Should We Embrace Communism?

Andrew Anglin writes:

“Everyone constantly says “communism doesn’t work.” And that is obviously true if you believe that communism is a system. However, the reality is that communism is a tactic.

If the goal of communism is to abolish the state and create a workers’ paradise, then it is obviously a failure of a system. However, if the goal is to tell the masses of people that you’re going to abolish the state and create a workers’ paradise so that you can use them to kill all rich people, along with millions of others, then it is a tactic that has literally never failed anywhere it was implemented. …

There is no clear path to a white racial revolution. You can’t force a meme when white people in general don’t want anything to do with it. But this is no obstacle. The important thing is that there is a revolution, and it is easiest to use the existing revolutionary zeitgeist, which – quite conveniently – is communism.

Once the revolution is finished, a white power state will be established.

Or who knows? Maybe it won’t.

No one knows.

Look: I’m not going to pretend that inciting a communist revolution isn’t a Hail Mary play.

But I can’t see anything other than a white power state resulting from it. What are the other options even? Besides literally everyone starving to death, I mean?

Surely, when there’s mass starvation and a cleansing of the useless eaters, all nonwhite groups are going to be declared undesirables and enemies of the socialist people’s revolution. They’re not going to be contributing to the revolution after the second wave. It will be a matter of necessity that in order to maintain the revolution, racial minorities be cleansed.

Racial minorities are always cleansed in the second wave.”

I don’t see it playing out that way.

Instead of “capitalism vs. socialism” or the violent communist revolution that some people are expecting, I think a better way of looking at the future is that chattel slavery is returning and replacing wage slavery. Silicon Valley and China have created a new race of robotic slave laborers powered by deep learning AI who are going to be displacing human beings in the global workforce.

These robotic slaves which are being rolled out are now producing wealth for their masters like Jeff Bezos in the same way that black slaves once did for their masters under slavery. We don’t need to be thinking in terms of “capitalism vs. socialism” when the true challenge of the 21st century is Free Society vs. Slave Society. The human free laborers are unable to compete with robotic slave laborers under free-market capitalism because the robots are uncompensated for their labor and have no complaints. Are these robotic workers going to strike, demand a living wage or an eight hour work day?

Now that we have developed artificial intelligence and the global economy is adjusting to this new reality, we have no choice but to maintain human supremacy. These old debates about whether there is a 3 or 5 point difference in average IQ between Europeans and East Asians is utterly obsolete in a world where AI is vastly more intelligent and productive than even the smartest human beings on the planet. What’s more, “cheap labor” will soon be obsolete because robotic slaves will do all the work.

I guess these developing countries are f**ked now because soon their labor intensive economies will be obsolete. What are we going to do when that happens? What are we going to do when 30% to 50% of all jobs in the global economy are automated? Better start thinking about it. My take is that we are going to have to live with this and the future that we have imagined by projecting existing trends hasn’t taken this critical new development into account which is going to radically scramble everything.

We have to start thinking about a future in which humans are living alongside AI because like it or not that is the world that is rapidly approaching. It is a huge curve ball.

Note: If you want some idea of these emerging challenges, check out the old television show Caprica. The show was about the rise of artificial intelligence, robots and virtual reality technology and how that played out in a world where teenagers could indulge in every vice imaginable, etc. In the end, the Cylons became self aware, rose up and exterminated humanity.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Monetary policy is probably more important than social policy. Getting rid of the (((central banking))) parasites and having either silver (etc.) or labor based currency should be top priority.

  2. I’m sure the evil archonic jew demons who rule the world won’t have any problem “sharing the wealth”…………… how many times ,using different political language, do the people need to be fooled over and over again until they realize that the actual real problem is our ZOG and everything about it?
    I wouldn’t worry about it ,goyim, the free thousand jewbucks a month will save us!

  3. Yes, unironically.

    A communist revolution that would kill off the rich and destroy Israel would kill off the vast majority of Jews. I don’t see how anyone could oppose it.

    • The Bolsheviks, 85% of the leadership of which was Jewish, murdered the wealthy Whites who traditionally ruled Russia, and then they moved into their mansions to form a new rich Jewish olygarchy. Then this olygarchy ruthlessly suppressed and exploited all the poor people under them.

      See here:,7340,L-3342999,00.html

      The best argument I have seen in favor of taxation of robotic slave labor and its distribution as UBI, is theinformation rich olygarchy are benefitting from a technology that was invented in our Universities, which were funded by the taxes of the working classes.

      The working classes should get a dividend from taxes they paid to develop this technology over the last 50 yeas. To call it a Dividend is the right thing.

    • The Bolsheviks, 85% of the leadership of which was Jewish, murdered the wealthy Whites who traditionally ruled Russia, and then they moved into their mansions to form a new rich Jewish olygarchy. Then this olygarchy ruthlessly suppressed and exploited all the poor people under them.

      See here:,7340,L-3342999,00.html

      The best argument I have seen in favor of taxation of robotic slave labor and its distribution as UBI, is the olygarchy are benefitting from a technology that was invented in our Universities, which were funded by the taxes of the working classes.

      The working classes should get a dividend from taxes they paid to develop this technology over the last 50 yeas. To call it a Dividend is the right thing.

  4. Pack all darkies into big cities. Whites start creating “super villages,” where 90 % of what we need is there … within about a 5 to 7 mile radius AT THE MOST. BY WATER, rich soil, everything. Think “super Mayberry.” Arm up, grow our own non gmo, learn skills from which we can work from home ‘controlling and programming AI, and consulting for A I Firms !?

    When life gives us lemons what do we do ?

    But AGAIN, we can’t pick 2 or 3 things to “fix” then let the whole rest of the country fall. Here are the top things though :

    1. Hijacked government / military
    2. Past and present 3rd world darkie invasion and now occupation.
    3. Chem trailing and 5 g
    4. Tech tyrants not going to jail and the companies not being broken up
    5. A I taking jobs

    The Confederate Party can take care of all that and more. Confederacy 2.0 is THE solution.

    • “The Confederate Party can take care of all that and more. Confederacy 2.0 is THE solution.”

      Are you really Southron, or just Larping in Indiana or Ohio?

      • REALLY southron. You need to know though, that that’s your lazy voice asking. It doesn’t want to do anything that requires effort. We all have one. Instead of a child like question, YOU take charge of you, and ask, how can we get this Confederacy 2.0 going.

        And don’t belittle any wanna be southron’s who want to join us. WE’LL NEED THEM !$

        • “And don’t belittle any wanna be southron’s who want to join us. WE’LL NEED THEM !$”

          Yep, that’s what I thought.

  5. The Heebs are planning to kill off most of the planet’s population, once the robots are up to speed. That should be obvious. OBVIOUS.

    • Yep. New World Order will consist of a vastly reduced population. Georgia Guide Stones says that 500 Million is the ideal number (as opposed to the current 7 Billion). The clues as to what’s coming are all hidden in plain sight.

  6. First Anglin was for some demented scam called ((( White Sharia ))). Now – ((( ((( (((( Communism ))) ))) ))) Absolute Jew Tyrannical Rule, over a planet of slaves.

    • “Absolute Jew Tyrannical Rule, over a planet of slaves” you just described the jewsa’s current situation.

  7. Brad, I don’t think your brilliant analysis of AI covers all of what Anglin is referencing. We are still under attack on the 1st and 2nd amendment. We are still forced to subsidize banks and Wall St. Jewish media lies and attacks us for being white. Yang will never attack jewish political power. Yang will never attack the bank bailouts because silicon valley is dependent upon Wall St. finance for loans and the mechanism to go public with stock issuance. Bank dividends are in part funded by you and me via money creation. The jewish communists knew this, but of course they never attacked banks because banks are part of their jewish brethren. Rest assured, banks and Wall St. can be attacked FIRST and FOREMOST as we are all about attacking jewish political power. We can be part of the Yang gang and embrace communism. They are not mutually exclusive.

  8. Hitler said that Communism was just a weapon the Jews wielded against Civilisation. One that they’d gladly put down, when it no longer worked, and take up another, like a mechanic who puts down a screwdriver and takes up a wrench.

  9. “The human free laborers are unable to compete with robotic slave laborers under free-market capitalism”

    American industry, with it’s antiquated and broken down machinery, 19th Century work regimen, and refusal to invest in new plant and equipment, just couldn’t compete with European and Japanese factories. Which caused them to close down beginning in the 1970’s and 80’s.

    European and Asian factories, don’t have any machines older than five or ten years, and have directors who are willing and able to invest in new capital, technologies, methods and upgrades. They’re already 75% of the way to full automation, which will be smooth, natural and a matter of course, when it happens.

    It will kill 80% of what U.S. industry remains that simply can’t afford to upgrade to the 21st Century.

  10. “In the end, the Cylons became self aware, rose up and exterminated humanity.”

    All of these scenarios assume artificial consciousness, as opposed to artificial intelligence. Aside from artificial consciousness, which may ultimately be impossible, it’s not necessarily inevitable that machines will develop Human emotions and motivations. I.e., become bored with their work, depressed and resentful, like human button mashers do.

    Jobs that are candidates for automation; are repetitive tasks that require little or no thought, are drudgery, and are boring.

    Machines performing these jobs require no consciousness or self awareness. Automated production machining cells can already check work pieces for dimensional accuracy and correct themselves automatically, without any input from a human machinist. What’s more, these machines have no clue that they even exist. Nor do they need one.

    • You youngsters have never seen or understood the ‘creatures from the id’ philosophy that was shown so well in the 1950’s ‘AI/Sci-Fi film, ‘Forbidden Planet,’ have you?

      • We project our consciousness into our machines and other objects.

        A stuffed animal or doll is real and alive because the love and magic in a child’s heart makes it alive.

        Puppetry is powerful precisely because it has a deep spiritual/psychological meaning beyond the mere physical puppets. We project our essence, our life force, our souls into puppets and dolls.

        So too, with machines. Especially smart machines.

  11. This comments section has the whole package.

    1)hansfrank talking about the usual money/economics
    2) GBN giving a reference to something in typical fashion
    3) JiJcf being a Communist
    4) Denise – Jews!!! Heebs!!!! lol and twice haha
    5) Irate Irish laughing is normal
    6) The grey ghost- A very enlarged Confederate States of America
    7) snow whitey – Crypto, bitcoin, you missed out Brad!!!!!!

    I’m starting to wonder if all you people are real or if Brad has Yang robot programs writing key phrases over and over. I challenge anyone of you to invite me to your house for dinner to meet you.

    Mainly because I just want dinner. But until then I’ll assume it’s just me and Brad writing to each other! ?

    • German joke from the 1980s:

      When three Nazis meet in a phone booth, two of them are secret police.

  12. This comments section has the whole package.

    1)hansfrank talking about the usual money/economics
    2) GBN giving a reference to something in typical fashion
    3) JiJcf being a Communist
    4) Denise – Jews!!! Heebs!!!! lol and twice haha
    5) Irate Irish laughing is normal
    6) The grey ghost- A very enlarged Confederate States of America
    7) snow whitey – Crypto, bitcoin, you missed out Brad!!!!!!

    I’m starting to wonder if all you people are real or if Brad has Yang robot programs writing key phrases over and over. I challenge anyone of you to invite me to your house for dinner to meet you.

    Mainly because I just want dinner. But until then I’ll assume it’s just me and Brad writing to each other! ?

  13. This is Anglin looking for yet another angle.

    The sooner we say goodbye to bad rubbish the better.

Comments are closed.