The Great Plantation: The Red Pill

Focus your minds on this video:

What is this?

I submit that this is the world in which we actually live.

We’re kept pumped up on drugs. We’ve been deracinated and stripped of anything resembling actual real morality and culture which has been replaced by political correctness. I would argue that political correctness is a diabolical moral creed that keeps people divided and angry. It is sold to us by people on television. We’re kept under control by groups that police our thought and behavior.

What are our people fighting about anyway? Why are they fighting over ancient grievances? What is real morality? It is things which are accessible to everyone like the salvation of your soul, God’s law, the classical virtues like bravery, temperance, fortitude, honesty, integrity, patience and so forth. We used to CULTIVATE these moral virtues. Christian Europe added humility, charity, faith, hope, etc.

You know, CULTURE? You’re like … nourishing something good in yourself? Is being mad and wrathful all the time over obsolete grievances really good for your well-being?

We used to have practical moral qualities. You take the idea of, say, temperance. The practical application of temperance and avoiding sloth and gluttony is … well, better health. The practical application of hope is that you don’t kill yourself by succumbing to despair like our people are sadly doing.

Take the Red Pill. Take the Yang pill.

How many centuries will it take to repair the damage to our culture that has been inflicted upon it by free-market capitalism under the modern era? I sometimes wish some of the great thinkers of the Middle Ages and Antiquity could talk to us about the state of our culture.

Note: I’m not sure there is any hope for our Boomerfried parents. They were raised in this culture and literally can’t think outside the current paradigm. Maybe there is hope for young people though. We should look back to previous generations for inspiration.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Note: How many centuries will it take to repair the damage to our culture that has been inflicted upon it by free-market capitalism under the modern era?”

    Never. It’s too late, we can never return to who we once were. The old gods are dead and they aren’t coming back…

    What we can do is to build (something we are very good at) a new and better future for our descendants. To even being doing that will require being something of a sin-eater and destroying clown world.

  2. free-market capitalism is not the problem.

    Jewish FINANCE-capitalism is the problem.

    and Yang and his free piles of imaginary Jewbucks

    are more of the same. HW will figure this out

    eventually. When he tires of wandering about

    in Lotus-Land.

    • “Jewish FINANCE-capitalism is the problem. and Yang and his free piles of imaginary Jewbucks
      are more of the same.”

      PROOF. Facts. Data, Science, historical verification of your thesis. Otherwise, you’re just pontificating your bias and ignorance.

  3. On a normie blog, I wrote a little about how the frustration with our deteriorating culture, economic uncertainty, and political betrayals are leading some people to Yang and the UBI idea. The response I got was about how that’s like abandoning Bush I for Clinton, and “how did that work out for you?” Most of my fellow boomers are locked in a narrow paradigm they can’t get beyond. It’s not about conservatism vs. liberalism, or having a few more dollars granted you by a more beneficial tax policy. The structure of our diseased system is falling apart, and they’re worried more about allegiance to a meaningless ideology.

  4. Political Correctness is a religion. It was created when Yankees stopped believing in God. They threw down their Bibles, but still had strong beliefs and wanted to impose their wordism on non-Yankees.

    A mono culture is necessary when people have to live and work together in the close confines of offices and big cities. You need to establish a common moral code, so people won’t wig out and start throwing punches. But since the invention of the internet, automation, and now UBI, big cities are becoming obsolete.

    Internet, automation, and UBI will mean people no will longer have to live and work near people they have nothing in common with. They can figure out where people more like themselves live, and just move there. The trend in the coming centuries will not be moving from the countryside to big cities to get work, it will be spreading out into the countryside for a better quality of life.

    That is why I find it amusing the Chinese are spending a fortune building huge mega cities. They don’t realize these anti-hills are already obsolete. They are still copying the White man. They are doing what we did 50 years ago, thinking they are entering a Blade Runner type future. Very amusing.

    • At least there will still be Chinese in a few hundred years. Not sure the same can be said for whites in the former West.

  5. Life in a multi-racial liberal Star Trek Utopia would also suck, even with UBI. Yang isn’t going to destroy capitalism, he only wants capitalism that doesn’t start at zero. It’s still capitalism.

    Didn’t we figure out long ago that consumption and ease is not the route to happiness?

    Struggling for something meaningful > struggling over something meaningless > the shop, work and watch TV paradigm of passive consumption

    I’m moderately, conditionally, pro-Yang because he wants to redistribute wealth to us as form of Danegeld.
    And I’m don’t think appeasement actually works.

    If appeasement did work and Yang-ism was taken seriously and extended into the future, it would be a dystopia, even putting aside White genocide. Last man quote goes here.

    It’s kind of funny to see a Southern Nationalist going full Star Trek, right as the secessionist moment appears on the horizon.

    • Doing this will also mollify our enemies for a while….most ppl are lazy and will settle for the $1K/mo. Higher agency people can become quite self-sufficient on $1k/mo if they cooperate with one another and are diligent and creative….The wealth is the people—high-agency people can quickly advance themselves if they act in just the precise strategic and tactical manner.

      • “Higher agency people can become quite self-sufficient on $1k/mo if they cooperate with one another and are diligent and creative….The wealth is the people—high-agency people can quickly advance themselves if they act in just the precise strategic and tactical manner.”

        Exactly. To paraphrase the meaning of Christ’s words, ‘The retards ye shall always have with you.”
        We cannot make an IQ85 hominid our equal, and are slowly awakening to that reality.
        We cannot take someone willing to remain in the past (Pharisees) and hope to enlighten them with the ‘gospel’ if they are unwilling to hear.
        We don’t need to worry about those who are of an ossified ideology (MIGA-tards, CZ rapturists), as they will soon pass from the scene- “Let the dead bury the dead.” We merely vote over their objections.

        I said in a prior post (that was not allowed) that those who possess intellectually superior capabilities can pool their Yangbux to ‘effect change,’ just as easily and as fiercely, as the Libs have been doing these last 40 years- we are just leveling the playing field (because Jews and SJW’s always CHEAT).

        True Egalitarianism, IOW. And then, whatever it takes to ‘Make Christendom Great…. Again.”
        No matter what Soros, Bergoglio, Sanders, Hillary, Trump, Macron, Merkel, Antifa say….

        “Never let a crisis go to waste,” I believe they once said….. or, “Payback’s a ……”. Choose.

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