PC does not mean “Politically Correct.“
— Stefan Molyneux (@StefanMolyneux) April 30, 2019
PC means “Pro-Communist.“
Wow pic.twitter.com/CjnzADkJgo
— Jack Posobiec ?? (@JackPosobiec) May 2, 2019
MILO and PJW are violent? What did I miss? Did they have a pillow fight? https://t.co/rEMQB9i0Aq
— EMPEROR ‘KINGFISH’ WHITEPILL (@CptBlackPill) May 2, 2019
“New York (CNN Business)Facebook announced Thursday afternoon that it had designated some high-profile people, including Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who’s notorious for using anti-Semitic language, and right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, as “dangerous” and said it will be purging them from its platforms.
Jones and his media outlet InfoWars had previously been banned from Facebook (FB) in in August 2018, but had maintained a presence on Instagram, which is owned by Facebook. On Thursday, Jones and InfoWars will be barred from Instagram as well.
Other people banned Thursday include fringe right-wing media personalities Laura Loomer, Milo Yiannopoulos and Paul Joseph Watson. Also included are Paul Nehlen, an anti-Semite who unsuccessfully ran for Congress in 2016 and 2018. …”
I don’t even really use Facebook anyway because it sucks and it seems like 90% of internet drama is started there. I also hate the clunky interface and can’t even be bothered to post my own content on the Facebook page. Perhaps I am just not as disciplined about that as PJW though.
As for this latest purge, it is just the latest proof that political correctness is an evil and divisive ideology which pits groups against each other, suffocates our traditions like free speech and individual liberty, intensifies animosity by making issues like race and immigration toxic and banning disagreement in the public square and that it is unsustainable in the long run and that all of this censorship of the populist Right over the past three years is going to come back to wallop Big Tech.
.@voteojeda2020 Richard Ojeda is right. Universal Basic Income would help millions of Americans do much more. $1,000/mo. no strings attached. It will be spent locally, help pay off debt, the occasional night out. Thank you for the shout out Richard.???? pic.twitter.com/a1BGEZQfqY
— Andrew Yang (@AndrewYang) May 2, 2019
What do I mean by this? Sooner or later, more people on the populist Right are going to figure out how to beat Silicon Valley’s censorship. Instead of using these social media platforms to talk about race and Jewish influence and all these other social issues, the populist Right is going to shift gears and go back to its roots and start talking about busting trusts, regulation of Silicon Valley, dismantling free-market capitalism, expropriating billionaires, raising taxes, Universal Basic Income, how Silicon Valley developing AI, automation and robotics is getting rich by robbing the working class blind.
I predict the issue is going to boomerang on Silicon Valley by stoking so much anger in Middle America about the arrogance and economic privilege of our liberal tech overlords who have the audacity to try to rig our politics that the peasants are going to come after them in the same way they once went after J.P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller and all the other bloated capitalists of the Gilded Age.
Note: The Chinese will laugh all the way to the bank as their rivals in global markets in San Francisco come under siege and are trust busted and broken apart like Standard Oil and AT&T. This is also why I cheer them on as they clone Silicon Valley’s technology. I also can’t wait to see Chinese corporations destroy American multinational corporations in global competition in the 2020s and 2030s. I want to see Silicon Valley trapped in a pincer movement between Chinese global competition and populist and progressive regulation of Big Tech in Washington.
joking/not joking why aren’t you getting on Facebook and Twitter to talk solely about Universal Maximum Income and regulating and trust busting Big Tech?
Yes. Threaten their money and bust them up. That is an issue that progressives agree with us on. They cannot ban those topics on the grounds of “hate.”
“As for this latest purge, it is just the latest proof that political correctness is an evil and divisive ideology which pits groups against each other, suffocates our traditions like free speech and individual liberty, intensifies animosity by making issues like race and immigration toxic and banning disagreement in the public square and that it is unsustainable in the long run and that all of this censorship over the past three years is going to come back to wallop Big Tech.”
Famous last words.
Enforcing PC worked for the Bolsheviks, it kept the people of the USSR in line for 70 long years of imprisonment, starvation and poverty. It has worked to force racial assimilation and massive non-White immigration on ALL and ONLY White countries since 1965. It worked to take free speech from social media, and it is working to take banking services away from right wingers right now.
The only people who refuse to use these methods are the leadership of the right. And by some strange coincidence the right has been getting owned for decades by the people who use these methods.
When an enemy is shooting at you, you don’t get to sit your ass down and complain that you don’t like how wars are fought and won these days.
“Its not respectable!”
I’m not a rightwinger.
You joined the Alt-RIght in 2016 and have already been forced to switch banking services by the people who use these methods.
But what label you choose to call yourself this week, was not the point of my post. The one thing you have been consistent on over the years, is not using the methods that were used to impose political correctness on the West and former USSR. You still have this mentality the same as all right wing leadership.
Speaking of your latest conversion:
? Spencer
? @RichardBSpencer
15h15 hours ago
Katie McHugh was an Alt-Right fangirl when it served her purposes. She’s now trying to reinvent herself. What a joke.
I saw a memorable comment on Youtube several years ago, by some Jewish settlers in a random street interview. One of them said, “We Jews do not forgive or forget. We are not Christians.”
You would do well to remember that quote. They use what works. The right, or whatever you are calling yourselves this week do not.
No, I knew Richard Spencer & Co. way back in 2009.
It’s true that I pitched in to help promote the Alt-Right when it was taking off. I thought it was the right move at the time.
Why are you not just close the border and leave debil dysfunctional dialectical debate in the Hegelian point for later ?
I lived in the USSR for 16 years and we took it down. I also like to show how smart I am and my favored discussion point is what would happen, if Hitler and Himmler had a homosexual marriage. i wanted to prove that this is irrational but not dysfunctional.
But uneducated drunken football fans told me that USSR down first and intellectualism later.
Genetic white liberals do not spend the time by arguing, who is better, Richard Clinton or Hillary McHugh.
They just work together to get what they want.
Oh be quiet Juri. You aren’t going to own anti-Whites with that “Genetic White Liberals” nonsense. You have just been repeating that here to protect organized Jewry from the blame. You are only embarrassing yourself.
If people like you were in charge of the resistance in the Soviet Union, the Commies would still be in power in 1000 years time. You were just an autistic nerd who happened to be there at the same time, as the effective people were doing what worked to take it down.
“They just work together to get what they want.”
Kumbaya togetherness won’t work if you memes are as lame as “Genertic White Liberals”. The Conservatives are united and number 10s of millions more than us, their memes are just as lame as yours, and they always lose. Hush Boomer.
Ok, I agree.
I will live quietly the embarrased nerd life in the 100% white country and watch in horror how brave masculine intellectual Americans will be mercilessy multiculted.
Could you kindly explain, what the real leaders told or wrote , who brought down the USSR ?
I am greatly interested how you explain the bad optics so that it will be totally irrational but not dysfunctional and little homosexual but not very much diametrical .
So that Hegel will agree but Locke disagree. In your explanation I would like also read why Niccolò Machiavelli had no gunfight with Immanuel Kant about the question why Robert Lee did not had Post Mortem homosexual marriage with Sun Zi which could save the the Confederacy.
Good optics from the real leaders who brought down the Soviet Union.
Andy C. said:
“Enforcing PC worked for the Bolsheviks, it kept the people of the USSR in line for 70 long years of imprisonment, starvation and poverty. It has worked to force racial assimilation and massive non-White immigration on ALL and ONLY White countries since 1965. It worked to take free speech from social media, and it is working to take banking services away from right wingers right now.”
You’re Spot On. There is no end in sight to the Communist / Satanic movement that is inexorably closing down free speech in the U.S. (we’re catching up quickly to Europe).
Europe and South Africa are the models for us to observe if we want to forecast and understand where our country will be in less than a decade. Actually – 5 years is a more realistic time frame.
Our opponents are massively funded and their operatives have been embedded in all strata of society – universities (professors, and the students have been brainwashed), schools (teachers and administrator), city, state governments and the Federal government, the Media, corporations, religious organizations, etc.
We are totally on the defensive (on the run) – we have to remain quiet for fear of losing our jobs, and in the near future losing our bank accounts. If we participate in “freedom rallies”, we risk being physically injured and if we misstep (be in the wrong place at the wrong time) like James Fields, then we end up in prison for life. We can’t even wear a hat, that supports our President (although I’m not a Trump supporter anymore), without fear of being physically attacked while out on the streets.
Short of a true civil war, the future is grim for those of us that stay here in the U.S.
We can use this to break up theJewish stranglehold over America. Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890. Read this and publicize it everywhere.
“how Silicon Valley developing AI, automation and robotics is getting rich by robbing the working class blind”
They’ll make sure that the vast majority of people in North America never realise the benefits, even as Europe and Asia move towards full automation and UBI.
They’ll also make sure that we never hear of, or benefit from, the startling advances in medicine that are sure to come out of Europe and Japan
Silicon Valley is, politically, ideologically, a part of the Old Order. The only difference between them and the others, is that their line of work and relevance weren’t diminished or eliminated by the ending of the Cold War and the 20th Century.
Unfortunately, it’s probably going to take draconian measures to bring them to heal. As the Chinese and others catch up on electrical engineering and software design, there will be fewer places where they can flee to. We may end up destroying them altogether, and end up with nothing.
The ideological/political/cultural 20th Century isn’t going to go quietly. It’s still clawing fighting to stay alive
Another thing to note, high schools, and even many junior colleges, have eliminated technical-vocational courses. Which include courses in electronics and electrical technology.
Our response? Pushing the mantra of digital separation en route to physical separation.
When they have their AI and robotics and no longer need our labor, we’re dead. These un-personings are just a fore taste.
At that point, I think people will just vote to soak the rich, and someone will win a landslide like FDR by promising to redistribute wealth. I predict we are headed back to the New Deal era
At that point we’re culturally (and biologically) dead. Sitting on your ass doing drugs and playing video games while “soaking” the globalist rich for your meager UBI is actually worse than death for any self respecting people. Frankly, I don’t see much of anything Occidental about this site anymore. Yang? Give us all a break with that shit.
Why is it worse than death to get paid $1,000 a month?
Granted, I can see how from the perspective of a conservative or a lolbertarian that anyone other than the ultra wealthy living in idleness off their dividend income is a horrifying scenario which no self-respecting person could ever countenance. After all, the only people in the United States who should have to do physical labor and be trapped in perpetual debt peonage are the working class.
As a populist, I have no idea why we don’t already have a social dividend based off all our vast energy wealth alone. Why isn’t there already a social dividend based off oil, coal and natural gas like the one Huey Long proposed in the 1930s? Yang is right that Alaska already has one and it is extremely popular there and has benefited the economy. I’m fairly certain the same is true of Norway.
One more thing … why on earth should the “movement” be aligned with the political preferences of lolbertarians and conservatives who are outnumbered in the electorate by populists and moderates? Has anyone ever thought about that? Why shouldn’t the relationship be reversed?
Since Trump has done nothing to stop the censorship, and it appears to have accelerated under his administration, I say he fully supports it – or worse – commands it. Perhaps Assange was arrested so that he doesn’t release information on Trump prior to the next election. It will be interesting to see how the Left and the media treat Trump next year. Trump did not defend Assange assuming Assange was genuine.
Within months of his election, he was screwing the very people who supported him. First and foremost, General Michael Flynn. He was and is the most liberty-loving and patriotic of all the generals that surrounded him. That’s why he was targeted. Probably set up from the beginning. I think China, Russia, and Trump may all be working together as the front for a diabolical system to be ushered in.
We always end up in the same exact place with elections. Who can we stomach for the next 4 years?
The joke’s on us. We don’t elect anyone. It’s all manipulation.
I can’t believe anyone even listens to Trump anymore.
One thing I wish people would get. Our political enemies are not 10 miles tall. There are all kinds of ways things can go wrong for them. The situation is a bit like those old Star Trek episodes where the Enterprise is under attack and having shields
reduced a bit every time it gets hit.
We are not the Soviet Union, very different culture, political systems, different people. The Left got away with so much because of some historical events that are not going to repeat the same way again. For instance, the left doesn’t have children, religious people do. Interesting for instance, the Amish double their numbers every few years. They have lots of children. I remember seeing some calculations, that if they keep it up, in short few generations, there could be as many as 300 million Amish. Not likely, but when you throw in traditional Christians both here and Europe. Who also have higher than replacement births. It ain’t over. Secular Jews, and white liberals, don’t have children, and are already a declining part of the population , Muslim populations are showing a much lower birth rate than people realize, I said all this to just make the point that Hunter is on the right track. It’s not the end of the world. Even the big corporations, are just going to create a much tougher resistance to their bullying over time. Again, it’s not the end of the world.
Have you seen this? Cernovich told his followers to block Trump’s social media advisor. he also blocked Trump, because they’ve done nothing about the censorship of conservatives. This is an idea that should spread.
Yes, good for him