NY Times: Macron’s Moment of Truth

The New York Times has a funny article on Macron’s impending demise:

“PARIS — He was the savior of Europe. A 39-year-old maverick who rescued France from the populist tide, the newcomer who crushed his far-right opponent Marine Le Pen in a TV debate on the eve of a presidential election. The leader who would make liberal democracy great again. The visionary who had a plan to jump start the European Union. A 21st-century John Kennedy. Some joked that he could walk on water.

That was 2017. Eighteen months into his presidential term, Emmanuel Macron, faced with an uprising by a leaderless army of working poor in yellow vests and by violence unseen since the student riots of May 1968, is struggling to take back control of his country. The charismatic young president was jeered by protesters who tried to chase his car this week when he visited a public building set afire by rioters in Le Puy-en-Velay, in south-central France. “Macron, démission” — “Macron, resign” — has become the rallying cry of these modern-day sans-culottes, whose anger is directed at him, personally. …

is tax policy made him “the president of the wealthy.” He ignored his falling approval rates; he had set his course. When Fareed Zakaria of CNN asked him on Nov. 10 whether he would have to slow down his reforms, he defiantly answered, “I have been elected for five years and I have no midterms.”

The Yellow Vests have become President Macron’s midterms, only more brutal. He has been so busy that he forgot to create a new political force to support his agenda. That has left him vulnerable, because his party’s Parliament members, elected a few weeks after him, are as inexperienced in politics as he is. …”

When will things change in this country?

I think the Yellow Vests are answering that question. When the establishment provokes a violent popular uprising that spirals toward a revolution, that’s when things will change:

No, I am not endorsing violence.

I’m just observing events in France and drawing conclusions.

1.) No one has any sympathy for White Nationalist mass shooters and going that route is a proven failure. We’ve seen how the public responds to that time and again.

2.) We’re not going to provoke a mass uprising ourselves with public protests like Charlottesville. At the same time, the streets are where this battle will be won or lost.

Basically, it is up to the people to conclude that voting hasn’t worked and that the political class is screwing them. They will have to take to the streets themselves and engage in a spontaneous uprising like the Arab Spring or the Yellow Vests. We should stay out of it and on the sidelines.

We’ve already seen the police, firefighters and ambulances turning on Macron. It will be lights out when the military turns on him and sides with the Yellow Vests.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Sometime ago I predicted that whatever was going to go down would happen in France. Historically speaking it’s the most decisive patch of ground in the white world.

    Maybe during the Macron v Le Pen election?

  2. The Global Establishment is scared of the Yellow Vests; they are scrambling to find a French Spencer or Enoch to ruin it with Nazi vocabulary and Hitler references.

    As I have stated before, because we Americans (lead by Bob Whitaker) went down swinging, we stopped White Genocide as a global phenomena.

    We weren’t able to save America (it was too far gone) but we can still save our people – but not if we allow the TRS network to set the pace.

    • “The Global Establishment is scared of the Yellow Vests; they are scrambling to find a French Spencer or Enoch to ruin it with Nazi vocabulary and Hitler references.”

      Bob wasn’t scared of Nazis. Revolutions aren’t made by respectable types.

      “As I have stated before, because we Americans (lead by Bob Whitaker) went down swinging, we stopped White Genocide as a global phenomena. ”

      The only thing strangling the revolution in America, are the Mister Rogers types of the movement, calling White Genocide a “replacement”. Mister Rogers doesn’t get crowds moving, he just BORES them to death.

      “We weren’t able to save America (it was too far gone) but we can still save our people – but not if we allow the TRS network to set the pace.”

      Bob wanted real Americans to do what the Yellow Vests are doing in France. He said that will happen, only after real Americans realize they have lost their country. When the realization sets in that the Republicans can no longer win power, there will be huge marches on Washington.

      • “Bob wasn’t scared of Nazis. Revolutions aren’t made by respectable types.”

        To clarify. When half the White race is calling for White Genocide and the other half is too cowardly to call it what it is, and object to it, you will work with anyone who will. If your enemy has their foot on your neck, and you’re gasping for your last breath, you aren’t going to ask if it is a Nazi offering to help you get your next breath. So when Nazis marched against White Genocide in New Zealand, Bob didn’t have hysterics. He said thanks, as he did to any group that did the same.

  3. Agreed. The working class Whites will have to change this country – it is up to them. It’s why I spend a lot of time discussing populist economics. It’s why I supported Trump with his rust belt strategy even though he was extremely weak on race.

    I know many racialists could care a less about economics and would rather focus on race but it is a major key to winning, The racial element is there because it’s White workers that are getting screwed across the West. Faggot Bannon was big on populist economics but would never acknowledge the racial element nor give it any credence because he was in the pocket of Big Jew and trying to subvert real populism which can only be White.

  4. Last year, some dumb, Leftist bitch from the usual suspect region(s) of the former U.S., said on Twitter that she was celebrating Macron’s electoral victory by eating coconut macaroons.

    It’s amazing how the Jews have managed to transform ostensible Whites into zombies who support and defend their own, unnatural extinction.

  5. Actual political change comes from economic pressure. The masses really only pay attention when economic pressure becomes too great, at that moment, is when political action takes place.

    The French have had tremendous betrayal by their leaders but only when an economic event was foisted upon them did they take to the streets.

    This is great news. The Guals though, have a tendency to have more violent tea party moments. This will be one to watch.

  6. The New York Times…..a fair and balanced newspaper thats informative and highly respected.
    Thanks Hunter-you’ve just reminded me as to why I no longer listen to, or read the mainstein media anymore. The New York Times is useful though……if you run out of toilet paper-about the only thing its good for. Either way, its full of crap.

  7. The Jellow Yackets are the closest thing we have to the SA or Wehrmacht at the moment.

    God be with them this weekend. They must depose Macron.

  8. Hunter,

    Nothing will change in the USA in a meaningful fashion (and in our direction) until our vaunted military gets a bloody nose somewhere we shouldn’t be – like Ukraine or Syria – and Americans wake up to the fact that our soldiers are not dying for our freedom and sovereignty. Afghanistan brought down the old USSR.

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