French President Emmanuel Macron had a very a bad day. The French are angrier about these gas prices than Georgia fans after losing their latest shot at the national championship:
Inside the Tuileries Gardens of Paris, a car burned in front of the Orangerie. On one side of the burning car was a mass of Yellow Vests and “casseurs,” and on the other a line of riot police https://t.co/hphIkKtTlz
— The New York Times (@nytimes) December 1, 2018
Macron takes an egg to his head!#France pic.twitter.com/3Ny8Clao3L
— ??? (@General_Dro) November 27, 2018
Beautiful! These White boys are mad as hell. How long until Macron gets the Marie Antoinette treatment? #FranceProtest pic.twitter.com/P205d0BQJK
— Violet (@SpawnNeverDies) December 2, 2018
President Macron shows no mercy. Orders the police to shoot at people.
A French-language correspondant of Russia Today was hit by a rubber bullet in the face.
Press seems not allowed to cover the #yellowvests demonstration. pic.twitter.com/2VlJjbnbQq
— NewsBlog breaking (@NBbreaking) December 1, 2018
BREAKING: Cars, buildings on fire throughout Paris. #YellowVests protesters are blocking streets, looting museums, shops and restaurant. Dozens injured and arrested. Police say riots are out of control. #GiletsJaunes
Developing… pic.twitter.com/4LTKnPntQj— BNL NEWS (@BreakingNLive) December 1, 2018
#BREAKING #France police shot a protestor in #Paris
Is he dead or alive ? we dont know…#YellowVest #YellowJackets #giletsjaunes pic.twitter.com/4zBuA1EGm7
— Ali Stark (@alistark2017) December 1, 2018
The Jeu de Paume – one of best art galleries in Paris – is on fire. A mob is storming through the Tuleries Garden. pic.twitter.com/pHaPJxI3Yt
— Peter Allen (@peterallenparis) December 1, 2018
#ChampsElysees : image impressionnante d'un #giletsjaunes blessé au visage par un coup de matraque sur le nez pic.twitter.com/VfdbXa950A
— Réalité Actuelle (@ActuelleRealite) December 1, 2018
This Paris CRS unit was rushed to the rue St Honoré to protect a Chanel store from a gang of looters pic.twitter.com/H6NkGSItRh
— Peter Allen (@peterallenparis) December 1, 2018
Breaking: Ongoing anti-Government protests and riots in Paris, France, have left over 100 people injured. At least 140 people have been arrested. pic.twitter.com/O1F3GjEN8Y
— PM Breaking News (@PMBreakingNews) December 1, 2018
Macron’s France today pic.twitter.com/fjVtlokdc3
— Jack Posobiec ?? (@JackPosobiec) December 1, 2018
92 injured so far as anti-fuel tax riots continue in France. pic.twitter.com/NSw67sutqS
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) December 1, 2018
It’s not really about gas prices, it’s about every indignity the White French people have had to suffer over the last years.
Anglin caught it well, when he showed a French youth referencing Macron fellating Jewish foreskins….
Also, I found my Christmas present! Y’ALL might want a copy, too!
You seem unusually fond of Andrew “Asian Sex Tourist” Anglin, Friar John. Care to explain?
Contrary to your p.o.v., Spawn, some of us like witty writing. Even our Lord used Sarcasm in his dealings with the (((Tribe))). Anglin has been consistently entertaining in this vein, as well often more ‘catholic’ in his viewpoints; and, what is more, he is beginning to see the reality that Orthodox Christianity has something to give the West.
I am not alone in this view of AA – and I quote: “Andrew Anglin, the proprietor of the Daily Stormer, has laid out the facts of the case very well here and here. (For those of you unfamiliar with the Stormer, keep in mind that it makes liberal use of satire. It has very intelligent and spot-on analysis couched in deliberately inflammatory language. We sometimes republish their articles related to Russia, which are often excellent. ” – https://russia-insider.com/en/report-charlottesville-fields-monkey-trial-murder-gets-rocky-start/ri25535
Not everyone shares your Anglin myopia, my friend.
@Father John+
Reading and promoting a website that advocates the raping of White women? What a pious Christian you must be.
You pompous, stupid ASS! Did you not read what RUSSIA INSIDER wrote, (an organ and arm of the entire Russian People, AND the Russian Orthodox church!?) about AA? SATIRE.
Do you even GET the idea of satire? Your phoney baloney protestant reductionistic piety (so-called) would make of aborting females, and slutty teenagers paragons of virtue, when what they rightfully need, is to be publicly SHAMED FOR THEIR ACTIONS- which is exactly what AA has done.
Do you sincerely think he means EVERY SINGLE woman, when he writes about the trashy ones? Including the godly, moral ones? I don’t….. Because no one has the right to call someone immoral, if they are following after God’s Law. And what truly is ‘rape’ these days, but a false attempt by women to illegally and immorally lord it over White MEN! WHen it is THEY whom God has given authority to, for ALL women. AA has clearly noted that at least some Asian cultures, and formerly Christian ones, used to promulgate that women who are chaste, are they who should be covering their heads in public, wearing modest, covering clothing, and having duennas along with them, rather than some high-heeled strumpet (like perhaps your daughters, or the women you ogle with lust in your heart, hmmm?) engaging in serial prostitution, binge drinking, and then aborting their one night fornications, and calling it ‘normative’? OMG. How STUPID some people are. Physician, heal thyself.
Don’t always agree with you, Father John, but I’ve got to concur here. While I certainly don’t agree with everything the Stormer says, and their satirical style occasionally makes me wince, there’s still a lot of valuable content there.
(It’s also a spot for fashy chaps like myself to relax and talk to the like-minded in the comments and forums section, but that’s another story.)
Anglin has more of a grasp on the “Woman Question” than any White Knight ever had, or ever will have. Looking past his rape satire, he probably has a more clear, cold, accurate vision of the existential threat that the feral. irreligious, uncontrolled Western female has to the White race than even Heartiste (another excellent writer, despite his cringe-worthy worship of the useless buffoon Trump), because unlike Heartiste, he’s not trying to figure out how to bamboozle them into a quick. ahem, fling.
He’s got a “big picture” grasp on the deadly menace of female narcissism and sexuality rampaging uncontrolled that is truly outstanding.
As a Catholic and a woman, I agree with you. Part of getting society back to normal would be shaming and mocking these whores who white knights evidently feel are worthy of support and defense. In the natural world, females who refuse to pair up and reproduce are considered abnormal, which is precisely what a good number of young females are today. Well, the jooce wanted a brothel society and we got one.
Also, Heartiste’s columns are more along the lines of “how to control one woman or a few women with psychology.”
Anglin’s are “how to keep all women civilized through use of shame and social pressure, the only things most of them respond to.” His approach is necessarily more barbaric, and thus, ironically, more civilizational.
“You pompous, stupid ASS! Did you not read what RUSSIA INSIDER wrote, (an organ and arm of the entire Russian People, AND the Russian Orthodox church!?) about AA? SATIRE. ”
“Russia! Russia! Russia!”
Do you do “satire” about raping White women in your Church?
Anyone who advocates for rape legalization deserves to be impailed. Joking not joking.
@Father John+
“You pompous, stupid ASS! Did you not read what RUSSIA INSIDER wrote, (an organ and arm of the entire Russian People, AND the Russian Orthodox church!?) about AA? SATIRE. ”
Russian Insider isn’t a Russian publication. It operates outside Russia. The Russian Government has alreay told them to shut their mouth.
Good comment from that Renegade article:
“The, “we’re just joking” or “we were only pretending to be retarded” excuses are never any good. Even if they were joking or pretending (which we all know they aren’t) they would still be acting retarded and spreading garbage ideas to their less than intelligent followers who perhaps wouldn’t be able to perceive the “humor” and would take it seriously. By advocating for rape in any manner, whether that be tongue in cheek or not, they make White Nationalists of all sorts look bad. This is of course their real intention.”
I like this one as well:
“Thank you Kyle for continuing to, pardon my French, call out these pieces of shit. They are absolutely reprehensible and cannot be tolerated. If I ever catch one of these bastards spouting this garbage within earshot, I’ll drop em like a bad habit. I have a wife and three children, one of whom is a 7 yr old girl. I’ll be damned if they’ll be subjected to this level of kikery.”
Do you agree with his latest article?
France is so dysfunctional I think this is just a lashing out. The toll roads are quite nice but I think SNCF or whomever runs it is private. The grocery stores are probably the best in europe but those are private also.
Ahhhh, the French- the only fighting they are good at is against one another.
If the white Americans would misbehave as stylishly as this though…what might get be.
Otto, that’s flat out wrong. I like the Germans as much as the next guy, but the French have always been a bunch of hard-asses also. The only reason they gave up so quickly in WW2 is that they knew most of their young men had been killed in WW1 fighting valiantly for pretty much nothing.
Some of the last SS men fighting determinedly in the ruins of Berlin were French, in fact.
Very good point,. Ironsides.
Otto has forgotten that it was The French who beat the British in The 7 Years War, helpt us against them in our Revolution, and then conquered the Western World under Napoleon.
That they were, as you mention, bled white by the stupidity of their generals, in WWI, speaks nothing about the bravery of The French Redneck, who is as gusty as any other man alive – even today.
Around 1/3 of the French were fascists too. Why fight your ideological brethren?
Yes, that’s quite true, too, Captain.
Col. Skorzeny: Eh bien, c’est vrai.
The French, good for them. Remove Macron!
It’s sad that the protesters have no respect for the museums and art galleries. Whatever their gripes with the government, there’s no excuse for debasing your own culture.
That aside, I hope the mayhem continues and attaches itself to Macron like a stench. This is the France that he and his globalist ilk have wrought, and I want to see his face rubbed in it.
If they left the Orangerie that houses Monet’s Waterlillies alone and destroyed the Jeu de Paume (tennis court) then its okay. Orangerie house legit work Jeu de Paume is pozzed contemporary shit.
This is fucking fantastic stuff by the French right.
@Solidus…. But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?…….”Galerie nationale du Jeu de Paume is an arts centre for modern and postmodern photography and media.” the ‘White Boys’ went gunning for the crap, not the classical art. *smile*
That “best art gallery” is a modern and postmodern art gallery. It’s full of kiked-up degenerate trash. They did a good job burning it.
@ Ironsides, kikz, and Cap’n John: I retract my sentiment! Let it burn. Should have taken a closer look at what made it the “best” art gallery beforehand.
I wouldn’t care if the entire country burned.
Muslims receive the utmost respect in Europe. You can shit on Jesus all you like, but if you say one unkind word about Muhammad, you will go to jail, where you might get shanked by his followers.
Europe lives under a system of anarcho-tyranny, whereby third-worlders do as they please while
white citizens are punished for the tiniest infractions. The solution is for white people to stop acting white — if politicians only respect Muslims, we shall act like Muslims!
I don’t think there is much scientific evidence that counselling is an effective intervention for sex offenders, but if it is, Epstein “was permitted to hire his own private psychologist for his required sex-offender counseling [sic….as in sick AF]”.
That is to say, money buys justice and we do not live in a time where all are subject to the same laws.
Justice is only for the little people, to be served upon them. For victims of the moneyed elite, they can be intimated, bought off, or if not, then subjected to legal onslaught in a battle of attrition and no prize as to who has the means to wage this.
Leftists, who consume the elite driven media and educational system “laws and rules” get behind confected bullshit campaigns such as rape on campus and #MeToo but the more predatory magnates at the top who engage in what they want are spared from reproach.
The Lolita Express had many willing passengers. The genius of Epstein may reside in his planning. The outcome though, is that a number of victims may not see the justice they seek as the law is no more a level playing field.
When laws are flouted at the top as they are by Leftists who are in actuality the international oligarchs of today’s world, we have lost a a pillar of the Western nation state, the rule of law.
War follows.
Apple Pah: Epstein has dirt on Drump, who was a passenger on the Lolita Express. So don’t hold your breath waiting for Drump’s “Justice” Department to indict that sleazy kike.
Looks great fun. I should buy a plane ticket.
>country actively being invaded by third world brown people- sleep
>women being raped on daily basis – sleep
>systematically being genocided- sleep
>coloreds violently rioting on a weekly basis- sleep
>actively being censored and dominated by globalists- sleep
>gas prices raised .28 – WOKE
The irony of this is hilarious. The “yellow vests” of France isn’t a race issue, it’s a class issue.
That being said, this has nothing to do with the issues we talk about so this isn’t really worth a reading. Just shows how pathetic the average person is who priorities monetary issues over racial ones
Just more proof of what has been the downfall of whites. Selfishness and greed.
@doomer — You absolutely NAILED it !!!
Hunter. Weev, posting as “Daily Stormer” over at the DS has a pretty in depth summary of what is happening in France. The article reads like a Q post, and I really dont trust that crypto jew anyhow.
The media coverage of this is obviously not going to be accurate either, so when you get a chance and have an idea what’s going on, I’d appreciate your take on this yellow vest stuff.
Yours truly,
The Iron Sock
American Revolution started because of Tea tax. Russian Revolution started from so irrelevant event that actually historians still figuring out, what information exactly brought people to the streets.
Now is the morning in Europe and this spread already to Belgium and and even Germany. Don,t worry about flag. Getting rid from anti white regimes is more important than formal cause or flag or whatever. White Nationalism is still too toxic so revolution have made under false flag. Hamster liberation movement or whatever. Like Soros does.
Btw, there is no art in France, only cultural marxist filth. Actually we can burn entire countries down. After victory we build them up.
Yes, burn it all down. If that would keep the brown welfare invaders away, then it would be worth it.
“American Revolution started because of Tea tax.”
The only reason we are told it started in Boston, is because the history of America has been Northern centric since Northerners won the Civil War. Northerners also like to act like they were the first colony in America, when they were not.
A big part of the drive to revolt against the British King, was because he told the settlers they could not move West into lands occupied by Indians, he had Pronounced were His Subjects. So royalty committed Treason against Whites.
“White Nationalism is still too toxic so revolution have made under false flag.”
Perhaps that is what is happening with these riots. I hope so.
WN is only toxic with the (((Press))).
Trump has sucked all of the fight out of the right, all momentum has stalled as the Magapedes rest on their laurels, and the dissident right has all but been obliterated by infighting and fragging by muh conservatives.
We won’t get this kind of protest movement unless something major and bad happens.
Honestly, since he isnt going to do anything else for the next two years, the best thing Trump could do is to become a martyr. His usefulness then would be renewed.
Until then, he is the biggest obstacle we face to real resistance forming.
Let’s see them burn a few mosques. Then the real fireworks would begin!
Off topic, but too typical not to post.
Jewsmedia’s favorite negro scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson has been accused by two women of sexual misconduct and a third woman or rape.
Even the so-called educated and civilized spooks revert back to the mean when White women are in close proximity.
They’ve waited this long to have meaningful protests about anything…..only to avoid the true elephants in the room. I guess its a start though.
France does a few things right. Nuclear power for one. The US under Jimmy Carter actually started to pay France to reprocess fuel rods and other waste. Not sure of the status of this but seeing that France has never admitted to an accident it would appear that they do this better than the US and UK. Something like 70% of their electricity comes from nuclear power. Food purity laws is another. You don’t see beef cattle looking Walmart shoppers in France because they have very strict laws on hormones and other additives for meat. Their high speed trains are pretty cool too. I was going about 90MPH on the highway from Paris to Brussels and the TGV passed me like I was in a school zone. France also has a pretty first rate biotech/medtech sector. Airbus is there obviously but I don’t think they would survive long without free money from the government. That’s about all I can think off. Ski areas are nice but like going back to the 1980’s. The small French mountain villages are pretty untouched by all of this and are still really nice places to visit. French women generally look like diseased whores but outside of the major cities people are quite friendly despite the reputation.
I should add French architecture is generally excellent from a creature comfort standpoint. Homes are generally pleasant, airy and comfy when compared to the more stuffy, cold English style.
Macron needs to be drawn and quartered along with those two swarthy looking goons who lovingly protected him from further egg on his face. Tunisians? Moroccans?
These riots are a perfect example of how mind-controlled “law enforcement” employees – no matter at what level – always side with the criminals and against the people. There it is right in front of us time and time again. This needs to change.
How has the rioting affected those filthy African niggers sleeping on the streets of Paris, je me demande?
If they burned the whole place down the coloreds would get nothing