BREAKING: James Fields, Jr. Found Guilty

Day 9

James Fields, Jr. has been found guilty of first degree murder.

There is a lot that I could say about this, but in light of exprience it is probably wise to wait a few days.

Day 8

The defense has rested its case.

It called another witness today who testified that Fields was calm and gave him no inkling that he was plotting a terrorist attack. They were supposed to meet up for lunch.

Day 7

James Fields, Jr. is innocent. This poor kid was just trying to go home to Ohio after the rally. His GPS directed him into a horde of Antifa on 4th Street and he panicked and hit the gas.

Day 6

Jfc … this is sad.

I’ve never believed that Fields was a murderer like Glenn Miller, Dylann Roof or Robert Bowers. There was a League member who was briefly locked up with him on A12 and saw him bawling. The people who commit these crimes who have an agenda are always proud of it and don’t act like this:

Day 5

Nothing much happened today at the James Fields, Jr. trial.

We already knew he drove the Challenger into the crowd. We already knew that Heather Heyer died of a heart attack. Surprisingly, the prosecution plans to wrap up its case tomorrow morning. Unless I have missed something hugely important, the only evidence it has presented of premeditated murder is the Instagram memes and Fields reversing and idling before driving into the crowd. Seeing as how this is being portrayed as a massive conspiracy, you would think prosecutors would have found something to hang their hat on. Did they really comb through his social media and find nothing but the Instagram memes?

BTW, if you want to see what Marcus and Marissa Martin, Courtney Commander and Heather Heyer were really up to, you should just watch their livestream videos. They arrived well into the “State of Emergency” and spent the previous hour chasing and attacking various groups trying to leave Charlottesville. This was also captured by Faith Goldy who filmed their attack on American Warrior Revolution outside the Sultan Kebab restaurant.

Day 4

Three hours into Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s “State of Emergency,” Antifa were illegally parading through the streets of Charlottesville, chasing down groups who had left the Unite the Right rally and attacking them. American Warrior Revolution was the group that was attacked with rocks at Friendship Court. Heather Heyer was there with Marissa Blair, Courtney Commander and Marcus Martin. They arrived during the “State of Emergency” and were parading with Antifa because, paraphrasing from her Facebook Live video, dem niggas were going to Garrett to see a war.

As the Antifa paraded down Water Street, it caused a traffic jam on 4th Street. Lizete Short stopped and parked her burgundy minivan. She got out of the minivan to shoot a video of the parade. Tadrint Washington also turned left on to 4th Street because Market Street was blocked off. She also stopped her car behind Short’s minivan to watch the parade. James Fields Jr. was driving down Market Street and ran into the same obstacle. He also turned left on to 4th Street like Short and Washington. He backed up his car and paused on the downtown mall when he saw the crowd of Antifa coming up 4th Street. Why didn’t Fields back up the Challenger and drive away?

Why did Short, Washington and Fields all make the same left turn on to 4th Street? The police officer who was stationed there to guard the downtown mall abandoned her post.

Day 3

A year and three months later, we are finally getting some answers:

Day 1

James Fields Jr.’s murder trial begins this morning.

A year and three months later, we still have no idea what happened between the time Unite the Right was declared an “unlawful assembly” in Lee Park and the car crash at Fourth and Water Streets. Even the guys who were locked up with Fields in Charlottesville don’t know his side of the story. He was thrown in a dungeon and hasn’t been heard from since that afternoon:

“CINCINNATI – The Virginia murder trial of a white nationalist rally participant accused of killing a woman during a counterprotest in Charlottesville in 2017, is scheduled to begin Monday.

James Alex Fields Jr., 21, of Boone County, Kentucky, also is charged with federal hate crime charges in U.S. District Court that could end up as a death penalty case.

Prosecutors say Fields killed one and injured dozens when he drove his car into a crowd of people protesting an Aug. 12, 2017, white nationalist rally in Charlottesville. Heather Heyer, 32, of Charlottesville was killed. …”

I had never heard of Fields until the car crash was on the news.

I didn’t run into him at the Unite the Right rally. We had left Charlottesville and pulled over at a Taco Bell to eat lunch when we heard about the car crash on Twitter. Initially, there was some speculation that someone else was responsible (Alex Jones and Gateway Pundit were sued for misidentifying the driver), but later in the day we found out it was Fields and that he had been at the rally.

What happened? I’m curious to see James Fields Jr’s defense.

We’ve heard that UNC professor Dwayne Dixon chased James Fields Jr. through Charlottesville with an AR-15. We know for a fact that Antifa was attacking groups leaving the rally. They attacked the League of the South at the Market Street Parking Garage. They attacked American Warrior Revolution and pinned them behind the Sultan Kebab restaurant. They pursued a group of NSM members across the downtown mall. They were chasing and attacking cars leaving the parking lot on Water Street.

Heather Heyer was with the group of Antifa who were throwing rocks at American Warrior Revolution. Courtney Commander recorded the assault on Facebook Live. She was later heard saying, “There’s about to be a war. Dem niggas goin to Garrett.” Shortly thereafter, Heather Heyer, Courtney Commander and Marissa Blair joined the group of Antifa who were parading down Water Street.

Why were Antifa allowed to parade through Charlottesville for over three hours after Gov. Terry McAuliffe issued his “State of Emergency”? Why weren’t the police clearing the streets and arresting people who were violating the “State of Emergency”? What happened to James Fields, Jr. during this three hour period? What was “the war” that “dem niggas” were going to before the car crash?

Hopefully, we will get some answers over the next few weeks. I will leave this discussion open for those who are following the trial can post updates in the comments.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I don’t know all the details obviously, but I do recall that the girl he hit was not Heather Heyer, and that there was at least some cause to think that he sped forward after his car was attacked by Antifa. With a good lawyer, he might just get off. I wish him luck.

    • The footage from the RT video clearly shows several not-landwhales getting bowled over, none of whom got more than minor scrapes/bruises. It also clearly shows Heyer standing several feet away and collapsing.

      But RT is a “foreign agent” and so the video they shot isn’t valid, apparently.

    • The video I saw onllne showed him rapidly backing his car away from a crowd where he had been surrounded by antifa protesters, many with baseball bats, who had made physical contact with car and who appeared agitated and aggressive. Later in the video the car appeared to have sustained some damage.

      A clinically obese woman who was in the path of the car’s retreat appeared to have been approaching from the rear toward the backside of the car, and, rather than making an effort to avoid a collision, appeared to have attempted to hit or slap the car. Whether she wielded a battering instrument I was unable to determine. She ended up partially prone on a rear fender and on the side of the trunk.

      At the time, the mainstream news report I heard reported the woman’s identity as Heather Heyer. Later it was reported that Heather Heyer, whoever or wherever she was, had died in the hospital, not from trauma incurred at the scene, but from cardiac issues, presumably related to her obesity.

      This was a long time ago. My recollection may be faulty as regards specific details.

      Before I saw the video, the MSM had repeatedly reported that he “drove his car into” a “group” of “mostly peaceful” counter-protesters. It was obvious to me that he could not go forward and was attempting to drive in reverse away from a violent, screaming antifa mob trying to damage the car and, I’m sure, his person were they able to pull him out.

      My 2 bits.

    • You should have this kind of constant coverage of the invasion too. How many turd world darkies are getting through ?

  2. The possibility of Fields’ innocence does not fit the mainstream constructed narrative, so there is NO way this will be allowed to happen. Furthermore, the “judge” denied his lawyer’s request to change the location of the trial, and any Charlottesville jury that let him off, even if proven 100% completely innocent, would themselves get the wrath of the NPC masses. Fields will rot in prison forever, most likely, and we will never know the full extent of the truth. That’s my prediction anyway.

    • I would agree but with the added fact he wont survive long in prison as blacks will kill him while guards look the other way.Think Whitey Bolger.

  3. Wasn’t it Hunter through his own excellent sleuthing efforts that actually showed that Ms. Hayers was actually never touched by the Dodge Charger? That was really impressive work.

  4. I have watched the video of the incident a number of times. What I saw was a vehicle being attacked from the rear by at least one person with a club–and the right windshield of the car appears to be smashed in. After the car comes to a halt, a swarm attackers with clubs start to converge on the car. At that point the car goes in reverse and hits some of the attackers.

    What happened? Was the driver maliciously trying to kill people, or was he a terrified individual trying desperately to get away from his attackers? From what I saw, I would say the latter.

  5. This ain’t a murder trial. It’s a political trial. Fields will be executed faster than Timothy McVeigh was, and in obscurity at some lesser known federal facility, with minimal to no reportage.

    He’s already been virtually disappeared since Charlottesville.

    • @James Owens — Correct !! The System has to crush everyone who had the audacity to show up in Chartlottesville for Unite the Right and show White solidarity and power.

      They’re just going through the motions of “due process” so that the entire charade can be virtue-signaled into perpetuity.

    • Exactly, this is a Soviet style show trial in front of a kangaroo court. Field is a political prisoner, not a criminal.

  6. I don’t want to tout DS but this warrants re-posting:

    Kramer practices law in NYC and could be reported in the state of New York for threatening minors should he produce on this threat to stalk the kids in the photo, in far away state of Wisconsin, no less.

    Unfortunately the NY State Bar is run by lawyers and we can assume jewish ones who will do nothing about this man’s threat against ‘kids.’ Any NY State residents might consider calling their representatives to express disgust at this depraved jew who seems to think he can somehow speak for the white men who fought and died in WWII. Someone ask him where all the jewish veterans of Vietnam are…

    Wisconsin and local residents might find a way to communicate their disgust and defense of the kids’ privacy.

    • For a race that prides itself on being intelligent, the jews sure are mental midgets when it comes to figuring out why they’re so despised.

      • They know. They just don’t care. Their weeping and wailing over “anti-Semitism” is just a sham act to disarm their victims. They believe themselves superior and being poisecuted over the centuries is proof of that to them.


    Here’s the jew’s law firm’s ‘clients’ page. Perhaps some boycotting suggestions? Isn’t that how the jew does it? We need our own ADL.

    BTW, his firm’s page says he went to Seton Hall Law School, which when he graduated wasn’t exactly ‘top tier’ to put it mildly.

    Whites need to learn to fight fire with fire.

  8. My suspicion is that he will be kangaroo courted and executed. At which point the orangutan-in-chief will Tweet about how America won’t stand for hate and bigotry, and probably put up a giant statue to Antifa and the jews while he’s at it.

  9. Dr. Elisabeth Kramer is an internist in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She is the daughter of Michael B. Kramer, lawyer who is stalking Wisconsin high school kids. She and her husband attended Georgetown University Medical School, her husband is Dr. Gregory Salzler, his specialty is vascular something. The NYTimes did a writeup for their wedding.

    I say give the people of Pittsburgh some real 411 on those poor innocent jews. I wonder how many whites there question the authenticity of the obviously staged Tree of Life shooting.

    Fire with Fire

  10. My YouTube channel, “WhiteBoner”, has many recent videos on the trial and I’ll update regularly. Here are some key facts:
    -Fields’s average speed was 21 MPH
    -Fields speed at impact was approximately 25 MPH (airbags did not deploy
    -Fields was attacked at least three times prior to accident: Antifa sprayed urine on him, and his car was struck TWICE
    -There is ZERO evidence of pre-meditation, despite a months-long investigation by the government that searched through every cell phone, PC, and interviewed every co-worker and family member
    -Fields’s police interrogation videos were never released.

    • (the favor of a close reading is requested)

      We shouldn’t be talking about this, we should be talking about Partition, but…

      I: Your evidence shows that Heather Hyer was center of mass of the hood of the car. I just want to point that out because it seems to be a matter of creed in the movement that she got spooked and died of a heart attack. In other images I shared with OD when the issue was still relevant, you could see abrasions and gaping lacerations that are not consistent with death from cardiac arrest. My guess is that she suffered from cardiac tamponade (blood flooding the pericardium (the tough sack surrounding the heart) which causes the pump action of the heart to become ineffectual) which you often see in impacts with the chest with, say, a steering wheel as a consequence of a car accident.

      There was another event in the movement where lying as a tactic/strategy was employed: Heil Gate. During Heil Gate, Mike Peinovich (aka Enoch) orchestrated the seig heils, and later chose to admit that he did. The “movement” decided to say that two Jews and an Asian woman did the deed in question. They did another deed, but not the one in question.

      Wouldn’t it be better to be forthright and honest? Wouldn’t it be better to not claim to know something when you do not know it, or when it is false? I’m thinking of the Commandment “thou shall not bear false witness”, which doesn’t simply mean not to tell an untruth, but not to claim knowledge of events that you do not have; for instance if I were to say that so and so cheated on his wife; if I did not witness it, or obtain comprehensive evidence to rule it out or in, then to weigh in at all is a sin – even if he actually did cheat on his wife.

      Very few people actually believe in God and sin and such (far fewer than the number who profess to believe), so I am not expecting that argument to carry decisive weight; I’m just pointing out a connection.

      II: You reference two YouTube videos discussing the speed and trying to calculate the speed of the vehicle. You do not accurately report what those videos state:

      IIa: In the video by proxima 1, he calculates an average speed before the car is struck – 17 mph. He then ESTIMATES the speed of impact using footage from crash testing. Two different methods. He never calculates the speed at impact which once could do using frame-by-frame analysis, where the change in distance is divided by the change in time FOR EACH FRAME OF VIDEO, the type that is used in court.

      IIb: In the video by Occam’s Router, he also calculates an average speed of the vehicle entering the street 25 mph, then in the segment before being struck by a flag – an average of 17 mph. In the remaining segment before impact he calculate the AVERAGE, I say again the AVERAGE speed to be 30 mph. He also remarks that the car was likely at a maximum speed (and thus energy using KE = 1/2 m v^2, he doesn’t reference this equation, I’m jut being complete) upon striking the first people, which you showed was Heather Hyer and perhaps a few others. Note he never calculates the speed of impact, only an average speed, but logically the speed on impact would be higher than the average speed, if the car was accelerating, and we see that the brakes are not engaged, so at least it was accelerating for some of that time.

      The deployment of air bags might be related to the amount of energy / momentum lost or deceleration, not the speed of impact; you would have to know that answer before speaking on it (see “false witness” above). If the car was traveling say 35 mph when it hit people, it may have decelerated to 24 mph before hitting the car in front. It’s all very speculative, but you could then calculate the amount of energy transferred from the car to people in that scenario, and it might be enough to cause cardiac tamponade as above.

      III: I wonder who is the actual intended audience of this campaign concerning the incident at Charlottesville? Public opinion? One’s guilty sub-conscience? In terms of public perception, they see that people comfortable with Nazi vocabulary and imagery were armed with melee weapons such as clubs, shields, helmets and body armor and conclude that they were spoiling for a fight. This is not a false conclusion, though their reasoning would be imperfect.

      We know that what happened was that the movement turbocharged by Bob Whitaker’s Mantra Against White Genocide was hijacked by people of dubious intellect and moral character (Enoch, Anglin and Spencer) and driven into the swamp by such policies as a mantra of bombing people, gassing people, hanging people, shooting people, dropping people alive from helicopters and burning them alive in ovens (all without even the fig leaf of due process); that this endless repetition of violent and hate-filled rhetoric was known to be attractive to people like James Fields who were confused and scared as to why the world was trending towards chaos. That impressionable minds like the one I suspect James Fields has would be moved by the counter-productive rivalry with the “alt lite” (Alex Jones, Cernovich, Molyneux and Jordan B Peterson et al) to look at someone like “based stick man” at Berkeley and think, “hey I can do that too!” I may not be an eloquent speaker or great intellect or a wealthy donor, but I can contribute in the manner of “based stick man” except I will be authentic, where he is just a phony member of the “Alt Lite”. Am I nailing it?

      The rear guard action to exonerate James Fields is not one that can be done from the sidewalks of the public square. As you point out, we don’t know what he told them. He may have admitted to circling back around to “mix it up” with Antifa and that he interpreted the attack on his car as the “green light” to retaliate with his car and at no time did he ever really feel he was in danger. Only those directly involved in the trial can know that – we cannot.

      IV: The movement I want to belong to has as its north star “Arta”, the ancient Aryan concept of universal truth, order and righteousness. The Alt Right, or what should properly be called “the alternative to what is right” adhered to an “evil be my good” mentality. Most of its prominent figures (Enoch, Anglin and Spencer are, or at least were, avowed atheists. I am a God-fearing man. The Alt Right de facto worshiped a demon called Kek and invoked meme magic as a material power. I was never a part of the Alt Right. I have nothing to do with the actions of James Fields. White Genocide is reaching a crescendo in America, and as an alternative to the bloodiest war in history, I propose Partition. That is where we should be putting our energies over the next 2 years at a minimum. Without a place to direct the energy of people like James Fields (confused, scared), the energy dissipates and actually becomes a force of destruction; much like the Alt Right and Charlottesville.

      • He didn’t Deliberately ram that crowd. He was clearly attempting to evade getting his head kicked in. If he’d planned it it out he could have rented an F150 or an F250 and driven through them like a hot knife through butter.

        • He did deliberately ram the crowd.

          He backed up to put space between himself and the crowd.

          When he originally drove down 4th St, nobody approached him or treated him threatiningly or did anything aggressive, in the exact same way they treated the two other cars that were in front of him, traveling down 4th St.

          Then, he backed up.

          He had two possible exits he could have taken, after he reversed back up 4th St towards Market St.

          Instead of taking either of those exits, he idled for about a minute as more people walked up 4th St, again, without paying him any mind, as he sat at the top of the block, by Market St.

          Then, after all of this time, and again, with nobody approaching his car, and the crowd about a block in front of him, did he decide to race into them.

          • “He had two possible exits he could have taken, after he reversed back up 4th St towards Market St.”

            He was not familiar with the area — he didn’t live around there — so maybe he didn’t know how best to leave.

          • If you are premeditating a mass casualty event you get a vehicle with a 1/2 3/4 tomorrow towing capacity.

            Then you commit to mowing down anything in your path.

      • The problem with Partition is that the browns will just follow us. They’d surge over the border into whatever spot we chose anyway. And if you’re going to keep them out forcibly, why not do the same for the entire area of the United States?

        • If I nation is strong enough to separate from the United States and make it stick then enforcing the border would pose no problem for such a nation!

        • They are color-coded. It’s not like a bunch of Norwegians or Irish jumping the border. If things go far enough for partition, I’m sure many of today’s ‘delicate attitudes’ will have long gone by the wayside anyway.

        • Yes, well, my point is, if the nation is strong enough to keep them out of an ethnostate, why not evict from the entire original area of the country and make that the ethnostate?

          Why give up territory to invaders? Having the will to retain PART of American territory is the same as having the will to retain ALL of it.

      • One part that may fit Afterthought’s narrative in a different way is the way when Dr. Pierce died the National Alliance never admitted that fact to its membership. Indeed it was leaked by Anti-racists and the National Alliance had to do massive damage control. That and the fact that news of his illness was kept from from its members.They alienated a lot of people and mass defections was the result. It is as if they do not realize we live in the age of the internet and Stalinist style imposed secrecy and lies doesn’t work in the 21st century. All movement entities must be a transparent as glass with no exception because if they are not rest assured our enemies will shout it from the rooftops.

    • >ZERO evidence of pre-meditation

      Well, unless you count him reversing his car to put about two city blocks worth of distance between himself and the crowd, before he sped into it, pre-meditation.

      It seems you all keep forgetting that part.

      Fields pulled down 4th St. Nobody approached him. He got close to the crowd. Nobody cared. He reversed. He backed up over the mall. he baked up 4th St, almost up to Market St. Then he sat and waited for about a minute as more people walked up 4th St. Then he slammed on the gas, speeding down 4th St, over the pedestrian mall, down the next block, into the crowd.

      He started his murderous rampage north of the mall, far away from anyone in the crowd.

      Security cameras at Red Pump caught his reverse, and you can tell how long he waited, far from the crowd, before he decided to run into them.

      I also saw this happen in real time. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. But don’t pretend like he only accelerated after he was surrounded – he raced down almost 2 city blocks before he hit the crowd.

  11. Am I the o ly one that knows about Heather Heyers CIA job? Am I the only one that thinks she’s alive and well, in her CIA funded “witness protection program”? Or whatever program they’d use to disappear someone, while pushing the “she dead” propaganda.

    • No, you’re not the only one, there’s also plenty of evidence that her “mother”, Susan Bro, is the same woman seen in Sandy Hook, Donna Soto. Do a research on Google/youtube.

    • So, as soon as someone on your side is victimized by the enemy, you come up with a conspiracy theory that allows you to neatly and smugly disown them with a clear conscience, and a superior sneer even?

      Well, that’s nice. With “allies” like you, who needs enemies?

      Actual fact: if you’re not a scumsucking jackass, you stick with people on your side and help them if possible, even if it’s just with moral support, when the enemy is hounding them. Even if they’re assholes. It’s this weird White thing that Caucasians do for some reason. Oh, right — honor.

  12. Heather Heyer said the N-word? Perhaps she was beaten to death by the crowd off camera lol.

    Seriously, this trial is a travesty. This is political persecution and nothing else.

  13. Has anyone given Field’s defense attorneys evidence of Dwayne Dixon pointing a rifle at him? We have the fight or flight option biologically programmed in our dna. The State can not prove malice in this case as anyone would’ve panicked under those circumstances. We need to give his attorney all the pertinent info for his defense. The prosecution can not withhold exculpatory evidence from the defense.

  14. Charlottesville was a setup. The ACLU coming to your “aid” should have been a red flag. I know, hindsight is 20/20.

    • Some of us had a sense of forboding, and tried to warn them not to go.

      “hindsight is 20/20”

      America is no longer a White country, it is transitioning to third world country.

      Conservatives are not our secret friends they are traitors.

      Rule of law does NOT EXIST in brown countries.

      Act accordingly.

  15. All the visual evidence is crystal clear to anyone with an IQ over 9. James Fields attempted to flee after his car was attacked by antifa terrorists. He panicked and hit the gas; after his car ran into the crowd and other cars blocking his way, he reversed course to flee for his life. If his intent was murder, he could have and would have killed at minimum dozens of these worthless shitbags who were in the street illegally. Why he was on that street in the first place is unknown. However, I strongly believe that he was lost. He is not from CharlottesvilleSSR-in fact, most of the UtR attendees were not either (nor were most of the violent antifa who started the shit in the first place). This could easily have been me or many other UtR attendees that face these charges right now.

    • “In May 2017, three months before he rammed his speeding Dodge Challenger into a group of counterprotesters during a violent white supremacists rally here, self-professed neo-Nazi James A. Fields Jr. posted photos on Instagram of “a car running into a crowd of people,” a prosecutor revealed in court Thursday. ”

      Now, how could one defend oneself against such an accusation like this whether it is true or not? The government could just make this up with no effort at all. The Bible says valid accusations of guilt are established by more than one witness. This accusation could be totally made up or some (government/far Left) hacker posting these photos — this electronic evidence could be a government/far Left lie from the get go. Electronic evidence to put someone to death when there are really no live witnesses to actually witness the event. This should have been thrown out. Maybe this can be used in an appeal if convicted. I’m not a lawyer. maybe someone who is can comment.

      May God help all of us if Fields is convicted and put to death with evidence like this. Every human on this earth could be executed based on evidence like this. Just plant a laptop in an alleged perp’s home with incriminating files on it and they have their conviction.

    • That sounds downright contrived to me, but then I’m the type that thinks this entire thing was a set up, not just the police standing down. I think it was/is a psy op, frankly.

      Prosecutor said Heyer’s blood was found on the hood of the car:

      And now the ‘Pulitzer Award winning photographer’ testifies that Fields’ brake lights never went on and that he literally sped up as the car encountered the crowd:

      I find it very suspicious that this ‘evidence’ didn’t leak out when so many other false ones did. Anyone remember the pictures of the obese woman who wasn’t Heather Heyer being propagated in the media? Then the pic of the real Heyer came out later.

      There’s tons of video evidence that the case was lied about by the police, like why the purple van wound up parked in the street.

      A major hallmark of a psy op is to release conflicting accounts that support opposite side interpretations of a perp’s motivations. They design them this way for a reason, which is to prevent the framed side, almost always white nationalists in the bigger events, from realizing they’re being railroaded or that truly foul play is afoot.

  16. Soviet show trial. Never forget a corrupt system will do anything to preserve its self. Your so called “Democracy” is rife with very bad men in very powerful positions because this how Democracy works, giving a voice and power to any snake oil salesman.

    The part that kills me the most is this scam called Democracy is only held to together by the thin thread of White people. Whites working to death and paying a system that will ultimately give them no justice.

    James Fields paid his taxes so his country can try kill him over a fat commie slut who had a heart attack.

  17. Having witnessed fields’ arrest first-hand, I can personally testify to the truth that he was not “driving erratically” or as if he was fleeing a crime.

    In fact, when I first saw his car, my first thought was: “poor sap…protesters are smashing up random cars now.” He passed me going the opposite direction, when I saw multiple squad cars pop on with their lights and pull him over.

    • You’re clearly lying.

      No random cars were smashed by protestors.

      He was arrested fairly far from the scene of the attack. Can you tell me what neighborhood it was in, since you hilariously claim to have seen it happen?

        • The alternative reading of your comment – that you witnessed the car attack and the car driver’s arrest – is impossible due to the timing and location of the two events. So I’m very comfortable calling you a liar, since you’re clearly lying.

          • And I’m comfortable calling you a piece of leftist filth who wants to see an innocent kid destroyed because you disagree with his politics.

            Be gone, filth. You’re not a good “fit” for this site.

            On a more general note, I am not very hopeful about the outcome of this show trial. I suspect this poor kid’s life is effectively over……all for the awful crimes of attending a legal political protest and engaging in “wrong think”. But, then I was convinced that George Zimmerman would be found guilty as well. With any luck I’ll be wrong again…

  18. Evan McLaren has reported on Twitter that numerous witnesses described the crowd as “joyful,” an odd coincidence unless they were coached. I’m sickened – bat and pipe weilding antifa show up to riot, and are described as innocent festival attendees. Hunter did amazing work reviewing footage of the events of the day and unearthed video of Heyer’s companions remaking that they were in a dangerous situation. Would be nice if someone in authority cared about that.

    • >numerous witnesses described the crowd as “joyful,” an odd coincidence

      It’s not an odd coincidence – it accurately describes the mood of the crowd that was walking down Water St before they turned and walked up 4th.

      You have to remember the timeline in all of this.

      The car attack happened over an hour and a half after the permit was pulled. The next hour was tense and seemed dangerous as protesters and counter-protesters met in the streets (although the hours leading up to it were worse). Videos from this time would accurately describe the situation as tense. But the tension was dwindling as UtR rally-goers left the downtown area. Numerous videos from the minutes leading up to the attack show a happy crowd. It’s not a conspiracy to describe the crowd as “joyful”, since they were, indeed, joyful that UtR had seemingly left town.

        • He claims to have been there during the car accident. Now ignoring the fact that it is easy to pretend to be anything on the internet and taking him at his word (I’m nice that way), I want to know a few things. How many people did HE assault for holding political views he disagreed with? How many property crimes did he commit? How long did he defy a lawful order from law enforcement to vacate the streets after the stage of emergency was declared? How many such crimes by his fellow leftist filth did he witness and then fail to report to the police? And why on earth was he hanging around with a pack of literal Marxist terrorists* anyway?

          *- Yes, the filth in the streets that day fit the definition of a terrorist. That is to say they are/were non-state actors using violence to further a political goal.

          • Happy to answer these questions, Tex:

            >How many people did HE assault for holding political views he disagreed with?


            >How many property crimes did he commit?


            >How long did he defy a lawful order from law enforcement to vacate the streets after the stage of emergency was declared?

            It wasn’t against the law, as far as I was aware, to walk downtown after the permit in the park was pulled.

            >How many such crimes by his fellow leftist filth did he witness and then fail to report to the police?


            >And why on earth was he hanging around with a pack of literal Marxist terrorists* anyway?

            I wasn’t. That’s a gross mis-characterization of the crowd Fields ran into. People in that crowd were strangers, co-workers, friends, neighbors, liberals, conservatives, locals, Christians, jews, athiests, white, black, and more – at least, I can name or point to folks in the crowd that day who mach all of these descriptions. The crowd I was in does not match your definition because they were not using violence to accomplish anything. The only violence I saw was James Fields running into a crowd of people. On video, I saw the crowd react to that act of violence in a violent way (hitting the car), but at the time, I only saw bodies fly through the air; I didn’t know what caused it, whether it was a car or a bomb – I just turned and ran.

            To clarify: I didn’t witness the actual clashes at the park earlier in the day, except through live-streaming online. After it looked like all the rally-goers had left, I walked downtown because I wanted to get lunch, grab a beer at one of the breweries there, and de-brief with other locals about what had just happened. Remember, at this point, we thought the whole ordeal was over.

          • “but at the time, I only saw bodies fly through the air; I didn’t know what caused it, whether it was a car or a bomb – I just turned and ran.”

            Previously you had told us that you witnessed Fields back up and then drive into the crowd. Now you indicate that you were unsure, at the time, of what had occurred when the car accident happened. Pardon me for saying that sounds like someone who is having trouble keeping their lies straight. Perhaps I was overly magnanimous in giving you the benefit of the doubt.

            You’re dismissed now, son.

          • I didn’t say I saw him back up. Friends and eyewitnesses on the ground that day told me that he backed up first, paused, then ran into the crowd. Their stories were corroborated, months later, by the security camera footage from Red Pump.

            I haven’t told a single lie. There are enough lies about this – I was unfortunate enough to be a witness to much of this, and very close in proximity as it happened, and I feel like I’m bound, through my experience, to try to be honest about it.

      • AlexJimminy is missing the point. What’s weird is not that the counter-protesters were in a buoyant mood as they attacked people. What’s weird is that all of the witness used the same archaic word to characterize the mob. It suggests that the witnesses are being coached or coordinated.

        • Yes, exactly. Though “deliberately distracting from the point” is probably closer to accuracy than “missing the point,” since this cunning scumbag clearly knows exactly how he’s using misdirection.

        • With all due respect – you’re missing the point.

          The crowd was in a joyful mood before a car ran into them.

          Then, after a car ran into them, the mood changed.

          It is an accurate word to describe the crowd before Fields ran into it. It does not suggest any coaching or coordination – it matches the reality on the ground at the time.

      • Hey Alex, are you a jew, anarchist or leftist? Not sure why you would otherwise be on a Nationalist site defending a dead communist?

        Ive watched multiuple videos of the so called attack, he was driving slow, car was hit with a bat and then he accelerated-and no, not for 2 blocks, sorry jew boy.

        • I too have often wondered about that sort of behavior. I have never understood the need to insert oneself in a place were one was not welcome. I would never dream of going on to a leftist site and arguing with the denizens of such a place. I know the kiddies of the 4chan demographic disagree, but I pride myself on being pleasant and polite and don’t find being obnoxious amusing.

          Others clearly disagree…as our leftist interloper nicely demonstrates.

        • I have found that most of the videos making his car look like it slowly approached the crowd were intentionally edited to be slowed down the moment he crossed the mall. Those misleading videos give the appearance that he only accelerates after he crosses over the mall, but that’s not what happened. What ISN’T on the videos you’re referring to is where he actually started his sprint towards the crowd – up 4th St, north of Red Pump, by Market St. The only videos that exist show the end of his drive, not the whole thing. Only security footage shown in court captures the beginning, or at least, part of the beginning, before he drives over the mall.

  19. Hunter-

    Do you plan on updating your “heart attack” theory of Heather’s death now that more information has come out in court?

    -Doctor on scene noted a “very large contusion on her chest. … When you see bruising immediately after a trauma, that’s very serious.”

    – Heyer’s thoracic aorta (the body’s largest) ”was snapped in half”.

    – Fractured ribs

    – Lacerated lungs

    – Lacerated liver

    – Broken leg.

    – DNA analysis showed Heyer’s blood and tissue on the windshield and side mirror of Fields’s car

    Or can you remedy all of those new facts into one sort of super-heart attack theory; one that was so powerful it spewed her blood and tissue onto the car and broke her leg? Thanks!

      • What exactly did you acknowledge? In this very article you are still claiming she died from a heart attack, when the evidence clearly shows that she did not. Are you still claiming she died from a heart attack to be so-obstinate-it’s-funny, or are you disregarding the evidence because you prefer your theory?

        • Over a year ago, Michael Edison Hayden called me and told me about the autopsy results, and I told him that I had changed my mind about Heather Heyer getting hit by the car. It took us a while to find a photo of her in the collision, but we had found it before the autopsy. This was around last October. Her mother also clarified that the car wreck caused her aorta to burst in a doc that aired on the Cville anniversary.

      • The Newsweek link is from Oct, 2017 — it just says chest trauma, and offers no other/additional specifics — they were saying the same non-specific thing back in Aug, 2017 — also the Newsweek article quotes medical/coroner’s authorities as classifying Heyer’s death as a “homicide”, which at that time was not appropriate.

      • Hey, “Alex Jimminy”.

        You claim to have been at the scene of the car accident. If so, then you were involved in the violent mob that caused the accident. Thus, (That is assuming here that you are telling the truth about being there that day…again, I’m nice enough to take you at your word for it) a strong case could be made that at least some of Heyer’s blood is on YOUR hands.

        How can you look yourself in the mirror? You are a party to numerous crimes (including Obstruction if you witnessed Antifa crimes and failed to report them to the police) and are willing to see this poor kid destroyed (and possibly wrongly executed by the state) by a legal lynching you know to be unjust.

        Morally bankrupt does not really express it strongly enough….

        • >You claim to have been at the scene of the car accident.

          I do claim that, and it’s true.

          >If so, then you were involved in the violent mob that caused the accident

          The crowd was peaceful before Fields decided to run his car into it. A violent mob did not cause the accident. A terror attack caused a group of people to get angry at the person who drove a car into them.

          As I already told you – I witnessed no crimes by Antifa or anyone else that day, besides Fields.

          I don’t find what is happening to Fields to be unjust. I think your perspective on it is warped, since you continue to paint the perp as a victim. The reasoning you have that makes you think Fields is a victim is, to me, completely detached from reality.

          • I’m combining a reply to one of this guy’s previous posts with this one to save time and thread space.

            “I didn’t say I saw him back up.Friends and eyewitnesses on the ground that day told me that he backed up first, paused, then ran into the crowd”

            Funny. In a post early in this thread you claim to have “seen it all happen in real time”. Now you tell us that you didn’t actually see the car accident and the events that led up to it. You’re floundering here. You are backing up and trying to get your story straight. So which is it? Did you see it all in “real time”? Or did you just see a small portion of it and are relying on these other phantom witnesses? Or are you just lying about being there at all and are just repeating the narrative of the events as pushed by the media and the left as a whole? I know which one my money is on at this point….

            “I witnessed no crimes by Antifa or anyone else that day, besides Fields”

            But wait, above you tell us you did not actually see the accident itself. Now you say you saw Fields commit a crime. Which is it? This is the big problem with trying to maintain a lie. It’s hard to keep your story straight the longer you engage with those you are lying to.

            But as to crimes, many were committed by the violent mob that day…..crimes you should have seen if you were on the scene as you claim. Being in the street as a group after the state of emergency was declared and failing to disperse as instructed by legal authorities was a crime. (a crime you were actually party to if you were there as you have clamed) Purposely blocking the street is a crime. But even if you want to want to just focus on crimes of violence, there is video of at least one car being attacked by the mob that would a few minutes later be involved in the car accident. That is also a crime. Video of the actual accident show Fields’ vehicle was struck by weapons at least twice, possibly three times, in the seconds before the accident occurred. These are also crimes.. Dixon illegally attempting to direct traffic and ,by his own repeated admission, pointing a rifle at Fields was a crime. (To be fair, this occurred around the corner from the site of the accident, so it’s quite probable you would not have witnessed these particular crimes if you had been there as you claim.)

            Now I get that leftist believe that rules and laws simply do not apply to them when they think they are in the right. But the fact remains the above listed actions are all crimes, some being serious crimes of violence. If you were there, as you have claimed, you would have seen all of these crimes aside from those committed by Dixon. But you tell us you saw no crimes being committed by the mob that day. That leaves us three possibilities: You are either telling the truth about being on the scene and simply had you eyes closed the whole time. You were there, and are lying to us by claiming you saw no crimes being committed by anyone but Fields. Or you are were not there at all and are lying to us in claiming you were and you are simply regurgitating the party line on what occurred in attempt to troll and gaslight the readers of this site.

            Again, I know which of the three possibilities MY money is on……

            “I don’t find what is happening to Fields to be unjust”

            That’s because you are morally bankrupt and ,like most leftist, you don’t give a hoot about the rule of law and the integrity of the Justice System.

            “you continue to paint the perp as a victim”

            Wrong again.
            There are two victims in this awful tragedy. (that is to say two human victims. Justice and the rule of law are also victims in this farce) Heyer, unfortunately like thousands of others every year, was the victim of a car accident. More twistedly, Fields is the victim of a politically motivated legal lynching. A legal lynching you support, not because of what he did, but who he is.

            Victim blaming is a cynical and vile thing to do. By regurgitating the media line and calling Fields the “perp” you are engaging in just that. Again, I don’t know how folks like you can stand to look yourself in the mirror. But then I’m a morally sound person…

            Sadly, you will probably get what you want and this poor kid’s life will be destroyed. This kid’s life will probably be effectively ended by an unjust verdict in a grossly mishandled show trial as early as today. In the unlikely event that he gets a George Zimmerman style surprise acquittal the Federal Government already has a Rodney King Cops sort of double jeopardy prosecution loaded up and ready to go. No doubt you will be happy when that occurs…

            Anyway, I’m done now. I’ve “fed the troll” far too long here. But I have managed to expose what you are doing to the court of public opinion, which is all one can really do in these cases of interlopers trying to mislead, troll, and gaslight. I’ll now allow you the last word on the matter. I’m nice that way. You’re welcome…

        • Wish I could reply to the more recent comment, but for some reason I’m not given the option. I’m more than willing to clear up some of your confusion.

          I did “[see] it all happen in real time”, is true, but I wasn’t detailed enough in saying what “all” is. I’ve posted here a few times in the past too, and I have never strayed from the basic set of facts around my experience that day:

          -I was in the crowd Fields ran into
          -I was a few feet away from bodies that, from my perspective, were suddenly launched into the air, as I heard the sound of flesh and metal.
          -I couldn’t tell what happened, if a car ran into the crowd or a bomb went off; it happened in an instant and it’s very hard to process such an extreme scene as it’s happening. I just ran.
          -In the minutes afterward, I spoke with friends and eyewitnesses at different positions in the crowd, on the mall, and in offices/apartments that overlook the scene and was told that the car had backed up, then waited, before it sped into the crowd.
          -I have evidence that I was in the crowd, but I can not think of any benefit for showing you.
          -I didn’t witness any crimes that day. The crowd I saw was peaceful and happy (again, this was well after UtR’s permit was pulled and all the scuffles at the park subsided).

          In response to specific things you said:

          >”there is video of at least one car being attacked by the mob that would a few minutes later be involved in the car accident.” – I haven’t seen this. Where is it?

          >Fields’ vehicle was struck by weapons at least twice, possibly three times, in the seconds before the accident occurred. – I would argue the attack was already underway by the time his vehicle was struck, since he began racing into the crowd from over a block away by the time these strikes occurred; people had already had to get out of his way or been run over.

          I call Fields the perp because he chose to drive his car into a crowd of people, killing a person and injuring many. I feel very morally sound calling the guy who drove his car into a crowd of people a perp.

          You’re right – I do hope his life is destroyed EXACTLY because of what he did, not because of who he is. I don’t wish his fate on anybody who showed up that day, wanted to hear Richard Spencer, and then left. I do hope that anybody who comes to my town and murders someone gets the justice he deserves.

          Do you think his race into the crowd was justified, or prompted by violence on the part of Antifa? If so – please review the timeline of events more closely. Your impression of what happened is simply not based in reality, and seems like a lot of wishful thinking. It would have been very different if Fields was slowly driving down 4th with the cars in front of him, was attacked, and ran into people on his way out. But that’s not what happened. He slowly followed those two cars down 4th St. Then he reversed and put almost 2 blocks of space between himself and the crowd. He had 2 possible exits at that point, if he wanted to leave, that didn’t involve driving down 4th St. Instead – he accelerated into the crowd.

    • How many others suffered serious chest injuries — or any chest injuries at all — as a result of being struck by Fields’ car?

      Presumably the lacerated aorta was specifically what caused Heyer’s death; was it so stated in court? — was it also stated in court that the impact of the vehicle caused the lacerated/ruptured aorta? — as well as the other internal injuries?

      In none of the fotos of Heyer after the incident do you see blood or any sign of external injury — where did the blood and tissue on Fields’ car come from? — from which part of her body?

      If her full autopsy has (finally) been released, I would like to review it — do you know of/have a link?

      I ask because of this: all of the thoracic injuries you list can also be caused by chest compressions during CPR — don’t take my word for it; look it up — especially chest compressions vigorous enough to cause a detectable pulse in someone as obese as Heyer — such compressions can break ribs (or the sternum), which then can lacerate the lungs, liver, or other internal organs, like the aorta — and it was admitted long ago that CPR, probably vigorous CPR, was performed on Heyer.

      All of the above is why I would like to see the full autopsy report — which should have been released long ago.

      • Quoting @eah ===> “I ask because of this: all of the thoracic injuries you list can also be caused by chest compressions during CPR — don’t take my word for it; look it up — especially chest compressions vigorous enough to cause a detectable pulse in someone as obese as Heyer — such compressions can break ribs (or the sternum), which then can lacerate the lungs, liver, or other internal organs, like the aorta — and it was admitted long ago that CPR, probably vigorous CPR, was performed on Heyer.”

        Of all the videos taken, including those taken by the police, where’s the video showing Heyer in contact with Field’s car?

        • I agree — I also have never seen such video/foto evidence — Hunter claimed to have seen something — I asked him to provide it — no reply — but since per medical info Heyer suffered a “distal” (closer to the knee) femur fracture, we can assume she was struck by the car — NOTE: all others who were struck had leg and/or pelvic trauma — yet we are supposed to believe Heyer alone suffered chest trauma — and chest trauma serious enough to kill her — I am very skeptical — I think authorities are either lying or mistaken about that — the most consistent explanation for her death and internal thoracic injuries: she had a heart attack due to the shock of being struck by the car and having her leg broken; when EMTs arrived she had no pulse — forceful chest compressions during CPR broke ribs which lacerated internal organs (this type of injury is not uncommon — do a search); these internal injuries doomed Hoyer.

          • We covered it a long time ago.

            It was the photo of the black guy Marcus Martin flying through the air. If you look under his knee, you can see Heather Heyer in the photo. It looks like she is getting hit from the expression on her face

    • Her aorta ruptured leaving blood on the car but the obese naked body we saw on the stretcher showed no visible blood anywhere.

      F-A-K-E as in P-S-Y-O-P

      Look out for the prosecution to present evidence of just how out ‘of control/his mind’ he was in some penitent way that suggests some nebulous ‘mental illness.’

      • “F-A-K-E as in P-S-Y-O-P”

        This is not helpful, friend.

        While it is certainly 100% true that Fields is a political prisoner and a victim of an unjust politically motivated prosecution, pretending that the car accident was a government set-up or making other outlandish and unsupported claims is harmful to our credibility. It’s as bad as those who claim that many of the recent mass shooting incidents were “false flag” operations. Those folks (and you in this case) may have the best of intentions, but they help further the stereotype of those of us in the pro-White movement as being mentally ill lunatics.

        Please. Just don’t….

  20. The Real Question for America is:

    Does a supposedly Neo-Nazi White Supremacist (add all other Jewish ad hominems)…….

    Still have Constitutional Rights??

    We all know the answer…….

    The question is:

    What do we do now?

    Yes, he admired Hitler…….

    Yes, he probably hated Black People……..

    But, he ultimately wanted to go home to Ohio post-rally………

    He didn’t really want to kill anyone…….

    He was doused with urine by Antifa somewhere and maybe even assaulted…….

    Got in his car and tried to escape out of the city……..

    And due to the failure of the City of Charlottesville………..

    Found himself in a Self-Defense situation……….

    Everyone in the Alt-Right now realizes the Truth regarding Jews………

    They don’t care if this INNOCENT young man is given the Death Sentence………..

    They would support imprisoning each and every one of us………..

    The Real Question is:

    What do we do now?

  21. Regardless of facts or evidence, they will find him guilty and probably execute him.

    Their narrative depends on it.

    This is a show trial; we all know it

    They will kill him, in order to frighten us into shutting up, sitting down, and waiting on our inevitable demise.

    The question is, what will be our course if action then?

  22. A certain faction of the the Southern nationalist movement has publicly promoted this facilitating of black on white rape under DeVos:

    I’m not even going to mention which for a couple of reasons, but at this point he should be regarded as less than authentic. Notice the author of the article begins by stating that she only represents low income men ‘of color.’ No help for the only demographic whose innocence might be defended by some much more careful tweaking, at least in terms of students.

    As for me, I will be actively campaigning against Trump for the D’s in the primary, hoping to influence its outcome by railing against the party’s anti-white rhetoric. If no candidates can emerge without pledging to further whites’ oppression, then I simply won’t vote.

  23. Fields is being portrayed as some supposed ‘bipolar,’ although of course the prosecution and media won’t come out and say that, that would be too obvious and heavy-handed.

    They’re trying to convince the public that recognizing jewish orchestration of anti-white (and anti-middle class) is a form of paranoid mania or something that doesn’t exist in real life. Real mania isn’t paranoia; manic depressives experience a true mania that is euphoria.

    The prosecutor is at least part italian and graduated from Providence College, a liberal arts type catholic school in Rhode Island run by the Dominicans. He then went to Washington and Lee law, which is down the road from Charlottesville.

    • I understand Fields has some kind of autism / personality disorder and that he may not be too bright. Has it been determined by a mental health professional that he is competent to stand trial? The fact that the prosecutor in this case is an Italian Catholic who graduated from Providence College is another indication that justice will not be served.


    Fields is said to have broken down sobbing after hearing in the station that Heyer had died, and is reported to have said “I THOUGHT they were attacking me” as opposed to what someone in that minutes-after-situation would much more probably say “They WERE attacking me.”

    If they portrayed Fields as defiant they’d risk martyring him. You can kill the person but not the idea, etc.

    Or, they can kill the idea and any vestige of due process by invalidating the person’s mind and sanity. To ‘hate jews’ is to be insane. For the (((state))) to admit that Fields ‘hates’ and to punish him is to acknowledge he had some reason to hate and that (((they))) hate him back…or maybe even before.

    This is all just theater designed to further the Stasi State agenda that empowers the state to intervene ‘pre-crime.’

  25. It’s pretty weird that being hit by a car would cause more damage to the upper body than the lower. Most cars aren’t 48″ tall at the front end.

    Did the defense even bother mentioning the possibility of fatal injury by overzealous CPR, or are they too bought and paid for to bring up such trivialities?

    • Aorta is one of the strongest and most protected blood vessel in the body. On the healthy person, breaks of of aorta almost never happens. That is why we using tourniquets. Even after bomb blast when your hands and legs blown away , aorta remains still okay. This is also reason, why body armor does not have plates on the stomach. Upper body is vulnerable to strong hits, for example ribs may break up and penetrate your lung or heart when the high energy bullet hit,s. Lower body is so strong that when Kevlar stops the bullet, then muscles alone can protect aorta.

      Aorta breaks up only by aneurysm and this is preliminary condition. CPR can never break aorta even when strongest man of the world makes it.

      Breaking aorta is best proof that this horrific genetic white liberal died because of natural causes.

      Laws of course are different issue. The very same aneurysm caused aorta break could happen also because she heard that it is ok to be white and her blood pressure rose by 0.00000001%

      This story is interesting precedent. What the “causing death” means ? When 120 years old Jew get,s heart attack because Jew heard from news that white father saved his child from fire, is this news station guilty of “causing death” or not ?

    • Didn’t some unqualified Antifa paramedics attempt to administer CPR at the scene, something which may have unintentionally contributed to Fatty’s demise?

  26. I was getting excited about when it would be the Defense’s turn, and it is turning out to be kind of depressing. When reading the Defense witness accounts, I keep waiting for a major punchline to disprove the other side’s story but there never is one. What was with that one female law enforcement person saying that the mob was blocking traffic but then saying they weren’t when cross examined by the Prosecution? Either the person from that news channel who is tweeting what is happening is lying about good things happening on the Defense side (nice typos by the way) or something very fishy is going on. I am not a fan of conspiracy theories, but this whole thing is ridiculous.

  27. DS has a picture of Heyer on that stretcher but this time she has a small bit of blood on her face, looks like her upper brow:

    Does anyone remember that blood being there when the same picture was floated around afterwards? I don’t.

    I also find it odd that the defense calls anemic defense witnesses without presenting any friends of Fields from home, his job, etc. People that age are very social by nature and hormones particularly. The notion that Fields had no friends to testify to his emotional state, etc., but somehow went out of his way to try to buddy up with a few different people at the rally seems hard to believe. Where are all the people and young guys he would have connected with online?

    Explosions are happening all around regarding Israeli aggression and BDS, whose proponents, particularly non-white, hold that they are defying ‘white supremacy’ and white colonialism. The jews’ game has played out. Claiming to be ‘white’ on the one hand but somehow exempt from charges of ‘supremacy’ and ‘colonialism’ (when they are the main orchestrators and beneficiaries of both in actuality) has ceased to cloak some of their machinations, especially to leftists and Democrats.

    This trial was timed intentionally and that its portrayal of Fields as fixated on jews and Hitler was designed to subvert any potential even distant alliance between anti-judaists coming from both the right and the left. The jews need to prevent pro-whites and anti-whites from recognizing their common enemy at all cost.

    The only chess move left for them is sheer repression, which is being officially enacted as we type in the form of the Sandra Bland Act, ERPO’s, and the 21st Cures Act and heralded as ‘progress,’ ‘caring’ and ‘prevention.’

  28. I called it:

    Andrew Anglin is assuming the missing defense witness is the Redneck Revolt antifa prof who in video bragged about menacing Fields with his gun, but that’s incorrect. Reports from the courtroom claim that guy already testified and the missing witness is the guy Fields was hanging out with that day.

    Which means, he won’t show up or be found because he never did any such thing and if the orchestrators of this psy op had to produce him or someone then detectives could start scrutinizing him and his supposed connections to Fields. But they don’t want people investigating Fields and his bizarre, context-less appearance that day.

    • Fields appearance was context-less and bizarre? He was there for the rally, along with about 500 other White Nationalists, NS, SN and Fascisti. Theres a lot of strange shit about that day, but him appearing isnt one of em.

      • He has no context, in that he somehow felt impelled to drive all the way from Toledo, Ohio to Charlottesville, Virginia to stand with his comrades, but never once made contact with any of said comrades online beforehand. He has, apparently, no friends in Toledo.

        The drive is almost 9 hours with no stops.

        Remember he was 20, part of a generation that can barely communicate without digital media gadgets. But he knew to just show up in correct uniform for this group, and then wandered off to make 2-3 random buddies for the day with I presume kids his age who don’t seem to be associated with this group he felt so deeply motivated by.

        What about the bizarre video of his mother in her garage in her wheelchair, pretending to not know the word ‘Alt Right?’ Blaming the entire thing on Trump. Tolerating two complete strangers filming her and informing her her son had just killed someone at a ‘white supremacist’ rally? Did that seem real to you?

        The purple car is also on video and was abandoned in the middle of the street where it became some centerpiece of this second mini protest. No one has ever explained who left it there or why. At the time there was no gathering of people and the police allowed it to sit there unattended for I believe at least a half hour.

        • I spent roughly as much time driving to Charlottesville as did Fields so that I could “stand with my comrades,” despite not personally knowing any other attendees and having no white nationalist friends in my local area. And on the day of the rally, I also wandered around making buddies with other attendees from various different affiliations. I even invited a couple of them to lunch! (But thankfully, did not have any collisions on the way).

          Was my appearance also devoid of context, in your eyes? Am I part of the ridiculous psyop you are envisioning?

          • You write on here all the time, Solidus. You know, from online chatter, lots of people here, including Brad and various other real life personae. How old are you?

            We’re supposed to believe that Fields had no affiliation with his group in person, nor on line. C’mon, you really believe that? You have no friends at all in your area who could vouch for your emotional state, your character, etc.?

            @ HW

            What did the driver of the purple car say was the reason she abandoned it in the middle of the street, without even pulling over? What did the cops say was the reason they left it there during a state of emergency for at least 30 minutes?

            Has anyone watched the video of his mother that day?

            Is there some reason Fields hadn’t been able to get out of Charlottesville?

          • Brad, there was NO crowd when the purple van was abandoned. I saw a video, I think it may even have been linked to on here, where the car sat in the street for some time without anyone around it or in it. That’s simply untrue if the woman said that.

            Also, a video of Fields’ mother came out that day and now there are only two versions I can find, and both have omitted the parts where she pretends to have some inkling of him going to something related to the Alt Right but she fumbles the words as if she’s unsure what they are, like the average american who tunes in at all to MSM wouldn’t have know those words. She also in the original right after mentioned Trump as if he was going to rally for him. These two parts particularly bothered the truther community and struck us as very contrived. Now they’re gone and a totally bogus witness is lying about the purple car when there was video of it sitting there for some time beforehand with no crowd anywhere.

            I highly doubt there’s any version of that video available on Jewtube, although someone out there somewhere might have made a copy. It absolutely existed.

            Video of Samantha Bloom, his mother, edited:

          • @Mary – I am acquainted with many people on here via my anonymous online handle. But nobody here knows me personally, nor do I know much if anything about most people’s personal lives here. I did try to find Brad in McIntire Park, knowing that he had attended the rally too, but even if I had found him, he wouldn’t have known me from Adam. The draw of UtR was knowing there were a lot of likeminded people around, even if I didn’t personally know anyone. It’s reasonable to assume Fields felt the same.

            My point is that, with my circumstances overlapping heavily with Fields’s, if I had driven my own car into a crowd, it seems likely that you would be arguing the psyop angle against me. But there was nothing unreasonable about Fields’s appearance there–just an isolated White Nationalist trying to make some bonds in the wider community.

            With the facts we have at hand, I don’t think it’s necessary to try to read more into it than that.

          • The fatal mistake we made was holding that rally in Charlottesville. If it had been held almost anywhere else, the police would have done their jobs and we would have beem fine

          • How old are you Solidus?

            You couldn’t find the League?

            When did you start posting on here, if you don’t mind my asking?

          • If Fields had an online presence somewhere they would have been all over it.

            Also, that video I linked to had its end chopped off or something on the day of the rally, when it was supposedly taken. At the time there was no ending with her holding her head in her hands.

          • @Mary – I am tail-end of the Millenial generation. I could not find the league as I am not a member and had not coordinated any kind of meeting with them. I walked in there all by my lonesome, expecting a pleasant afternoon of speeches and socializing with my fellow WNs. I probably started posting here in 2015, after having been a lurker since 2014.

            For all you know, Fields was a longtime lurker on certain sites as well and didn’t get around to making any commentary of his own.

          • Right, so you’re not 18-26 or 27, I gather. That’s an age I was saying is compulsively social.

            Bloom is a jewish name. The stories and evidence have been tampered with from the time this whole thing went down to fit their evolving narrative(s).

  29. There are 117 fatalities from collisions in the US every day…of which this was clearly just 1.

  30. It’s a justified hit so you must acquit. Anyone that plays in the streets during a State of emergency is deserving of the Darwin Award. You have no right to block the streets with your temper tantrum.

  31. What the hell kind of defense was that?

    Limp questioning of Dixon, instead of grilling him ruthlessly and throwing his own statements about chasing Fields with a rifle in his teeth, and daring him to either perjure himself or admit to chasing the vehicle?

    Telling the jury that your client is GUILTY and asking them pretty please to just make it involuntary manslaughter?????

    It’s enough to make me fedpost here about Fields and his lawyer.

    • Hate to say it but Adolf Hitler did his own defense in the Beerhall Putsch Trial. It probably saved his neck.

      • Yes, you’re correct, Captain, Fields should have done that. He couldn’t have done any worse than that useless thing he was assigned, and if he had any fire in him, he might have managed to get some words out for the cause as well.

  32. This is absurd.

    A biased judge, a weak as wet noodle defense, evidence pointing to a lack of malice but the verdict saying otherwise…pardon my French, but this is fucking bullshit.

    This will be appealed, I am sure, and I hope that proper justice will be levied there.

    • After the Beerhall Revolt Hitler had the balls to represent himself.

      Fields missed his chance to represent himself and dare I say it represent a wider ideological crisis.

      117 Americans die every day in collisions. How many are convicted for 1st degree as a result? It’s a sham trial.

  33. If the situation had been reversed and someone on the Left ran over and killed 20 of the Unite the Right protesters the driver would have gotten off with the weakest of excuses and would have become an instant national hero for the Left. Stay away from these anti-White, anti-South areas. Sodom and Gomorrah was eventually wiped out by God.

    I pray for Mr. Fields for all the best and may he appeal this to maybe a better judicial/political environment if it still exists…

  34. I believe it’s apropos to quote the mantra of black activists. “No justice no peace!” I concur!

  35. This is unbearably sad. I have no words for it. I have never been this depressed over a news story. Poor kid. I will pray for him every day.

  36. The Fields verdict was necessary for the media to perpetuate the narrative of “the deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville.” It is also useful to us as a means to show how broken the system is, to help wake other people up to how it is beyond reform. And let’s not forget the Kate Steinle verdict in San Francisco. “Jury nullification” works both ways.

  37. If he was black in todays PC America protesting the take down of a statue of MLK he would have been found NOT GUILTY. In a majority White country this is pathetic! The biggest enemy of Whites are sellout self hating Whites. Stupidity is a very formidable enemy.

  38. @Alex Jimminy

    You seem to be educated enough to be snarky, but you aren’t intelligent.

    You said you were in a peaceful crowd that only turned violent when they were attacked by terror. Who made you, or anyone else there, qualified to convict and attack James Fields as a “terrorist?”

    No one blames victims for dodging terror attacks, fleeing terror scenes, or trying to save others lives during a terror attack-but under no circumstance do terrorists get judged and convicted and sentenced by their victims on site. At best victims MIGHT stop aggression, but you admitted that you and the rest of the crowd turned violent against a “terrorist.” Is that not law enforcements, and ultimately the court’s job? You and the crowd took the law into your own hands, vigilantes and outlaws. True terror victims flee a terror scene and James Fields was the victim to a terror mob, and he tried to flee.

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