National Review: Making Sense of the New American Right

Matthew Continetti:

“The Post-Liberals

Here is a group that I did not see coming. The Trump era has coincided with the formation of a coterie of writers who say that liberal modernity has become (or perhaps always was) inimical to human flourishing. One way to tell if you are reading a post-liberal is to see what they say about John Locke. If Locke is treated as an important and positive influence on the American founding, then you are dealing with just another American conservative. If Locke is identified as the font of the trans movement and same-sex marriage, then you may have encountered a post-liberal. …

That’s an excellent litmus test.

If you believe that Western civilization started going to hell in the wake of John Locke’s philosophy, then you are likely to be highly sympathetic to this website. You are likely to be a comrade in the trenches. This is friendly territory for post-liberals of many stripes.

As for this website, I see our project as updating George Fitzhugh’s critique of Northern liberal democracy and free-market capitalism for the 21st century South. Fitzhugh diagnosed the disease in his books Cannibals All!, or Slaves Without Masters and Sociology for the South, or The Failure of Free Society. There is really isn’t much to do but chart the progression since Lincoln’s time.

Did you see all the celebration of LGBT everything on Twitter yesterday? It wouldn’t have surprised George Fitzhugh. He never anticipated transgenderism, but he wouldn’t have been surprised by it. That’s where the slippery slope of classical liberalism and its ideal of limitless individual autonomy has taken us as of 2019 and we aren’t anywhere close to rock bottom yet.

Now that slavery is coming back in the form of robots and artificial intelligence in the 21st century, we have the chance to restore our broken social system and jettison the Northern model of our social order that was imposed on us after the War Between the States.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Trumpo’s smart enough to know that Robotics & Artificial Intelligence are growing exponentially and will replace human workers in the coming decades. This is a near term problem, and the reason Trump is trying to recoup jobs, and protect intellectual property.

    • I think Blormpf is completely clueless, and nothing but a failed boomer demagogue. Especially after reading this article.

      Yang is the ONLY one talking about this. We are back at 1957, and Sputnik, and AGAIN, are behind our ideological enemy (and no, I DON’T mean Russia).

      Except this time, we don’t have a Kubrick to ‘film’ a fake ‘moon landing,’ to convince the gullible masses.. or the world. Blormpf’s constant ‘fake news’ rhetoric have convinced even the MAGApedes, that governments lie..

      • “Fake moon landing”. We have a worshiper of Yahweh detracting from White achievement here, folks.

  2. “we have the chance to restore our broken social system and jettison that Northern model that was imposed on us after the War Between the States.”

    I consider getting rid of the North, politically and culturally, as the main prerequisite for the rebirth and flowering of Southern Civilisation.

    We don’t need Iowa and Pennsylvania. We have everything we need for both industry and agriculture. In fact, like Germany after 1945, we can rebuild our economy along modern, automated lines.

    The South is the one region that already has the historical experience, and the cultural prerequisites, for adapting to automation and UBI. Antebellum culture will easily return under Fourth Wave Civilisation, because it’s natural and organic to the Southern People.

  3. The “post-liberals,” who are getting, out of this debate, a name for themselves, show all the signs of being a false-oppositional force, intended to channel dissident-right anxieties, while keeping down genuine dissident-right voices. In response, let’s be appropriately guarded and cynical.

  4. The Gay Pride Month thing should make Conservatives realize the Republican Party will never represent White Christians. Donald Trump is a huge Gay / Sodomite supporter. I believe he’s the most Socially Liberal person ever elected President. However the Cuckpublicans are good at Propaganda. The talk now is Religious Freedom. So the Republicans and Trump have advanced the destruction of Christian Conservatives and turned even more people into Right Wing Libertarians. It’s really pathetic that our fellow Christians would tolerate evil and actually think that Christianity will survive in a Socially Liberal country. The same Religious Freedom excuse is used by Devil Worshipers building Satanic Monuments on public property. It’s really symbolic of the American Empire being taken over by the Devil. The Christian Right is Ancient History because it believed the Republican Party would do something for Christianity. It never will happen. Stop playing the game and do sonething about it. Become a Christian / Nationalist and make a difference for Yahweh! Deo Vindice !

    • “It’s really pathetic that our fellow Christians would tolerate evil and actually think that Christianity will survive in a Socially Liberal country. The same Religious Freedom excuse is used by Devil Worshipers building Satanic Monuments on public property. It’s really symbolic of the American Empire being taken over by the Devil. The Christian Right is Ancient History because it believed the Republican Party would do something for Christianity. It never will happen. Stop playing the game and do sonething about it. Become a Christian / Nationalist and make a difference for Yahweh! Deo Vindice !”
      PREACH IT!

      Fr. Seraphim Rose said forty years ago, ‘In the end, all the Churches (meaning the 501 (c) 3 organized “Xtianity” crowd) will serve Antichrist.

      He was correct. Until we break free from this CULT of MultiCULTuralism, we cannot expect God to give of His Grace, to ‘build JerUSAlem in this our green and pleasant land,’ again.

  5. Humans, as they grow up, can go through several stereotyped phases, driven by hormones – driven by genetics.

    Some people go all the way to true adulthood – where they live to foster the coming generations.

    Many get stuck and need a quasi-parental authority to make them behave.

    Nothing hard or controversial about this – limited franchise republics lead by a council of elders (senate in latin, gerousia in greek) – why are people making this hard?

    • Requires a white population. The Commonwealth can’t survive darkies.

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