He’s trolling them now:
I’d like to show up to other candidates’ events and ask them what they think about Universal Basic Income. ???
— Andrew Yang (@AndrewYang) May 24, 2019
— Andrew Yang (@AndrewYang) May 23, 2019
If you are wondering why this “hate site” is so pro-Andrew Yang (the mainstream media’s terminology, not mine), it is because Yang is the king of the nerds and we have always loved this nerd stuff. Pretty much all we do here is analyze the news, politics, history, economics, etc.
We’ve always liked to sit back, observe, listen to the ideas and arguments, reason our way to our own conclusions and then make our own decisions about politics. In this case, we think Andrew Yang is right about the disruptive impact on the technologies of the 4th Industrial Revolution (artificial intelligence, automation, robotics, etc.) and we also agree this is going to be (actually, it already is) an unmitigated catastrophe for the working class and middle class of all races unless policymakers start addressing the problem now. I’ve compared it to a Category 5 hurricane coming at Middle America. When a major hurricane is coming at you in the South, you drop what you are doing and act accordingly.
Yang has earned himself a lot of credit in our eyes for drawing our attention to the problem. We had neglected to think about the ways that technological change would impact our future. It’s like trying to think about the future in the 20th century from the world of the horse and buggy. Shit happened in the 20th century like electricity, splitting the atom and the computer that changed everything. A century ago, virtually everyone in this area was a dirt poor sharecropper or tenant farmer struggling with the advance of the boll weevil while suffering from hookworms, pellagra, malaria, polio, etc. Jim Crow was the law of the land. Could those people have imagined our world in 2019?
There are lots of people in the White Nationalist movement who are stuck in the RAHOWA mindset who have not considered the ways in which technological change will alter the future. In the future, everyone is going to be vastly inferior to AI and robots will do more and more of the work. We’re inevitably hurtling toward a world in which inequality is going to become undeniable as the old liberal paradigm breaks down. We’re actually moving back toward a Slave Society without even being conscious of it.
Note: If you doubt what I am saying about the power of technology to transform the world is true, I would suggest counting the number of horses and mules in your area. It will give you some perspective on how radically the world can change when entire species become useless.
joking/not joking at the thought of our current discredited political establishment trying to navigate the rise of China, it’s ongoing war against angry, disaffected White people in Middle America and the most dramatic technological revolution in history without sinking in the process
Those packages nor the bot will last 30 secs in the hood :-}
Don’t see why not. Delivery people survive there, why should a bot be any different?
The people that have products delivered to their home by Amazon, don’t normally live in the ‘hood.’
It’s a false dichotomy. TYVM.
“Yang is right about the disruptive impact on the technologies of the 4th Industrial Revolution (artificial intelligence, automation, robotics, etc.) and we also agree this is going to be (‘
Alvin Toffler called it “The Third Wave.”
He made his predictions in 1980.
A world in which “work smarter, not harder,” is literally true.
@Fr. John+
One of the commenters pointed out that the delivery robots would be attacked by Niggers. Or stolen by them and sold for scrap, to buy malt liquor, smokes and drugs.
Like everything else in our society, robots are going to have to be niggerproofed.
I’m betting that airliner was built in China.
Seeing the Star Trek reference above reminds me of what the ‘Replicator’ would do for (to) us.
Toffler’s wave theory:
In the book, The Third Wave, Toffler describes three types of societies, based on the concept of ‘waves’—each wave pushes the older societies and cultures aside.
The First Wave is the settled agricultural society which prevailed in much of the world after the Neolithic Revolution, which replaced hunter-gatherer cultures.
The Second Wave is Industrial Age society. The Second Wave began in Western Europe with the Industrial Revolution, and subsequently spread across the world. Key aspects of Second Wave society are the nuclear family, a factory-type education system and the corporation. Toffler writes:
“The Second Wave Society is industrial and based on mass production, mass distribution, mass consumption, mass education, mass media, mass recreation, mass entertainment, and weapons of mass destruction. You combine those things with standardization, centralization, concentration, and synchronization, and you wind up with a style of organization we call bureaucracy.”
The Third Wave is the post-industrial society. Toffler says that since the late 1950s most countries have been transitioning from a Second Wave society into a Third Wave society. He coined many words to describe it and mentions names invented by others, such as the Information Age.
If haven’t already done so Brad, read Toffler’s books.
“We’re actually moving back toward a Slave Society without even being conscious of it.”
Many years ago I read Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States. I remember one thing in particular that he said, that slavery was eliminated, but in a sense, it was only because the entire working class was becoming more and more a class of slaves, that what actually happened was an expansion of slavery to include people of other races.
Slavery, where the capitalists own not only the means of production but the workers themselves, only makes sense in the context of agriculture, where the workload follows a predictable cycle. Slavery prevents wage spikes during planting and harvesting, and keeps the workforce from starving during seasons when there is little for them to do.
Being a slave means the Master calls a doctor when you get sick. When a wage-worker gets sick, that’s his problem, he can go die in a ditch while I hire someone else for ten cents an hour. See e.g. the thousands of Irish laborers hired to drain malarial swamps in the antebellum South. Dead niggers were very expensive to replace, while dead Irishmen cost nothing.
Machinery made slaves obsolete. I suppose you could still use them for sex, but countries where men inseminate their slaves end up looking like Honduras.
Toffler wrote his tripe almost forty years ago. He had NO IDEA what would transpire. You’re living in the Boomer era. I ought to know. I saw those Toffler books when they came out.
He’s also a G-D Jew. Pass….
“Alvin Toffler was born on October 4, 1928, in New York City, and raised in Brooklyn. He was the son of Rose (Albaum) and Sam Toffler, a furrier, both Jewish immigrants from Poland”
“If you doubt what I am saying about the power of technology to transform the world is true, I would suggest counting the number of horses and mules in your area. It will give you some perspective on how radically the world can change when entire species become useless.” -HW
True, but let’s dive a little deeper…
If you doubt what I’ve been saying about stocking up on “War” supplies, (guns, ammo, magazines, food, water, medical supplies) I would suggest you count the number of blacks and browns in your area. Now add in the number of SWJs, outright communists, socialists, ANTIFA and of course, jews. Whites are systematically being disenfranchised and taken from a super-majority in the 1950s-1960s to a minority by 2030. When that goal is reached, (((they))) will finally make the last push gun grab where your neighbor will turn in his AR15s and then turn your in for 30 pieces of silver when you don’t. There WILL be a conventional shooting war to follow.
As “one of the only Asians” in his public school, Yang described being bullied and called racial slurs by classmates. “Perhaps as a result, I’ve always taken pride in relating to the underdog or little guy or gal,” he wrote.
So syas the “underdog” worth 4 million dollars.
see: https://www.financialsamurai.com/andrew-yang-net-worth/
1. Andrew Yang doesn’t give a shit about white people.
2. IF he actually follows through with his promise of UBI to the tune of $1000/mo. it will go to: blacks, browns and other undesirables who will continue to VOTE against white interests.
3. IF #2 above happens, the price of consumer goods in America will immediately go up. Everything. Every single time the minimum wage is raised, the result is an increase in the cost of everything.
see: https://www.epionline.org/oped/o142/
4. All other races, with the sole exception of whites, have RACIAL SOLIDARITY. Andrew Yang is no exception. He will put Asian priorities ahead of White.
The only winning move Whites have, is not to play the game.
War Games, 1983.
sorry, but i haven’t voted for any Democrat since Wallace; no changes planned.