I tried voting for the opposite of this.
President Trump: “I’m an extremely stable genius.” pic.twitter.com/oaya3RTClm
— The Hill (@thehill) May 24, 2019
Chicago- @NikkiHaley receiving the SWC’s highest honor, the Humanitarian Laureate Award, from Rabbi Marvin Hier and #SWC Trustee Dawn Arnall for her courage and compassion in protecting global human rights and the State of #Israel pic.twitter.com/6ZkGMy8vDX
— SimonWiesenthalCntr (@simonwiesenthal) May 23, 2019
IT’S COMING! #TRUMPCITY #IsraelHolyland https://t.co/Y1j7V1vWlp
— Joel Fischer (@JFNYC1) May 24, 2019
— Vladimir Zhirinovsky Fan Account (Happy) (@HappyZhirinovsk) May 24, 2019
Have to say I don’t understand this. Why is Pentagon recommending sending thousands more troops to region where we already have too many, while the biggest threat to American security is Chinese imperialism? https://t.co/ggrQuM2FK6
— Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) May 24, 2019
“Trump needs to tell us his strategy” is the lamest possible response to his Iran escalation. We know the strategy: pressure Iran until it capitulates (won’t happen) or does something that serves as pretext for war (might very well happen). What we need to be saying is “STOP.”
— Matt Duss (@mattduss) May 24, 2019
Charging Assange under the Espionage Act will have a srs chilling effect on our most fundamental rights of freedom of speech & freedom of the press. Every American—certainly every journalist—must strongly condemn this anti-democratic act by the Trump Adminhttps://t.co/4JkBGJCFk9
— Tulsi Gabbard (@TulsiGabbard) May 24, 2019
Lee @stranahan just disavowed #Trump @realDonaldTrump over his administration’s treatment of Assange on the #Unity4J vigil for the second time. https://t.co/Jo1uoawYrV
— Elizabeth Lea Vos (@ElizabethleaVos) May 24, 2019
I strongly urge @realdonaldtrump to reconsider more troops to the Middle East. This escalation doesn’t get us out of our decades long, seemingly endless wars Mr. President. Trust your instincts and follow what you ran on, not the neocons around who want to repeat past mistakes.
— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) May 24, 2019
I was right about Vietnam.
— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) May 24, 2019
I was right about Iraq.
I will do everything in my power to prevent a war with Iran.
I apologize to no one. pic.twitter.com/Lna3oBZMKB
Good points made by everyone.
There’s no hope left for this administration. Stick a fork in it.
Instead of voting for the candidate of your choice in 2020 just ram your head into a block wall repeatedly- both will effect the trajectory this country is on – which is to say, not at all.
Screw you, Orange Man. I didn’t vote for this, and I won’t be voting for you again. But like otto says, voting for anyone is worthless at this point, anyway.
An incompetent monarch in the 1770’s was the reason for the First American Revolution.
Today, it appears we have another. Just sayin’….
The real emergency is at our OWN borders. That’s were the troops are needed. Trump does nothing as he ramps us closer to WWIII.
I wouldn’t vote ever again if you paid me.
No worries; plenty of other people WILL.