Google Censors The Claremont Institute

American Mind:

“The Claremont Institute has launched a campaign to engage our fellow citizens in discussion and debate about what it means to be an American. As part of that effort, we have begun to point out the increasingly existential danger of identity politics and political correctness to our republic. As if to prove our point, Google has judged our argument as wrongthink that should be forbidden. They are now punishing us for our political thought by refusing to let us advertise to our own readers.

We wanted to advertise our 40th Anniversary Gala on May 11, at which we’re honoring Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, to readers of our own online publication, The American Mind, like this:

But Google refuses to allow us to do so. (If you’re interested, buy tickets here—Monday is the deadline!) …”

One cheer for Google?

Why the hell should Secretary of State Mike Pompeo be honored? What has he done at the State Department except advance the interests of Israel? These neocons who are running our foreign policy are the problem. This is why it is impossible to take The Claremont Institute seriously.

I can nod along and agree with all the stuff about the existential threat posed by identity politics, mass immigration and political correctness, but none of that shit matters in the slightest as long as wealthy donors like Sheldon Adelson and the Koch Brothers can continue to buy our elections and impose their wildly unpopular policy agenda on the Republican Party.

Empty promises about the “social issues” like abortion, mass immigration, multiculturalism, political correctness, gay marriage, religious liberty, the decline of the family, trannies in restrooms and so on stack up. Eventually, populist voters are going to realize they are just being conned.

Anglin has found the clip of Mike Pompeo saying all that nutty Dispensationalist shit about how Blompf was chosen by God to protect Israel from Iran before it unleashes the Apocalypse:

“This is insane.

Pompeo is an absolute lunatic.

That interview where he told the satanic Christian Zionists that Trump is like Queen Esther, and was sent by Yahweh to become the savior of the Jews, was mind-blowing.”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Look at this ! Is this an answer or THE answer ? Heard Spencer on his show the other night talking about fighting censorship, ( after me getting censored on THIS site. ) Anyways … supposedly Texas is doing something according to this article, however, Trump is not therefore we have a new nick name for Trump : President Talk. “Ladies and gentlemen, President ‘Talk.’ ” 🙂

  2. “I can nod along and agree with all the stuff about the existential threat posed by identity politics, mass immigration and political correctness, but none of that shit matters in the slightest as long as wealthy donors like Sheldon Adelson and the Koch Brothers can continue to buy our elections and impose their wildly unpopular policy agenda on the Republican Party.”

    Identity politics is conservative code for pro white politics. Identity politics only becomes “a problem” for conservatism when whites also want to participate.

  3. Evangelical zionist Christians must not be let off the hook for their ignorance and devotion to Jews and the terrorist state of Israel.

    Scofield Bible has often been used as an excuse for evangelical mindless lockstep with international Jewry, but it’s not like the evangelicals live in isolation of pre-1903 Bibles or other Christian denominations.

    On the off chance that a few evangelicals are reading this, here is what your beloved Jews really think of you and your religion.

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