Editor’s Note: “Silicon Reich,” of course, is tongue-in-cheek. Lighten up.
Shotgun writes in the comments:
“The vaunted “changes” in the South ought not to be thought, especially in hindsight, good changes, unless Hunter’s new placement on arbitrary star-charts has also realigned his views of the wholesomeness of antebellum Dixie …”
I haven’t changed my views at all on antebellum Dixie.
I still believe that Slave Society had all sorts of underappreciated advantages over Free Society. Now, I see a real path toward rescuing and reviving the Old South. In the months ahead, we are going to be writing about neo-Fitzhughism in the context of reactionary futurism.
“What point is it to gain the world if we lose our souls? I – for one – am an unreconstructed Southerner and want that old-world Christendom, or nothing.”
When this Yang movement came along, it just so happens that I was already independently exploring this question. I had been watching an old science fiction series called Caprica that was the prequel to Battlestar Galactica. The whole plot of the show is about the spiritual vacuity of the near future world of robotics, virtual reality and artificial intelligence. You should check it out.
“Southern squirming and wiggling for the tit-of-the-state was the outward sign of decay caused by the Civil War and was, at best, a desperate attempt of the war-ravaged to salvage daily meals; that form of “populism” ought not be accepted as a principle. We’re not principled “democrats” after all, even if some of our ancestors were members of the Democrat party.”
It was our ancestors who launched both populism + progressivism into orbit in the early 20th century to take out the ruinous poverty and capital scarcity that followed in the wake of the collapse of the Confederate economy. They literally inflated the money supply and built military bases and ratcheted up government investment in infrastructure and human welfare to end sharecropping.
“– Second, historical facts are, in a way, like the infamous “Gestalt Beast” – they can appear however the observer (or, in this case: the historian), wants them to appear. And how will a thoroughly-reconstructed, modernist academic, educated at radical left-wing state universities, understand the history of the south? A far better source for understanding this tumultuous period, in my opinion, is William Percy’s “Lanterns on the Levee” – a work that represents unreconstructed commentary on the emergence of the New South.
I recommend it, not to discard Hunter’s citation above, but perhaps to supplement it and give it proper perspective.”
There have been several New Souths.
The one that began with Woodrow Wilson, which reached its apogee under FDR and crashed under LBJ under the pressure of the Civil Rights Movement and Vietnam was a populist-progressive coalition. It also just so happens that Southern heritage flourished in this period.
The Jews took over the Democratic Party in the mid-20th century. They launched an attack on Southern Whites and Middle America as revenge for the Holocaust. It has continued down to the present day, but the dominant Jewish elite position is more vulnerable than ever. In particular, there are lots of wealthy Asians in the Democratic Party who would rather make peace with the Whites. Just let all this toxic shit go from the 20th century and move forward like China.
The Yang movement is an opportunity to accelerate this process. We’ve already accepted that America as we know it is over anyway. We’re never going back to the 1950s. Instead of continuing to get screwed over by conservatives, we’re going to try something different. We’re going to try to make peace with and bargain with the other racial tribes in the Democratic Party.
It is in the best interest of everyone for White America to be cut into the “mainstream” to depolarize our politics. It is going to have to happen at some point anyway. Instead of getting violent to try to bring on the “collapse” of civilization, we’re just going to vote for Yang. We’re all going to join the Democratic Party and rebuild the center of the electorate and nullify Jewish power there.
No one except SJW ideologues really wants a lot of this Jewish cultural venom to continue anyway. Asians, Hispanics and Blacks aren’t ideologically committed to social liberalism. They disagree with Boomer conservatives mainly on economics, but on social issues they are far more moderate. We disagree with them too. It’s just that … it has never occurred to anyone until quite recently to abandon conservatism as a failure and try to compromise with the other side.
The compromise could be really simple: political correctness is tossed in the garbage, White identity is normalized within the Democratic Party, the “MAGA agenda” is salvaged from Trump and in return we make deals on a whole variety of social and economic issues that have been politically impossible in Washington due to the partisan gridlock. We could start by abolishing wage slavery and student loan debt and making healthcare more affordable and rebuilding our infrastructure. Boomers can scream with their Don’t Tread on Me flags about MIGA and the country becoming Venezuela.
Most people would happily make that trade. How committed is the Democratic base to Jewish supremacy in the Democratic Party?
Political correctness is still going to be an important factor in the Democratic party going forward.
Shoes will still have a disproportionate level of power in that party. And racists still won’t be tolerated.
But some room for criticism of Israel will be made, as long as the proper protocols are observed to ensure it doesn’t get out of hand.
Asians gonna laugh their asses off at hysterical kvetchers like JPod… That’s why they need to take over the leadership of the Democratic party.
Again, I figure UBI will happen eventually (if the march of tech continues), and it would be fine if Yang somehow implemented it.
But the wogs just hate White people, full stop. Envy and greed are powerful motivators. They don’t want to live in harmony with us, they want us burned out, hunted out, our women raped, defiled, and possessed by them, and our future gone.
Whites have been groveling to them and giving money to them for generations now and the result is just that they hate us even more because they see us as weak and ready to be finished off.
I can’t see them making peace until we’re either enslaved/dead or segregate ourselves from them with bone-chilling Kodiak bear roaring to warn them to keep their distance.
Yangbucks would improve the lives of White people, yes. But the browns will be a viper in our bosoms until they are, for whatever reason, no longer in our bosoms.
I currently live in one of the few Hmong-majority neighborhoods in the US. Most of my neighbors are Somali or black if they aren’t Hmong. None of the groups, including the kids, interact with each other. At all. Oddly, the only people acknowledged by anyone outside of their particular ethnic group are the few whites like me. Usually in a friendly way, but lately some of them have been angry for no reason. That’s not surprising. Diversity + Proximity = War. NO ONE wants to deal with the people that don’t look like them. For now, there’s an uneasy peace in the neighborhood. If trouble comes, the magical multiculti rainbow will fall apart pretty damn fast. I’m getting out at the right time.
“But the wogs just hate White people, full stop. Envy and greed are powerful motivators. They don’t want to live in harmony with us, they want us burned out, hunted out, our women raped, defiled, and possessed by them, and our future gone.
Whites have been groveling to them and giving money to them for generations now and the result is just that they hate us even more because they see us as weak and ready to be finished off.
I can’t see them making peace until we’re either enslaved/dead or segregate ourselves from them with bone-chilling Kodiak bear roaring to warn them to keep their distance.
Yangbucks would improve the lives of White people, yes. But the browns will be a viper in our bosoms until they are, for whatever reason, no longer in our bosoms.”
You are absolutely correct. Total separation and our own living space is the only way whites will continue to exist. They want us gone.
HW, the dem pty is already full of millions of urban Whites
who have signed on to self-extinction
in return for a cut of the Jewbuck. All you are doing
is joining them.
The majority of whites are either self-hating, virtue signaling lemmings or CivNat-worshipping magic dirt eaters. The best hope to get white enclaves for the awakened minority is to have a weakened system, imo. What’s the fastest way to get there, with the least amount of damage done? Pacification through money from Big Daddy Gummint. If you’ve got better ideas, please, tell me about them!
Do I trust Yang, or any other powerseeking pol? Hell no! But I see either a cushy or a rough decline coming up. I’d rather it be a soft landing, if only for our sakes. Anyone pushing the system over the cliff, while not leaving us begging for bread after the crash, is at least our temporary ally.
Can anyone tell me where Yang comes from? Did he come out of nowhere? For all we know, he could be a Chinese agent. Or far worse,a Zionist agent. It appears to me that people are reaching out to someone they know little about. And, he just happens to be a Democrat. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. At this point I am writing-in candidates. Both parties need to be destroyed. And, the oligarchs and “elites,” too. And, it’s too early to tell if a genuine populist gets in the mix.
The only Asian I would ever have considered voting for is the late Lee Luan Yew of Singapore. He once stated:
“Lee warns about the growing risk of America’s losing its “self-help culture” and going “the ideological direction of Europe.” If it continues that slide, he says bluntly, “the U.S. will be done for.” He also gives U.S. immigration practices a failing grade, declaring that “multiculturalism will destroy America.” The key question is: “do you make the Hispanics Anglo-Saxons in culture or do they make you more Latin American in culture?”
Never trust a Chinaman, madame.
The anti-Israel/AIPAC sentiment in the Democrat party is something we can exploit as well. In the GOP there is none of that. In the GOP there is a total consensus on Israel – you are either with Israel or you are against Israel.. I’m not going to be in a party like that going forward. Trump has made all of it worse. Hell, they are likening Trump to Cyrus the Great as some savior of the Jews it has gotten that bad.
Amen. At least with the Democrats you can play jujitsu with their paternalism towards POCs. Constantly point out to them that Israel bombs Gaza and shoots pregnant women. Ask them if they’re okay with that.
Poland was saved without Mr. Yang. And the country next to Poland, Ukraine is complete mess what even Mr. Yang can not fix.
One country understood the genetic white liberal problem, the other country did not. The result is visible to everyone.
Address the genetic white liberal problem like we did in Eastern Europe and your countries were be saved without Bruce Lee or Jet Li.
We have 2 white races, deal with it. When Mr. Yang get the presidency, he will be burned at the stake with Trump by genetic white liberal Christians in the Salem for witchcraft or racism or darthwadderism or whatever your beloved white people will invent without zero Jews in sight.
Genetic white liberal is the root cause of all the problems. Every time I hear the illusions for small white rich homeland, I roar to laugh and recommend those illusionist to move to Sweden.
The problem with your approach is liberals like to be called “liberal”. Genetic white conservatives always lose, because they insist on calling their enemies what they like to be called.
One problem is that we call them with beautiful names.
Down here in Eastern Europe will call them who they really are. The communists. I do not know why Western patriots refuse to call spade a spade.
Conservative btw is also bad word. In my honest opinion , we should divide white people in two categories. Mentally healthy and mentally ill. Or reality based or faith based.
Some of white people are mad. It is absolutely irrelevant, how they call themselves, liberals or conservatives.
This is also why I do not like Christianity. Long time age maybe Christianity had a point but last few hundred years Church became another lunacy asylum where Israel fanatics like to attend.
I think that maybe it is time to throw away all taboos dogmas isms and use some common sense ? For example start calling spade a spade. We have genetic madness inside the white race and it is absolutely irrelevant how it is exposed.
I’m not interested in making common cause with other (basically hostile) tribes in exchange for Yangbucks. Yes, diversity + proximity –> war. Unity is hopeless. Conflict is inevitable here, as it always has been in multicultural polities.
Which candidate, if elected, is the most likely to move forward peaceful separation? I would love to live in a country which does not include Chicago, New York and other horrible shitholes, which is not dominated by jews, and which is not the muscle for another country (Israel).
To think that true happiness is only a $1000 per month UBI check away.