Andrew Yang: The People’s Champion

This is another very dumb take:

“Once you read his book, it is apparent that Andrew Yang is running for president because he is afraid of normal people.

Given that there are approximately 11 million candidates for the Democratic nomination, you could be forgiven for not having heard of Yang. He is currently polling at one percent; 59 percent of those polled have never heard of him. He has never held high office, his only claim to political fame being brief recognition by the Obama White House.

But Yang’s quixotic run has attracted attention, and a few supporters, for its far-out message. He believes that 21st-century automation is going to lead to mass technological unemployment, which will bring social disaster. That is, unless, we implement Yang’s proposed “freedom dividend”: a $1,000-per-month payout to every American ages 18 to 64, which will provide a “universal basic income” to all. …

Technological unemployment is a real problem, and likely only to grow in the next ten years. It is heartening to know that there is a candidate for president who is taking it seriously. But Yang’s solutions suggest that the only possible way out is a growth in the number of government vassals. A more robust approach—one that tries to envision how everyone can be included in 21st century work—would not be merely more sound, but far less dangerous to American liberty. …”

More like neocons are afraid of normal people.

Yes, I am looking forward to being liberated from MIGA and drudgery, and lots of other awful things. Just imagine where our great-grandchildren will be a century from now.

Note: Patrick Bateman in American Psycho is an excellent illustration of our sense of identity and morality under the shallow culture of political correctness and late capitalism.

About Hunter Wallace 12395 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Solutions mentioned by the Free Beacon’s preferred piece include: “wage subsidies” like an expanded EITC, which is usually hated by “true” conservatives; a rebirth of jobs with enough pay for single-salary households; and Danish labor co-ops. In other words, what we had under Eisenhower, but without the strong unions and protection against corporate predation that would assure the steady jobs and higher salaries. That’s a slight repackaging of the Reaganite fable the Recucks sold us in the Eighties. Worker protection means providing guaranteed income, because jobs cannot be guaranteed.

  2. Concepts like Globalism and Capitalism are rooted in the 18th and 19th centuries. We need 21st century solutions to 21st century problems. As I’ve said before, Yang may be a visionary / futurist / ideas man, but he is NOT presidential timber. I personally believe the very idea of having a president is obsolete. It’s normally a ceremonial post anyway.

  3. You’ve fallen harder for Yang than you ever did for Trump.

    You’re off to see the wizard,
    The Wonderful Wizard of Yang.

    Show me the money, honey.

    I can’t take any of this seriously.

    • No, I have been interested in history and economics for years, and lately I have recycled some posts from the archives that I have worked on for the past decade.

      That’s an important difference between me and some of the commentators. I’m not simply interested in White identity, race and Jews. I’ve always been very interested in lots of other subjects as well.

      There are dozens of posts in the archives about economic history. It just so happens that in light of all my previous research that I was fascinated by what Yang was saying. I’ve only studied slavery for the better part of the last decade.

      As for Yang, I think it is stupid as hell that some people are shooting the messenger. It’s like being mad over the invention of electricity. Pretty much the story of the 20th century was how electricity as a technology had countless applications. It is what made possible your ability to access the internet.

      AI is a similar technology, but some people are so utterly obsessed with race that they are unable to think about how a new technology on par with electricity will change the world around them

      • You are so pathetic with your desire that we all get along! What’s wrong with you? Be a brave white man, worry about the people from your race. You forgot to mention that this gook promised to control free speech and said CNN is telling the truth 99.99% of the time.

          • Voting for this guy is not a rational choice! The rational, long-term choice is for us to bring our own Presidential candidate who could openly run on a platform of white supremacy and deportation of all non-whites from the country. Of course he would not be given any platform, his meetings would be attacked by Antifa but that is the only way to advance our cause. Not through some liberal Taiwanese immigrant.

      • “…but some people are so utterly obsessed with race that they are unable to think about how a new technology on par with electricity will change the world around them”

        Brad, our race is being targeted for destruction. I don’t think that “utterly obsessed” is a phrase that is justified. If whites become a minority in this country, no other issues are going to be important. We can much better handle the AI technology if we have a nation where people are united and we trust the government to be on our side.

        Frankly, I don’t trust Yang. I think he knows that whites have no one to fight for them and out of sheer desperation will support him.

        The whites that support Yang might not be racially conscious but I guarantee you that Yang is.

          • I’ve forgotten …

            Civil War 2 is breaking out any day now. Yes, it hasn’t happened since last week or last month or last year or ten years ago or twenty years ago, but keep the faith, everyone. Sooner or later, the collapse will come.

          • “”Civil War 2 is breaking out any day now. Yes, it hasn’t happened since last week or last month or last year or ten years ago or twenty years ago, but keep the faith, everyone. Sooner or later, the collapse will come.”

            A year or two you wrote an article comparing yourself to the Southern “Fire-Eaters” and talking about how they fanned the flames of secession and helped bring about the Civil War

            If you were so wrong then that you had to do a complete 180, why should we believe that you are right now?

            If anything, your posts seemed more lucid back then, now you seem like you are hysterically selling Yang.

            I say this as someone who currently plans to vote for him as the lesser evil, but fully aware that he IS an evil.

          • As I explained in this big post morning, I spent all of 2018-2019 rethinking everything and I decided to create a new paradigm. Everything else we had tried hadn’t worked. In particular, the problem with fanning the flames of secession and activism is that Southern identity is now in such a weak state that people just don’t respond to that message. There isn’t a strong sense of Southern identity that is just waiting to be raised. It’s more like we are dealing with severe malnutrition and the patient has to be nursed back to health.

  4. I don’t intend and I don’t want to persuade the whole country to vote for white supremacy, just significant portion of the whites in the US. From there everything else will work out on its own.

    • Even if you persuaded a significant enough proportion of Whites to restore white supremacy, which will never happen, you still wouldn’t be able to create a political coalition large enough to accomplish anything.

      • Ultimately, whites will have to create a separate homeland on this continent if we are to survive as a people. There is no doubt that America is gone. We lost it. Whites didn’t give a care about their own people and about the nation, and this is why we are in such a mess.

        I don’t know of any whites who believe in white supremacy. I certainly don’t. But I do believe that separation is necessary for us to survive.

        • @Stefania — The term, “White Supremacy” wasn’t always a negative term. The definition has been altered to accomodate the antiwhite climate jews have created and to promote hatred for Whites. Over recent decades, the term, ‘White Supremacy’ has been twisted to mean that Whites seek to rule over other races. Of course, that’s obviously a lie. As anyone can see, Whites seek only freedom and a safe homeland for their families.

          When the term, White Supremacy, was originally created, it merely referred to the supremacy of White values, which were based on both moral, and Christian values — the rule of law, loyalty to Race and Nation, respect for moral authorities and elders, keeping to your word, honor, monogamy, marriage between men and woman, such things as supporting the US Constitution, free speech for all, ensuring the constitutionally protected right to bear arms and that a high moral standard is kept in order to inspire the other races to follow that high moral standard. It is not about racial subjugation or enslavement of other races.

    • No, this is a short sighted take.

      Yang is focused squarely on economics. He’s running in the Democratic Party though. He has to win over Democrats to win the nomination. None of these other candidates even have a clue about the economic consequences of AI.

      • 4D or 1488D chess, Electric Boogaloo, eh, Hunter?

        “Trump just has to say this stuff about Israel because he needs to tow the party line a little for appearance/s sake! He’s really /ourguy!”

        “Yang just has to say this anti-White stuff because he needs to tow the party line a little for appearance’s sake! He’s really /ourguy!”

        While you’re correct that automation and some UBI-like program are probably inevitable, you’ve turned pathetic.

        This gook is a wog enemy of Whites, full stop.

        There is no way the wogs will back off from destroying us and our future unless they are forced to do by strength. Your pitiful cuckservative bow-tie straightening mewling about how everyone is really a White man who just wants to get along is such a profound lolbertarian ignorance of human — and subhuman — nature that it’s laughable.

        You’ve gone full McCain or Lindsay Graham or Paul Ryan with your “I don’t see color” stuff. 1

        Just stop. You’ve embraced utter irrelevance — you have the cuckservative positions without even securing the bag THEY get with their thinktanks and stuff.

        You should at least go full liberal so you can support your family. As it is, you’re a ridiculous fool who is useless to both sides, and who is beclowning himself for no purpose. As neither fish nor fowl, you’re helping nobody at this point.

        Talk about a breakdown.

      • The UBI will have strings attached. We will not be able to publicly advocate for our people without losing the monthly subsidy. Yang has already condemned the Alt Right and White Nationalists. That is, any white people who are against the racial destruction of whites through massive immigration and forced assimilation.

  5. “us to bring our own Presidential candidate who could openly run on a platform of white supremacy and deportation of all non-whites from the country. ”

    What an ASS! Even if you were serious, have you not seen what happened with Trump- from day one? (Before he was even the front-runner nominee, I mean). The ENTIRE CONCERTED MASS OF Jewish/Faggot/Liberal/Greed/Marxist HATE was lobbed at him- and it only got worse after he won the election. Then, he only succeeds because he’s literally clueless as to the nature of the Jew, and won’t (or can’t) use the power of the Presidency, to enact Martial Law, even when he HAS the power?!?

    Then take a look at C’ville- the Hate WAS RAMPED UP 100-fold, for a mere march about statues of DWEM’s. EVERY SINGLE MEANS to silence us was, is, and has been used, from Jewbook to Federal committees on ‘White Supremacism,’ and you actually think that we can run a candidate with an open platform of White ‘Supremacy’…… AND WIN!?!?! While the Magapedes may be deluded with DT, the Left is in a state of Permanent Infantile Temper Tantrumism, because Hillary lost.

    Rational approaches to politics are the LAST THING 99% of US Citizens actually want.

    Either you are a complete fool… or a CIA operative, with a phony name like that. In either case, just *** off. Let the dead bury the dead.
    Lord, what fools these mortals be.

    • I get it you are a mama’s boy who got scared because a bunch of effeminate freaks were yelling at you in Charlottesville. Of course you can run on platform of white supremacy you just have to be a man to a scared, little boy like you. And do not misrepresent my words boy! I said winning significant portion of the white vote. Who cares what the faggot media will say, you have a right to do it and you do it. If they want to fight you at your events so be it, you didn’t start the fight but you won’t be avoiding it either. But for this to happen you need to have balls which is something you don’t have. As to this automation bull and the UBI who said that the first leads to the second. For all I know rich will get richer while letting the unemployed poor to starve.

        • If the whites do not want to vote for white supremacy candidate then they’ll get the South African treatment and it will be sooner rather than later. At that point I wouldn’t care less what happens because if you are not willing to fight for your survival then your time is up and you will be replaced.

          • I don’t think lone wolves fighting for white supremacy will persuade many people to reconsider their views. In fact, it is likely to have the opposite effect because violence repulses most people.

  6. I have to be against Yang. He supports abortion and homosexual marriage. He is a degenerate. Traditionally, that would mean ex-communication for a Catholic to support him. I cannot vote in the election. And no Democrat I know is interested in Yang anyway. Is not this Tulsi Gabbard Hawaiian woman better?

    Yang allied with a Dem congress means alot more gun control. Now that means little to me but white nationalists all seem like NRA members in my mind. Yes I know you are not going to shoot yourself out of this predicament. When I wrote that last year I was told to F off and was called a Shiksa whore. Still despite my lukewarmness on firearms, an America without firearms is like imagining Gene Autry without a revolver. My grandmother likes old movies. When she stays with us I watch those shows with her.

    I have to admit I find it strange that pro white groups in unison are supporting this man. I wonder if the white nationalist opinion makers are bribed/controlled. Naturally, I am not writing that about this site.

    • I have to admit I find it strange that pro white groups in unison are supporting this man”

      I don’t find that at all. Nothing close to “unison.” It’s a pretty big split among WNs, and I see as much antipathy towards Yang as support, and over time, as he embraces one culturally-Marxist position after another, the antipathy is growing.

      • Karsten,

        I was referring to white organizations NOT white individuals. I can tell by the comments on this site that many/most white nationalists are skeptical of Yang who on paper was far worse than Trump was until recently.

        What pro-white websites are anti-Yang? And how much more of Yang’s liberalism would have to be explored before people would turn against him? Plenty is already known about him and his affiliation with the communist party called the Democrats.

        • To answer your second question: If Yang endorses reparations for slavery, “affirmatively furthering fair housing”, or the criminalization of “hate speech”, any one of those things should cool white advocates’ ardor for the candidate.

    • “I have to admit I find it strange that pro white groups in unison are supporting this man.”

      I find it strange, also. I definitely do not support Yang.

  7. Who said anything about violence? White supremacy in my book means whites to run things in United States of America, a country created by them and for them.

  8. Even the NSDAP had to run on a mostly economic platform, not a racial / anti jewish one. But it is disappointing that so many racially and politically aware Whites are still seriously talking about voting our way out of this. If we had a well-established Party we could turn to, no matter how small, then yes, such a thing might be possible. But the System has insured that no such option is available to us.

  9. Yang supports a lot of stupid and dangerous policies. The one reason I see to back him is, he’s the only candidate honest about the need for protecting the common man from the vagaries of the marketplace. AI and automation are already destroying jobs in lower-status categories like manufacturing, retail, and fast food. They will shortly be taking away work from accountants, MRI techs, and many other higher-status occupations. For those saying that people just need to upgrade their skills, most retraining programs don’t provide nearly the number of replacement jobs needed. AI and automation require much more training than “learning to code,” anyway. As it now stands, the trend is towards job elimination, with little replacement.

  10. From the original article:

    But Yang’s quixotic run has attracted attention, and a few supporters, for its far-out message. He believes that 21st-century automation is going to lead to mass technological unemployment, which will bring social disaster. That is, unless, we implement Yang’s proposed “freedom dividend”: a $1,000-per-month payout to every American ages 18 to 64, which will provide a “universal basic income” to all.…

    That last sentence contains a bit of misinformation. I have checked the Yang campaign’s website for an explanation of how the UBI would work; it says nothing about an age limit for eligibility.

    • Clarification: I meant to say there is nothing about a maximum age limit. There is, of course, a minimum age requirement.

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