Memphis Race Riot

I got some texts this morning about the race riot that happened last night in Memphis. Brandon Webber is the latest gud boy who dindu nuffin wrong by ramming his car several times into police officers before exiting the car with a gun in his hand after which he was shot dead:

“Memphis, Tenn. — Armed officers and an angry crowd faced off late Wednesday night after reports that at least one man was fatally shot by authorities in a working-class north Memphis neighborhood. Memphis police said people in the crowd threw rocks and bricks, with 25 officers suffering mostly minor injuries.

Officers cordoned off several blocks near the scene. By 11 p.m., officers had used tear gas and most of the crowd dispersed, police director Michael Rallings said at a Thursday morning news conference. Three people were arrested.

CBS Memphis affiliate WREG-TV described the scene as “chaos.” It said video showed one man using a chair to hit a police cruiser, and one of its reporters was knocked to the ground by a man. …

TBI spokesperson Keli McAlister said early Thursday that multiple officers with the United States Marshals Service Gulf Coast Regional Fugitive Task Force went to a Frayser home to look for a suspect with numerous felony warrants. They spotted him getting into a vehicle and tried to stop him, but he rammed police vehicles several times before exiting with a weapon, McAlister said. Police then opened fire, hitting the man, who died at the scene. McAlister didn’t say how many marshals fired or how many times the man was shot.

Memphis police said none of its officers was involved in the shooting. One local official identified the victim as Brandon Webber and said he was shot several times in his family’s front yard. Family members confirmed to the Daily Memphian that 21-year-old Webber died. …”

Sounds like a real tragedy: play stupid games, win stupid prizes. If he cared so much about his baby momma, his son and his unborn child, why in the world did he commit suicide by cop?

“Public records show that Webber was arrested five times, for driving violations and on charges that included possession of drug paraphernalia and marijuana.

Shortly before he was shot on Wednesday, Webber posted a live video on Facebook that showed him in a car, rapping and apparently smoking a marijuana cigarette. In the video, he looked out the window and said he saw police. 

With a laugh, he looked directly into the camera and said the officers would ‘have to kill me.’ The video appeared to have been removed from his Facebook page late Thursday morning. 

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigations said officers went to his home at about 7pm to look for Webber who had outstanding warrants, including the violent felony offense that occurred on June 3.

Officers said they saw Webber get into a vehicle and that he then proceeded to ram task force vehicles several times before exiting with a weapon. Marshals then opened fire on Webber. He died at the scene, according to officers.  …”

I thought it was a slow news day!

After eating a delicious BBQ club sandwich in Phenix City, AL yesterday afternoon, I got home and scanned my Twitter feed and didn’t see much of anything going on in the news. I sat down and wrote two articles about the history of Florida and went to bed.

Mempfrica was jumping though:

It has been quiet for over a year now.

We haven’t had a good race riot since Jason Stokley in St. Louis in September 2017. Best Carolina deserves credit for his forecast on Identity Dixie that we would have a race riot this summer:

1. A race riot will break out in a Southern State after a White policeman or security officer shoots and kills a young Black man. The White man will argue that it was self-defense. The family of the killed youth will tell the television cameras that, “He was a good boy.” A Civil Rights personality will swoop in and incite the local Black population. The US media will openly side against the White officer. Democratic presidential candidates will denounce the “racist legacy of White supremacy” in the South. And Black protesters will destroy a lot of property. It’s good for the media, good for Civil Rights personalities, good for Democratic politicians and there is an entire industry of anti-White propagandists out there in universities and corporate America stirring up racial hatred on a daily basis. So, this will happen. Neighborhoods will burn. It is just a question of exactly when and where.

There you have it! Our bold predictions for the summer of 2019 are on the table. How likely do you see these things happening during the dog days of summer in Dixie? Comment below and let us know!”

Nothing so far.

Kamala Harris, Corey Booker, Elizabeth Warren and the Rev. Al Sharpton are quiet about Brandon Webber in Memphis. It will be interesting to see if they change their tune after another night of rioting like this.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


    • Putting it all into perspective: HW notes- “I got home and scanned my Twitter feed and didn’t see much of anything going on in the news. I sat down and wrote two articles about the history of Florida and went to bed. ”

      Meanwhile, niggerdom does what it always does- “the latest gud boy who dindu nuffin wrong by ramming his car several times into police officers…”

      While Fields just tried to exit C’ville in his car, which was hit by the Antifa scum.


      Clown world, indeed.

      • Not just “racism.” The brazenly lying (((bastards))) have started referring to the event as “the deadly White supremacist attacks at Charlottesville in 2017.” Like the entire thing was a guerilla/terrorist operation against innocent Antifa gently demonstrating for love in the streets.

        Makes my blood BOIL.

  1. Like to get more info on this case and in all such cases.

    Seems like a bit much to have dozens of US Marshals gunning for some 21 year old just over MJ. What were the felony warrants for?

    But, yeah, sounds like this Dindu Nuffin suicide by cop didn’t listen to Black comedian and social commentator Christ Rock’s very practical advice:

    “How Not to Get Your Arse Beat by the Police”?

      • Glad you liked it.

        You’re my biggest fan.


        I hope the young gents in your social circles are being nice, respectful but also “noticing” the charming, beautiful young Latina Catholic girl in their midst.

        Please don’t date or tolerate Hispanic guys with tattoos on their necks.

        Here’s another video of a somewhat, very much like guy like me – an Anglo White guy that’s been disrespected and dishonored by everyone, here he wanders in to some LA Hispanic gang territory and well….

        • Mr. Ryan,

          Males are respectful or I would not associate with them. As for guys with neck tatoos? I think not. The guys at school do not have tatoos. Full body tatoos are for south sea islanders like in Moby Dick. I would never be allowed to associate with dubious individuals even if I wanted to.

          • That’s good. You sound very practical. Somehow these M13 gang banger killers with the neck tattoos do manage to get dates, manage to procreate – I don’t know how or why, but they do.

            Did you like the 2nd video clip I included from Falling Down about the unemployed White Anglo defense worker who gets hassled by Latino Gang bangers? It’s one of my favorites.

        • Mr. Ryan,

          Yes I thought it showed what a man can/should do when he is at the end of his rope and does not care.

    • He answered an ad for a car in Mississippi and after pretending he was interested in buying it he pulled out a pistol and shot the owner 4 or 5 times, left him for dead (he survived) and stole the car. It’s also claimed that after ramming the police car he emerged with a rifle. And he is said to have 4 children who he, of course, doesn’t support. He’s had arrests for driving offenses, offenses that pointed to minor drug dealing, and an illegal weapons charged. Just a typical worthless black gang banger.

  2. I’ve noticed that the Neo-Yankees, and even their Jewish masters, have backed off of bashing the South as of late.

    There haven’t been any calls for the entire populations of Alabama or Georgia to be slaughtered because their state governments have passed laws that offend the only “real Americans” who coincidentally live north of the Ohio river/Pennsylvania border, and east of the Mississippi.

    The Northern people essentially control the central government, because they hold the majority vote. Which is why the Jews settled in the North, and manipulate the Northern people, in order to control the U.S. If they ever took a notion to it, they could destroy the Jews and their minions.

    The Jews know it, which is why they keep up the North against the South and West dichotomy.

  3. Hopefully the Memphis cops deal with the problem. As soon as the weather gets nice we get to see the shines. Memphis has been long long overdue for this.

  4. It’s not Clown World all by its little old self. Clown World is ruled by Clown Oligarchs, Clown Globalists, Clown Corporatists, Clown Legislators, and Clown Politicians. None of them should escape the Clown label. They deserve full credit for their incredible masterpiece.

  5. “Sounds like a real tragedy: play stupid games, win stupid prizes. If he cared so much about his baby momma, his son and his unborn child, why in the world did he commit suicide by cop?”

    Cause the little chip in his head made him do it. Not his fault.

  6. Just another day in Mempfrica for sure. This could very well be the beginning of the return of the race riots we saw under Obama. Black Lives Matter might make a big return mixed with Black Gangs. This could be interesting. How will Trump deal with it in Memphis and other cities? He ran on Law & Order. However he has governed the opposite. His criminal justice reform is nothing but liberalism 101 and now our worthless Governor of Mississippi has done the same thing. Just take a drive through Jackson, Mississippi and you’ll see it’s just as bad as Memphis. Our elected officials are a bunch of cowards and ignore crime and Black Gang problems in Jackson. All the state government has done is make itself a safe space at the capital. It’s more like an island surrounded by a Black Sea. All that criminal justice reform means repeat offenders will be on the streets and more crimes will be committed. The police doing anything will mean Black Race Riots. The Republicans and Trump have already Cucked on Law & Order. It’s only a matter of time before the people realize the Democrats and Republicans can’t keep order….the people will come looking for Nationalists for protection and put us in office….elections or not! We Must Retake Everything! Deo Vindice !

  7. “Armed officers and an angry crowd faced off late Wednesday night after reports that at least one man was fatally shot by authorities in a working-class north Memphis neighborhood.”

    Working-class neighborhood? This must be a joke!

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