Macron Addresses Yellow Vest Movement


– Macron condemns the violence and justifies his crackdown

– Macron declares an economic crisis

– Macron says the minimum wage will be raised

– Macron offers some tax cuts to deflate working class rage

– Macron wants a “national dialogue”

– Macron still comes across as a smug, out of touch elitist technocrat

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Dirty scum, it’s all right for blacks and muslims to run roughshod over White countries, but it’s bad for White French to stand up for their race and country.

  2. Respect to the yellow vests for standing up to globalist tyranny in France, Holland, and Belgium.

    If the uk zogerment reneges on the brixit vote to leave the eu, you just know the cross-dressing eunuchs of cuck island won’t put up a gallant resistance to having to to bend over and grab their ankles.

      • Because the jew kay dragged the USA into both of the 20th century world wars that England at the behest of international jewry agitated for.

        The U.K. was going to lose WWI, and went on hands and knees to the Rothschilds for assistance in defeating and starving the “Huns.”

        In WWII, Churchill with jewish financial and media support again brought England into conflict with its Saxon brothers.

        The bloodletting and destruction from these two calamities are laid out at the door of the English.

        Not to mention the infamous Balfour Agreement that the English signed in obtaining the international jew’s backing, and thus created the present terrorist state of Israel.

        So yes, I do hold the limey’s in contempt. Not because I am anti-White, but because they shed their racial cousins blood for international/global Jewry, and bear the lion’s share of responsibility for our current disenfranchisement.

        Read the books by David Irving on these events. He’s English. Is he anti-White?

  3. When Macron flees France like the slimy coward he is all hell is going to break loose in the power vacuum. I predict the same will eventually happen in the United States and other once great countries and this starts to come apart.

  4. Octagon never submits to the commoners. What a vile arrogant human being. His satanic nickname is ‘Saturn’

  5. France is suffering from a demographic crisis (it is only a few years away from a wave of mass retirement) and it can’t pay for the things Macron has promised. The situation may appear to stabilize in the short term but within a few years the entire EU will be in a crisis as bad as the one France is currently in (assuming that it survives that long).

  6. meeting with unions (LOL!), giving in to some of their concessions.

    like i said. it was purely about lazy french guys who don’t want to work hard but want all the stuff that comes with a highly productive first world economy and the far left socialism that accompanies it.

    the majority of the rioters have absolutely, positively no problem with france slowly disappearing and turning in eurabia or africa north. they could not care less about that as long as their short work week, long vacations, and early retirements are protected. in some ways, they’re no different than american union workers who vote democrat every election. “As long as I get mine, I don’t care if the Democrats turn America into Brazil.”

    the interesting thing is that this plan won’t work in a globalized world – the germanics and east asians are out working hard and producing while the lazy french are calling it a day and heading home for a jambon after 6 hours. you can’t work for 30 hours a week while the competition is working for 50 hours a week and keep pace with them year after year – you’re slipping like 800 hours of productive work behind them, every year. over a decade, each worker’s output is now years behind. france’s GDP per capita is way behind the anglosphere germanics, and is about to slip behind japan and south korea.

    spain already had a reckoning with this. no more siesta in the middle of the day for lots of workers. who can afford to just stop working for 2 hours every day in the middle of the day and expect to not get wiped out? by cultures where the people WORK. HARD.

    france will have progressively more trouble living the way it wants to as time goes on. 55% of GDP is consumed by the socialist state, output per worker does not keep up with the rest and the world, and of course, french people are steadily replaced by do nothing third worlders who contribute nothing to economic output- which is NOT what most of the french are mad about, though it’s increasingly a mathematical factor. taxes will have to be siphoned off the french workers and transfered to do nothing muslims and africans, which makes that 55% of GDP consumption get worse over time.

    the objection that “I don’t live to work, I work to live” won’t matter soon. you’ll be productive, or you’ll get left behind. france won’t be able to afford their ideal society. french workers DID NOT use that extra, non-work time, to be more creative, or more importantly, to organize to save france. they just used it like any General Motors union guy would have used to it. to sit around, drink, and do nothing.

    “nuclear power should allow them to stabilize.”

    france plans to deactivate half of their nuclear reactors (i think it mostly won’t happen, but that’s the tentative plan right now). the french are pretty dumb sometimes. also, EPR is a total bust.

  7. Whatever Macron can offer at this late stage, it shouldn’t have taken riots and revolts to get him to listen. Too little, too late.
    Unless the people maintain the revolution to force their hand, nothing will change, or improve.

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