This is good stuff.
I agree with the vast majority of it:
Trump vs. Libertarian-Multiculturalism
“The explosion of outrage after Trump’s victory offers clear evidence: We’re in the midst of a regime-defining moment.
Nearly three decades ago, James Carville kept the Clinton campaign focused on bread-and-butter issues: “It’s the economy, stupid.” Perhaps the disaffected voters in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin were operating in that old paradigm, concerned about jobs and the fate of post-industrial America. But our ruling class interpreted the main themes of the Trump campaign—anti-trade, border wall, foreign wars, criticism of the media, and political correctness violations—as a direct attack on their leadership. …”
What the Right Must Learn From Trump
“Tom Klingenstein has written a powerful essay that perfectly captures the essence of the existential conflict raging in America today. What was at stake in the 2016 election, and what is stake today and for the foreseeable future, is not a political contest between liberalism and conservatism but a “choice between two mutually exclusive regimes: multiculturalism and America.” Klingenstein defines multiculturalism as a project synonymous with identity politics, political correctness, and a continual emphasis on group conflict based on the centrality of race, ethnicity, and gender. …”
Rebuilding Our Constitutional Morality
“Thomas Klingenstein argues that President Trump is the leader of an American politics of citizenship against its multicultural antagonists. Trump put the “P” in Politics with his verbal vindication of America, which Klingenstein thinks was a crucial aspect of his 2016 campaign.
Klingenstein defines multiculturalism as a view that “conceives of society as a collection of cultural identity groups, each with its own worldview, all oppressed by white males, collectively existing within permeable national boundaries…. It carves ‘tribes’ out of a society whose most extraordinary success has been their assimilation into one people.” Trump, Klingenstein further contends, “showed us that multiculturalism, like slavery in the 1850’s, is an existential threat;” conservatives must make the defeat of multiculturalism the non-negotiable focus of their politics. …”
Trump vs. the Multiculturalist Insurrection
“Mr. Klingenstein makes clear at the outset of his paper that his idea of multiculturalism largely consists of identity politics and political correctness. In practice, in the United States, identity politics is the atomization of the entire vast and intricate demography of 325 million Americans into dozens of overlapping aggrieved sub-sets, each claiming discrimination. This is the fragmentation of society into victim associations: ethnicities, groups of minority sexual orientations, people with physical and mental handicaps, with career reversals—an ever-broadening range of bearers of attitudes and afflictions. All groups except straight adult white males are endlessly hunted and outed to be embraced as yet another wronged collectivity that American virtue requires to be highlighted, elevated, and compensated; all, of course, in exchange for their votes. …”
It is much better than National Review. I’ve started reading it daily. I think the “Right vs. Left” division is about to be rendered obsolete by a post-modern economy.
I still have very nostalgic memories of 2015 and 2016, but unfortunately every point being made on this website is moot and everything we worked so hard for to get Trump elected was also made moot because 1.) Trump sold out to the Republican donor class and 2.) Trump adopted their legislative agenda and priorities and 3.) he didn’t have anyone in Congress to work with who supported the MAGA agenda and 4.) he shunned his own populist base and attacked it and 5.) he staffed his administration with all the braindead grifters and throwbacks of Conservatism, Inc and will pay the price for it.
What comes after Trump? If it is more Charlie Kirkism and the Sheldon Adelson and Koch Brothers agenda, then the Right in America is finished. If it is something more in the vein of Tucker Carlson, then it could have a viable future. Robots taking over will focus the question. The obsolescence of work for 40% of the workforce over the next 15 years will transform everything.
Political correctness, for example, will collapse without its social and economic underpinnings.
The solution to the “coercive diversity” they describe? It’s a “multiculturalism of indifference.” That’s just another repackaging of Teddy Roosevelt’s campaign against hyphenated Americans, which is certainly nothing new for the GOP. I don’t get how finally noticing that identity politics is prevalent in US politics is a breakthrough. They seem behind the times.
Yeah it’s standard conservative boilerplate.
I’m reading Diana West’s 2007 book, “The Death of the Grown-Up – How American’s Arrested Development is bringing down Western Civilization” – there is a sentence in its preface where someone asks of her (on her initial book tour) the question ‘Are you saying multiculturalism is juvenile?’ and her response to that statement ‘ Yes- Multiculturalism is Juvenile’ – and then she proceeds to prove it.
We are stuck in an infantile paralysis mode of grievance, ‘he said-she said,’ adolescent gender confusion, and a feminine quest for ‘fairness,’ instead of adult MALE goverance. All of a sudden, we are noticing things we should have been noticing (and fixing) for DECADES. Better late than never…
“instead of adult MALE goverance.”
Casio Keyboard(AOC) is what we get when White men fail to rule.
This began in the 1950’s. Charles A Beard had it figured out in 1913 when he wrote
(((They))) waited until he died to discredit him. Read about Beard https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_A._Beard
Then read about his jewish nemesis.
Where conservatives go wrong is when they use this dead-ended, egalitarian individualist tripe of seeking to fight against so-called “collectivism” and “identity politics”. Try to tell these individualists or conservatives that it’s human nature for members of every race to look out for their own, and they will insanely tell you it’s all because of democrat brainwashing. They should just deal with the fact that most non-whites gravitate to the democrat party simply because they want easy welfare and socialism, and because dems will cater to their racial needs (only for non-whites, obviously). They don’t believe in fake “americanism” and the “we are all one” garbage. Blacks and browns are race conscious. These country club/limbaugh types have so little racial awareness and don’t give a rats ass about white people. They are no different than liberals and democrats in that regard.
“Klingenstein defines multiculturalism as a view that “conceives of society as a collection of cultural identity groups, each with its own worldview, all oppressed by white males, collectively existing within permeable national boundaries…. It carves ‘tribes’ out of a society whose most extraordinary success has been their assimilation into one people.” Trump, ”
Surprise! Conservatives want White women to assimilate (intermarry) with non-Whites, so there will be no White children born anywhere.
“Klingenstein further contends, “showed us that multiculturalism, like slavery in the 1850’s, is an existential threat;” conservatives must make the defeat of multiculturalism the non-negotiable focus of their politics. …””
Identity Politics only becomes a problem when Whites want to participate.
Jews for Trump? GREAT!
Asians for Trump? GREAT!
Mexicans for Trump? GREAT!
Blacks for Trump? GREAT!
Whites for Trump? NaziwantstokillsixmillionJews!!!
“Klingenstein defines multiculturalism as” – What is America? the idea that we can jam people from all over the earth here, and that our magic dirt makes them all American?
HW “still has nostalgic memories…Trump sold out”
wrong-O, HW:
you were played by a transparent con-artist, and
don’t (yet) have the intellectual courage to admit it. You and
tens of millions of other flyover-country Whites. Drumpf
has been an Judeo-globalist Wall Street stooge for decades. You
chose to deny the obvious, and got burned. Now
you’re at it again with this slant-eyed scammer
Genghiz Yang. When
will you learn? We are not going to be able to vote
our way out of a Judeo-globalist open-borders deathtrap
that has already snapped shut. “But…but…but..
it’s f**king pathetic.
and now that I’ve taken a look at “The American Mind”:
it’s mostly standard cuckery: Drumpf “versus” the multicult?
Are they joking? It’s Drumpf who’s vaporized the borders, and it’s
Drumpf who has taken the side of the (((multicult))) against the Whites
at every turn since he got elected. No, HW, there’s nothing there
worth bookmarking.
magic dirt comes from magic water – which is a sacrament. catholicism is americanism is liberalism. equality begins in the soul i personally believe in the magic fire theory of assimilation. we are all gray ashes when properly oxssimilated.
You, sir, never said anything wrong. Exterminationism…