Walmart Is Rolling Out Thousands Of New Robots

Nothing to see here …

Nothing at all …

“Walmart is planning to use thousands of robots for a wide variety of tasks within its stores following a “well-received” round of tests in 2018.

“Smart assistants have huge potential to make busy stores run more smoothly,” the nation’s largest private employer said in a news release.

Walmart, which employs 1.5 million associates in the U.S. alone, said in the release Tuesday that the plans will give employees “more of an opportunity to do what they’re uniquely qualified for” which is serve customers face-to-face on the sales floor.

Walmart isn’t the only retailer that has robots roaming around.

Home Depot customers can type an item into the store app and call up a map that leads them to where they can find the light fixture or cabinet they need. Shoppers at some stores and malls can also get the information they need from a robot named “Pepper.” And the Mall of America has enlisted a hologram named Ellie the Elf as a virtual greeter.

Also, Amazon has thousands of robots operating in its warehouses throughout the country. …”

I’ve tried to tell you that getting hung up over Yang being Asian is exactly like getting mad at a kind person who is trying to tell you that you’re about to get hit by a truck.

I’m happy to trade a nostalgic vision for a futuristic one. It looks like the future could be very different than I had thought. The anarchists are going to fight the future and lose.

Note: If you haven’t seen Caprica, you should check it out. The show was cancelled after only one season but it was a thought provoking take on the near future: holograms and virtual reality, artificial intelligence, the rise of a robot slave caste, resurrection technology, etc.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


    • I’m not sure what you are talking about. It seems like voting for Yang would be a lot more effective in collapsing Conservatism, Inc. than retarded mass shootings which alienate the public and bring down waves of censorship on us.

      • We’re not voting our way out of this, HW. Charlie Chan is nothing more than a novelty act, although he does bring up some valid issues which no other candidate will address.

        Well, I guess WAL MART’s days of having to worry about paying their employees a living wage or having them unionize are just about over. Now they need to do something about improving their image as a place where the sweatpants-clad morbidly obese go to shop in their scooters.

  1. Dear Mr. Griffin

    Our preliminary character assessment has now been completed and unfortunately in this instance you do not qualify for Universal Basic Income (UBI) assistance. Applicants are reminded that those with a verifiable history of un-american values or actions may not be eligible for UBI assistance.

    If you believe this decision to be unfair you may loge an appeal within 30 days.

    If you have any further inquiries please do not hesitate to contact us.

    Kind Regards,

    Internal Revenue Service

    • @Ricky Butt-Goy Vaughn.

      “Dear Mr. Griffin

      Our preliminary character assessment has now been completed and unfortunately in this instance you do not qualify for Universal Basic Income (UBI) assistance. Applicants are reminded that those with a verifiable history of un-american values or actions may not be eligible for UBI assistance.”

      The old order won’t exist anymore. None of them will be in a position to send out letters like this.

      UBI won’t be “assistance,” or any other government benefit subject to revocation at any time, for any reason. It’ll simply be the way society is.

      Controlling people with the threat of hunger and homelessness won’t work anymore because it simply won’t be tolerated. Nor will the old order and it’s obsolete and irrelevant existence.

    • Cyber-helots mean the South gets to be the archeo-futurist Sparta we have all been dreaming of?

      I’m down.

  2. HW- If I may make an analogy. The Boomertards and the ‘True Conservatives’ who are mocking your vision of Yang and the 4IR, are like the Israelites of old who, seeing Christ inaugurate the Kingdom of God among Men right before their eyes, saw only their power and authority (their ‘worldview’) – as well as ‘their nation… as it was passed down to us from Moses/Washington/Lincoln, being challenged; then questioned; and finally (at the Resurrection) destroyed.

    [The destruction of Jerusalem in AD70 WAS the utter, complete and FOREVER dis-enfrachisement of ‘those who say they are Jews, and are not.’ This needs to be stated over and over, to help us break free of the “Jews and their Lies.”]

    I have begun to see the validity of Preterism as a much more potent and life-changing eschatological framework than even Postmillenialism- which I first took hold of, @ 40 years ago. When one compares/contrasts that outlook [Postmil] with the even OLDER Dispensationalist/Judaizing CULT masquerading as ‘Evangelical Christianity’ out there…

    IT IS NO WONDER that you are getting so much pushback- on both fronts- from the pagans [Romans] as well as from the ‘believers’ [ CZ fanatics, MAGApedes, Israel Idolators, the whole spectrum]. You (just as Christ did) are ‘turning the world upside down.’

    These reactionary idiots are today’s Pharisees- many of the more ‘religious’ (who voted for Caesar- I mean, Trump) who are also involved with ‘Judaizing worship’ – sabbatarianism, pseudo-kosher food issues, disparagement and even irrational bigotry against Sunday as the Lord’s Day, etc.

    We are going to ‘enter into the kingdom’ with much wailing and gnashing of teeth- Irredeemables never want their hell on earth to be disturbed, as it were…..

  3. Hunter, you’re now saying everything about the old establishment versus Fourth Wave Civilisation, that I said in the beginning.

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