Social Media is totally discriminating against Republican/Conservative voices. Speaking loudly and clearly for the Trump Administration, we won’t let that happen. They are closing down the opinions of many people on the RIGHT, while at the same time doing nothing to others…….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 18, 2018
…..Censorship is a very dangerous thing & absolutely impossible to police. If you are weeding out Fake News, there is nothing so Fake as CNN & MSNBC, & yet I do not ask that their sick behavior be removed. I get used to it and watch with a grain of salt, or don’t watch at all..
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 18, 2018
….Too many voices are being destroyed, some good & some bad, and that cannot be allowed to happen. Who is making the choices, because I can already tell you that too many mistakes are being made. Let everybody participate, good & bad, and we will all just have to figure it out!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 18, 2018
Twitter “SHADOW BANNING” prominent Republicans. Not good. We will look into this discriminatory and illegal practice at once! Many complaints.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 26, 2018
President Trump: "I think Google has really taken advantage of a lot of people… Google and Twitter and Facebook, they're really treading on very, very troubled territory, and they have to be careful. Its not fair to large portions of the population" pic.twitter.com/H3hga1kZwu
— NBC Politics (@NBCPolitics) August 28, 2018
“You can’t have censorship.”
Pres. Trump at West Virginia rally: "I would rather have fake news than have anybody – including liberals, socialists, anything – than have anybody stopped or censored.” https://t.co/toeBQCE1Zg pic.twitter.com/aMKCfTFRtW
— ABC News (@ABC) August 22, 2018
Social Media Giants are silencing millions of people. Can’t do this even if it means we must continue to hear Fake News like CNN, whose ratings have suffered gravely. People have to figure out what is real, and what is not, without censorship!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 24, 2018
We were told before the election the administration was working on an executive order about internet censorship. It never materialized like the wall or the hyped executive order on birthright citizenship either or the response to the South African farm seizures:
“At his Senate confirmation hearing, Attorney General William Barr signaled an interest in confronting the power of big tech corporations like Facebook and Google. As Mr. Barr put it, a lot “of people wonder how such huge behemoths that now exist in Silicon Valley have taken shape under the nose of the antitrust enforcers.” And since taking office, President Trump has repeatedly attacked America’s biggest technology corporations, especially Amazon, Facebook and Google. Among other accusations, he has charged Amazon with ripping off the Post Office and Google with censoring conservative users. He recently criticized Facebook, Google and Twitter for “ridiculous” bias in favor of Democrats. By most appearances, Mr. Trump is a foe of big tech.
Mr. Barr, however, will find that those “huge behemoths” will continue to dominate, because, in part, the administration’s chief antitrust enforcer is their champion. On top of granting tech platforms huge windfalls in his tax reform law, Mr. Trump appointed a friend of big tech, Makan Delrahim, to lead the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice. Mr. Delrahim has consistently promoted the interests of the biggest tech companies. …
When trying to understand the Trump administration’s position on tech monopolists, ignore Mr. Trump’s tweets and look to what his antitrust enforcers do and say. Mr. Trump’s antitrust chief is hindering the ability of federal, state and local governments and the public to tame the power of tech giants. Instead of this deference to corporate power and condescension to our elected representatives, the department should be confronting monopolies in tech and elsewhere and respecting the policy choices of state and local officials.”
We won’t let it happen?
Silicon Valley has their “pro-business” lackey in charge of the Antitrust Division of the Justice Department. They’re also making bank off the Trump tax cuts and the rise of the stock market while systematically wiping out Trump’s populist supporters on their platforms.
Isn’t it incredible how Trump manages to appoint people who do the exact opposite of what he tells his base – 100% of the time. I’m sure its just a coincidence.
The South African farm seizures are due to kick off next month. You’re going to see alot of dead niggers on TV and my prediction is the MSM will label the Boer freedom fighters as terrorists.
We need to look into getting young White men of military age in to South Africa before things kick off in a big way. I sincerely hope that it is already being worked on in the background in a clandestine manner.
I’ve looked into it myself. I’m too old to be a front line combatant now. But I could perform a support role, and as I’m a combat vet with military and law enforcement training I would be of use in training the younger men. I would urge others to look into it as well. If you can’t be directly involved yourself, then support those who can be. It’s about to get ugly.
I could see the current illegitimate South African Government cutting off visas from White countries and otherwise taking action to isolate any Boer resistance when things get bad. So time is of the essence.
save it for ‘Murka.
the Whites in S.Africa are headed for the cooking pot.
and most don’t even seem to mind.
I think the Boers can hold a perimeter against the current SA military. If Russia were to recognize Oranje as an independent country this could set a very nice precedent. ZOG, of course, will attempt to bomb it into oblivion like was done to the Serbs but it could turn out differently.
This might not go as smoothly as our Talmudic overlords think. Unless there is a massive deplatforming effort I think this could have the effect of waking whites up.
This could be our guy – https://vdare.com/articles/faith-goldy-an-interview-with-the-future-president-of-america
this mealy-mouthed CPAC hanger-on
isn’t going to be Prez of anything.
not the least because, by 2024,
‘Murka will no longer exist.
and a good thing too.
@The Gray Ghost, Is he going to kickstart muh confederacy 2.0?
Gigi, you’re back … how was the advanced hasbara training in Tel Aviv ?
I know, I know … to be welcomed here all one must do is heil Hitler and say burn all Jews. Quite a narrow niche audience. Say over the next 5 to 10 years … what do you hope to accomplish ? It would require a thought to be thunk.
Trump supporters across the spectrum have avoided talking about Trump’s horrific appointments. His top jobs are filled with some of the worst swamp creatures in DC. Lobbyists from the worst industries, neocon retreads from Dubya regime. He made Epstein fixer’s Labor Secretary. Why? Of all of the hundreds of people who could have done this? This stuff matters.
There should have been more of an outcry when these bad picks were announced. Think about what would have happened if Bernie Sanders was elected and appointed lobbyists to top cabinet positions. The left would freak out. It’s hard to imagine that happening to begin with. But it happened with Trump and neither conservatives nor the alt-right freaked out.
Now it looks like a lot boomers are going a long with Trump that we need more immigration.
Why? DUH… Why?
Info on Trump’s Jewish mob connections was available in megathreads on Stormfront the day he announced his run. This info was ignored by almost all WN/Alt-Right websites, including Stormfront.
“neither conservatives nor the alt-right freaked out.”
All the “Jew wise-ees” knew Trump was knee deep in Jews all his life, but they chose to campaign for him anyway, and used carefully prepared memes to deflect criticism of their behavior. I am meme sensitive, so it was the memes that made me suspicious of their motives.
Take this as an opportunity to filter who you can trust, and who you can’t. Its a fact of life kid, there’s next to no one you can trust in politics.
“Now it looks like a lot boomers are going a long with Trump that we need more immigration.”
This should not be surprising to anyone who knows Boomers well. Boomers have always gone along with anything bad for Whites, that Conservatism Inc wants. Selfish, pig headed, naive, dumb, blind trust of authority, is what makes a Boomer, a Booooomer.
Yes, all those boomers on the Daily Stormer, the Right Stuff, and /pol memed Trump into the Whore House. And that’s what makes a based millennial soooooooooooooooooo based! Pepe!
I saw a comment on Twitter that really hit the mark:
“Boomerism is a lifestyle. It generally afflicts the burgeoning number of people incapable of critical thought.”
Daily Stormer is tightly controlled. They keep their users in the dark and feed them bullshit. Can’t speak for the herd behavior/propaganda the others exert their users, because I have never visited them.
However I now think of Stormfront as Boomerfront. The management are honest enough to allow freespeech there, so the info was all there for their users to make a rational decision, but for the most part they did not.
“Jew wise” people knowingly campaigned for and voted for a Jewish puppet. They knew he was a snake before they let him in.
He’s gonna have a hard time doing anything about Internet Censorship when he’s kissing the Jewish Supremacists 24/7 in the media. Who does he think runs Social Media? I’m sure it’s not Irish Dudes who care about the White Race. Deo Vindice !
They are also beginning to “deplatform” (lose their jobs) people in another area that’s not talked about – engineers with security clearances that work for the defense industry. A new rule was introduced last August that allows them (the background investigators) to randomly investigate those with clearances – instead of waiting until the standard 10-year period to end.
So date – I’ve become aware for 7+ people that have suddenly lost their clearances in two different geographic locations.
The new “correct thinking” is reflected in this article – https://news.clearancejobs.com/2019/02/04/when-racism-and-other-forms-of-bigotry-are-a-national-security-risk/
The “great purge” is beginning with those with security clearances – anybody who does not have the right political beliefs will be purged from any govt work. Keep in mind that there around 5 million or so that hold security clearances. If a quarter are purged because of their political beliefs then 1.25 million (with high-tech skills) are suddenly unemployed.
The Communist takeover is well under way.
Does this mean the tatted up junkie sluts on Tinder will have to clean up their act, dump their thugs, and get jobs at Whole Foods? Or does this mean Presidentress Ivankas Family Leave Act will disburse mulatto babymaking funds thru the FCC?
Its all so confusing. You almost need an app to get thru life.