Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Reveals Her Jewish Ancestry

I’m skeptical.

I saw her making a pot of instant mac and cheese. Maybe it is her Puerto Rican side?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It’s an advantage to claim Jewish ancestry. Or pretend to be Jewish in this New dominated society.

    There are more than a few actors and actresses that pretend to Jewishness in order to get work in Hellywood.

  2. That a creature like this could be elected to a national level office in the US is certainly testimony as to how badly our nation has degenerated.

    • Her standing for election in that seat, was a stroke of Jewish genius though.

      She appeared to be a radical Latina with BDS sympathies, but…every. Fucking. Time.

      • Meanwhile Kavanaugh has made his first official cuck-out on Planned Parenthood. Trump has a lot of explaining to do. He thinks he can just BS people all day long because that’s what the other guys do, but he put himself forward as different and now we have to hold him to that.

  3. There is a lot of meticulous documentation online about the history of the Sephardic kikes into Cuba and Latin America.
    This is no surprise, everything is calculated and nothing is by accident, so this donkey dope cunt is here for a purpose that was thought out probably years ago.
    Anything to jew the goyim and make us submit.

  4. She sounds like Senator Elizabeth Warren, this in that, though she looks like an Indian, she claims Jewish.

    Could this have anything to do with her desire to court those who hold the ladders of power?

  5. This explains how she’s maintained a media profile.

    This is like Kit Hitchens, John Kerry and Wesley Clark tier stuff. Oh btw I’m Jewiiiisssshhh!

    • I’m reminded of something a friend of mine said back in the ’90s, when Madeleine Albright announced that she’d learned of her Jewish ancestry. When I mentioned the story to my said friend, he said, “Oh–you mean when Madeleine Albright announced that she was the only person who hadn’t known she was Jewish?”

  6. Here’s the trick.

    Her constituents mostly see Israel as a white colony oppressing Brown indingeous people.

    Occasio-Cohen was sent in to simulate anti-colonial resistance to Israel, which is a popular stance among Hispanics.

    Turns out she’s a Converso-Marrano-Sephardi.

    Explains how she survived the cut given her Pro-Palestinian rhetoric.

    You gotta half it to the yids. They have these things carefully planned. She defuses the problem of Hispanic aggression toward Israel but keeps Bomb throwing at whites.

    Astonishing really.

    • “The Jews deserve admiration, for they have acted with absolute consistency according to the logic and truth of their own individuality, and never for a moment have they allowed themselves to forget the sacredness of physical laws because of foolish humanitarian day-dreams which they shared only when such a policy was to their advantage. Consider with what mastery they use the law of blood to extend their power: the principal stem remains spotless, not a drop of strange blood comes in; as it stands in the Torah, ‘A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord’ (Deuteronomy xxiii. 2); in the meantime, however, thousands of side branches are cut off and employed to infect the Indo-Europeans with Jewish blood. If that were to go on for a few centuries, there would be in Europe only one single people of pure race, that of the Jews, all the rest would be a herd of pseudo-Hebraic mestizos, a people beyond all doubt degenerate physically, mentally and morally.”
      –Chamberlain, Houston Stewart; Foundations of the Nineteenth Century; London: John Lane, the Bodley Head 1912; Fifth Chapter (The Entrance of the Jews into the History of the West), page 331.

  7. People seem to be missing all the brouhaha surrounding BDS and the ‘new Democrats.’ She’s considered emblematic of the latter, which is considered bedfellows with the former, so because she comes from Queens/the Bronx (we’ll just ignore that she relocated there after actually growing up and attending schools in uber-privileged Westchester County outside NYC) she has to claim this newfound ‘jewish identity’ to straddle all the fences. Queens still has a number of jews in it and they have so much power overall in NYC and in general.

    Google BDS and Israeli Lobby, academia, Marc Lamont Hill especially. There’s a chaotic battle raging across America’s colleges whose partisan lines are being redrawn. The jewish left is trying to align BSM with the BDS movement but the blacktivist mob isn’t as cooperative as its leaders,’ in the hopes of maintaining blacks’ and hispanics’ allegiances and of alienating whites from it. The last thing our overlords can afford to let happen is for any natural alliance between the working goyim(s) to emerge.

  8. The chupacabra from the Bronx probably does have juden blood. In the recent past, negro housekeepers would exchange sexual favors with their juden employer for money and jewelry.

    Now that muds from mexico, central america, and the Caribbean islands make up the vast majority of domestic workers, it’s not unreasonable to believe that some of these uber fertile women became pregnant with the sperm of satan.

    Ms. Cortez is ugly enough to pass for a younger ruth bader ginsburg.

  9. To us, those brown people all look pretty much the same, so Ocasio-Cortez could claim to be part Hindoo, Aztec or Arab and we would be unable to know for sure if it was true. However, I do not believe our own Celtic Oven Mistress has conferred “Jude” status on this particular specimen.

  10. Now that the Heespanics are taking charge of the Democrat party the wops and micks will no longer comprise its elite ruling class. And the coloreds will no longer be pandered to, that’s for sure!

    • The Hispanics hate the Blacks. The Blacks hate the Hispanics. The Blacks are jealous of the Asians for their success. All of the coloreds hate Whites. The Whites hate themselves, most of all. And the coloreds are anti-semites!

      The Democrat Party has no future. Liberalism like conservatism is dead meat.

  11. I wanted to be the first commentor to state “Every. Single. Time.”, but alas, someone already has. She does indeed look rather RBGish…
    On a side note, concerning her status as a Marrano Jew, I believe that (maybe in *First Blast of the Trumpet*) 16th century Scottish Reformer John Know asserted that the Spanish were Jews. I assume that he was referencing widespread debasement of Spanish stock by Jewish “converts”.

  12. White privilege is a farce but Jewish privilege on the other hand is a well documented fact in America. (((They))) comprise over 33% on the US Supreme Court even though they’re roughly about 3-5% of the US population. (((They))) own and control the majority of Lugenpresse outlets. (((They control our craven politicians through AIPAC aka the Jewish lobby. Also,(((They))) are vastly over represented at IVY league schools such as Harvard and Yale.

  13. Proof of my above analysis:

    Read a bit down to hear how scared the Israeli Lobby is of ‘intersectionality’ and ‘the blacks seeing their liberation as intrinsically related to the plight of the palestinians.’

    Yet MSNBC today or yesterday showed a map of all the territory palestinians have lost over the years to Israel.

    I’ve come to recognize that the jews’ motivation for promoting muslim invasion is to create a way to deal with black and hispanic solidarity with Palestine. Instead of allowing an alliance to form between working whites and non-whites against jewish supremacy, the jews are creating an obstacle in the form of muslims. Jewish judges are pushing federalism where it suits them and states’ rights where it suits muslim ‘custom’ like fgm. They’re deliberately drawing whites into conflict with muslims who represent to many blacks a brother group.

    Whites should be decrying the juridical inconsistency therein in very loud terms, and the unconscionable torture of girls and women. There is nothing ‘racist’ or ‘evil’ in defending innocent children and women, and I think if presented appropriately more blacks and hispanics would agree.

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