The Whiner-in-Chief:

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. If he [DT] wasn’t a Jewish shabbas shill (albeit the most important one… THIS week) we wouldn’t BE in this mess.

    This article has one great quote after another. Here’s yet one more:

    “The sad truth is that these pretend-traditionalists have all been co-opted by the Israel lobby and that they are being used to brainwash the folks in the West to see Islam as a foe when, in reality, the real foe of the West is Zionism as Zionism is the force which is responsible for both 9/11 and the massive flow of immigrants into Europe. As for the Papacy, it has been in bed with Talmudic and Kabbalistic rabbis for many centuries (just read Michael Hoffman’s superb book, the 700 pages long “The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome”) and not just since Vatican II (as some Latins naively believe!). “

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