Show Summary
After covering current events for about an hour, we dedicate the second hour to the case of William Planer, a TradWorker who was arrested in the wake of the “Battle of Sacramento” for textbook self-defense. Tune in for our exclusive jailhouse interview and find out how you can help!
Update: The fundraising address used on the show was incorrect. Please donate HERE.
The State of California vs. William Planer
Most nationalist donors out there are suffering from “donation fatigue,” the victims of a struggling movement that seems to have more problems than solutions. I get it. The odds seem incredibly long, and it feels like your investment gets lost in a black hole of amateurish internet personalities up against invincible oligarchs. As frustrated as you may be, I humbly plead for you to consider the case of William Planer, a white nationalist leader who desperately needs a hand right now.
William Planer was a regional director for TradWorker, with a long history of intelligent and forward-facing nationalist activism. His region, the Denver Region encompassing the Rockies, Plains, and Pacific Northwest, was among our most active and innovative regions. While we should stand with all of our fallen comrades, Will has been an asset to our cause for a long time, and we need him back on the outside as soon as possible.
On February 4th, Mr. Planer’s self defense trial resulted in a hung jury, ending in a mistrial. Even a Bay Area jury in the most anti-nationalist state in the union grudgingly concluded 6-8 (including alternates) that the state had no case. While the state would usually drop a case after performing so poorly, there’s tremendous political pressure on the DA to put Mr. Planer on trial for his politics. And, lacking any real evidence of their own in the original trial, that’s all their case amounted to: This man is guilty of right wing politics.
The good news is that he has a great team of attorneys who have done an excellent job of presenting his case. The bad news is that Will’s tapped out, his family’s tapped out, and he needs a couple thousand more dollars to afford carrying the same counsel into the second round. They’ve learned what to expect from the prosecution in the second round and both Will and his attorneys are very optimistic about his prospects of acquittal.
All of that depends, however, on whether he can raise the money in time. Please donate HERE.
The Battle of Sacramento was a TradWorker and GSS unity event in June, 2016. It was organized at the state capitol steps to protest the outbreaks of left-wing violence throughout the state. You might recall that weeks prior to the event, antifa radicals were targeting Trump campaign events, chasing down and bludgeoning random attendees. California’s police were doing nothing to protect ordinary people from targeted political violence, and we chose to take a stand.
Our event to protest antifa violence and law enforcement dereliction resulted in a historic outbreak of antifa violence, with police “standing down” on the sidelines as leftist radicals attacked our lawful, permitted assembly, media, and even random passersby. Over three hundred leftists answered the open and explicit call for political violence by Yvette Felarca and other antifa leaders, who even relied on GoFundMe to establish a bail fund for all the leftists they anticipated would be arrested.
It didn’t go as expected, and the bail fund was quietly converted into a medical fund. The twenty “Sacramento Spartans” prevailed in one of the most lopsided street battles in American political history. Our men arrived entirely unarmed, while theirs rolled up armed to the teeth with bricks, bats, bear mace, and even at least one gun. Our men arrived with speeches and cardboard protest signs to send a message, theirs arrived to silence with violence.
While the State of California knew that our side was entirely innocent, they had little choice but to also arrest somebody from our side along with the arrests of the “Sacramento Three” ringleaders of the left wing violence. While Yvette was bailed out right away on his own recognizance, Will was beset with an absurd $600,000 bail, one which has resulted in his incarceration for nearly two entire years awaiting his sham trial.

The video depicts Will fleeing the scene for his life, while a nightmare swarm of angry leftists were scrambling around attacking everybody with weapons. A tranny who mere moments earlier was kicking a nationalist while he was down came for Will, and Will fended “her” off with a stick he had wrestled from another leftist before being struck with bear mace. One would have a hard time correctly gendering the target with 20/20 vision, but he stands charged with “attacking a woman.”
The independent police detective charged with investigating the melee attempted to treat the incident as what it was; a leftist radical attack on a lawful, permitted free speech assembly. Predictably, leftist activists have applied pressure to the investigation by accusing California’s cops of being secret Nazi sympathizers: California police worked with neo-Nazis to pursue ‘anti-racist’ activists, documents show.
Defense lawyers said the case at the state capital offers the latest example of US law enforcement appearing to align with neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups while targeting anti-fascist activists and Donald Trump protesters after violent clashes.
As with the Heaphy Report, sometimes true objectivity means concluding that one side is objectively right.
Felarca’s attorneys obtained numerous examples of CHP officers working directly with the TWP, often treating the white nationalist group as victims and the anti-fascists as suspects.
I vaguely remember receiving a couple extensive phone calls from them, and I recall the questions being rather accusatory and pointed. We had all of our ducks in a row and I was happy to offer the wealth of communications and internal documents confirming our elaborate planning for the event — planning which was centered on ensuring the safety of our attendees and focused on delivering an effective political message if able to do so.
The officer’s write-up about an African American anti-fascist activist included a photo of him at the hospital after the rally and noted that he had been stabbed in the abdomen, chest and hand.
Ayres, however, treated the protester like a suspect in the investigation. The police investigator recommended the man be charged with 11 offenses, including disturbing the peace, conspiracy, assault, unlawful assembly and wearing a mask to evade police.
Fun Fact: It’s still illegal to attack people, even if you happen to get wrecked.
Even the left-wing citizen journalist reporting from inside the trial couldn’t help but see the case for what it was. Davis Vanguard’s “White Supremacist Hero or Thug” confirms that the trial was a constant battle against the prosecution to admit more evidence. Planer, being polite, well-spoken, and innocent, was more than happy to take the stand in his own defense.
Eventually, out of earshot of the jury, the defense won the right to present a surprise witness, Sean Wurzburg, who was at the melee with Planer nearly three years ago. While Deputy District Attorney Casey Sinclair argued he shouldn’t be allowed to testy, defense counsel Jem Martin strongly disagreed.“
There has not been any evidence of the severity of the attack on the Traditionalist Workers Party and allies,” said Martin, noting that California Highway Patrol officer Donovan Ayers didn’t see the attacks. “Sean was there. He witnessed it, was attacked and saw Antifa (anti-fascists) trying to bust their heads.
“He has more to offer (than Ayers). The jury needs to know it was self-defense by Mr. Planer. This is necessary,” Martin insisted, coaxing Wurzburg to explain that TWP had shields because “you knew they were violent.” Wurzburg, indeed, said that rocks and bricks were thrown at about 20 TWP marching in lockstep, 2 x 2 in formation to the Capitol’s South side.
DDA Sinclair countered that Sean “was busy with his own situation…He offers nothing. I don’t know the relevance.” Wurzburg was busy as the bloody clash began. Wurzburg testified he was pepper sprayed, and hit with a 2×4 piece of wood, a baseball bat and flag pole.
Judge Stacy Boulware Eurie ruled at day’s end Monday that “I will allow limited testimony as to describing what happened to him.” She then warmed attorney Martin “don’t use” the “busting heads” language again.
Earlier, Martin scored points in his contention that Planer was a hero, defending not only himself, but others in his group – outnumbered by about 200 to 20. He emphasized that Planer was temporarily blinded, most likely, by “bear mace,” which is stronger, said CHP officer Donovan Ayes, than regular pepper spray.
Even the ADL and SPLC grudgingly confirmed both that the leftists instigated the confrontation and that the nationalists prevailed in the confrontation. And with your help, we are very close to achieving the one kind of victory that has remained out of reach; a landmark legal victory. Without your help, this struggle will be over before it really begins, as the radical leftists work to chip away at our freedom of assembly. Please help Will come home to his family. Please donate HERE.
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I donated $100.00 to Will’s defense fund via PayPal without any sort of followup acknowledgement. I thought suspicious. Then about a week later on Gab it was said by LostCosmonaut that the PayPal account for Planer was compromised. Planer had said so himself. This needs clarification.
Can you email me, parrott.matt at gmail with some specifics about this?
The fundraiser I’m doing here is ultra-bonafide by William. You may have been targeted by a scam and if we can get the details, we might be able to hold them accountable.
Glad to see yall on here. Will be glad to try and donate something next paycheck. God Bless.
getting this and other errors atm. no dice boys:
We can’t find that PayPal.Me profile. Either it doesn’t exist or it was disabled by its creator. Try checking the link’s right.
Just sent some $. It wasn’t alot but I sent what I could as I am in college atm.
Is there a PO box or other snail mail address that I can send cash to? I, like others, do not trust (((paypal))).