Confederate 901 and the Hiwaymen held a pro-Confederate rally this weekend in Oxford, MS:
“Two pro-Confederate political groups, Confederate 901 and The Hiwaymen, hosted a march in Oxford on Saturday afternoon to protest the University of Mississippi’s discontinuation of Colonel Reb as its mascot and other efforts the university has taken to distance itself from Confederate heritage.
The march began in downtown Oxford at The Square around 1 p.m. The protesters marched to campus where they are convening around a monument to an unnamed Confederate soldier.
At the same time the march was taking place, several members of the Ole Miss Rebels basketball team took a knee during the National Anthem before their home game against Georgia. …”
I’ve written about both groups here in the past.
The Hiwaymen were with us in Charlottesville and at Joey Gibson’s big rally in Portland last August. Confederate 901 and the Hiwaymen have both held previous rallies in the Memphis area. The last one that I recall was disrupted by our old friend Jordan Reid.
Note: It looks like at least one communist got violent and was arrested.
You could say that Ole Miss is probably one of the most Liberal universities in the US. The city of Oxford, Mississippi is no different. It’s hardcore Liberal. Last weekend a few Ole Miss basketball players didn’t stand for the National Anthem. All in protest of the Confederate Groups marching in Oxford, Mississippi. That’s interesting. Didn’t stand for the National Anthem in protest of Confederates marching. That shows the Black Racists have no respect for America or the South. Diversity, Multiculturalism, and the Melting Pot will never work. The Republican Party and Trump can talk about the National Anthem 24/7 and that will do nothing because you can’t force the races and religions together. Difference is Difference. The Democrats are all about Identity Politics. The Republicans are against Identity Politics. Identity Politics is reality. That’s why the Republican Party will never represent the South and White Race. Deo Vindice !
I understand why Blue State Whites surrender their statues and symbols. They are an occupied people and have been defeated. They are essential servants to the Chosen. If the Jews used to serve the European nobility, then they managed to reverse positions during the 20th century to have the white elites (and proles) serve them and their interests. But I don’t understand why more Southerners don’t speak out about the destruction of their heritage. I thought they were more conscious of their history and their culture. Do they not understand that they are next in line for being overwhelmed by Jew-sponsored foreigners who will strip them of any connection they have to the past, just as has happened in the Blue States? The South is the last front to preserve America’s European heritage. If the South goes down, then it’s all over.
Dear Ukraine.
What They are Y’all referring to?
No true Southerner forgets His or Her Heritage. However, We are currently under assault by the same communists that are taking the Ukraine a little at the time.
What they are doing is taught in Moscow and Peking. In order to subjegate a people, they must be removed from their culture. They’ve done it all over the world. They have. been doing it here ever since that scoundrel lincoln let them in here.
Education is the Key. Knowledge is power.
Semper Fi And Good Night Chesty Puller Where Ever You Are
Thanks for not wearing any MAGA gear, guys.
How do you preserve european heritage without snow? Snow and winter is such a part of being european. I wish these guys all the best but I don’t relate to any of it.