Charlie Kirk: Promises Made, Promises Kept

Why are you unsatisfied?

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Bitch all you want, Hunter, but you’re missing the forest for the trees. The fact remains that Trump was still the best available choice for a pro-white in 2016. He’s no worse than any other republican would have been, and he’s been very useful for the effect he’s had on political discourse. You remind of nothing so much as some social democrat in, say, 1912 bitching that he’ll never achieve a welfare state.

      • I thought you regret voting for him, that you were “fooled” by him. If you do, then you must think there was a better choice available.

          • But see that suggests there was a better option available and that you really fucked up by voting for Trump instead of the better option.

            Trump’s been a disappointment in office, sure.

            But the simple fact is every other candidate would have been just as bad or worse, and you wouldn’t have had the socio-political “earthquake” of putting a “racist” in the White House.

            The proper lesson to learn is not to expect too much in one election cycle. After all, it wasn’t so much nationalists that voted him in, as it was standard-issue Republicucks.

    • Drimp is an intellectually shallow, inarticulate boob. He’s not a statesman, a diplomat, a man of letters or a man of action. Basically just a life size cardboard cutout.

  2. Charlie kirk is a neocuck stooge for israel. He kisses the rear of the jew like the good alt-lite, zion-rat that he is. Pathetic.

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