I’m driving lots of my readers nuts with the Yang posting.
They simply can’t wrap their minds around the idea of supporting an Asian Democrat. I’ve completely written off supporting Blompf in 2020, but I am intrigued by Andrew Yang. I’m probably going to vote for him in the Democratic primary and here are the top five reasons why:
1.) Political Correctness – Yang doesn’t talk down to White people in political correctness in the same way that Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg and Elizabeth Warren are doing. He comes across as educated, reasonable, practical and maybe even sympathetic to White America.
2.) Universal Basic Income – If the relative absence of political correctness in Yang’s messaging initially opened my mind to what he was saying, Universal Basic Income brought me to “maybe.” This is because the single biggest problem we have in this movement is this alliance of Woke Capital with political correctness. As a married man, if my family were to receive $24,000 a year from President Andrew Yang, well that is first and foremost FU money to the “journalists” and the Antifa and “extremism watchdogs” who have spent the last 20 years enforcing the tyranny of political correctness.
Don’t even get me started on how libertarian-minded White Nationalists and Alt-Right people are going to one day create a financial safety net to shield people from the social and financial costs of doxxing. It will never happen. No, Universal Basic Income is kryptonite to Antifa and SJW fundamentalist lynch mobs trying to destroy people like Alex McNabb by getting them fired from their jobs.
3.) Democracy Dollars – Yang wants to give everyone in America who is capable of voting $100/person/year just for campaigns. There is a reason why populists have no representation in our political system. It is because populist voters don’t spend their money on politics. This is why we are forced to choose between the lesser of two evils in every election. As we saw with Trump, the ability of rich donors like the Koch Brothers and Sheldon Adelson to buy the legislative agenda and cancel out the voice of millions of voters is why 2016 didn’t work.
Is President Trump going to betray the American worker? pic.twitter.com/1p2Mm2y8vD
— FAIR (@FAIRImmigration) March 31, 2019
4.) Postal Banking – It has gotten to the point where populists and nationalists are losing their bank accounts now because of the political correctness. Yang supports postal banking which will allow anyone to send money through the Post Office like they would through PayPal.
5.) Student Loan Debt Crisis – Tackling this problem alone would do more for millions of young White people who are debt slaves to banks than anything Blompf has done.
The response to this will be … BUT GUNS and CHINAMAN.
Well, my response to that is we have no representation in electoral politics and have been driven underground and marginalized by political correctness and this is the only way to change that. The Blompf presidency has been an unmitigated disaster for the movement on every front.
Secure the Bag is the best message in years.
It is the best message because the reason we have MIGA and criminal justice reform is because Sheldon Adelson and the Koch Brothers have dropped their bags on the GOP. That’s why they own all of their puppets in Congress who constantly buck the will of their voters to do their bidding. Some White Nationalists are naive enough to believe they are “above” material concerns like money, but the truth is that all these conservatives don’t think that way and sell out to donors.
So, you can go vote for things like ending birthright citizenship, ending social media censorship, doing something about Antifa and a 30 foot Mexican border wall, and the result of doing that will nevertheless be MIGA and the total and utter collapse of immigration enforcement.
Note: I’ve already explained how money is the root of all our problems.
If there was enough money in the world and it was distributed more equitably, then people could just move and live wherever they want. The only way you will ever get to anything resembling an ethnostate is through UBI abolishing wage slavery and unscrambling ethnic diversity. Also, it is clear that no one in White Nationalism has a better idea of how to achieve that peacefully.
“What is HW seeing that the rest of us don’t”; or:
“What are we seeing that HW doesn’t”; answer:
another fake-populist scam artist. The last one was named
Trump. This one is named
Well, I’m seeing that violent accelerationism doesn’t work, and the proof is Tarrant, Bowers, Roof, Miller, Von Brunn (in the case of Muslims, ISIS) and all the rest who accelerated the demise of things we like (i.e., Confederate monuments, gun rights, free speech, international travel, etc) while failing to bring about their morbid fantasy of “the collapse of civilization.”
I’m serious here: What are the tactics that lead to us getting what we want? Those who keep saying UBI won’t work, what will? Stop bitching, and present ideas. How about LEADING other people into that better direction, too?
The political correctness/free market/wage slavery nexus is THE PROBLEM.
I’ve been doing this for 18 years now. I have been an activist for years. This isn’t simply about White Nationalism. It is about the power employers have over employees in Free Society. When we were a nation of small independent farmers in the Early Republic, we didn’t have this problem because no one had a boss.
The definition of independence was economic independence – the ability to say fuck off – to our ancestors. The system we live with today took that economic independence for granted. Everyone today lives under the yoke of political correctness simply because they don’t have the financial resources, or the backstop, to say fuck off. They have no choice but to endure it.
$24,000 a year isn’t much for a couple but it is more than enough fuck off money. If that were ever enacted, it would fatally weaken political correctness.
What I don’t get is all of your stuff espousing “humane capitalism” sits right next to articles espousing what essentially amounts to National-Socialism (a clearly anti-capitalist system).
Why would anyone call it that? The Chinese don’t.
As if that “free” money wouldn’t come with strings attached. You really think political correctness wouldn’t ensure that people like you and everybody in the League never get a dime?
Help me.
I’m trying to wrap my mind around how our current system of free market capitalism combined with political correctness in which people have their lives and careers destroyed due to doxxing and disciplinary groups like the SPLC and ASK is a BETTER SYSTEM.
I’m thinking … if someone I know was fired from their corporate wage slave job by an SJW in an HR position and they had $12,000 to fall back on that it would considerably embolden them to pushback against political correctness. Unlike the current system where people go along with the total destruction of their culture due to wage slavery
I think you are right. “Democracy dollars” will probably also be essential to unscrambling diversity. It’s definitely true that no one on the white right has any better ideas.
James Bowery proposed the equivalent of UBI over a decade ago, which he dubbed a “citizenship dividend,” but his hope that was it would help whites see where their money is going and so arouse anger; I doubt it would have this effect. Endorsing UBI as a way to end “wage slavery” is a far superior message.
“Woke Capital” has to be made to pay for its sins, and no Republican is going to do that.
I’ll give the Yang/Wallace ticket credit for at least one thing, discussing UBI. It’s way too early for the general population though. People don’t proactively vote to fix things ahead of time. UBI won’t be an issues until at least 3 presidential election cycles. I for one don’t think the current ideas for UBI will work.
I take it you mean in the sense of being one way to redress automation.
UBI, however, has merits in its own right, irrespective of automation.
How do you mean? If this is a claim that it will harm the economy, then you must ask yourself is what do you prioritize, the economic growth rate or the pro-white cause? The pertinent question is whether a UBI would help or harm pro-white interests, not whether it would help or harm the economy.
It will harm both the economy and pro-white interests. Whether the money comes from printing more of it, or raising taxes on everybody, it is unsustainable. And encouraging whites to be lazy, and handing over the provider instincts of white men to the government, is certainly bad for white interests. It takes away man’s dignity. For every person who claims that more leisure time will be used in intellectual pursuits, there will be thousands who use that time to play video games or worse.
Regardless of the cause, and right now it is immigration period the end, our economy has stopped producing jobs for Americans. “Whats next?” should be the question on everyones lips, and Yang seems to be the only one asking it. I don’t believe UBI will work, certainly not with open borders(but that is a plus, not a minus obviously). I don’t believe it will be enacted, given who controls DC. But I do want talking about this very important issue to be a pre-requisite to even come within sight of the presidency.
Doesn’t matter who you support. This country is on the downhill side, picking up speed.
Taking away the debt from us, whether through student debt forgiveness or UBI, reduces corporate power. It takes away debt slavery. Wages have been stagnant for decades, which means to live at a certain standard Americans have had to use corporate-provided debt. They underpay us, then charge us high interest to live like we aren’t underpaid. Just like sharecroppers or miners getting a pittance from the company, then getting overcharged at the company-owned store they have to shop at. It’s an old scam, one our current system is based on.
Funny. Dave Ramsey has helped millions of people get out of debt without UBI.
A guaranteed basic income? Student loan forgiveness? Single payer health care? NEVER! The System does NOT want White Americans to be happy, it does NOT want to give them anything. We are here to work like slaves for King Kike, who sits like an effendi living off the fruit of our labor. And if you drop dead from exhaustion that’s fine, because there will be plenty of imported brown and yellow people to replace you for half the cost.
Exactly. We are here to pay taxes, spend money on crap we don’t need, and die. Beyond that, they don’t care. The idea of the US government actually attempting to improve the quality of life for white people is laughable.
Silver wrote:
“How do you mean? If this is a claim that it will harm the economy, then you must ask yourself is what do you prioritize, the economic growth rate or the pro-white cause? The pertinent question is whether a UBI would help or harm pro-white interests, not whether it would help or harm the economy.”
I would like to see a successful model on a local level or even a state before we try it nationally. Also, I would not trust it’s implementation being fairly distributed. Automation is coming and UBI will be Generation Z’s Great Society moment, better get it right.
So many hopeful idealists,…so little time…
I will continue to point to Pellagra Man and World War 1. Life sucks in many ways in the 21st century, but it is also better in other ways. We shouldn’t be blind to that
Here’s another thing Yang should add to his list of goodies.
I’ve written about how the Supreme Court overruled Republican government by ruling, one Man one vote and doing away with education or property requirements to vote. Another is overruling the basis of regional representation in the State governments. Making the Senate one Man one vote instead of regional representation like it should be to protect the minority. Here’s a another fine mess they made by making Corporations people and then giving them unlimited ability to fund politicians.
Here’s how to change that. If they declare themselves a Corporation they can continue as they are but if they give money to politicians they are automatically people and have to file all taxes just like people with no tax breaks and they lose the ability to have limited liability just like people.
They can be people or Corporations but NOT both.
Connie wrote:
I understand that UBI would simply be a non-means-tested entitlement, like Social Security or Medicare. Has anybody ever lost his Social Security benefits because of his politics?