Former President George H.W. Bush Has Died

The world is reacting to the news that Poppy Bush died last night:

“WASHINGTON — Former President George Bush, a war hero, father of a president and founder of the modern Texas Republican Party who presided over momentous global changes, died Friday at 94.

Bush died just after 10 p.m. Funeral arrangements will be announced at a later time, spokesman Jim McGrath said.

“George H. W. Bush was a man of the highest character and the best dad a son or daughter could ask for,” former President George W. Bush said in a written statement. “The entire Bush family is deeply grateful for 41’s life and love, for the compassion of those who have cared and prayed for Dad, and for the condolences of our friends and fellow citizens.”

The senior Bush’s health already fragile, the heartbreak this spring of losing his first lady and wife of 73 years hit hard. Barbara Bush died on April 17 at age 92. He was hospitalized a day after the funeral with a serious blood infection but recovered. …”

Here is why we remember Jeb! and W.’s daddy:

– George H.W. Bush used the Willie Horton ad to defeat Michael Dukakis and get elected.

– After stoking racial anxieties to get elected, President George H.W. Bush cynically attacked and marginalized David Duke at the height of his popularity in Louisiana.

– George H.W. Bush presided over the demise of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War.

– George H.W. Bush signed the Immigration Act of 1990 which dramatically increased Third World Immigration.

– George H.W. Bush negotiated NAFTA which Bill Clinton signed into law.

– George H.W. Bush signed the Civil Rights Act of 1991 which strengthened existing civil rights laws and provided for damages in cases of intentional employment discrimination. It was the first federal civil rights bill to pass since the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s.

– George H.W. Bush embroiled us in Iraq in the Gulf War. He stopped short of overthrowing Saddam Hussein, but W. invaded Iraq in 2003 because he had a personal axe to grind. The United States never really left Iraq during the Clinton administration and continued to enforce no fly zones.

– George H.W. Bush is famous for proclaiming the “New World Order” after the demise of the Soviet Union. In other words, this was the real beginning of the globalist paradigm

– Pat Buchanan challenged George H.W. Bush for the Republican nomination in 1992. He was also challenged by Ross Perot in the 1992 election. Both Buchanan and Perot attacked George H.W. Bush over his globalist free trade policies. He ended up losing the election to Bill Clinton who went on to institutionalize the “New World Order” in international trade by signing NAFTA and joining the World Trade Organization.

George H.W. Bush voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 because she was the globalist candidate. He was also enraged at Trump for defeating Jeb! in the primary and denying him his turn to be president.

In sum, George H.W. Bush is responsible for laying out the blueprint of globalism in the post-Cold War era. Whether it is immigration, trade or foreign policy, he was responsible for introducing many of the disastrous policies that have led to stagnating wages, record suicides, China’s rise as an industrial superpower, endless foreign wars in the Middle East and changing racial and cultural demographics. He laid the foundation of globalism while Clinton, W. and Obama built the edifice. He was the president who heralded the Walmart and Iraq era of the 2000s.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Praise Wotan! First McCain, now him.

    It is truly sickening how the lives of these satanic monsters are mourned rather than those of their millions of innocent victims. Meanwhile Charles Manson who never killed anyone is vilified and his death celebrated.

  2. “A thousand points of light” “Will arise a New World Order” 10 years to the day 9/11 happened. All freemasonic and scull and bones jibberish.
    The satanic bastards soul belongs to Lucifer now.
    Rot in hell bastard!

  3. And to think you barely scratched the surface.

    1) How can one family be allowed to do so much damage? Social scientists, psychologists and historians must investigate.

    2) If you think about it, the entire Alex Jones movement was built on resisting this man.

    Just scratching the surface, too bad we live in a crisis, otherwise we could spend time discussing it.

  4. This piece of shit literally could have saved the USA by blowing the top off the cabal that controls us but instead he just played the game. Probably involved in some kabbalah sick rituals in the vetting process before he became “president”. Rot in hell you swine.

  5. George Bush didn’t light the fire that destroyed the Soviet Union. That was done by the people in the Reagan administration. When George Bush came to power, he made sure to fire every single one of Reagan’s appointees.

    Reagan was a Trumplike. He was an outsider that took over the GOP. Bush is establishment GOP. He is part of the Country Club Set that controls the GOP. When Reagan made Bush his VP, he handed the future of the Republicans back to the establishment GOP. History repeated itself when Trump chose Pence.

  6. Thank the Lord that humanity is finally free of that Satanic rotting corpse. I have been nauseous all day from hearing the praise that bastard is getting from all the asskissers in media and government.

    I was hoping to see him hanged for all his crimes. I wonder how Caroline Kennedy is celebrating this wonderful event.

  7. We will never have closure as a nation, until all of the traitors’ graves are opened, and their bones scattered to the four winds, in equal measure for the removal of HONEST Heroes- Southern heroes, who have fallen afoul of the antichrists among us. Anti-American traitors don’t deserve ‘final resting places.’

    Some whose monuments/gravestones/cemeteries I would like to see razed to the ground, and their remains forever lost for all time:

    (All Jews, of course – but especially scum like Saul Alinsky, Noel Ignatiev, Susan Sonntag, Emmanuel Hart/Celler, Bella Abzug, etc… if some of them are still alive, meh. It’s a small problem to be fixed…
    Among the ‘goyim,’ I’d start with:
    MLK – purge that damn nigger from every history text, photo, video, and book on the planet.
    Ted Kennedy
    Lyndon Baines Johnson
    Hubert Humphrey… well, it’s a start.
    George and Barbara Bush

    Dear Lord, deliver us from this scourge, and restore thy faithful people. Turn us, and we will be turned.

  8. I was looking forward to watching a documentary on CNN about a truly great American -John Wayne Gacy. But that was preempted because of Bush Sr.’s belated demise.

  9. I’m glad he’s gone, he was another upper class twit who did everything he could to destroy western civilization, and set things to be as easy as possible for his Godamn kids and grand kids.

  10. There is no hope.

    The US is a bankrupt warmongering police state.

    The elites control the media, Hollywood, Wall Street, and the government.

    The ruling powers have turned everyone into hypocrites, liars, cowards, and criminals.

    Nazis ridiculed Obama when he pulled troops out of Iraq and the media played endless stories about the rise of ISIS, but Nazis who thought Trump would end the wars are now finding out that the elites will treat Trump the same way if he dares end US wars.

    Nazis who thought Trump would pay off the US debt are now finding out that he won’t.

    Some Americans thought Trump was obliviously part of the establishment since he strongly supported the police state and the media gave 24/7 coverage to Clinton and Trump while ignoring Gary Johnson.

    Trump is either naive, being drugged, being threatened by the Deep State, or is a willing accomplice, but the USA is clearly too far gone to be saved.

    The best options at this stage are to go Galt and buy guns, gold, and food or wander the world as a nameless, stateless nomad and wait for the US Ponzi economy to collapse, martial law to be declared, Civil War 2.0 to break out, and WWIII with China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea to start.

    Wake up.


    Pass the word.

  11. Mazel tov. I am confident the pasty old ghoul got his window seat in smoking with his fellow sods, pedos, bonesmen and Satan worshipers. The day he kicked the can should be a national holiday.

  12. As the pallbearer carried the casket into the capitol; “the U.S. Army Band, “Pershing’s Own,” played the hymns, “Fairest Lord Jesus” and “A Mighty Fortress is Our God.” ”

    Bush was not a person in fellowship with any true form of Luther’s teaching.
    What an evil use of these two historic Lutheran hymns.
    Ein’ feste Burg ist unser Gott was written in 1529 to protest the condemnation of Lutherans by the RC, not to memorialize this Zionist goy.

  13. Ceremonies of Bush is telivised in every channel.Presidents and deep states personal attendands.The person who should also pay respect PM Netanyahu and his speech as follow , Bibi: I want to thank Bushes for making Israel great again,and all the goys servant of the zio swamp.

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