Southern conservatism:
As you have probably noticed, I write from the perspective of the Southern conservative tradition on this website which borrowed organic and place-based ethnic nationalism from German Romanticism in the early 19th century. Southerners are fascinated with places which is why you are commonly asked in the South where you are from because it tells us something about you.
“I found precious traces of noble, failed attempts to raise on Southern ground a culture rooted in the natural orders of our seasons, to build a civilization free of cruel utopianism and metropolitan alienation, sustained by loyalties to place, and to whatever is virtuous.”
– John Bentley Mays, Power in the Blood
Mainstream conservatism:
Charlie Kirk writes and speaks about “timeless ideas” of feminism and homosexuality. America is just a placeholder for the timeless abstract ideas of Zionism and classical liberalism. It is a marketplace, not an organic nation with a culture rooted in its people and their history.
I’m grateful for Charlie Kirk, in some horrible way. He is able to succinctly and powerfully articulate the meta-politics of “American conservatism”–even “American nationalism”–better than any other figure. pic.twitter.com/TaqMuznoAy
— Richard ? Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) June 17, 2019
Charlie Kirk: America is a land of ideas and I wouldn’t care if we were stranded on a tiny island because we have the Constitution.
— WIGNAT IDENTITY MOVEMENT (@WIM_America) June 17, 2019
Also Charlie Kirk: Our greatest ally must be protected at all costs! Low unemployment! High GDP! Libs BTFO’D!!! RT!!!!! pic.twitter.com/qaBv8x4UHR
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) June 11, 2019
Today, Botswana decriminalized homosexuality
President Trump’s global push to decriminalize homosexuality is achieving results across the world
Will CNN & MSNBC give his administration any credit for this monumental achievement?
This installation is a literal sign that everyone deserves to be accepted no matter what. #AcceptanceMatters pic.twitter.com/Nu8gHkBUaQ
— NYC Human Rights (@NYCCHR) June 17, 2019
If President Trump was anti-immigrant, then why does his new immigration plan not decrease the overall number of immigrants we take in each year?
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) May 17, 2019
Pro-America and Pro-Immigrant should be synonyms.
The difference:
Republicans want them to come legally
Democrats want lawlessness
Ivanka Trump
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) March 28, 2019
Kellyanne Conway
Sarah Sanders
Mercedes Schlapp
Kirsten Nielsen
Betsy DeVos
Nikki Haley
These amazing women leaders are delivering RESULTS every single day for the American people
Where are the feminists praising their courage?
This is what REAL feminism is
Why is the GOP still funding cringe organizations like TPUSA? pic.twitter.com/3gSdojb2bj
— Zoomer Clips (@ZoomerClips) June 17, 2019
Note: We have no dog in a Blompf vs. Biden fight over who is the most deracinated, polarizing Baby Boomer with no solutions to our national problems.
I think it was Roissy/Heartiste a while back who came up with the brilliant jab that if America is just an idea, then we can simply write down the idea on a piece of paper and fax it to Mexico, Africa, India and China. That way, if they really want to become “Americans,” all they have to do is stay home and memorize the idea, and they never have to come here. Everybody wins!
Who IS this faggot SOB?
Dont worry, ching chang yang will fix it
It’s still the hypocritical idea of “identity for me, but not for you” that’s all that Charlie Kirk really means.
America’s very own Tommy Robinson!
Christ died for our freedom. The promise of the Jew religion to the Jew people is the subjugation of the non-Jew. Christ was the son of God which means he had all the power of God, which is the power of life and death. Christ did not have to die, Christ chose to die rather than meet the demands and expectations the Jews had for their messiah. Christ chose to die rather than enslave human kind for the Jews. Christ died so we would be free. And this Jew and every other Jew on earth hates Christ and all Christian peoples for Christs refusal. They hate us for our freedom , no truer words were ever spoken.
Charlie Kirk is a Talmudic Idea…. from Hell.
Toilet Paper USA…could there be a more astro-turfed, jew-financed front group than this one?
Bubbles and related stuff…….
“Charlie Kirk: America Is an Idea”
Maybe so. But it’s a European, not an African, Asian, Aztec or Jewish idea.
If you are dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal, what is good for the people already here doesn’t mean a damned thing
Kirk is cringe but Biden is worse. At least Kirk’s actions make some sense for his ethnic group. Ol’ Joe – not so much.
Charlie Kirk reminds me of Pee Wee Herman, and his talk of America reminds me of every high school conservative I have ever met.
Gladiator movie quote