offers Path To Citizenship, Mike Pence Cucked Harder In “Zionist Sermon” Than Any American Politician Who Has Ever Visited Israel

January 25 – President Trump attends the World Economic Forum in Davos

Melania Trump visits U.S. Holocaust Museum in DC

The House passed a bill making it a federal crime for websites to promote prostitution or sex trafficking and a bill related to capital requirements for banks.

Articles: Heritage Foundation: Trump Has Embraced Two-Thirds Of Our Agenda, President Trump Threatens To Cut Off Aid To Palestinians, Melania Trump Skips Davos, Visits US Holocaust Memorial Museum, Davos: President Trump Is Open To Renegotiating TPP, BREAKING: Trump Amnesty Will Apply To 1.8 Million DREAMers

January 26 – President Trump commemorates the Holocaust again and again

Articles: Trump Administration Will Request $719 Billion In Defense Spending in 2019 Budget, Trump Administration Announces New Russia Sanctions, President Trump Apologizes To Theresa May For Retweeting ‘Horrible Racists’, Analysis: President Trump’s Davos Speech, White House 2018 International Holocaust Remembrance Day Statement

January 27 – President Trump walks back his shitholes comment

Articles: President Trump Remembers The 6 Million and Offers DREAM Act Amnesty, Koch Network To Spend $300 To $400 Million On Republican Puppets In 2018 Midterms, President Trump “Deeply Respects” African Shitholes

January 29 – Alex Azar is sworn in as HHS secretary

Articles: 20 Week Abortion Ban Fails In the Senate

January 30 – President Trump delivers his first official State of the Union address

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin announces new sanctions on hundreds of Russians.

Articles: President Trump Punts On Implementing New Russia Sanctions, Senate Republicans Seek To Tame President Trump’s Trade Agenda, Review: President Mike Pence’s 2018 State of The Union Address , Senate Republicans Oppose Legal Immigration Cuts

January 31 – Prominent conservative columnists urge President Trump to be more populist

Articles: The Atlantic: How The Swamp Drained Trump, Sad: Ross Douthat and Ben Domenech Urge President Trump To Be More Populist, President Trump’s First Year

February 2018

February was dominated by the attempt to strike a grand bargain on immigration which would trade a DACA amnesty for border wall funding and legal immigration cuts. It went nowhere. Congress passed a 2 year budget deal which eliminated the possibility of using budget reconciliation to pass major legislation. The Trump administration took executive action on welfare reform and quietly escalated its intervention in Syria. President Trump pushed to ban bump stocks after the Parkland High School shooting.

February 1 – Trump administration accuses Syria of using chemical weapons on its own people again

President Trump huddles with congressional Republicans to discuss the 2018 legislative agenda

A Pew poll shows that most Americans believe government does too little to held the poor, the elderly and the middle class.

Paul Ryan revives his short lived push for welfare reform

Articles: Trump Administration: Syria Still “Using” Chemical Weapons On Civilians, President Trump Addresses GOP Retreat In West Virginia, Pew: Majorities Say Government Does Too Little for Older People, the Poor and the Middle Class, Paul Ryan Revives Welfare Reform Push

February 2 – President Trump declassifies the Nunes Memo.

Trump administration quietly rolls out executive action on welfare reform by allowing states to have work requirements for Medicaid

Articles: Trump Administration Approves More Work Requirements For Medicaid, The Devin Nunes Memo Has Been Released

February 4 – Amtrak train derails

The national debt soars under President Trump

President Trump proclaims Black History Month 2018

Articles: #MAGA: The Trump Debt Is Set To Explode, President Trump Proclaims Black History Month 2018, #MAGA: South Carolina Hosts Latest Amtrak Disaster, At Least 2 Dead, 115 Injured

February 5 – Eli Mosley hit with “stolen valor” hit piece in NY Times

Articles: Eli Mosley Attacked By Jew York Times

February 6 – The trade deficit hits a 9 year high

Amtrak trains continue to derail while nothing has been done to rebuild America’s infrastructure

Articles: #MAGA: Trump Trade Deficit Hits 9-Year High, #MAGA: Amtrak Train Breaks Apart Traveling 125 MPH Along Acela Corridor

February 7 – Congress strikes a 2 year budget deal which rules out the possibility of using budget reconciliation to pass any controversial legislation

Articles: US Military Strikes Syrian Army, Ross Douthat: The Taming of a Demagogue, #MAGA: Donald Trump’s Immigration Plan Postpones White Minority Status For Five Years, Congress Strikes 2-Year Budget Deal

February 8 – US strikes Syrian forces in Syria and kills over 100 Syrian troops. Low level US intervention in Syria against Assad government continues to drag on

Articles: #MAGA: US Kills More Than 100 Syrian Troops In “War Crime”

February 9 – President Trump signs a budget bill

Articles: GOP Congress Passes Bipartisan Bill To Rename St. Louis Arch

February 11 – GOP begs Sheldon Adelson for campaign cash

White House backs off demand for legal immigration cuts

Articles: Desperate Republicans Beg Sheldon Adelson For Shekels, LA Times: White House Cucks On Legal Immigration Cuts

February 12 – President Trump sends his 2019 budget proposal to Congress

President Trump unveils his $1.5 trillion infrastructure plan

The Trump Budget includes massive cuts to entitlement spending

US Senate debates DACA amnesty

Articles: The Trump Budget, Trump’s Food Stamp Cuts: Fresh Fruits And Veggies Would No Longer Be Covered, Live Thread: Senate Amnesty Debate

February 13 – President Trump celebrates Black History Month 2018

US military continues to kill Syrians in Syria

Republican Jewish Coalition announces it is thrilled with President Trump’s policies

Articles: Black History Month 2018: President Trump Celebrates Black History Month, Trump’s Food Boxes, The New Republic: The Populist Realignment That Never Came, Syria: US Military Killed “Scores” Of Russian Mercenaries, Republican Jewish Coalition: We’re “Thrilled” With Trump

February 14 – Parkland High School mass shooting in Florida

Alt-Right continues to debate electoral politics

Articles: Parkland High School Shooting, Top 20 Problems With Comfort Blanket Nationalism, Ross Douthat: The Pull of Populism

February 15 – Jordan Jereb foolishly takes credit for the Parkland mass shooting.

4 DACA amnesty bills fail in the US Senate

Articles: Jordan Jereb Makes A Funny, 4 Immigration Bills Fail In The Senate

February 16 – Mitt Romney announces he is running for the US Senate in Utah

Articles: Mitt Romney Announces Senate Run

February 17 – Fallout from Parkland high school shooting continues

Articles: The Florida School Shooter Was A Mentally Ill Hispanic Jew MAGApede

February 19 – President Trump endorses Mitt Romney’s Senate campaign

President Trump proposes to increase foreign aid to Israel and to pay for it by cutting heating assistance to the poor

Congress postpones fight over DREAMers until March

Articles: #MAGA: President Trump Endorses Mitt Romney’s Senate Campaign, Congress Punts Fight Over DREAMers Until March, President Trump Proposes $200 Million Increase In Aid To Israel

February 20 – President Trump orders the DOJ to prepare regulations to ban bump stucks

Articles: President Trump Embraces Gun Control

February 21 – President Trump appears on the half shekel in Israel

Senate Republicans lobby President Trump to reenter TPP

Articles: Max Cuckoldry Reached: Trump Has Face Engraved Onto Israeli Half-Shekel, #MAGA: 25 Senate Republicans Lobby President Trump To Reenter Trans-Pacific Partnership

February 22 – Trump administration announces US troops can stay indefinitely in Iraq and Syria

Articles: #MAGA: Trump Administration Says US Troops Can Indefinitely Stay In Iraq and Syria, #MAGA: President Trump Slides Down Slippery Slope Of Gun Control

February 23 – President Trump addresses CPAC 2018

Sheldon Adelson offers to pay for the new US embassy in Jerusalem

Articles: President Trump Addresses CPAC 2018, Mega Jew Sheldon Adelson Offers To Pay For New Jerusalem Embassy

February 24 – Alt-Right becomes polarized over electoral politics

Articles: Do Elections Matter?

February 27 – South Africa votes to seize land from White farmers

Articles: SA Parliament votes 241 – 83 to seize white owned land without compensation

February 28 – Senators push to increase foreign aid to Israel

Articles: Bipartisan Senators Push To Boost Israel’s Defense Aid

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. By the way, Communism is BETTER than capitalism and anyone who disagrees deserves to have boiling oil poured on their junk.

    • I agree Jijcf. The USSR was far better off when Jews like you and I were in charge of it. So what if we had to build walls and post armed guards to stop our goyim escaping the Workers Paradise we built for them.

      • Can anybody seriously deny that Communism is way less of a threat to the White race than capitalism and “liberal democracy” are? I keep hearing people who supposedly aren’t Boomers ranting endlessly about the “Communist” threat that doesn’t exist. Many of them seriously think that Maduro is worse than Macron or Merkel, and that Stalinism is worse than globohomo.

        • “Can anybody seriously deny that Communism is way less of a threat to the White race than capitalism and “liberal democracy” are”

          You are so right Jijcf! So what if Communists killed 120 million of their own goyim? Why shouldn’t we kill them when they think ‘wrong thoughts’? What Communists did to Russia is why Russia is so environmentally friendly today. Less goyim, less pollution! Communism is the final solution to the global warming problem!

          Communists ended all racism and sexism. Proof: Antisemitism was a death sentence in the USSR. As it should be!

          We Communists are really clever and understand what a border wall is really for. It is not to keep the stranger out. That would be crazy, racist, and antisemitic! A border wall is to keep our work force in, so they can keep us the style we are accustomed to.

          You really get it my friend. Communism is good!

          “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel,”

          “Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat,” – Rabbi Ovadia Yosef

          Words to live by!

          • The iron curtain prevented the replenishment of the Western European population with Slavic workers.

            This made it possible to sell the idea of importing pakis, Algerians, Jamaicans, Nigerians, Senegalese etc.

            You slightly missed the point.

          • @jijcf You’ve just knocked the ball right out of the ballpark with your commentary above — !!! I humbly request permission to copy & share.

          • @Captain John Charity Spring MA
            You need to lift your head up and take a global view if you want to understand the motivation behind White Genocide.

            The USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, and UK, all had White Genocide policy imposed on them at roughly same time. No vote asking people if they wanted it was ever allowed.

            The justifications used to carry out White Genocide were different for each White country, but for each White country the policy was exactly the same. Justifications: Colonization, slavery, holocaust, economics, the Irish didn’t colonize anyone but they immigrated to other White countries, Scandinavians didn’t colonize anyone, but they have so much, etc, etc, etc.

            Global White Genocide policy came into effect during the Baby Boomer Generation. There was no expectation of falling birthrates at that time as the White population was exploding.

            White Genocide policy is continuing while half the population in the West is unemployed/underemployed, and robots are taking 2 million jobs a year out of the US economy.

            No other racial group on the planet is targeted. Only White countries are expected to have this policy.

            The motivation is not economics nor any other BS they make up. The motivation for White Genocide was and still is, a hatred of Whites. Every word you utter that goes the easy way of economic “overwhelming” or “they don’t speak English” is traitorous to the Pro-White cause.


            Commuism is a scam so Mommy Professors can rule the world.

            Communism: A system so good, they shot all escapees in the back of the head!

    • Yes, communism was so good they had to build a 2000 mile long kill line to shoot anyone trying to escape from it.

      • Not subtle enough. Communism prevented white Slavic labor from replacing and boosting Western European working classes. This lead to pakis Turks and Nogs migrating into Western Europe in significantly higher numbers than they would otherwise.

        You missed the point.

  2. Mr.Wallace, I read this name Christopher Cantwell in this site some days ago.
    I made some research and found out he has a podcast called Radical Agenda
    I made a download of one of his shows, it’s quite good
    He has talent and should be much more famous, he sounds pretty moderate, maybe he should try to improve his voice, and physical appearance.

  3. Capitalism, like MLM is a genius perfect model. The problem is “predatory” capitalism. Jews and people like 98 % of them, not “loving their neighbor as themselves.” Laws with teeth are needed to safeguard the workers from exploitation, while not over burdensome to business. ( As for MLM, the problem is 99 % of them are run by dummies. Rich dummies but dummies. All you need are organic products people buy anyways so they’re simply redirecting their spending, no minimums, no big $ up front thing, free website, great support and training. Not out there last I looked. )

    We agree Trump is the lessor of 2 evils. WAY better than the witch. Obviously he has to play along with some of the PC BS to get that 2 % of the smart black vote. Let’s see what happens with the invasion. IF he doesn’t use whatever force is necessary to stop it … he’s a phony.

    And for the 1000th time … our only solution is :


    about which I hope a think tank will be formed by Confederate patriots like Wallace, Hill, Duke, Spencer, Taylor, Brimelow, John B. Wells, and maybe even Robert David Steele … to GET THE CONVERSATION GOING FOR CRYING OUT LOUD.

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